Chapter 9: The Wolf’s Call


The biggest close call I’ve ever had in my life. While I wanted nothing more than to shred that fucker to bits, I wasn’t ready. The last time we’d fought, Bann had to jump in for the rescue. I needed to play this strategically, starting with not crossing this guy’s path.

But, at least I got a name. Blake.

There was an unsettling silence in the air once her heels stopped moving, but I could still feel her presence lingering there. I had to imagine she knew I was around too, the drawn out pause feeling like a showdown between alpha and omega. And that’s when my ears caught humming, her mood changing from angry to cherry under a minute.

Yeah, she knew I was around, and she was playing with me…

But when I pulled myself from my cover, that hallway was empty.

What kind of game was this?

I rolled my shoulder back, pacing myself down the corridor. Her smell, it was faint while being distinguishable. I traced it again, though this time, she led me to an office. I didn’t bother reading what the plaque said on the door. I was too distracted with the fact that she had locked herself inside.

I started having doubts that she was even in there, but that scent… it was the strongest here. I didn’t hesitate, I had to have her. So, without thinking about it, I snatched the lever, and broke the handle down with minimal effort.

What primal instincts could do to you…

I was pressed on time, and the Dean of Academic Affairs would have to take that L. The golden plaque on the desk read his name and his title, and luckily inside, there was no Geoffrey Matthews, but there also wasn’t the omega I’ve been chasing for over five minutes.

This was a dead end hallway—where else could she have gone to?

I was too hungry for this, my breath rolling out an exasperated sigh, while I leaned my back against the dean’s wide mahogany desk. I had a straining hard on I wasn’t proud of, but it was the nature of the game, the alpha in me answering to the omega’s call. It was downright painful, because I could still catch her scent, the office coated with it. I’d taken a risk and did a little B&E for the cause, and I was hoping it would have paid off…

Hmm, maybe I spoke too soon…

I jerked my head up fast, like I’d just been made, the creak from the front door prompting my eyes to dilate. I had a struck expression on my face once I realized who it was; the fun little omega who wanted to play tag. My chest started going again, my body stuck in place, until she gave me a raunchy look when she slowly closed the door behind her, looking at me like a snack.

“Nice hair,” she cooed in a perky bubbly voice, flipping her auburn brown bangs away from her gorgeous face.

“Nice ass,” I fired back with a cheeky smile. “How about you let us get better acquainted?” The compliments were cute and all, but I’d been dying from the wait, my meat pressing up against my pants, ready to claim her. I was sure she got the message, her eyes glued between my legs, that tent unshy about making a statement.

While she on the other hand was being playfully coy, pacing around the office, from the console cabinets along the wall, to the grey couch to my right. She ran her finger along the surface, her eyes locked on me, this girl gawking me up and down. “I know who you are…” she sang.

At first, hearing those words sent a knot in my stomach. But then, I realized she might not have been talking about my name, but my title. At least, I’d hope so, or I’d have to kidnap her so she could remain quiet. All of that stalling finally brought her tasty sashaying hips to me, the girl practically falling on my chest. Up close, those honey yellow eyes were magnetic, that scent moreso. She was in heat, and once we went at it, there was no turning back.

Take me, alpha…

My three choice words.

I didn’t waste time, grabbing under her thigh and hiking her over my legs. She locked her hips against my waist as soon as I picked her up, and then I pivoted, slamming her back against that desk. Papers and office supplies went flying, but the dean’s desk was the perfect substitute for a bed. My hands moved like they had a mind of their own, unbuckling my belt like I was pressed on time. That plaid skirt she was wearing made it easy for me to breech through, and once my huge cock flopped out, she gasped and closed shop.

“That thing is the size of a baby’s arm!” she cried, and I couldn’t tell if she was impressed, or scared; or both. But I wasn’t messing around anymore, slipping my hands underneath her hips so I could bring that lacy thong over her legs. “Wait,” she begged me, and that’s when I took the time to look down and see what all of that complaining was about, my cock somehow having had doubled in size.


