It was a sunny day outside when Zeno was sitting alone in his room. He was thinking about how the war between Decievels and Demoruths has been going on for centuries now. How the Demoruths started the war by attacking them. How they are the reason that the people of his country can't be free and explore the world beyond their borders. And how the Demoruths— Zeno stopped himself before he could complete that thought of his. But times are changing. The Holy Knights have been capturing more and more of those Demoruths lately, to the point where the few thousand remaining have gone into hiding.
Just as Zeno was getting lost in his thoughts, he heard a voice calling out to him from downstairs.
"Zeno, come down and eat. You wouldn't want to miss your first day at the Holy Seminary."
The voice that he had heard from downstairs was that of his mother, Anya Abalet. She was an old, kind-looking woman. Her long hair had grown grey from old age and nowadays, she needed her glasses to be able to see. She had been taking care of Zeno by herself after her husband had passed away. Zeno quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to the dining table.
While they were eating, Anya started speaking, "Today's a big day! You've been working hard since you were a small kid to get into the most prestigious seminary in the world, and now your work has finally paid off! You can finally get into the Holy Seminary and be a Holy Knight. Aren't you excited?"
Zeno's crystal blue eyes widened with excitement as soon as he heard his mother mention the Holy Knights.
"Yes! The Holy Knights are the best! They are the only ones that are permitted by the king to leave the borders. Once I become a Holy Knight, I will make sure that no more Demoruths remain on the face of this planet. I will create a free world where anyone can explore what they desire."
Hearing the excitement in his voice, Anya couldn't help but smile.
"You even made sure to look like the king, since you think that you will have a better chance of being selected if he is impressed by your appearance. You grew out your hair to make it look like his, and I was really shocked when I returned from work one day to find out that you had dyed your hair from blonde to black. And how can I forget about the time you begged me to buy you a frock coat for your birthday since you saw the king wearing it once in the past? You once even tried to stab your left eye to have a scar on it like the king. Fortunately, I stopped you before you could go through with it. You must be really excited since you get to see him today."
"Hey!" snapped Zeno.
"Now, don't be shy. I am very proud of you."
"Hmph, whatever," Zeno said, trying his best to hide his embarrassment from his mother.
After eating, Zeno was making his way to the Holy Seminary when he passed by the Judgement Sector, where he saw a Holy Knight and a Demoruth tied to a pole with Holy Chains. The Judgement Sector is a platform where all demons are taken after they are caught. It's a way of warning the remaining Demoruths to surrender now, or else every one of their kind will end up being killed like this.
"Now! For the greater good of the world, for our king, for our people, and for the sake of our country, Zion, I order you to tell me where the Demoruth's hideout is located! As you are already tied to the pole with Holy Chains, your regeneration or your element power won't work. You have no chance of escape. Even though you have killed several Decievels at the border gate, your actions can still be forgiven if you agree to our demands. Surrender now or be prepared to get yourself killed by the Holy Sword, a sword powerful enough to kill your kind!" the Holy Knight yelled.
"You disgusting Decievels! Believe me when I say that one day, we will get back what is rightfully ours. We will get back our —"
Just as the Demoruth was about to finish his sentence, the Holy Knight took out his Holy Sword and beheaded the Demoruth.
"You Demoruths and your delusions." the Holy Knight uttered as he went back to the king's palace which was just a few steps away from the Judgement Sector.
"What a cool guy." Zeno thought as he continued heading to the Holy Seminary.
As Zeno approached the Holy Seminary, he saw people getting in line for the entrance and when he got in the back of the line. Zeno saw a familiar face running toward him. It was his friend, a girl with long, silky black hair named Linda Deslay.
For a moment, Zeno and Linda locked eyes with each other. Zeno was the first to speak.
"Hello, Linda."
"Hello, did you just get here?" questioned Linda.
