“Fire, fire!” The cry rang out over the settlement.
Scurrying figures hastened from all directions to the storehouse from whence volumes of flame leaped in frenzy. The wild wind swept the licking tongues over to the fort, and explosions of gunpowder shook the ground, scattering the sparks in every direction. In two hours’ time every cabin lay a smouldering mass of spluttering flames and charred embers. Poor, unfortunate colony! Was the relentless hand of fate crushing them out with resistless power? Those who make no effort to take their part in the world’s work she ever pushes to the wall. Perhaps they were but reaping as they had sown.
“Lose not your courage, my men!” pleaded Chaplain Hunt. “God has not deserted us. It is but a testing sent to purify our hearts. Go to work and rebuild your cabins immediately and He will yet smile upon your efforts.”
What a noble heart lay enshrined in the body of this Ambassador of God. With nothing left but the clothes he wore, and his82 dearly loved books but blackened ashes, he could yet trust his Maker, and await with loving faith the fulfilment of His promises.
His words of encouragement found no responsive echo in their hearts. They gave themselves up to despair, and their utmost efforts resulted only in the digging of holes in the ground and covering them with pine boughs as a sleeping-place.
A year has passed by, and here they are in the bleak month of January without food or shelter. Nothing gained and all lost since they set sail from England.
The food brought over by Newport’s ships, together with two hundred bushels of corn which he and Captain Smith had gotten from Powhatan, have all gone to feed the flames. A little meal doled out from the ship’s store is all they have.