Chapter 6: Knight Squad.

Yami who was sitting up with the rest of the Captains scoffed as no one had the balls to go up against Mordred.

"What a bunch of cowards."

Finral held his head as he looked at Mordred who was sitting around bored out of her mind. She was just sitting on the ground with a bored look on her face.

"Can you blame them?"

Gordon whispered in a nearly unheard voice.

'She looks bored. I should ask her to be my friend.'

As usual, no one heard him for how quiet his voice was. As for Charlotte she looked at Mordred with her usual serious face.

"A girl like her should join the Blue Rose Knights."

Yami glanced at her with his usual look.

"Hey, Prickly Princess, I called dibs."

Jack scoffed.

"Keh, Keh, what makes you so sure she wants to join your lame squad anyway?"

Yami grinned.

"She asked."

"Ignore them Char, I am sure she will choose us."

"Call me Captain."

Even the other Captains were talking praise for her and Yuno as well. Two Four Leaf grimoire possers were hard to pass up. Fugoleon stood up and called for the final test.

"Alright aspirants, the last phase of the test will be the mock battles. We are Knights and battle is what we represent. You will use your grimoires and fight amongst each other."

Already Mordred and Yuno had been mostly left alone as no one wanted to mess with two monsters like them. Their creation magic during the earlier test had shown they were not to be messed with. However, there were still those who had more pride than they did brain.

A black-haired Noble approached Mordred with a sneer.

"Hey, you will fight me."

Mordred grinned as she grabbed Clarent.

"I thought all of you nobles as spineless worms. Finally one of you had the balls to step up."

The Noble grit his teeth in anger.

"You bitch."

Both of them walked out to the field as the first fight of the day. However, the Noble still felt uneasy with her armor and weapons.

"Hey, I will fight you, but do you dare do it without your equipment?"

Mordred looked at herself before she materialized her grimoire in her hands.

"These are spells from my grimoire. My magic is to create magic artifacts. Are you telling me to not use my magic?"

Hearing that made Noble grit his teeth.

"Prove it."


The referee mage stepped forward and raised his hand in the air.

"Now begin."

She took a battle stance with Excalibur. The sword surged with golden light while her armor began to crackle with red lightning that filled the arena. Her eyes turned bright red and dragon-like which made the noble grit his teeth.

His grimoire flipped open as he used his magic.

"Sand Creation Magic, Sand-"

Before he even activated his magic she used Mana Burst and appeared in front of him and hit him with the pommel in the gut. She did not hold back and sent him flying into the opposite field. She laughed as she rested the sword on her shoulder.


Willian looked at her with even more attention.

"She is already strong to boot and boosted herself more with a magic enhancement."

Recovery Mages rushed to help the Noble who was stuck in the wall. That made the rest of the participants give up any idea to challenge her.  She placed the sword back on her hip and turned her grimoire to spirit form.

"And done."

After her bout, Asta and Sekke walked out to the field so she looked at his match. She had trained Asta herself and even used her lightning to temper his body which had made his definition of pain a little off.

'Show them what you can do Asta.'

Asta grinned as he still thought Sekke was his friend.

"Hey, may the best man win. Do your best."

Sekke laughed and whispered into his ear.

"Just stop trying and give up. You have no magic and no reason to be here. You have done well to make me look good so just give up and I will let you off with just a few bruises."

Mordred and Yuno heard the whole thing which made them look down on Sekke. He did not even look that strong or feel that strong so his words were not valued at all. When they split up the judge called for the start.


Sekke did not make the same mistake.

"Bronze Creation Magic, Magnum Cannon Ball."

He used it the moment the fight was called wall Asta had already pulled out his Demon Dweller sword. He held it with one hand and he stepped forward and leaned his body forward. He rushed forward and just like her did not wait for the magic to finish.

He appeared in front of Sekke just as his spell was halfway formed and slashed down cleaving it in half. His blunt, but heavy sword smashed into Sekke's chest. He was lucky that Asta had pulled his swing back at the last moment or he would have had his ribs crushed.

However, Yami blinked a few times and looked at Mordred.

'That stance and the way he moved mirrored her. Did she teach him?'

As for Willaim, he was also surprised.

