Ash escaped the media somehow and was in the Pokemon center treating his pokemon and the Television sounded.
Reporter “The Recent Pokemon wave consisted of six Fearows and over two thousand Spearows”
“The wave was stopped by gym leaders and pokemon center altogether and we are currenty interviewing the Gym leaders of Cerulean”
“So Miss Violet what was that last attack who used it”
Violet “Sorry we cannot give much Information but we can tell that it was the same person who you called THE GYMDESTROYER and the attack was a variant of Discharge”
“So that attack was on level of C+ to B rank Pokemon”
“No that Attack was used by a C rank Pokemon”
“What But that was A village destroyer attack”
“I can verify it because I have fought with him”
“So Thank you for your time”
“So People we are relieved that Both The wave was dealt with and Gym destroyer is a good person and we will continue to find this Mysterious trainer with Over powered Pokemon”
“Keep watching Kanto News”
In the Pallet
Oak “Now I can confirm that Timeline has changed Ash has matured early in this timeline”
“I will call him”
In the Pokemon center
Ash sighed in relive “Good they did not say my name”
Then Misty entered and saw him sighing and said “Well we told the trainers to keep your identity in secret but it will not be for a long time”
Ash “Thanks”
Brock “Ash you need to learn to face them”
Ash “Okay but not now”
Misty “Yup now rest properly and we are going to Vermillion city tomorrow”
Ash’s pokedex rang “Call form Professor Oak”
Ash “Huh” he picked up the call.
Oak “Hey Ash The Gym destroyer how are you doing”
Ash “You know”
Oak “Of the many challenges only one person used an electric pokemon in A rock type gym and that was you so it was easy to speculate”
Ash “Oh but I think that was not the reason to call you”
Oak “You are right I called you so you can go and meet with Bill and Take Transceivers from him they will be useful for you to call form anywhere and can be used as your PC “
“Thanks Professor I will meet him”
“And one more thing how many Pokemon do you have”
“Err 3”
“Oh Leaf has 30, Gary caught 19 and Tommy has 11 but that is fine as none of them are overpowered as you”
“Ah okay bye”
“Hmm bye”
Misty “So Ash it is easy to identify you”
Brock “Hmm so who is Bill”
Ash “He is Professor Oak’s Classmate he has Data of all 150 Pokemon native to Kanto leaving Mew”
Misty “Mew is to Mysterious means like it can transform into any pokemon it wants leaving other legendries”
Ash “Hmm lets go now as there are still four hours till sunset and it is near cerulean city”
Misty “Where”
Ash “North it is the Light house which is called as Bill’s Tower”
Misty “It is a research lab”
Brock “Interesting”
Near Cerulean Cape
Suicune “That attack if it was unleashed by S - rank Pokemon even I would have not escaped”
Then she smiled “Ash Ketchum I will wait for you”
And She went away.
Cinnabar island
A certain Pokemon was awakened and destroyed the lab it was made.
He asked himself “What is purpose in this world and I am not a weapon”
Then a helicopter came down and a Man in his Thirties came.
“You are Mewtwo your Purpose is to become my Pokemon because I am your creator”
“Oh But I can’t remember a thing”
“Come with me and we will rule the world”
He said this and a metal suit was suddenly attached to Mewtwo
Giovanni [My weapon of destruction]
Ash and friends came near a Light house at the north of Cerulean City.
Misty “Finally arrived.”
Ash “Lets enter” he said and pressed the doorbell.
Then a voice came “Who are you and what is your work”
Ash spoke “I am Ask Ketchum I am here to receive transceivers”
“Oh You are the trainer sent by Professor Oak come in”
The Door opened.
“Let’s go”
And they walked inside and were received by a young man wearing research uniform.
“Hello Ask Ketchum and friends”
“Hello where is Professor Bill”
“Only he and God knows”
“He has Gone to Search for Mew”
Ash “Oh”
The Man then gave them a package “Here take this and attach it to your pokedex and it’s use you will find out soon”
Ash “Oh and Thank you”
And they Left as Bill was not there.
On the way to Vermillion
Ash and friends were camping Brock as usual was cooking an Misty was Fishing in the lake nearby.
With Ash
“So Bulbasaur you are going to learn earthquake and Energy Ball”
“Saur” he nodded
“Earthquake is easy as you just have to blast Energy into the ground but you need to learn energy ball as it is a necessary step to learn Solarbeam”
“Like Pikachu uses his electric energy and directs it you have to focus your energy into a ball and then direct it now try”
“Bulbasaur” He said and concentrated. He moved his energy on top of his bud and focused it into a ball and blasted it towards a tree. But the damage was low.
Ash was delighted “very good you learned it on your first time now practice it”
“SaurrrBulba saur” he was happy getting complimented by Ash and it started to practice diligently.
