Chapter 22: Discussion

Saibus is surprised that his master is a member of the Council, especially since she is one of his perfect mentors. From what he understood of the respective skills of each council member, Trinity is a warrior mage with experience in several areas of the craft. She can train him as a warrior using combat magic and as a mage, as she mainly uses these two fighting styles depending on her situation. In addition, she is one of the best in the branches of offensive magic and in all that is closely or remotely related to attack and magic. She also uses potions, but she's not the best at alchemy. She's just better than most alchemists.

Saibus watched as she whistled to prepare food. He saw her use a knife like professional chefs in her old world. Although looking at her, Saibus thought she would make a perfect wife. It made him feel like his mother and father. He misses them and wonders if he can not renew them like in FMA, but without any inconvenience of the homunculi.

"Come eat. Dinner is ready."  declared Trinity. Saibus snapped out of his reverie when he heard Trinity speak to him. He walked over to the table where Trinity had set the meal. They sat down across from each other and began to eat. They dined in silence for the first five minutes of dinner before Trinity struck up a conversation.

"So Saibus, what can you tell me about yourself, like your passions, dislikes, and dreams," Trinity asked. Saibus thinks about what to say before answering. "I like to practice and learn things related to magic and history. I like brewing potions and doing alchemy. I don't want people who abuse their powers or rapists. I don't like people who feel sorry for their spells, say it's fate, and do nothing. Also, I'm not too fond of the wild hunt. My dream is to kill all members of the wild hunt. And renew my parents. "Saibus replied but said the last one in his head.

Trinity nodded but looked grave when he mentioned the wild hunt. "You know the wild search is mighty, and you don't have much chance of killing them. Although I'm afraid, I have to disagree with people who say revenge is not a solution or a way to go. There are also things to consider, such as what to do if you can't accomplish your revenge and what you will do after you've done your revenge. "  Trinity said seriously.

"I know well what to do when I have accomplished my revenge. When that happens, I will continue to be a murderer because it is something I love to do, and I will build a little house in a warm place close to it. Water like Toussaint. And if I loved I am not strong enough to take revenge, I think of doing things like using poisons, using the research I would have done to kill them indirectly like connecting one of their bridges to  a sun."  Saibus said

"You still get revenge by doing this," Trinity commented.

"I know,"  Saibus replied to his comment.

"Pff, fine. If you want revenge so badly, it's my duty as your mentor to train you and make sure you become that strong. Tomorrow we will start your training to become an assassin. Train on the ways of assassins, and I will teach you how to fight. I will pass on my knowledge of magic and crafting to you to learn more about it. Rest well because I will not be nice to you. Eat and go to bed. Tomorrow we'll get up early. "  Trinity finished, getting up from the table and washing the dishes.

Saibus finished his meal and went to the bathroom to wash up before returning to his room. Saibus cleaned his weapons and settled in his bed with a book and a candle on his bedside table. He reads for an hour before putting the book down, blowing out the candle, and falling asleep.

The following day Saibus woke up early as usual. He dressed and went downstairs to see Trinity sitting at the dining table with a coffee and a hideous face. (AN: I don't know if coffee exists in FF, yes). Saibus prepared his breakfast and sat down in his place. He looked at his mentor. "You do not feel well ?"

"No, it's just that even though I usually get up early, I never get up that early. I thought, since you're going to be with me for years, I should get up even earlier, but I didn't. I don't think you can do it. So now you should be prepared for 8:00 am. That's when your training will start the following few times. "  Trinity replied. Saibus and Trinity got ready before she led Saibus behind the house.

The back of the house is simple. It includes a tree used for shade and fences, which delimit the garden with a gate to go into the forest.

"Your training will include several things. I will train you for combat at a distance, unarmed, or with your weapons in the morning. In the afternoon, we will go on a mission to have some experience, or  I will teach you magic if we have no missions. You will accomplish some missions that we will undertake alone, and I will be there to help you. That way, you will have experience on solo and duo missions. Tonight you have free time. We can also do missions if we need to hunt specters, infiltrate or assassinate someone. Of course, this schedule may change in the future for some reasons. "  declared Trinity. Saibus nodded to affirm his agreement with this plan.

Trinity began training Saibus in melee as it is usually the combat mode overlooked by assassins or witchers who result in their deaths when unarmed. Trinity then switched to ranged combat with her weapons. Trinity could judge the level at Saibus in these disciplines.

We meet Saibus and Trinity south of Novigrad, near Lucien's windmill, to attack a small bandit camp in the afternoon. The two were on the slope of the small climb next to the bandit camp. "Are you ready for your first bandit camp?"  Trinity asked. Saibus didn't answer but nodded. Trinity and Saibus didn't move and waited for an opportunity to attack. That opportunity quickly presented itself as most bandits fell asleep, leaving just a few guards on edge.

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