Dinner tonight was anything but standard. Once Bann joined us, he kept on Alice’s case. To her, it didn’t feel like an interrogation, but to me, my uncle was asking her way too many personal questions about her past. Maybe it was another one of those things that werewolves did, some type of initiation process. I was glad she was cool about it, Alice open about anything Bann was willing to know. I got to learn a little more about the woman who would be the mother of my children as well.
After dinner, I got to finally relax and decompress. It was a long ass day for a weekend, draining me out in more ways than one. A campus fight followed by a highway car chase. Then, encountering Blake’s wife, who I was supposed to have taken care of. I’d already washed up, but I still felt dirty from the whole ordeal, even more so when Alice decided to hop into the shower right after dinner. She made little effort in letting me know she wanted some privacy, leaving the door hanging wide open, where I heard the hot water running from inside the bedroom. The steam started to rise over the bed, Alice’s unspoken request bringing me on my feet and toward the bathroom door.
Those honey gold eyes of hers behind the seeded shower screen invited me in, but my attention started to drift, exploring the rest of her sexy wet hourglass body. It was already hot in here, and all she was doing at this point was making me bothered, looking over her shoulder at me playfully as the hot water streamed down her auburn brown hair.
When she slowly looked away, I made my move, tossing my top over my head in a hurry, and abandoning my grey sweats on the floor. In a shower meant for two, she had enough space to take my size, Alice stepping aside once I opened the shower door up.
Shit, she looked even hotter wet…
I couldn’t keep my hands off her, her sweet sexy bod hypnotizing me so fast that I’d forgotten to close the door behind me. She giggled at how fixated I was on her breasts, pressing herself into me to slip the shower door closed behind us. My lips latched onto hers, my hands cradling her face lovingly. I let my back absorb those little water drops while I embraced my omega, Alice pulling herself closer to me by my hips where we enjoyed a passionate kiss.
Our bodies took over after that, the running water masking Alice’s moaning in my mouth. Her nipples pressed up against my chest were getting hard, as was the meat dancing between my legs. It didn’t help that she already had it wedged between her legs, begging me to cum inside her again. I wasn’t opposed, not with Alice, her body calling out to me, where I was determined to answer it every time. I pressed her up against the other wall of the shower, the heat between us lacing the glass with thicker steam. She clung onto my slippery shoulders while I adjusted her over my cock, Alice blowing hot breaths into my ear as I scooped her up and straddled her legs around my hips.
This time, Alice knew what to expect, bracing her body to accept my size. She winced at first, leaning into me harder, clenching that hand running up my nape into a fist. She grabbed a handful of my hair, Alice still incredibly tight after our first session. She had my legs throbbing, struggling to keep still, this extra lube between us making that first squeeze more pleasurable.
“Ugh… Tyler,” she broke, her voice shattering in my ear. She compensated with kisses running down my neck, along my jawline, until her lips reached mine, where I could feel her fangs coming out. She locked her legs behind my back, crossing them to keep me still. Alice wanted my seed inside her again, her body craving her alpha in her womb. I grinded my hips into hers, bold sharp wholesome thrusts, my hands spreading those ass cheeks nice and wide, hearing them slap against the wet tiles every time.
This was about to be the quickest nut on record, something about Alice this time making me buck and quake inside. She was rougher with me, nipping at my lips, clashing her hips into mine, and holding me tightly. She was giving me hot and cold chills, the surge she was driving inside me wild. I couldn’t hold back for much longer, and when I felt her claws starting to sink inside my skin, that’s when I gave her another pulsating load.
A few good strokes, I felt terrible for it. She felt so good in that shower, the heat off her skin grabbing me stronger this time. When I peeled back to see her beautiful face, I understood why, Alice’s lewd eyes growing at me. “Breed me, Tyler…” she panted, cupping my face, looking at me dead on.
