Chapter 11: First Mission.

The women's bath for the Black Bulls was lovely as the water was hot. Mordred leaned back in hot water with Atlas on her head. The little lion was shaking his head because the steam was making water gather on his face.

"Now this is relaxing."

She closed her eyes and dropped down to cover most of her head with water. Atlas panicked as it was like his little island was sinking. He flapped his little wings to escape the water but ended up falling inside. He flopped trying to swim on the surface, making Mordred hold her hands up for him.

He sneezed as the water got in his nose and shook his body to remove water from his body.

"Sorry, didn't know you could not swim."

While Mordred played with her new pet, Venessa and Charmy walked into the bath and got undressed. They walked into the water and sat next to Mordred. Venessa looked at Atlas who was using Mordred's hands as a stand.

"I wonder what this little guy is."

Charmy's face turned funny.

"What does he taste like?"

Mordred squinted her eyes and held Atlas away from Charmy.

"He is not food Charmy. He is my pet."

Venessa drank from the bottle she brought in.

"Wine and a bath always make me so relaxed. Be careful with Charmy, I am almost surprised she has not tried to eat the Captain's pets."

Charmy giggle as she was just kidding.

"I am just kidding."

Either way, Mordred got up as she was already done with her bath. She only wanted to get the sweat of the day of which was done.

"I am going to head to bed, take care you two."

Venessa and Charmy waved her goodbye as they were going to stick around a while longer. Mordred dried herself off and got dressed before heading out to her room. Atlas stayed on her shoulder as she closed the door behind her.

She jumped in bed and held Atlas in front of her.

"So, a pet huh?"

She smiled and placed him down. He curled up on her chest and yawned before falling asleep. She fell asleep soon after as while she did not need much sleep it was a luxury she did not want to miss out on. With Excalibur at her side, she would not age so enjoying sleep was a good thing.


The next morning when Mordred went to the dining room where the rest of the Black Bulls had gathered to eat. Strangely enough, Yami was up early which was odd as he was not a morning person. He lit a new cigarette and looked over at Mordred.

"Hey, you got a mission today."

Mordred stuck her fork in her face and ate the whole thing in one bite. Atlas reached out for her plate so she gave him one of the sausages.

"What kind of mission?"

Yami grinned.

"Bandit hunting. You do that before former king?"

Mordred had done that more than anyone. While she was the weakest of the Round Table she had killed the most enemies of Britain during her 9 years of service. She was used to being sent to deal with bandits or even invaders.

"Of course. How do we deal with them? Kill them all or capture them?"

Yami shrugged.

"Just kill them except the leader. You get a bonus then. Finral, you take her." 

Asta raised his hand.

"What about me? Can I go?"

Yami squinted his eyes and had a better idea.

"I got a better idea for you and Noelle. You two get to go to Saussy Village and repay mine and Magna's debt to the chief. Doesn't that sound fun? You say no and I can kill."

His face looked quite scary so they did not dare refuse. Mordred got up with a large stack of plates that she had eaten in front of her.

"Finral, let's go."

"Right now? But we just ate."

Atlas roared at him as if to tell him to hurry.

'Damn that lion.'

He opened a portal that Mordred stepped through with Finral behind her. She reached up and grabbed Atlas off of her head with her armor covering her whole body. Her helmet covered her face along with her three swords. Excalibur and Arondight appeared at her hips and Clarent on her back

Mordred spread out her sense and found the base which was 500 meters away. She handed Atlas to Finral who looked at the lion in his hands.

"I am going. Stay here."

Finral nodded.

"Alright, I will be here if you need anything."

She grabbed Clarent and Arondight and charged forward toward the bandit base. With her senses spread out, she already knew how many bandits there were.

'A total of 43, not a single one at the level of a captain. 15 prisoners.'

She channeled her magic power into both swords which activated their effects. Clarent and Arondight both had the ability to raise the owner's physical abilities which she already felt. She covered her body in mana and activated her mana burst ability.

She exploded forth toward the bandit base like a living missile. She grinned behind her helmet and smashed through the walls of the base which were made of stone. This altered all the bandits in the base making them rush out to deal with the intruder.


One bandit pointed at her as stone spikes began to float around him Mordred only said the important thing before she moved.

"A Magic Knight."

With a Mana Burst, she appeared in front of the bandit and swung down with Clarent. She cleaved him in half from shoulder to hip and she did not stop there. With both her swords boosting her physical abilities she moved blindingly quick.

She did not stop there and swung her swords wide to take the heads of two more. She aimed Clarent to the sky and a storm of red lightning attacked the bandits killing several.


The bandits opened thier grimoires and began to attack with a multitude of magic types. From common fire, water, and one guy could even grow his fingers into snake-like things. She weaved and sliced through their magic barrage with the few that hit doing no damage.

