*Windmills swishing*
Hearing the hums of windmills, some eletricity wires and the utility poles that acts as the wires foundation occasionally once or twice, i'm feeling a like i'm on a road trip for a self-healing. (I'm surprised there isn't any rocks that may bump as we go on. How are they cleaning the asphalt, so much so that the only trash there is are banana peels and and paper bags?
Does plastic not exist?)
As we got the sight of farm fields and wide grasses on the way and slowly but surely, the road that was just marked from cartwheels and horses' gallops, switches to the likes of a two-way highway that stretches out to the mountains behind us, so to speak.
Rexar opens his mouth wide as he's 'swallowing' the wind that gets in his mouth, letting it breeze his teeth. "(Rexar) A~a~a~a"
As Ishka sings and tries to match up to the lyrics of some of the other songs that plays out right now, as perfect as she can from her girlish enthusiastic tone to a man's grouchy tone. "(Ishka) 'To a faraw~ay place we've yet, *hums*, To Reach~' "
And i while look like i'm just enjoying the ride, is examining the modification i've done to my skills and checks if some can be readjusted to my fitting or just left alone until further notice. (And that's the settings for the inconvenient ones done, and some other. . . )
It is 14.24 currently, and i can confirm that my parents does indeed use some kind of transportation because of how far the city really is. (It's either Teleportation magic, or some Body Strengthening magic, maybe even Flying magic. Who knows?)
I see some vehicle that is identic to a trishaw being pulled by a motorcycle, and always put myself to a happy mood as to greet them. "Good Day, Strangers!"
"(Ishka and Rexar) G'day, Sir / Good Day, Sir!". Each sibling has different attitude to greet but fundamentally they're still recognizable as siblings and so people gives leeway as to Ishka's tone.
Sometimes they ignore us but we occasionally got some responses, a firm sign of gratitude with their hand saluting or a wave as to not speak out. "Ah... Yes yes, Good Morning To You Too, Young Kid!".
At times, there's signs of hesitation, concern, pity or worst of all, mockery being shown if they were to see of me once but normal to the siblings. (Am i a bad sign to this world or something?... Won't be surprised if i am one, to be honest)
Getting back to the talk of The City of Shaarik, it's characteristics on the outside parts can be concluded as 'Highly-guarded'.
It has metal walls circling around placed sky high and some towers over-watching the security.
I can tell they're Light Elves and is holding compound bows, long bows and crossbows because of Heightened Senses, just a bit that is.
(My ears hurt, [Heightened Senses = Passive mode]). As i turn down the effect of my Bloodline senses, my hearing sensory is now only hearing passing vehicles instead of each individual engines running with the sounds of their metals clanking and pumps going. (Wonder if i can achieve a tool for magnifying zoom and a better way to utilize my skills without hurting parts of my senses someday?
Actually, i might as well make the eye buff as a standalone, just like 'Elephant's Smelling'. Later, that is)
Along the way, old transportations existed on the paved road because i saw some horses, lizards, and other animals dragging carriages.
(Were they tamed naturally or is there some kind of 'contract' that made them obey?
Wait, could it be how my parents come and go from the house? There's nothing like a garage and no big animals nearby, so... they're like 'summon contract'? If they do, i want one!)
Cars, trucks, bicycles, blimps and airboats(?) existed, obviously. The art department in our team always dreams of blending sci-fi and fantasy, alongside some steampunk(?) aesthetic, to their wanting since the resurgence of bland Isekai with the Medieval settings that always Only have Swords and Magic. Some Medieval Artillery or actual Weapons of Warfare. (And they work! WHY, Heaven's Be, does it have to be either the Boring or EDGY ones that Gets, The Spotlight?!
They're always the ones that engross the most money in these recent years, and i am Very supportive of the art department, No, the whole company in wanting to spice things up in a genre that needs an end to it)
I can already guess they're using some magical powers to properly work.
(Not sure what kind of fuels do they feed off from? Oil? Or perhaps Mana but converted into something equivalent to Oil or even more effective than that?
Well, maybe since 'Time' magic exist, they might be able to fossilize things in our surroundings, though i'm not sure if it's great in any means)
They're not quite like the transportations from the outside, it had some total machine-vibe embedded on them like the glidebike we're riding, and some is just absolute steampunk.
(The traffic's pretty diverse, and it's just outside the city's gate! What's more to come on the inside?)
We're almost at the city's gate, and i am starting to see what looks like a patrol of guards in blue uniforms, in caps and badges on their chest and shoulders. (... So Policemen does exists in here. But why does the color blue refers to security in all my kinds of entertainment media?)
