Chapter 15: Highway Chase


It was too easy, and there was a reason for it. Blake wanted to get us both out in the open, so he could chase me down again. But Tegan wouldn’t have it, and neither would my omega and I. We snuck out of campus, keeping our heads down and our eyes alert. I wasn’t expecting to run into the bastard today, on a weekend at that, thinking there were less students on campus, meaning potentially less alphas to deal with.

It was a terrible assumption that could have cost me my life.

“There’s an emergency exit down this hallway,” Tegan said as all three of us hugged the walls.

“How the hell do you know that?” I asked her.

“I memorized the campus blueprint the other day.”

My eyes grew. “You what?”

“Part of strategizing, Tyler. You have to come prepared. We take the stairway, and hope we don’t run into one of Blake’s betas.”

“He went the other way. His betas don’t stray very far,” my omega commented.

“They will know that Blake is hunting us down!”

“Hmm, good point,” she mumbled to herself, her eyes turning to me while Tegan searched the area. “Hey, Tyler,” she sang, and I did a double take. She stole my distraction, the short girl, shorter than Tegan at least, looking up at me with starry eyes. “Thanks for saving me back there.”

I gave her a warm smile. “It’s no problem.”

“Why aren’t you calling me by my name?”

I scratched the side of my head sheepishly. “Eh, it’s because I don’t know it.”

“Whoa! I’m offended!” she pouted. “Well, you would have known it if you’d texted me back.”

“Sorry, I’ve been… busy.”

“My name is Allison, but you can call me Alice! Like as in, Alice In Chains?”

“Can the introductions wait until after I save our hides?” Tegan spat.

“Right. Come on, let’s move out. I have to protect you.”

“Aww! That’s so sweet, and sexy!” she sang, as if I’d flattered her. “You want a quick escape? I got a car.”

“Perfect. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

We went out that escape route, and luckily for us, it was cleared from top to bottom. The alarm went off, but it wouldn’t matter in a second, the three of us dashing out faster than any staff could rush over and check out who triggered it. The parking lot wasn’t too far from us, Alice fishing for her car keys in her purse on our way there. My ears went to sensitive mode, where I caught those rattling keys, her heels, and the faint sound of heavy breathing.

“We aren’t alone. We need to hurry,” Tegan said, and once we reached Alice’s red Nissan Altima, I pressed my back against the body of the car, trying to pinpoint where that breathing was coming from.

It wasn’t coming from any of us, the amplification off by a lot. I was sure Tegan picked it up too, her eyes darting back and forth while Alice took her sweet time unlocking the door.

“Would you hurry up!” Tegan barked, startling Alice and making her drop her keys.

“I’m sorry! I’ve never been in such a tight situation before!” she wailed, her hands shaking. And in about a second, we’d all be shaking too, that breathing multiplying in a heartbeat.

There were at least six bodies out there waiting for us now, scattered around the parking lot…

“Alice!” Tegan growled.

“I got it!” she cried. “My fog battery must have died. I had to look for the physical key, and—”

“Whatever, let’s just go!” Tegan pressed on, snatching the key from Alice. “I’m taking the wheel.”

“No you’re not,” I rejected, taking the key from her. “Get inside the car,” I ordered her, Tegan giving me a dark look before she followed my instructions.

Alice took shotgun, and Tegan sat in the seat behind me. I was still a noob when it came to driving, just recently getting my license, but I was confident enough behind Alice’s sedan to make a clean getaway, heading right for my apartment.

Tegan couldn’t deny me this time. They already knew where I lived; I might as well grab my shit while I had the chance. Alice’s tires screeched, and the body of her car swerved as I made my quick escape from the parking lot. I didn’t care if I was turning heads, just as long as I could peel myself away from the enemy.

I got on the highway in a heartbeat, hoping that they weren’t following us on wheels. Tegan kept her focus through the rear windshield while I went about twenty miles per hour over that speed limit, slicing through traffic in a massive hurry.

“I don’t see them,” Tegan reassured me. “I think we can—” She held her breath, noticing the black BMW X7 to the right of us. And in the driver’s seat, the prick himself, Blake.

