The dining room is lively as always, with some awkwardness from the previous two woman-childs in the house, and so i picked up something interesting in their conversation.
I am now seeing what they're saying currently on a subtitle-like system, where HUD will predict words that'll come out if i were to focus in their conversation and gave it my all to listen up.
Sometimes it'll be displayed in a bubble like how graphic novels does, or either Up / Down like how a video does.
It'll take awhile for me to change from just the word 'G' to' Father Garvin', like a Day, so i won't until i get to meet someone other that has the same name and getting acquainted with them first, Then i'll set it up again later on
Mother open the pots that's sitting on the table after putting it while wearing a handkerchief, revealing some crab-like rangoon, fried noodles, meatballs and sausages. (... *gulps* Too bad my mouth still isn't ready for all this, save for the fried noodles and sausages)
As i wait for Mother to give me my plate that she always pick the foods for, reasonably since i am still 4 years old, she gives Father his share on a plate. "(F) Hun', remember where we left off about 'Syrchat' not too long ago?"
He drags it after reaching it out a little far, looking at Mother full-faced. "(G) Ah, the one where the 'Hero' Eric Kyre crushed the once mysterious Tear's Fall Dungeon?"
Mother takes a seat near me, scooping the fried noodles in front of me in a metal spoon. "(F) Yeah! It was awesome, right?"
Father muddle his crab-like rangoon with some crab-shell crackers. "(G) Right right right, now don't keep breakfast waiting over a chat"
*Shell Cracks*
Father opening the crab is not the only ambience as there is also Elena's washing the dishes, Mother's feeding me and the birds outside. (ASMR. As long as it's not mukbang, i'm good. Been awhile i've experienced these kind of atmosphere, since last time i do is having gone out at dusk near a river back then, staring at it's surface that mirrors the starry sky)
Contemplating on the Job : Hero, i reminisce Elena's tutoring when i still had trouble letting words out of my mouth, especially the tongue part.
(Hero? Ah, right, there is supposed to be a Hero once in a century according to Elena's teaching.
But what is this Syrchat they're talking about?)
Hearing a name that could be a social posting site, i swallow my mouth first before the next spoonful comes in. "Father, what is this 'Syrchat' ?"
Father chewing the tender juicy meat that's cracked, ingest it before sipping water besides his plates and it's silverware. "(G) Mmm, it's an experimental site just launched last night, with the first post featuring a continuous image of the Hero domineering Skyfall Dungeon, which is located South from Nurfi above the sea.
With how smart you are, i can already guess what possible things you can do with the 'Old' tablet? "
Hearing that I will be having My Own tablet, even if it's technically not mine, puts me straight up in a mind frenzy. " *gasp* Does this mean that i can finally have the tablet for myself?!". I lean forward, getting closer to Father despite not being able to go reach him.
She whistles the spoon as if it's an aeroplane. "(F) Your Father may not agree with it, but i say let him do as he please. What do you think, Elena?"
Elena in the back is untying her apron as she dries her hands from all the soap and water. "(E) I fully agree with Miss Fiona, as it could be a chance to widen his gap in knowledge"
. Winking at me, she acts as if she knew what to do so as to make me owe her a favor.
The chance to finally see the city from up close, the civilization and technology and other wonders of Shaarik, what kind of transportation method Father and Mother always takes, the races that lives in it, the livelihood around it and more excites me to the brim. (I Will Not go to your good side just because of that but, Thanks, i guess)
Father looked like he wanted to say something, rubbing his forehead with a distant stare in his eyes.
(Might as well take the initiative, since he doesn't always have such pained expression.
Could be important)
"Father? Is something the matter? Your face doesn't look that great"
"(G) Oh! Um, yeah i guess. Well, the inspection... It is done". Still shying away his looks, Father adheres his head to his hands.
Intrigued by his meek reactions, i think of the possibilities of his difficulties. (Hope it's not the message being very disturbing or whatnot)
"Uhuh? So how was it?
There's nothing wrong with it, is it? I can have it, can i?". Shamelessly, i say such words with a stoic expression and sound since i don't want Father to think i'm more cumbersome than what i already am.
"(G) ... We have already searched until the last folder and yes, there's...nothing wrong with it.
*sighs* Fine, you can have it but don't use it overtime". For some unknown reason, instead of feeling happy, i felt that Father really is saddened by something involved within this matter.
(It felt like he was feeling the disappointment on not getting to score past the 75 mark for an A)
Finishing my last bit of breakfast, Mother rubs my face with a soft paper tissue. "Yet why do you put it like that?
You say that like it's a bad thing, pa"
Father who is taking warm water, sits with a cup in his hand. "(G) *sighs* Not that big of a deal, really.
I just want to find out if there's any link to a very particular incident"
Knowing his real reason why he is the way he is right now, i feel the need to pry the thing that i remembered from my Dream. "Hmm... Oh, right~. And from the looks of it you didn't find any kinds of logs in there, too?"
Father stares me confused with his eyebrows raised. "(G) ... No?... *sighs heavily* Oh well, my fault for placing my expectation"
(Ugh, i could say the same.