Some of the guards is demi-humans, like Elves and Beastkin.
Particularly there's a male Dark Elf holding a scanner, a Lizardwoman equipped with hand-guards, and the one approaching us on foot is a man with Deer antlers.
Most of them are mildly built on most of the human body that can be used as weapons. Whether it be their hands that the palms just looks like they're all calluses, the arms that has the biceps for lifting a bike to go on a run, the legs that might as well be used to kick metal balls wrapped in white and blue soccer stripes, and their chest that isn't really shown but is definitely able to sucker punch an hour of a boxing non-stop. They're not bodybuilders when they're like that, they're more like gym instructors. The badges image is what looks like a riot shield over walls and towers, although the one with Deer antlers have the image of a baton that looks like a mix of a Cross and a Star.
When i focus on their hips, the waist mostfully, i see what looks like black blocks with some yellow stripes. (Maybe the black thingies in their hips are holstered pistols?)
Even though i have Heightened Senses, my eyes starts to get blurry when i tried to focus on this thing and i can't get Keen Eyes to work. (So, some kind of Disrupting magic were installed to prevent any kind of information gathering? That's nice.
Bet it cost a lot for having these security in the first place)
Getting only foots away from these people, Ishka waves at them like it's normal occurrences and turns off the engine when we're right in front of each other. (Figures, since she lives here and i don't know if the patrol guards are the same as always but, i think she's used to them day by day?)
The guy with Deer antlers, who has the old man complexion like he's in his 40's, is gold-haired with the hair going straight down.
Wearing the same outfit as the other, the only thing that differentiates him is the Rank on the shoulder and chest that he puts the badge on.
With the light red eyes of a seasoned hunter, despite being from a herbivore's Blood, is his deer eyes that is starting to show their age and have some of it's inner cell stray on the sides of it's pupils.
A scar that might be caused from sharp metal slash can be seen in his left eye crossing to his nose, which is a little closer to that of a normal deer. (If i'm a Wolfman, shouldn't i be having wolf ears and tails, some furs on my skin?
Maybe i'm just not old enough, or it's like an Evolution stage where if you get to certain point like getting stronger or accomplished some task, you get to be closer to your ancestors?
Still lots of otherworldly things to uncover from this other writer, if i may say so myself)
"(Ishka) Ey Chief, mind opening the gate?". She reach out her hand to the one in-charge for a fistbump, signifying their bond might be tighter than a band-rope.
He goes with the flow as his bumps with hers while inspecting us and the ones standing by behind us by going to the right side of the bike. "(Chief?) Ishka, huh? Wait for the inspection to clear up.
Just doing our job, miss and kids.
And hey uh, you doing okay on your Wind magic, Rex?". He goes on to sit his hand on Rex, waiting for a fist-bump and switch glances with the ones under his order at times.
He return the gesture with a little bump and sticks his head out to heighten himself up. "(Rexar) It's going to be finished, okay mister Chief?
But i hoped for it to finish faster so i can go help my father"
He smirk while scratching his gruffy face, sincerely thinking something genuine in his eyes. "(Chief?) I'm sure he'll be glad to have you around him". He caresses his head as to make his day just a little brighter.
He touch the harsh yet gentle hand and put it to a stop while being cheered by him. "(Rexar) OK, Thanks!"
While they were having a conversation, each of his colleague is checking for signs of abnormalities in the three of us and the bike with scanners.
Basically, it's not too different from the outside world.
"(Chief?) Say uh, the grey-haired kid? Who's he from?". I in respond turn my head to him as we match each other's gaze and i am locked in his sight.
Something about his stare that is being given is that of Pity, and Remorse. (Feels like i'm being preyed upon... Ugh!)
She touches my shoulder, like reassuring me that she'll be there for when a riot's about to happen. "(Ishka) Arlan Gritt, first time in the city. What, ya gonna give him a full ID check?". When i look into her eyes, it is that of a protective older sibling, like Elena when trying to cover for me.
He backs away a little to make our guards lower down a little, defusing the tension from her direction. "(Chief?) Nope, ain't my thing for doing that on a kid.
Besides, i'm glad to see another kid from the 'Gritt Duo of The Front' ". He takes a few steps closer as he whispers to us while looking away from the others. "(Chief?) (grimly) Though, you should be prepared for any... disturbances set on him inside the walls"
(Hmm? Disturbances? I don't like the tone he said it with)
"(Ishka) Yeah, his and ours' parents agreed already anticipated it, and they know he's an... 'Extraordinaire' ". She looks onto the waiting strangers that awaits for their turn to come by as the check up might be a little longer than it's supposed to be.