Seeing this as the perfect opportunity to tell his friend about what he had just seen on his way here, Zeno started bragging,
"Why, yes! I did. I was going to arrive earlier, but was distracted by a Holy Knight, who was beheading a Demoruth at The Judgment Sector on my way here."
Linda looked amazed at what Zeno had just spewed out.
"That's amazing! Let's hope that both of us get into the Holy Knights. I am so excited to see how our first day of the Holy Seminary will go."
After they were done chatting their thoughts away, they made their way to the class hall, but when they were about to be seated, they heard some voices coming from the back of the class. The voices were from a boy with short brown hair and a boy with short messy ginger hair who looked like they were about to get into a fight.
"Give that back!" the ginger-haired boy yelled.
"Give what back? These big round glasses of yours? I would say you look better off without these dorky looking things; we won't want a Holy Knight that looks as dorky as you now, will we? " As the brown-haired boy was taunting him, the ginger-haired boy charged at him to take the glasses off his hand, but the brown-haired boy dodged and pushed him down.
"Be careful now! Or you will break this thing. Actually, that is a great idea. You look better without them anyway. " Just after the brown-haired boy said that, he put the glass on the floor and lifted his leg to step on it. Just as he was about to do that, a girl with long black hair kept in a ponytail, kicked him from the back.
"Don't make so much noise, you are disturbing the others." said the ponytail girl
"You! How dare you hit me from behind? If you want to fight, then fight me face-to-face." the brown-haired boy yelled.
You are reading story Zeno’s Journey at
As it was looking like another fight was about to begin, all of them heard, "Get back to your seats! The king is arriving." from the door as a bunch of the King's Knights walked into the class hall. They were the knights that were chosen by the king to stay inside the country to protect him. As soon as everyone heard that, they quickly returned to their seats in a hurry. After everyone was seated, a man with long hair and a scar in his eye entered next with a man and a woman behind him. This man was the king of the country, Zion. King Edgar Chaplone.
"Welcome to your first day of the Holy Seminary, everyone." shouted Edgar, "Here you will train for exactly one year, and afterwards, I will personally pick a select few of you to be the Holy Knight. So, work and study hard for the chance of a lifetime. Now! Meet the people who will be guiding you throughout this year." He pointed his hand towards the man and the woman who came behind him while entering the class. "Guardians, please introduce yourselves!" The woman was the first one to come forward. She was kind-looking with long curly brown hair on her head.
"Hello everyone! My name is Scarlett Yotland and from today onwards, I will be your wisdom teacher. l will be teaching you all the information required to get into the Holy Knights! I am very excited, so let's have fun, ok?" After she finished introducing herself, she went back, and then the man came forward. He was scary looking with a bald head.
"My name is Nico Varnet. From today onwards, I will be your strength teacher. I will train you to get ready for the Holy Knights by the end of this year. That is, if you even make it that far." His words sounded more like a threat than an introduction.
"Now that the teacher's introductions are over, it's your turn, my beloved trainees. Please stand up and introduce yourselves." Edgar declared, making everyone stand up one by one. The first to stand was the brown-haired boy.
"My name is Daniel Edrow. I know that I am destined for greatness. I will never lose a battle and I, for sure will be the one who leads the Holy Knights one day."
"Quite a confident one, aren't you?" Edgar chuckled. "But that's not a bad thing. Not at all. Confidence is a great factor in making a leader. A leader thrives through it."
After some more introductions, the ginger-haired student stood up to speak.
"My name is Tom Fraroy. I have always lived as a coward my whole life, but not anymore. I am here to prove that I have what it takes to be a brave Holy Knight. That even I can be brave."
"Very well!" said Edgar. "I believe that anyone can be a Holy Knight! They just need to give it their all. To show they are ready for any challenge that comes their way."
Right after Tom, the ponytail girl stood up and started speaking,
"My name is Becky Valmun. My goals may not sound as big as the others that are here currently, since I am not trying to lead an army and I did not come here to be brave. I just want to support my family with the money after I get into the Holy Knights."