My chest was heaving, that look Alice was giving me fading me into this strange trance. I fought through the plug that started swelling at the base of my cock, giving Alice a sharp thrust, followed by another. I could feel myself still shooting inside her, her thighs around me vibrating. She tilted her head back, letting me devour her neck, suckling and nipping at her while I breeched myself deeper inside her. Grunt for grunt, thrust for thrust. I wanted the both of us exhausted tonight, a type of exhaustion that’d have us knocked out until early afternoon.
I never believed that whole love at first sight BS. But for some reason, it felt like I’d been struck with Cupid’s arrow when I’d linked with Alice. Sure, it was all carnal lust at the very beginning—Alice took a whiff of my balls, and I caught the scent of her incredible heat. But after that wave of sex cleared, I couldn’t deny what I felt there. My chest had fluttered, my heart beat racing, where all I saw in my head was that beautiful picture of her, of us…
It was strange, because when I had first laid eyes on her, I was being cautious. I didn’t want to fuck up and get myself caught in a trap again. Then I’d gotten to her, and after our bodies connected, she was all I could think about. I had wanted the feeling to go away, just in case I was fooling myself. After all, I didn’t even known her name. I figured yeah, the alpha in me was probably still horny. I’d been confused and conflicted, but now that she was with me, safe in my arms as we laid in bed, I felt like her being my first mate was the best decision I’d ever made in my life…
She was sweet, gentle, happy, kind and caring to a fault.
Everything else about her was just a bonus.
The more I got to know her, the more confident I was in us building a future together.
I slept in later than expected, waking up at twenty to twelve. Good thing today was a Sunday, and I had no classes on my schedule. But when I turned my head over to see Alice in my arms, she was gone.
“Hmm, probably woke up to get breakfast…” I mumbled to myself while I sat up on the bed, scrubbing the sleep from my eyes. With a long yawn and a stretch, I went into the bathroom and finished my morning routine, ruffled my bangs into place, and slipped into something halfway modest to wear: a button down and some trousers. Or at least I tried to. The dress shirts that I brought from my apartment didn’t fit my torso anymore. Not after I’d packed on some muscle. I tossed what I attempted to wear, the button I’d managed to slip on desperately hanging on by a thread, then went over to the new clothes Tegan had gotten for me. It was the beginning of Fall, so a bunch of sweaters hung in the new wardrobe. I slapped one on and called it a done deal.
Downstairs, I expected everyone to be in the kitchen or the living room, and they were—Bann was in the living room catching up on TV news, Alice was in the kitchen making what smelled like breakfast, and Tegan was… wait, where the hell was she?
“Are you planning on standing in the middle of the stairs all day?” A voice from behind me bickered, the sour and sassy tone recognizable. “Get out of my way, Tyler.”
“Heh, good morning to you too, Tegan.”
“Tyler!” Alice cheered after hearing my name.
I followed Tegan down into the kitchen, the both of them looking good this morning; Tegan in fishnets and tights, and Alice in an… apron?
Wait, was that all she was wearing?
She turned over to the stove, my eyes unashamedly looking down to her naked ass. The barely noticeable thread serving as her thong was hiding behind the draw strap of her apron, Tegan taking a seat right next to me on the island barstool wondering the same thing. The shocked expression on her face matched mine, minus the subtle blush across her face. As for Bann, well, he was suddenly hiding behind a newspaper, playing innocent in all of this.
“I hope the both of you slept well!” Alice beamed, setting up two plates on the counter, before turning to Bann. “Uncle Bann, do you want me to set you up a plate as well?”
He stifled a chuckle. “No doll, I’m good over here,” he said, slipping a thumbs up from over his newspaper shield.
“Oh, okay! I’ll save you a plate for later then, in case you change your mind.” Alice turned around, flashing us her backside again as she prepped the eggs and bacon on serving plates, Tegan’s sudden gasp making me turn to my left. Then I had something to gasp about, noticing her ears spring up, Tegan’s face beet red.
“Tegan, are you okay?” I whispered over my shoulder.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that your girlfriend was going to serve us breakfast naked!” she whispered back behind her gritted teeth under her blocking arms.
I smiled. “She’s not naked, she’s wearing something underneath that apron.”