As they talk, i look at the sun that is getting down with the vibe of orange and red simmering throughout the horizon, wondering what they mean by the word 'Extraordinare'. (I suppose i might be some of those rare cases of birth where by one point or another, can become very dangerous if left alone)
The Chief close in on my face, and i back away with a frown as i get discomforted by his unknown intent. "(Chief?) Hmm, An 'Extraordinare', huh?
I'll keep that in mind. Here's hoping he won't...". He stare to the mountains, something far away and not something in reach, like remembering about losing some precious keepsake of a certain someone. "(Chief?) *sighs* I talked enough, sorry for that, kid". He apologized with the eyes that shows just Pity rather than Remorse nor both, and he stroll a bit backwards to where his cadets is.
He look at some screen-like tablet from the scanners, and he nods along as he supervises them. (I, don't like where this is going one bit)
*short beeps*
"(Chief?) Ah, you're all free to come in". He guides his hands as to let the others waiting that their turn is next.
I breathe out a sigh as i lump by back on my seat. (Phew, i thought they'd deny us access just because of my hair color)
My head is being patted, and i see Ishka nodding as to tell me that it's alright. "(Ishka) Try not to scare any kids again, aight, Chief?"
"(Chief?) *giggles* Yeah, and give my regards to Raisya's magnificent brews, will ya? Safe Trip!". He waves at us as the bike is starting up.
*Engine starts up*
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"(Ishka) Will do"
We all wave back without a word as the tension still arose in the back of our head, and just left it behind.
". . . Miss, who was that just now?". I look at her with a concern over what is really happening in the background where only i get to not know the context of why i am being getting different treatment than the others.
She take a glance while still watching the road ahead and it's not really bustling with machineries as i thought it would, but definitely a little bit more than the living cart-pullers. "(Ishka) Don'tcha mind that patrol guy!
I promise i'll buy ya some snacks 'fore we get there, yeah?". She looks incredibly troubled by my sad state, and thought of something in a whim that might get my minds off things.
I nod lightly down, and stares at the sceneries that is supposed to entertain me but somehow is dulled by the weight of overthinking what's really going to happen to me once i set my foot. "... Yes, thank you Miss..."
(Shucks, i forgotten to use Keen Eyes back there, but he doesn't seem that great to me except when knowing these two know each other and ... *sighs*). Unsure of what will happen to me, i can only look at the surroundings trying to forget the moment just now.
First thing that came to my eyes is how wide the road is.
It's size was on par with a typical L.A setting highway.
Pedestrians walking on the side road, loads of Demi-humans living their live.
From all the books i've read, seeing them directly like this does not do justice, and neither does knowing it's all just virtual.
"(Ishka) Majestic, ain't it? And here i thought i know the whole world when i was at Rex's age.
Lived here for 5 years and the feeling, it never gets old"
"... I, always dreamt of going here and yes it's majestic, i guess...". As my mind is filled with some negative thoughts here and there, i have some stutter in my talk, so to speak. "...
So your family moved here from outside Shaarik?"
"(Ishka) Yep, in a village where people calls it Yellowroad, 'cause many trees live there, and always make the road filled with yellow leaves when it's Spring, get it?
Me and fellas always go to the upper hills, ya should go there with us sometimes!". Trying to liven things up, she describe her memory of the one place that she can go home to.
Not wanting to let the sadness over conquer me, i tap my cheek a few time as to let my childish aura reign once again. "Hmm, i'll ask for my parents first but yeah, i'd like to!"
"(Rexar) The duo hobbits back in the village, sis, how are they?". Rexar interrupts as he bring about a new topic that i don't know the details of, yet again.
"(Ishka) Eh, the same prickly chum as always". She talks in a disinterested tone with some anger mixed in.
"(Rexar) If i'm not wrong, the older one of the two enrolled as your colleague, isn't it?"
Ishka sighs heavily and raises her voice to let it all out. "(Ishka) Right, Right! Annoying bug is always saying 'it's better this, it's better that' when it's class for Scouting. No wonder he can't get a score on the test and that's why i . . ."
As i see them both chatting up, i got reminded that i don't have such opportunity to go have one myself despite being a younger sibling of one.
I envy them of their atmosphere that i've been looking for as long as i could since i am born, Platonic Relationship, and have the negative thoughts spits inside my head. (Look at them go. If only i had my sister, man why does she doesn't come home this 4 years?
What kind of trials she had, anyways?
Unless if it's very important for her, like say an order by His Majesty King Alec Shaarik to commandeer a battle for territories, i might as well think she's good as dead.
