Chapter 23: Birthday Mate


I was locked inside her for longer than I expected. My cock just couldn’t get enough. We cuddled and kissed, the small bed keeping Tegan on top of me. The overflow started to make the air smell both salty and sweet, her legs still straddling mine while she sat on my throbbing girth. I took the time to appreciate her natural beauty, giving her soft smooches along her jaw, my fingers playing with her nipple. I collapsed my back against the wall, the stream of jizz finally slowing down, where Tegan tried to detach herself from me.

But my knot was strong.

“H-hey, how long do we have to sit like this?”

I brought her face to mine, giving her a loving kiss on her full velvety lips, then asked, “Are you in some type of rush?”

She blushed, and her ears twitched, my tempting fingers moving over her head to stroke them.

“Mmph, don’t—” she warned me, her body tense to my touch. “It’s an erogenous zone, especially when you’re flicking them like that.”

“Really?” I purred into her ear, then hugged her from the back, holding her down while I brushed my lips over them.


“If I work hard enough, do you grow a tail too?” I growled.

“Stop poking fun at my animal parts!” she pouted.

“Here, I think it’s getting loose,” I whispered, ready to drop her face down into the bed.

“W-wait a minute!” she cried, Tegan’s head hitting the mattress when I mounted her. I still had my arms around hers, locking her in place. We sat on the bed doggy style, but I wasn’t trying to get another round out of her, not after seeing the mess I had made out of her pussy already.

“Shit, it’s a lot. Hold still,” I warned her, slipping my meat out with a little resistance. She gripped onto the sheets, my cum sitting inside her for a couple minutes making it more watery. I spilled over, expecting the overload. My manhood was hanging low, but still reasonably hard, Tegan looking back to see the damages done.

“I have some paper towels in the bottom drawer of the desk,” she proposed.

I chuckled. “I don’t think a few paper towels are going to cut it.” I went over and took the roll regardless, helping her clean up before I decided to ball up the comforter instead.

I’d worry about tossing it in the wash later, preoccupied with Tegan in my arms for now. The heat was low in this room for whatever reason, but our body warmth was enough under the violet flat sheet to get cozy.

I looked over to her, my omega resting her head on my arm, while her fingers ran nervous circles on my chest. I could tell something was on her mind, and it wasn’t my wood poking from underneath the sheets.

She curled up closer to me, inviting a conversation between us. I gave her a gentle kiss on her head and took her hand into mine, putting her at ease. “Happy birthday, Bauhaus.”

Her face smiled at me. “That’s a little too old school for my age. But thank you, Tyler.”

“It’s a good band. I’d give it a shot if I were you. You might like it,” I suggested, my eyes moving to her again. “So, should I assume that Bann put you up to this? So I can stand a chance against the Moonlight Wolves?”

She snickered, looking up to me with a wise grin. “I knew you were going to ask me that.”

I grinned. “What, now you can read minds, too?”

“What if I told you it was my special trait?”

I laughed. “I know you’d be lying because only alphas have Hengi.”

“Hmm, I see you’ve been paying attention,” she commented, pointing her chest at the ceiling. “But no, my father didn’t ask me to sleep with you so you can beat him. Or the Moonlight Wolves. Sounds kinda’ wrong, don’t you think?”

“Don’t know, these wolf standards are different than mine.”

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“You say that like you aren’t also a wolf.”

I smiled, running my fingers through her black silky hair. “Hmm, I guess that’s my human side talking.”

I felt her pulling away, Tegan suddenly springing up on the bed, with her legs crossed, and her body facing me. “Tyler, I have a confession to make.”

I sat up on my elbows, looking at her confused.

“I… might have been lying to you. About how old I was. I’m not turning eighteen today. I’m turning nineteen. I only said that because… I didn’t want you getting any ideas. I wasn’t ready to be tied down to an alpha.”

“Heh, figured as much.”

“I also didn’t take my next injection on purpose, so you could track my scent. It worked for the both of us, you see… because even though I wanted you to sleep with me, I also wanted to make you stronger so you can grow our pack.”


“I know I wasn’t all for it before. I was stuck on this seesaw, conflicted with what I wanted to do with these emotions I had for you, Tyler. From the first moment Bann brought you in, I was convinced you’d be my alpha, but at the same time, I was scared, scared of turning into some tool. I don’t know, something about seeing you and Alice together made me feel so rejected and unwanted, like, I had to act now before I lost you...”

 “No one rejected you, Tegan.”

“I know, but, I hate feeling so weak in front of an alpha. I told myself I’d never fuck up and let that happen again.”


“Yeah. A few years ago, I had an alpha coming at me. I started bleeding at fourteen, telling all of the packs around me I was officially a woman. But, I was still young, I had no clue. I wasn’t ready to have a litter. I wasn’t ready to be a mother! So I had to learn to fight for myself, and thankfully Bann wasn’t opposed. But there was only so much protecting my father could do, and so many defensive lessons I could take. Until one night, he and his pack broke in, as soon as my father stepped out, and…”

“Tegan, stop,” I asked her, noticing her voice starting to break, her body starting to tense up. “You don’t have to defend yourself. Honest,” I assured her. “I’m sorry about what happened to you.” I reached over to sweep her in my arms, Tegan holding back her tears. “That’s why I’m here, to make sure that you’ll never have to go through that shit again.”

“Tyler…” she breathed heavy into my chest, holding me tight.

“I promise, I will get stronger for you. For the Sire Wolves.”

“I believe you, Tyler,” she admitted, inching her lips over to mine, where I gave her a loving kiss.

“Heh, still, you didn’t have to make it hard for me, though,” I confessed, stroking her chin with my thumb. “Since the first night I met you, you’ve been giving me some snap back. I think we both knew I wanted you to be mine from the very beginning. And I could tell you felt the same way. You were just being stubborn about it. Now, I get why.”

She smiled. “You’ll always get an attitude from me though,” she promised.

“Don’t worry. I like my girls a little spicy, and thiiicckk.”

She laughed, my weight pushing down on her, making her back gently fall on the bed. I nuzzled her neck, breaking her out into a ticklish giggle, and then I cupped her face, looking over her deeply. I was lost in those beautiful sapphire blue eyes, that gentle but fierce persona behind her drawing me in. Tegan was giving me an erection all over again, my lips brushing over hers, leaving us in a sensual standstill. I could have been admiring her for too long, tempting myself by not exploring her. She was appetizing in every way, the history she confessed to me making me want her even more. I had to be there for her, officially. I needed to protect her, both inside and out. My thumb along her cheek caressed her gently, Tegan looking back at me awestruck, stroking her fingers along the back of my hand.

“Tegan… I want you to be my mate.”

Her eyes jumped, her body growing still when she gasped. “What?”

“I’d understand if you’re not ready to—”

“No,” she cried out. “I-I… I want to, Tyler.” she accepted with tears forming in her eyes. “I want to be your omega…” I might have made her the happiest girl on her birthday, Tegan sitting up to tackle me with a naked hug. “I accept,” she poured into my neck, my omega never letting me go.