“Maybe she wanted to do something special for me this morning, but judging by your face, it looks like she’s doing something special for you this morning, too,” I teased, Tegan quickly landing a cheap punch in my arm.
“Shut up! You’re embarrassing me! It’s bad enough that my Dad’s over there pretending he wasn’t enjoying the show before we got here!”
“Heh. Now we all have something to look at. Just try to keep your hands to yourself, all right?”
“Here ya go!” Alice sang, strutting over to us, swinging those juicy hips with two big plates of eggs and bacon, toast, home fries, the works. She settled them on the counter in front of us, poor Tegan trying to hide her flurry ears with her head down and her hands up. But Alice was focused on me, those raunchy eyes ogling the alpha.
“What’s the special occasion, Alice?” I asked her humbly.
“I want to thank you for saving my life back there. I made you a nice spread!”
“Hmm, I’m interested in your nice spread,” I said cheekily.
“Mmm, Tyler, not on the breakfast table,” she cooed, biting at her bottom lip.
“Um, I’ll go get us some juice in the fridge,” Tegan said, stepping away from us just as Alice took a seat to my right.
“Not that I’d ever work on a Sunday, but I’m glad we both don’t have shifts on the weekend,” Alice said, my eyes turning to her in a squint.
“Alice, you told me you never worked a day in your life,” I followed. “You’re lucky your folks left you something to work with. As for me, I had to quit my job.”
“Hmm, I remember you mentioning that last night now that you mentioned it.” She smiled. “Which means more time I get to hang out with you, Tyler.”
“It’s not all hanging out, though, new head of the Sire Wolves,” Tegan insisted, her tone very subjective. She came up to us with three glasses and a pitcher of orange juice, pouring us each some. “You need to start thinking about how you’re going to find more omegas to expand your domain.”
“Why take that route?” Alice said between chewing her food.
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“Because it’s the easiest,” Tegan followed.
“It may be the easiest, but it’s also the slowest. What Tyler needs are betas. You’re gonna’ want an army before you start building your empire, otherwise, other alphas are going to start challenging you to take your omegas.”
“But, Tyler needs to get stronger before he could even get betas. And he can only do that through breeding.”
“Mmm, Tegan has a point there, Alice,” I added.
“Well, what if you can find an alpha close to the same strength as Tyler?” Alice asked.
“And where in the hell are we going to find a new alpha? Tyler triggered the last blood moon a few nights ago,” Tegan voiced, taking her seat next to me again.
Alice had a big smile on her face, leaning over her plate to look at Tegan. “The Moonlight Wolves.”
Tegan stopped mid chew, staring at Alice blankly.
“Listen, you’re going about it the wrong way. Sure, chasing omegas may be easy, but taking down an established pack is way quicker, and will provide Tyler the backup he needs to grow Sire bigger.”
“The Moonlight Wolves?” Tegan repeated skeptically.
“Come on, you know that’s our best bet!”
“But Stephan Romano, though?” Tegan grunted.
“Who the hell is Stephan Romano?” I asked, turning to Tegan as I ate.
“He’s the alpha head of the Moonlight Wolves.”
“Is he really as easy to take down as you say, or are we guesstimating I can beat him?”
“Oh Tyler, you can totally take him down!” Alice said cheerfully, wrapping her arm around my huge bicep.
“Don’t sugar coat it, Alice. It’s still going to be a challenge, regardless if that doormat is a pacifist or not,” Tegan admitted.
“I have to ask, why hasn’t anyone tried to take him down already?”
“He’s an asset to other packs, in a way,” Tegan answered me. “Why go hunting when everything you could ever want has already been caught for you to catch?”
“Heh, I guess you’re right.”
“I do hope you remember, Tyler, that in order to dethrone an alpha, you need to fight to kill,” Tegan said bluntly.
“I think our clash on campus yesterday made it painfully clear that I’m not ready to take on that guy, easy bait or not. I’m weak at this stage, even weaker being a hybrid alpha.”