“Now Pikachu we need to learn Extreme speed as your attacks are powerful enough”
Misty’s voice came “Over powered”
Ash laughed embarrassedly “So first focus your energy in your legs and paws and use it to boost your speed”
“Pi pika chu” he too nodded and focused his energy on his paws and legs and was surrounded by a thin sheet of green which was barely noticeable and he took a step and
Ash “Pikachu are you fine”
“Pi ka chu” A sound came from the dust and he came out “Hcu”
Misty “Speed is also overboard”
Ash “We need an Open area How about on the lake”
“Pika” he Questioned
Ash “When someone runs at high speed he can bring enough force to keep him on lake surface”
“Okay let’s try”
Pikachu again covered himself in thin green coat which was brighter than before and took a step towards the lake and Whoosse splash.
Misty “Arggggh”
Brock “Woa”
Ash “That’s fast”
As Pikachu was really running on water and nearly covered half distance in just a minute.
Misty spoke “Your pokemon are monsters have you ever seen a Pikachu running on lake”
Ash “That’s my Pokemon” “Hey come back”
“Pikachuu” a faraway voice came
Ash “Good Continue and try changing Directions”
Ash “Now Pidgeotto for Hurricane hmmm I think the process is same as overpowered just you have to spin the wind energy”
She nodded and went into the sky and flapped her wings with powerful wind energy and controlled it till some extent till which rotated at a slow speed and launched it which turned into a slower version of hurricane
“Good continue”
Misty and Brock
Misty “Hey Brock what is different between him and other trainers”
Brock spoke “His bond with Pokemon”
Misty “We should also try it and we will reach new heights”
Brock “Yup”
After an hour
Ash was jogging then suddenly his Pokedex rang “Bulbasaur has leveled up to D+ rank.
Ash grinned and called everyone and gave them their specific food sweet for Bulbasaur, little spicy for Pikachu, and mild for Pidgeotto.
“Good now next is Vermillion Gym for Thunder badge”
He got his replies and went towards the lake and washed himself.
Ash “Hey Misty got anything”
Misty “Nope”
Then she got a tug on her rod and she reeled back and a Magikrap came out and started to splash on the ground.
Misty “Finally now I will get a good Pokemon”
Ash “Capture it”
Misty “Using your style”
Ash “Means”
“Look hey Magikrap”
“Krap” she questioned
“Do you want to come with me”
“Krap” she was confused [what everyone thinks I am weak and never ever battle me and she is asking that I want to come or not. Let’s go it is better than staying here]
“Magi karp” She nodded”
“Good” And tossed a Pokeball at her and she went inside.
Misty “I have got a Magikrap”
Ash “What means my style”
Misty “Capturing Pokemon without battling”
Ash “Oh that’s why I only have three”
Misty “Three monsters”
Ash “Hmph”
Brock “Guys come and eat we have go and reach the closest town before sunset”
While walking
Brock “Closest town is the Storm Town”
Misty “Why is it called Storm town”
Brock “Frequent Storms”
Ash “Like frequent means how frequent”
Brock “Every fortnight”
Ash “Oh”
You are reading story Pokemon The Epic Tale Of Adventure at
In the sky Pidgeotto and Pikachu
Pikachu “Flying is the best I wish I could fly”
Pidgeotto “Yup that’s true and don’t electric Pokemon learn magnetic levitation”
Pikachu “I should try it but it is difficult than discharge”
Pidgeotto shivered “Don’t take the name of it, it almost hit me last time”
Pikachu “Need to control it or else if used in this little town its map will change and don’t tell me that only I am destructive your hurricane flung me fifty kilometers away it will be devastating to use that move in gym”
Pidgeotto laughed awkwardly and she spoke “Only Bulbasaur not destructive”
Pikachu “He will once he learns Solar Beam”
“That’s True”
Pidgeotto’s line of sight got on a pokemon “Hey Pikachu is that a Charmander”
“Yup and he looks weak”
“Let’s tell Ash”
Pidgeotto flew down and chirped in front of Ash.
Ash “Huh What happened”
“Pi Pikachu” Pikachu made some Actions
Ash “We need a Psychic pokemon”
Pikachu sighed “I said follow me”
Ash “Huh Who spoke”
Brock “No one”
Misty “nope”
Ash “I heard someone said ‘I said follow me’”
Pikachu perked up “pi Pikachu”
Ash “huh you said that”
Brock “What Ash you understand Pokemon”
Ash “Nope I only heard that line”
Misty “Don’t know It must be because of emotions”
Ash “Yep then first lets follow them”
“Okay” And they ran after Pidgeotto
Pidgeotto “Did Ash really understood you”
Pikachu “I think so”
“I have heard that some very strong trainers can understand pokemon because of some force called Aura”
Pikachu “I have felt like it once but can’t confirm it”
Pidgeotto “In the pallet forest I too felt a strange connection with Ash”
Pikachu “Well that’s for later here he come”
Ash “Is that a Charmander “
Misty “Yes and he is weak must be injured or something”
Ash “Let’s find out”
Ash went over the rock and asked the Charmander “Hey Charmander why are you here”
“Charmander” it said weakly
Ash sighed “Why don’t we have a Psychic Pokemon hey Pikachu can we try again”
Pikachu “Hey why are you here”
Charmander “My Trainer said that I am weak so he left me here and said to wait and he will come back to take me”
Pikachu “How many days have gone”
“A weak”
Pikachu “Do you believe he will come”
“Yes he said so”
“Fine If he doesn’t come I will shock him”
Pikachu went to Ash.