An alpha cock for an alpha head. I was massive, veiny—even my balls grew, and it wasn’t until she commented did I realize the weight I had dangling down there.

“You’re going to break me wide open,” she gasped with an excited smile on her face. I wasn’t going to wait for her permission—omega girl had already crossed the line, and I was going to get this nut one way or another.

I grunted selfishly, giving her a cocky smile. “You’ve teased me long enough. Now, open your legs.” She did as she was told, like an obedient little omega, parting those legs nice and wide so I could give her the prize for tagging me.

She had a fat pair of lips to hug my shaft with, and once I slipped my head inside, the brunette immediately started shaking. She gave me a hard pant, grabbing my shoulder, while her other arm supported her weight on that desk. Her eyes watched my girth disappear inside her, all of that deep breathing and shivering making her walls clutch at me even tighter.

And she was already nice and tight to begin with…

She swallowed me in, cursing my name under her breath. Alpha, Alpha… The pussy felt so good, it even had me panting and sweating too. Her drenched walls sucked me in deep, the process of her getting acclimated with my size short. Because once I felt the plug of her womb, the stroking games began.

My omega went cross-eyed on me, arching her back, her tongue sticking out. She was a little slut for this alpha cock, my pounding filling the office with a slapping echo. “Ugh, you’re so wet,” I growled, the heat in my chest going on overdrive. My cock was throbbing inside her, filling every inch of her baby tunnel. The smell of raw sex suspended in the air, and between that and the scent of her delicious heat, I had to hold myself off from cumming inside her too soon.

I wanted to enjoy this quickie to its fullest, grabbing at her collar, my strength doing work to that flimsy blouse she had on. I was savage about it, ripping through her clothes so I could see those D cups clap for me. My omega cooperated, unsnapping the front clasp between her supple breasts, letting those huge tits run circles on her chest.

Ugh, her breasts were mouth watering…

Two huge saucer areolas. They puckered up, looking like second hills sitting under her chin. And her nipples, inviting, fleshy, I just had to have a taste…

You are reading story Sire Wolf at

“Ugh! Alpha!” she cried out, my fangs coming out to play. It must have been by accident, my omega bringing out the beast out of me. I suckled on her breasts like I hadn’t eaten in days, farming for milk, while my fingers kneaded her plush breasts without remorse. At one point I had two in my mouth, and that’s when I broke her, her body suddenly convulsing, my lips over-stimulating her nipples.

Oh yeah, someone was going to know we were in here…

She showed me an orgasm I’d never forget, my omega screaming into my ears. Those labored breaths turned into sirens, her climax making her walls lock on me. I grunted, her body shooting electricity down my legs. It was nothing I could describe on paper, her sex making me pound at her red ass harder. We had that desk skirting down against that north wall, crushing the chair behind it. I wrecked her both inside and out, scooping her legs over my shoulders for my finish.

It was animalistic, this attraction I had to her. The frames on the walls danced, the drapes on the windows tugged, and underneath us shook this current that’d take me to the finish line. I wouldn’t stop for no one, feeding this wolf everything I had to offer. And when that last drop of sweat slipped from my forehead, I felt my head just about ready to explode.

“Agghh!!” I gritted, slamming my jaw down and snatching her hips into me tight. I filled her in, my chest wet from exhaustion, my head tilting back from satisfaction. Fucking hell, she drained me, my balls clenching up, letting my seed coat those heated walls. “Holy shit…” I panted, letting that power drive roll over my skin. I had goosebumps all over, my body still straining from the sex. But I was getting an energy high from out of nowhere, this foreign strength running its course through me. I didn’t have time to process what was happening while I was standing on the apex of that mountain, and when my omega finally composed herself, she opened her eyes and looked back at me sex-drunk.

“Alpha…” she grinned, slipping her limp hands over my broad chest. She gave me a little squeeze, trying to communicate with me. She was too tuckered out to get up, so I leaned into her instead, my omega then taking me by my nape, where she gave me a deep kiss.