"I quite like to disagree." Edgar uttered. "Joining the Holy Knights for the sake of your family is quite admirable, I would say. It shows your compassion towards others, and compassion for your fellow people is one of the biggest traits for a Holy Knight to have."
After that, some more introductions seem to pass. Until it was time for Linda to start speaking,
"My name is Linda Deslay. I came here to gain knowledge about the world we live in and how it works."
"A smart one, aren't you?" Edgar stated. "Knowledge helps you think of strategies and battle tactics. So, the brain is just as important as the brawn for a Holy Knight."
Only one student was left to introduce himself after Linda. And he was Zeno.
"I am Zeno Abalet. I am going to create a free world by eliminating every Demoruth from the face of this planet."
Edgar smiled as soon as he heard that. He said,
"That's a very big goal you've got for yourself there. Young man, for a dream as big as yours, you have to give it your all. I hope that you are ready for that. Also, I really like your look, I wonder where you got that from."
After that, the introductions were done. Edgar continued speaking,
"Today, considering that this is your first day, I, myself, will be teaching you. Then you are all permitted to return to your homes! I will only be talking about some basic information on Demoruths. As you all know, Demoruths look and sound just like us. They look so familiar, in fact, that there are only two ways to tell the difference between a Decievel and a Demoruth. One is our blood colour. Demoruths possess red blood compared to us Decievels, who possess blue blood. The other difference is that, unlike us, the Demoruth possess four distinct powers known as elements, as well as the ability to regenerate. A single Demoruth can only possess one of the four elements, but all of them can use the regeneration ability. Demoruths can be classified into four categories. Fire Demoruths, Ice Demoruths, Lightning Demoruths, and lastly, Wind Demoruths. As far as we know, no Demoruth until now has possessed more than a single element. Now, they might look like us and their power may sound appealing, but don't be fooled! They are evil creatures who came from a dark place. Can anyone here please tell me where they got their power?"
As he glanced around the class, he saw a hand being raised in the air. That hand belonged to none other than Linda.
"They got their powers from the Devil," answered Linda.
"Correct!" said Edgar. "Long, long ago. The Devil came to take over our world, and he brought his followers, the Demoruths, with him. Even with this massive threat, our king at the time and my ancestor, King Arthur Chaplone, didn't surrender. He used his bravery and intelligence to establish The Holy Knights, whom he used to fight against the devil and the Demoruths. After a long and hard-fought war, our king defeated the Devil by using Holy Chains and his Holy Sword. Unfortunately, before the Devil could perish, he took out his remaining power from his body and gave it to the Demoruths. With this newfound power, the Demoruth declared a new war against us, which is still going on to this very day."
Zeno was really happy to hear the heroic story again from the king himself. As he was walking home with Linda. Zeno started speaking.
"I could hear that story a million times and still not get bored! And this time, it was even told by the king himself! Man, I can't wait to become a holy knight!"
"I agree!" nodded Linda. "Let's be the greatest Holy Knights ever!"
Their talk went on for a while until they had to part ways in the middle to head their own ways. As Zeno was entering his house, he noticed that the door to the house was left open. "That's weird." he thought. When he entered, he started to hear strange noises coming from the basement.
"What's that sound?" Zeno thought to himself, as he knew that no one should be home at the moment since mother only returns from her workplace by nightfall.
Suspicious of the sound coming from his basement, he grabbed a kitchen knife and walked quietly down the stairs to investigate. As he got closer to the basement, he could hear the sounds of a girl panting loudly. Many questions were going through Zeno's head. His heartbeat got faster and faster as to who could be there. When he got to the floor, he saw a girl with short, curly blonde hair with a wound on her stomach just lying there. As he was about to call out to her, he noticed something that terrified him. Fear started to go through his body as the blood he saw dropping from the wounded girl wasn't blue, but red. This girl was... a Demoruth.