Here i thought i could get a chance to get a viewpoint on how to hunt a Rogue with that message.
Is it really isn't there or just hidden inside the tablet's central file, like the folder 'Appdata' that needs to be unhidden?)
Father clears his throat with a joyful expression, offsetting the broadening mood. "(G) And, another thing. As the inspection progress is done, you may-"
"Go Play To Rex's House, Can I ?!". Instinctively i said since i also remember that today is going to be the day that Raisya's going to visit us and pick me to have a look at the City of Shaarik. (Why does the King felt the need to name the city with his name as it's front and nothing else? Fame does him dirty, maybe)
"(F) Don't be too loud, Arlan". She scolds me who is standing in my seat and forces me down after a few light taps on the head.
"A-...Yes, Mother.
So pa, can i please?". I sit with my hand clasping to plead him that i Really Can Own my own tablet, even if it's, again, not mine to begin with.
Laughing with the mood lightened up, he goes out of his seat after breakfast and pets me on the head. "(G) Alright alright, calm down. I know that we've been restraining you, and so first things first.
You need to wait"
(Wait... WHAT?)
The word 'Wait' doesn't sit with me right, and so i want to know if there's something else for the catch. ". . . And?"
Mother puts two cups of water, with mine the small-sized and hers the medium-sized. "(F) Rex and one adult of his family will come pick you up. That's it, really". She gulps it to relieve her throat.
I raises my wooden cup, and get to remember something now that this problem is now solved. "Mmm, i guess with that matter's done, you both will be going into the academy as usual? *sips* "
Mother goes to the back of the kitchen, searching for the kitchen sink to wash her hands with the hand soap near it. "(F) Ah, you picked up quickly, lil' Arl"
My face twirked as i hear that nick's annoying. "Mother, i told you To Stop calling me that. It just sounds weird"
"(F) *snickers* Ara? Elena has it worse, she called you a-"
"(E) Aah~! You can't say that! You can't say that at all, Miss Fiona!". Elena cuts her middle-point, making me the ever curious since her mouth trembles as she bites her fingernails.
(What The Hell do you call me when i'm not around you?)
" (monotone) Elena". I stare at her with a deadlock gaze like from this morning.
"(E) A-uh... yes, Young Master?". Confused, she tries to smile but it shows off as awkwardly for me.
"Spit. It. Out"
She switches her face to that of a smug, flaying her hands flamboyantly since i don't get it as of now. "(E) And what if i don't? Will you try to sneak up on my room?"
I, Who finds that messed up, prepares and answer that might not make her turned on. " (irritated) Oh I Might Just, to choke you up until you tell me, that is"
"(E) Oho? (mocking) And how are you going to do that? Are you telling me you have a plan?". She laughs with such a devilish smile as i am frustrated not knowing her calling name of me.
You are reading story Yet Another One at
"Pretty sure there's a certain rope i saved in the house Just for this Very Occasion". I bluff with such devious intent to make her just spit it out.
She sighs and shrugs her shoulders, feeling like she earned a victory. "(E) You sure can try"
With how smug she is right now, it was the last push for me to turn the table. (... You asked for it. 'Keen Eyes')
[Name : Elena
Age : 37
Occupation : Housemaid, Former Adventurer
Status : Single, Virgin
Likes : Pampering Little Sister Viala and Young Master Arlan
Dislikes : Young Couples, Corrupt People, Giant Spiders, Called a Virgin
. . .]
Like the simple text and numbers of my 'Status', her private information that is able to fit is displayed.
(The 'V' Word!
With this, i'll agitate her the most so that she won't get it out of her head. Muahaha!). I put my wide face to stop after wiping it off with my hands.
I drop down from my seat, psych myself up for a hide and chase sequence. "... Will do. Virgin~.
Bye Pa! Ma!"
(I can already guess what's coming for me!
Run Run Run Run Run Run!
Survive until the bell rings! RUN!!!)
As i run away from her reach,i go on around the corner near the hallways and lean to the side as i hear what they're saying with clear and crisp sound as if i'm standing there sitting with them and i see them a little bit too well, like i magnified my eyes by a degree.
"(G) Kid! Don't forget to- and he's gone. *sighs*
Hey uh, don't take it too seriously Elena,
The kid always knows how to agitate us two, so as expected you are added into his target list.
Even if he's right about you being a 'Virgin' "
Even from over here, i felt that her heart is struck like a javelin. (Oof, that's a Crit)
"(F) Garvin's got it right!
Our Arlan is a clever kid, of course he knows that you're a 'Virgin' and taunted you with that"
I smuggily snickers only a little, not certain that i'm in the safe just yet. (Oh God, Double at that! No actually, Triple if you count my taunting just now)
"(E) . . . I'm going to catch up with Young Master Arlan, so please excuse me"
Hearing her say that, i make my way to Father's room as it is basically my safe room because Elena's definitely going to be scanning all of the rooms for me, and inside Father's room there is some dark spots that i can snuggle to hide away from her sight. (Time to bail, then. Ehe)
"(F) ... Yes"
"(G) Don't be too harsh with him, Elena! ... Did we actually said something unnecessary?"
"(F) Definitely, hun' "
. . .