“Don’t say that about yourself, Tyler! You are an amazing alpha, and father to our babies,” Alice cooed as she pampered my arm with unyielding affection.
“You can’t base that off a dog fight. Not to mention, it takes more than brute strength to bring down an alpha. You need to learn his system, his fighting style, learn his strengths, and manipulate his flaws. It’s very strategic,” Tegan said.
“I’m more than willing to learn.”
Tegan looked at me with a cocked brow. “It’s something you learn as you go. Especially if you’ve never fought Stephan before. If you had, then, it would have been a different story. But don’t worry, a dethroning match cannot be interrupted by betas. It’s a one on one match.”
“Being clipped with an ambush isn’t what I’m worried about.”
“Then, don’t worry at all,” Tegan said seriously. “I believe in you, and so does Alice and Bann. We are your support. And if we believe in you, then you should believe in yourself too. Making it out of that match alive is what matters. Remember that, and you will be fine, Tyler.”
“Tegan’s right, Tyler,” Alice said, reeling my attention. “We believe in you. The only hard part will be getting a hold of him!”
That was moving, to hear such confidence coming out of Tegan. I already knew Alice had my back but hearing it from the goth girl pumped me up even more. Despite her being difficult with me, I knew where her allegiance stood, her care for me coming out in trickles. Which got me thinking about what Alice had said, about having my kids.
I just had to connect the dots there…
I cleared my throat, finishing that last bite of my buttered toast before asking the room, “So, going back to what you said, how does this whole mating thing work?”
Bann chuckled, finally contributing to the conversation. “You still slumped about that part, mate?” He tucked his head away from the newspaper, cocking his brow at me like a smartass.
Alice giggled, Tegan catching a blush.
“Heh, no, I phrased that wrong. What I mean to ask was, how does having a mate work? I know I can have several, but in terms of marriage—”
“You can choose who you want to marry, but it is customary to marry your first mate,” Alice clarified. “While polygamy is illegal in the US, you can obviously still live with all of your wives, or mates.”
My stomach tanked at the idea, and it looked like Tegan’s did as well. I caught her in the corner of my eyes trying to recompose herself as Alice explained it to me, shying away from the conversation while she pretended she wasn’t paying close attention. Well, I wasn’t oblivious to what was bothering her. It would be conceited for me to say that she wanted to be my official wife, the one on papers, but I knew for a fact that’s what was going through her head right now.
“Your official wife shouldn’t be treated any differently from your other wives, but in a pack, you can see how that doesn’t always go as planned,” Alice continued. “But, don’t worry, Tyler! I like to think that I am easy to get along with. So, whomever you decide to breed after me and keep, just know that we will all get along like one big happy family! As long as they love you unconditionally, of course. Otherwise, our family is going to get a whole lot smaller!”
Bann snickered, whispering under his breath, “What a doll.” He turned to me with smiling eyes. “You betta’ keep this one, mate.”
Tegan got up, taking our plates with her, even though I still had a quarter of my meal left. I had the fork with eggs hovering in front of my open lips, Tegan giving me that passive silent treatment again.
Heh, could have sworn the girl was a Scorpio with the way she acted.
“I can’t wait to grow our family, Tyler,” Alice said, turning my head away from Tegan and over to her love drunk eyes. “And as soon as we have this one, we can work right away on another!”
I smiled warmly, giving Alice a passionate kiss on her sweet lips. “Until then, let’s enjoy each other’s company to the fullest.”
“Oh? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“I could have sworn I saw a pack of cards on the bookshelf in our room,” I purred.
“Are we betting real money?” She bit her bottom lip eagerly.
“I wouldn’t suggest it, unless you’re ready to get cleaned out.”
“Mmm, such confidence! Okay, I’ll get some poker chips!” Alice sprung off the barstool and dashed up the steps, my hip vibrating as soon as she left. I pulled my Android out, noticing someone calling me from an unknown number. It wasn’t spam, but I didn’t recognize the caller either. I ignored it, and got ready for some rounds of poker.