Alice yelped, and I acted, sharp leaning into his lane so I could wipe that smug smile off his brave face. I made a wild assumption that he wouldn’t fight me on the road, not when he’s riding that luxury car. Sure enough, he struck the brakes on his baby hard, letting me swerve in front of him in traffic.

“Tyler, are you nuts?” Tegan barked at me.

“We need to shake him off, don’t we?”

“Yeah, and causing a massive accident isn’t the way to do it! You can regenerate, not me!”

“Don’t worry, I can handle it.”

“Oh no! He’s coming from the left!” Alice cried, and with the road clearing out, he could maneuver around me more freely. There was no limiting Blake between four lanes, and he knew I was going to be at a disadvantage. He’d chase me until I got to where I was heading, so I needed to start thinking more strategically.

I pumped the gas, flying off the road. I could hear Tegan in the back slamming into the rear seat, but I needed a diversion. Right now he was faster than me, and his car was heftier. If he was really desperate, he’d start capitalizing on those two facts, so I had to take away his advantages before he got to us.

“Pull over to the right and take the next exit,” Tegan cried.

“You read my mind.” I was cutting it close, but I made it, barely, the butt of the car finally catching up to us. Blake didn’t expect me to slice right in front of that incoming tractor trailer to catch that exit, and neither did that sixteen-wheeler. The truck driver blared his horn at me from our near collision, Alice’s high-pitched death scream jumping my adrenaline. I clipped him off, rushing through that red light while my right side ran over the curb. I dodged the cars under that light to make a right, unfamiliar with this street or this section of town.

“I think we got away from him,” Alice gasped, clinging to her chest.

“For now,” Tegan whispered. “Shit, next time you’re going to do a stunt like that, warn us!”

“We got out of there all right, didn’t we?” I said, my heart still racing. At a far enough distance, about five streets over, I pulled over to the curb, parking Alice’s car in a shopping area. I pulled out my phone and Google Maps, entering my apartment’s address.

“What are you doing?” Tegan asked me over my seat’s shoulder. “We lost them, so we should be heading to my place!”

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“After I grab my things at my apartment.”

“That’s where they are going to be waiting for us!”

“I’ve waited long enough!” I retorted, snapping my head back to her. “If we go later, it will be worse. I have to go now.”

“Tyler, if you’re worried about your classroom books, we can buy new ones! It’s not worth your life!”

“It’s more than that. Just sit tight, and stop worrying.” I turned to the steering wheel once my destination was set on my phone, then pulled away from the curb in a heated rush.

I understood why Tegan was objected to me going back to my place, and I wasn’t trying to be difficult, but I needed things that I rather them not get to. After another few minutes, I made it to my place, my condo unit on the second floor. Tegan insisted that she went with me, and I couldn’t leave Alice in the car by herself, even though I read the concern on her face. She was safer with me, on the off chance that a couple beta heads would be waiting for me outside.

Tegan’s senses were on high alert, and so were mine, but these halls were empty, the three of us making it through the main floor lobby and up the second floor without a problem.

“We might only have a few minutes here,” Tegan said, assuming they took the next exit to head to my place. “Hurry up and grab what you need,” she instructed me before she took her post outside of my door.

“We should all go inside,” I commanded.

Tegan gave me another dark look. “I’ll wait outside, Tyler,” she insisted. “At least this way, I can tell if we are about to get ambushed.”

My keys dangled in the lock, while my eyes kept glued to that confident and brave façade she had on. I knew she was terrified too, and that she was trying to be brave for me. Tegan had no reason to make a show, and after having seen what Blake could do, I wasn’t ready to have her cross paths with him again. “You know, if you’re going to be part of my pack, you ought to start considering what I say. I don’t want Blake getting his hands on you again, Tegan. Regardless of what kind of training you got from Bann, he’s still an alpha. You’ll be inside with us.”

It was an assumption for Tegan to be part of the Sire Wolves, but it was a safe assumption, seeing as Bann, her father, was already part of my father’s fallen pack.

She didn’t fight me after that. Tegan gave me a sorry look, but she understood what could happen if shit went south.