Ash “Okay lets focus”
And they concentrated and think about each other then Ash spoke Speak.
Pikachu “He has a trainer pikaa and left him for a week and said he will come to take him pi ka chu”
Ash “I got it I got some parts”
Misty “Ash you too are a monster”
Brock “So what is happening”
Ash “That Charmander has a trainer who left him for god know why and it’s been a week”
Misty “What so that’s the reason he is week poor thing he must be hungry”
Brock “And is he going to come back”
Ash “His trainer said so”
Misty “We can only give food”
Ash and Brock nodded and Ash went to Charmander while keeping food for him and said “Charmander if your Trainer does not come go straight to the Pokemon center “
“Okay Bye”
“char Charmander”
Ash and friends walked away and Pidgeotto came close to the Charmander.
Pidgeotto “I will come tonight with food as we are waiting here”
Charmander “Thanks”
“Don’t let me find your Trainer I will torture him like hell”
Charmander “How is your trainer”
“Best he saved me from Spearows as a Pidgey and trained me and he cares for his Pokemon and treats them like friends okay bye”
Charmander [I wish my trainer was like him and His Pidgeotto is stronger than all my trainers Pokemon and I think he too had a Pidgey and he left him will he leave me too if he does not comes tonight I will go with Ash]
At the Pokemon center.
Ash “Finally”
Brock “Ash It’s just 16 days from you have started your journey”
Ash “Adventuring is great but sleeping on rocks not so good”
Misty chuckled.
Brock “Then let’s sit somewhere while I go with Nurse Joy arfghhh Misty nooo”
Misty “Brock you should control yourself”
While they were talking someone near spoke.
Trainer “Hey Damian You have got a bunch of strong Pokemon”
Damian “It’s easy we just have to battle who loses leave them saying good words and keep the strong ones”
Ash heard this and was going towards him and was stopped by Brock.
“So what about that Charmander”
“He must still be waiting for me on that rock and will die any day now”
A laughter sounded.
Ash “Brock I need to Punish him”
Brock said “We can’t unless the Police know” and then smiled “I have recorded it and sent to the nearest Pokemon league office”
Ash “I can’t wait and we must go and tell everything to Charmander tomorrow and Pidgeotto will give him food tonight”
Misty “That is a must”
After two hour it started to rain heavily and Ash woke up and said “Hey guys we must go now”
Misty “Where”
“To get Charmander it is raining”
Brock “Lets hurry we don’t know for how long the rain has been there”
And they took their raincoats and ran towards Charmanders location.
Ash [Please be okay Charmander]
Charmander [I can’t sleep I don’t know that I will ever get up If I sleep. Damian just wait If I get a chance I will not leave you]
Then he heard “Hey are Charmander are you okay”
[Ash Thank you] and he slept
Brock “He is too tired let us take it to the Pokemon center before it is too late”
Ash “Yes” He said this and covered Charmander with his raincoat and lifted him with Brock while keeping his fire on his tail burning and ran towards the Pokemon center
Nurse Joy [It’s about time they should arrive]
And a voice came “Nurse Joy it is an emergency”
Nurse Joy “It is too weak it’s flame will die quick bring him to the operation theater”
And Joy started the Operation.
Ash “Will be fine”
Brock “Be at ease Ash he will be okay”
Ash “Damian Don’t let me find You”
Then the red light went off and Nurse Joy came out with a happy face.
Ash “Is he okay”
Joy “You brought him on time he will be fine after rest”
Ash “Can I see him”
“Thank You”
“It is my duty”
Ash “Hey guys I will come you go and rest”
Brock “We wait”
Ash “No go”
Misty Pulled Brock “You come quickly”
Ash “Yes”
Misty “Brock he cares a lot about his friends an pokemon”
Brock nodded “It is hard to find such person”
Misty “How about we create our Group”
Brock “Yup It is best as ‘A Person alone can never succeed’ and we can help the league”
Misty “King class challenge is in a decade”
Brock “If Ash’s father and Gary’s father were Present they would have participated in it”
Misty “But one thing I never understood was why there are only fourteen in a team and that’s the same number every decade”
Brock “Don’t know”
Ash went into Charmander’ s room and said “I should have brought you earlier.
“Pi Pikachu” Pikachu consulted.
“Yes Damian don’t let me see you”
“Pika chu” Pikachu too nodded and then Pidgeotto and Bulbasaur came out and they too expressed their anger.
Ash was tired and slept near Charmander seeing this all his Pokemon smiled and slept.
Nurse Joy [Hmm he will become a great trainer]
Charmander woke up
[Huh I am alive] then he looked around and saw Ash sleeping near him with his Pokemon.
Then he remembered the last voice he heard.
“Thanks Ash” he said and tapped a poke ball on his belt and went inside.
Next Chapter : Chapter 11 Vermillion Gym
I will update the next soon. This was my first book please bear with it, i am a lazy person to edit it.