I don't even know what she looks like, what she sounds like, her pasts, her acquaintances, not a single characteristics of her was known to me!
So frustrating, i'll leave that for another time). While they're having some chat about their childhood, here i am just enjoying the ride and identifying each race i saw.
Most of these are known from the books and experiences that everyone from the house told me, so i'm not sure if this is up to date or is somewhat inaccurate, but i think they're still applicable in most of their basic definition.
Giants, originally born in normal baby size, they can grow to the height of a tree when they reach 6 years old and to prevent any dangerous accident, giant couples live far in wide rural villages.
They can shrink their size to the size of a normal human by restricting their powers and intellect they have and is done by using unknown Bloodline chants.
And knowing how tall Raisya's family aside from Carmine is, i wouldn't be surprised if that's the reason why she didn't visit our family that much in the past.
Light Elves and Dark Elves, another popular race, having the highest Affinity in their magic. Both in power and capacity, half of them can learn all elemental magic, and either had their Light or Dark Spirit magic.
Light Elves is the most efficient in range-based weapons, such as Bows, Spears and Throwing Knives. These might be the reason why i saw alot of Light Elves on the towers and upper walls.
Dark Elves on the other hand, is most efficient in tactics and intelligence gathering, so they doesn't appear much and most just stays behind the scene.
(Most of them that passes by is countable by all my fingers, and the reason for that, could it be some race war or discrimination? ... Hopefully, they're not at a dispute at all
That, and the Dark Elves are the rarer one in terms of population because... their spirits restricts them from...being pregnant? How the heck does that kind of logic works? Is it magic or their spirits? Heck, is Spirits a variant of magic, their own race or what?!
This kind of thing is what makes me stay awake at night.
I'll definitely ask mother about this)
Dwarves, who doesn't know their 'peaceful' relationship with the elves?
Proficient in arsenals, machines, maintenance, tools, etc.
They may not look like it, but they're on heck of a fighter race. Aside from giants, dwarves are also known for chugging down drinks 5 times their belly size. (Wherever do them liquids go?
I'll bet whatever currency in Shaarik that equals 10 dollars for guessing Carmine is definitely the one who made and maintains my parents' arsenals, wherever they keep it)
Beastfolks, are the most varied in terms of their appearance and characteristics. You may meet a Fur-fledged Wolfman with a wolf nose and fangs, then another just a normal guy having some Owl-eyes and Wings behind their back.
(Wonder how much trouble they have in picking their clothes, food, living environmentand others)
Just another trivial thing, but there are pools full of mud for servicing Pigmen, Buffalomen, Rhinomen, etc. Of course, it's not just for Beastmen.
These guys are also varied in their proficiencies , from Dogmen's Smelling , Horsemen's Stamina , and Eaglemen's Wide Sight. (After getting Siren's Howl, i guess i also come from Wolves origin?
When the time comes, i'll have to ask Father : Is it strange to be afraid of your own ancestor?)
Seafolks is just a variant of Beastfolks, so there's not much to say aside from that they need to be wet with waters from each own's habitat. (Man, what i'd give to see a sight of Sharkmen serving seafood in a restaurant
Thinking about all this got me hungry, what kind of food do they provide in here?)
"(Ishka) Say, y'all wanna stop a bit and eat something?". Ishka interrupts my mind wandering and makes me give in to reality again.
In an enthusiastic manner, he pulls her shirt wanting to say something while also getting a part of her attention. "(Rexar) Sis, sis! The 'usual' spot!"
"(Ishka) Hmm, The 'usual', eh?". She pouts a little as if remembering something bad that she doesn't want to get on again.
"Uh, i'm a bit lost so, Rex?"
"(Rexar) It's a van that sells light snacks and drinks, my favorite's 'Earthly Dragon Burger'!". He tries to replicate what it looks like with his hands, even though i know of what it's going to be, even if only roughly.
A circle-shaped bread with some innings of cow meat, vegetables and sauces on the side is the definition of what a burger is on my mind.
"(Ishka) Mine's 'Three-fanged Chicken Meat Strips', i say we go there first". I got reminded of long sausage-shaped meat that is only filled with tender and juicy chicken meat.
As i get to imagine what they're going to taste differently, my mind tells me to keep the expectation low-barred. "... *gulps* Isn't that called fast food? Oh well, i wanna have a taste of them.
Go for it, Miss!"
"(Ishka) Rightio!". She speeds up as we roll along the highway, passing by the other cars and carts, and getting off the highway and turning to some junctions before it turns to a four-way asphalt with intersections inside the city.
. . .