I stepped inside, expecting company, yet my apartment remained just as I’d left it. Even so, Tegan made a sweep of the place, marching along my contemporary antidotes to fish for anyone lingering where they shouldn’t. It was an open floor plan I wasn’t married to—there was nothing I’d miss here, besides my personal items I’d taken with me from the orphanage: my sketchbook, my journal, and the clothes I’d escaped death with when I was four.

Some would say that keeping the blood of your murdered parents was inappropriate, creepy, and down-right sickening. I couldn’t see it like that. These blood-stained clothes empowered me to keep on moving, no matter how bad the odds were against me. It made me who I was today, a fighter. I took no fucking flak, not from anyone. I could be stubborn, I could be cruel-mouthed, but at the end of the day, I needed to survive, for them, for myself, and for my pack.

My hands went grabbing, stuffing everything I could into the duffle bag I snatched from the corner of my closet. The safe happened to be in the same spot, and with the code I’d just inserted, I grabbed my cherished possessions in a flash. My mind was running faster than my feet and I felt like I couldn’t keep up, Alice busy studying my glass figurine collection, while Tegan continued searching every nook and cranny of my apartment.

But then our luck ran out just as I finished packing, all three of us hearing the toilet in my bedroom flush.

Immediately, Tegan brandished her power pole, all three of us standing in the living room ready to exit, until that noise caught us off guard.

“Tegan, I thought you checked my bedroom already?” I whispered, turning my head to her.

“I did, but I forgot about the bathroom. The door was closed.”

“Stand back,” I instructed them both, Tegan taking an anxious step forward before she stopped. It was dead quiet, the sound of my boots stripping my hardwood floors echoing in my ears, until that bathroom door swung open, followed by a gasp.

I was startled, and so was she, the both of us taking a step back.

This intruder had me speechless, her long blond hair framing a familiar face. It didn’t take long for me to recognize her as the girl who’d gotten me in trouble with Blake and his betas that other day, the girl with the body of a swimsuit model.

She looked back at me mesmerized. “Oh my,” she cooed, her bright amber eyes ogling me up and down. “Did you get an upgrade or something? Or was this seriously the work of the blood moon?”

I narrowed my eyes on her, the mystery girl taking a step I wasn’t intimidated by. I stood my ground, letting her circle me, my body conflicted with how to move.

“It’s a shame, really. Mmm, you are definitely a looker. Too bad we gotta’ pack you up, Tyler,” she threatened with a perky voice, which didn’t make the threat sting any less. She pulled out her cell phone from her butt pocket, then dialed in on her phone. That scent on her confirmed she was Blake’s omega, waiting for me to show up in my apartment, so Blake could take me out…

Why the hell wasn’t she affected?

Tegan didn’t wait, coming in like a thunder storm and tackling her down, the back of her head catching the rim of my solid wood night stand.

I snapped out of it, noticing the blond girl was knocked out cold.

“Why didn’t you attack her? She was going to call her pack!”

I’d been holding onto my breath, where Tegan’s bombarding questions pulled me out of my fog. I went down on my knees, checking to see if she had her head cut open. Luckily, it was just a bump, my eyes then shifting to Tegan who was glaring down at me. “I couldn’t attack her. She wasn’t a direct threat.”

“She’s clearly with the Lotus!”

“What the hell does that have anything to do with it?” I fought.

Tegan’s eyes grew wide, looking at me like a lost cause. “You can’t be serious, right? Look, I know your hormones are telling you to save this girl, but she’s part of Blake’s pack! I can’t spell it out for you any other way!”

“She isn’t bleeding,” I followed.

“This isn’t a game, Tyler!”

“Shit, Tegan, what do you want me to do?”

“Whaa!” Alice came in, gasping. “Oh no, have we been made?” Her voice shook. “Don’t worry, Tyler! I will protect you until my last breath!” she exclaimed, Alice filled with enthusiasm.

“Relax, we are getting out of here,” I assured her.

“What do we do with her?” Alice asked.

“We kill her,” Tegan boldly suggested.

“We what?” I protested. 

“She is working with Blake!”

“We leave her there,” I countered. “I don’t think she sustained any serious injury. If anything, when they come here, they’ll take her to the hospital.”


“I’m the alpha. What I say goes. And I say, we leave her there! We aren’t killing anyone!”