'How? Did he use Magic enhancement? But how? He does not have magic.'

Asta placed his sword on his shoulder and called out to everyone who laughed at him.

"You all can laugh all you want, but I will not waste the training and pain Mordred put me under. I will become the Wizard King."

Yuno smiled at his rival as he remembered when Mordred suggested magic tempering. It was ruthless and a mistake could have crippled Asta, but he still persevered. As for Mordred, she grinned.

'Well done idiot.'

People no longer looked down so much on him because he did win, but they thought he was delusional. He walked toward Yuno and Mordred who were just sitting around doing nothing now.

"HEY! How did I do?"

Mordred thought about it and shrugged.


He began to cry tears of joy as he had always been graded as a failure.

"Do you really mean it?"

"Sure. Now let's watch."

From then on no one approached them as more and more fights happened. The fights between commoners were average as neither side had too much magic or training. They mostly used magic for convenience or for chores so they did not have the training of nobles.

Not to mention that most nobles were born with magic many times higher than multiple commoners. As such those fights were quite interesting and Mordred, Yuno and Asta watched to learn more. Asta still felt he needed even more training to keep up while Mordred wanted to learn more of this world's magic.

Fight after fight passed by with some being quite entertaining. However, still no one had the nerve to challenge Mordred or Yuno until someone finally did. It was a blonde noble who walked up to their group of three with a confident smile on his face.

"Hey. Your name was Yuno, right? I can see you have not found a sparing partner."

Yuno did not say a thing, but he got up and began to walk toward the main field. This drew attention as the second Four Leaf grimoire holder was about to do battle. Against a high-class noble to be exact.

As for Mordred glanced at the brat and scoffed.

"He won't even last one move."

"Yeah. Yuno is strong and can only lose to me."

She ignored that last part as even with all the training she put him through he was still magicless. She watched as the Noble activated a magic spell that summoned a massive orb of lightning. It filled the entire stadium with mana and it even traced off into the sky.

Many could not help compare it to Mordred's red lightning which just looked so much more intimidating. It even held more power so the Noble planned to fight Mordred as he hated commoners.

"Once I get done with you dirty little commoner, I will go after the other two."

Yuno flipped open his grimoire and activated his spell.

"Towering Tornado."

A giant towering tornado engulfed both the noble and his lightning orb. Just like Mordred thought the pressure inside knocked out the noble and set him flying. The captains all also wanted Yuno and even Yami wanted to take him along.


Asta could not help but cheer for his rival and brother. As Mordred, she merely gave him a thumbs up.

"Good job out there."


You are reading story Black Clover: The Knight of Treachery at

Once he rejoined their group no one else challenged them. They just waited for the rest of the fights to end before the captains could begin choosing. They had seen all the participants and had already weeded out the ones they did not want.

Mordred was already sure to join the Black Bulls as she would not fit in with the other Noble and Royal full squads. She herself was a royal, but she acted far too brutish to enjoy being around the others.

Willaim finally spoke after the last spar.

"That concludes the test. When we call your number you will step forward to be selected."

Charlotte spoke next.

"If a Magic Knight Captain wants you in thier squad they will raise their hand. It means you have been selected. If you don't want to join you may reject, but if more than one captain chooses you will decide among them."

Fugoleon was up next.

"If none raise their hands it means you won't become a Magic Knight."

And last was Nozelle.

"Which will mean that you must leave at once. You are not wanted."

"Easy enough."

Asta sighed at how easy she and Yuno were taking this.

"Yeah, you two aced every test. I did terribly."

She shrugged.

"You don't have magic. I have no idea why you even bothered to try."

"Because it is better to try than to not do a thing."

Yuno felt that was both sweet and stupid, but he would not sa it.

"Be quiet. It is about to star."

Fugoleon called for the first participant which got no hands. This went on for over 70 participants who all ended up being commoners. It was only until the 72n one that got accepted into the Purple Orcas.

Mordred looked at the guy who happened to be a commoner.

"First one of the day."

Asta looked on with jealousy.

"How lucky."

Mordred shook her head.

"It's not luck. He just was born with more magic than others and he must have worked on it since he was a kid. Luck had nothing to do with it."