She lept into the air and kicked the face of a bandit into mush. With the same leap, she threw Clarent like a boomerang which spun taking the heads of 10 of them. With a wave of her hand, it returned to her hand.

She stopped moving and slashed several times sending red lightning strikes and dark waves from Arondight cleaving another 10 in half. From the original 43, there were only 12 left and it had only been a minute.


She paused and turned to look where the voice came from and saw a bandit with a woman in his hands. She was barely wearing anything and in his hands was a knife aimed at her neck.

"Drop your swords."

You are reading story Black Clover: The Knight of Treachery at

She dropped Clarent, but before it hit the ground she kicked the handle launching it toward him. The sword cut off the arm with the knife making him let go of the woman.


Clarent crackled with the fury of a storm and spun through the air taking the lives of any bandits around. Mordred aimed her hand at the air and pulled back her sword into her hands. She walked toward the crying bandit on the ground with both swords dripping with blood.

She stepped on his one remaining hand and crushed it down making him scream.

"You the leader?"


She kicked him in the face and knocked him out. She placed Clarent on the open wound and fried it shut with lightning making the bandit scream. She did not stop until he was no longer bleeding.

"Shut your whining."

He passed out again foaming at the mouth, but he was not bleeding anymore. She placed Clarent on her back and grabbed him by the hair. Her helmet retreated to uncover her face as she dragged the bandit leader away. They were all dead, but they still had to deal with the victims.

She was never good with that so she decided to leave that to Finral. He was already walking toward the base as the sounds of battle had already ended. She tossed the bandit to the floor and stood on his back as Finral came up.

He looked around at the bodies that were totally eviscerated, twisted, missing heads and limbs. He had seen his fair share of battles, but this was just brutal. Atlas flew toward Mordred and landed on her head.

"This is the leader of the bandits Finral. Who do we hand him over to?"

Finral shook his head as he knew this.

"I will call the authorities and they will come to deal with the bodies and victims. As you were the one who did all the work in taking them out this will go toward your record as Yami recorded you as the one who took the mission. Good job."

"Thanks, so when can I expect my pay?"

"Oh, that comes at the end of the month and increases or drops according to your missions. Bandit extermination always is a good way to get higher pay and glory."

"Is that so."

She sat down on a piece of stone as with Altas flying toward a corpse. This one had been cut in half so the organs had spilled out which he took advantage of. He started to nibble on the heart making Finral green.

'He is a mana beast I guess.'

He rushed to gather the victims who were women that the bandits kidnapped. He did not care that they were dead and was glad they would not hurt anyone else. Once they were all gathered and secured he walked out to find Mordred wiping down her swords.

"We can go, now. They will be here quite soon."

Mordred decided to wait as she wanted to see what they would do.

"Let's just sit around. Not like anything big will come up."


Finral sat next to her as she cleaned Arondight of the blood on it. His face went weird as he did not have anything to talk about with Mordred.

"Uhh, do you have any hobbies?"

She paused and rested the black sword on her lap.

"I guess I like to fight and polish my swords, but that may be more a result of being a knight for most of my life. I don't really have a true hobby."

Finral rubbed the back of his head as things got awkward.

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

She shook her head.

"I don't plan on being the Wizard King if that is what you mean. I guess I will just follow along and see if I can't find one."

At that moment a large gate opened up with two white-robed mages walking through it. They looked at the devastation around and all the bodies.

"Are these the bandits?"

Mordred nodded.

"Yup, this guy under me is the bandit leader."

The second mage walked toward him and used magic to make him float.

"We will take him from here."

Finral let them know about the rest of the victims.

"Wait, what about the kidnapped women?"

The first mage decided to handle that.

"I will offer what aid I can and wipe thier memories of this event."

Mordred got up as and rested her sword on her shoulder.

"Come on Finral, we can go."


He opened up a portal and waited for her to walk through. She turned around and whistled for Atlas who flew onto her shoulder. He licked his lips to clean them from the blood which no one minded.

She walked into Finral's portal followed by Finral to return to the Black Bulls base. Asta, Noelle, and Magna were still out and the rest of the Black Bulls were doing thier own things. As for Yami must have been in the restroom as usual so she just went to her room.

"Finral, tell Yami we are done when he comes out of the toilet."

"No need. I was not in the restroom anyway."

Yami walked in as he was just talking to Henry before all of this. Mordred walked up to Yami with a smile.

"Jut got done with the bandits."

"Did you get the leader?"

She nodded.


Yami ruffled her hair a bit as he walked past her.

"Well done kid."

Mordred looked at him leave with a smile.

"Thanks, Captain."

"No problem. You can take the rest of the day off."

Mordred decided to go and practice her swordsmanship as she was new to using two swords. Plus she needed to get better at using her powerful finishing moves for when a powerful enemy showed up.