I breathed hot breaths inside her mouth, my hands still under her thighs, supporting her limp legs. I was still squirting warm juices inside her, my cock pulsating nonstop. This new form must have bumped up my seed count, because I’d never came this much before. Her pussy was practically oozing white, and I could hear it stamping on the floor between our legs.

“Mmm,” she moaned in my mouth, that deep kiss turning full blown carnal on me. It was raw and unrestrained, while being loving and passionate. It felt like I was sharing more than a first experience with an omega, this girl giving me nurturing vibes, like she’d just promised she’d be with me to whatever end. Shit, she was going to get me going again, but when I tried to finally pull out, I was stuck.

What the hell?

She broke our kiss, looking deeply into my eyes, where I looked back at her struck. “That was hot,” she cooed. “We’d definitely have to do this again. You’re such a sexy looking alpha, too.”

“Heh, you’re not bad looking, yourself,” I complimented, finally feeling myself unlock inside her.

Well shit.

It felt like I had just unplugged a fucking dam. So much cum for one session, it was insane. And sitting right over my balls… wait a minute, was that a second set of balls?

It was much smaller, looked like something superficial, but when I stroked my hand down it, it felt like two shrunken glands.

“Geez, I’m still horny,” she confessed, dropping her body on me, making me back step away from the desk. “I want more of you, alpha…” she begged, taking to her knees right in front of my legs. I wasn’t opposed, my omega fixing herself up to give me a blow job.

Ugh…” I said sharply, the first touch of her tongue against my shaft leaving me breathless. She lifted my cock up and slipped her tongue between those glands at the base of my groin, sucking down at the joint above my sack. My omega was licking me clean while my cum continued to pour down between her legs, those lewd eyes of hers looking up to me, begging me for a second round.

Hell, I was still rock hard.

And if she kept sucking at my meat like this, she’d get what she wanted, my hand taking to the back of her head, where I made her swallow my size.

“Yeah, just like that…” I groaned, thrusting my hips into her face. Her throat clamped down on me, those tears on her face started to stream down. Her gag ball was being worked, but she didn’t peel back, noticing the outline of my meat slowly crawling down her neck.

Fuck, that was hot…

She was choking on me, and I was ready to scoop her up by her arms and saddle her on that couch next, until I heard someone calling me from down the hallway, stopping me dead in my tracks.



My omega heard her, immediately unlodging my meat from her throat. She wiped her tears away and sniffled while she giggled, that look on her face ready to question me. “Tyler?” she sang, “Is she your mate?”

“My what?”

“Tyler!” Tegan called, that second one finally clicking.

I forgot I’d told her I was going to the bathroom. At this point, it had easily been over ten minutes. Between trying not to get ambushed and screwing the hell out of this brunette, I’d lost track of time, and forgotten about that sorry excuse I’d given Tegan. So I hurried up and tried scrambling myself, but it was too late, my chest jumping at the sound of the door creaking open.


My omega and I looked to that front door, Tegan standing there brandishing her weapon already. I had to think she thought that I was in some type of trouble, being gone for an extended period of time. I couldn’t imagine what was running through her head right now, catching us in the act, with my omega still kneeling between my legs, and my hands stuffing my junk back inside my pants.

“Oh,” Tegan said, her huge eyes ogling the both of us.

Embarrassed wasn’t the word for it. At least for the most part, I had my clothes on. As for my omega, she was more exposed than I was.

I finished zipping up, took my belt on the floor, and dressed myself in a rush. “Sorry, I should get going,” I said to the brunette, the excuse I gave my omega not bothering her any. I guess it was a good thing she was a good sport about being caught giving head—not all girls would carry that proud smile on their face like she was.

“Tyler,” she purred, getting up on her feet and reaching into that breast pocket I’d nearly torn through. She pulled a small yellow note folded in between her two fingers, slipping it inside my back pocket. “Call me, okay?”