Asta accepted her words.

"Alright if you say so."


The process went fast when as many times it would be one in 10 or even less that got accepted. As such some got disqualified or accepted by specific squads until it was Mordred's turn.

"Number 162, please step forward."

Mordred got up and walked toward the center. All of the participants were left watching her as she was one of if not the top runner today. When she stood up in front the announcer spoke.

"Do we have any hands?"

As soon as he got speaking Yami raised his hand.

"You wanted to join so here is your chance."

Before she could say yes the rest of the captains rose their hands. Nobles and commoners alike looked at her with awe and wonder as she got all the captains to want her in thier squads. Sadly she had already decided.

"I choose the Black Bulls for obvious reasons."

Yami laughed at the rest of the captains.

"See. Dibs."

They did not play along with him as people got to talking.

"Did she seriously choose the Black Bulls over the Golden Dawn? Is she dumb?'

One noble scoffed as he heard her earlier comments.

"I heard her earlier. She talked to Captain Yami and she had gotten accepted already back then and she even dislikes nobles. Why do you think she was so violent in her fight? She did it to vent out her hatred of us."

One girl spoke of what she heard of the Black Bulls.

"I heard that the Black Bulls cause more trouble than that they fix. If she joins them won't the damage they cause the increase?"

The announcer spoke up again to get things back on track.

"Number 163, please step forward."

This time it was Yuno's turn which once again got the attention of people. Would he also choose the Black Bulls to stay with his friend or choose one of the better squads?

"Do we have any hands?"

Just like Mordred, all the Magic Knight Captains raised their hands even Yami.

"Two for one."

'I need the squad that will lead me to become the Wizard King.'

"It would be my honor to join the Golden Dawn."

Yami lowered his hand with a shrug.

"Whatever, I already got the other one."

Finral held his head in pain.

"I don't want to die yet."

'New friend.'

Gordon already wanted to make a new doll for his new friend.

"Number 164, please step forward."

Asta took a deep breath as he looked at Yuno and Mordred who got accepted instantly. He was sweating heavily as he walked forward.

"Any hands?"

He waited and waited for even one of the captains to raise their hands, but not one of them did. people began to scoff and try to hurry him along.

"Move already. I'm up next."

"Just leave."

Yuno and Mordred felt it was a pity, but they did not expect the result to be any different. No matter how strong Asta was, he was still magicless trying to join a magic organization and trying to become a wizard king. It was not happening ever in a logical sense.

Just then Yami spoke up.

"Is it a surprise at all? You have been training sure, but you are still magicless. Who wants that in a Magic Knight squad? No matter how skilled you are, what we are looking for is magic power."

Just then a raging tidal wave of dark magic was unleashed from Yami's body. Even Yuno was stunned in awe at the power of a Magic Knight captain. As for Mordred, she grinned having chosen a good captain.

'What will you do Asta? Kneel, or keep your head?'

Yami leapt down which caused the participants to feel like they were being suffocated. He began to slowly walk toward Asta until he wa standing right in front of him.

"What would anyone want with you? Someone with zero magic? You might as well accept it, becoming the Wizard King will never happen. You are saying you are superior to all 9 Magic Captains me included. Can you say you are that strong?"

Asta clentched his fists and looked up at Yami.

"I may be weak, but I don't give up. If not today, then 10 years from now. I will become the Wizard King."

Suddenly Yami broke his character and began to laugh a hearty laugh.

"I like you. Join my Squad. You can join the Black Bulls, oh and you can't say no."

He said that last part half glaring. Yami began to walk away laughing Mordred walked up to Yami as he was leaving. She began to follow at his side as she was curious about something.

"Were you going to accept him the whole time?"

Yami looked down as she walked with him.

"Maybe. You ready to join the Black Bulls? We aren't the fanciest or the most liked."

She nodded.

"I am sure. I am used to those things."

"Great, then. Welcome to the team Mordred."

He patted her head as he walked away which made her touch her hair confused.

'What was that about?'

She walked back to Yuno and Asta now that the three of them got accepted. She was curious about when Yami wanted Asta.

'Maybe since they bumped into each other.'

Now they just had to wait for the end to leave.