After viewing his stats Tom asked the system, 'You know when I used the Pupa perk I got healed without going through the cocoon faze. I now realize that could have been very dangerous for me, so why didn't anything like that happen?'
[User is in Tutorial Mode currently any physical modifications, and access to abilities are restricted. In addition each Dimension user inhabits has restrictions laid upon system based on access granted through Karma usage. Further information on Karma usage only available once making use of Karma.]
'Hmm, didn't really answer my question, let me rephrase, why didn't I become some sort of animal hybrid monstrosity when I used the Pupa Perk.'
[This system is designed to enhance user. In this dimension is becoming an "Animal Hybrid Monstrosity" is not supported so it would be detrimental to user. The only time user would become such a thing after use of Pupa Perk would be either a dimension that is inhabited by an eldritch being or a scientific universe where body mods like that would work. Ex. Lovecraftian dimensions, or Warhammer 40K. WARNING most cases of becoming a monstrosity leads to becoming a being of extreme negative Karma, caution is required.]
'OK guess that answers that, next question then. I haven't actually absorbed a human corpse yet, so what would happen if I do?'
[Tutorial mode still active user must absorb a corpse to gain the essence to find out. Note how user gains access to corpse will affect Karma value.]
'Woah, what happened? You usually are so informative.'
[During Tutorial mode answers to higher functions cannot be asked until conditions are met. User must absorb a corpse to gain the essence to find out. Note how user gains access to corpse will affect Karma value.]
'OK, Would it hurt to ask about things that are restricted to me?'
[Negative, user will just get same canned response no matter how you phrase the question. Restrictions are there for a reason.]
'Figures that there would be all kinds of limitations in something like this. Although thanks to this I've lived with my family much longer. alright last question for the moment before I get back to the biggest and longest part to my grand tour. System, why haven't I been able to train more skills, or even increase my language skills higher?'
[User is of advanced age skills gained through study and practice experience a 90% reduction rate. Any existing skill will advance or be gained through corpse absorption at this juncture of user's existence. All the stat increases from same actions prevent users demise at this point in users existence, due to set lifespan of user's current body. For Basic Language it's rate of growth is limited by user's age and lack of mastery of any single language. User has been only learning languages to a minimum proficiency so barely any growth is given to the skill.]
'Makes sense although the sear amount of languages should assist in growth.'
[The skill Basic Language is the Middle lower end of the spectrum of the Communication Tree, any advancement in it is pretty good. Again user's growth in this dimension is reduced by 90%]
Tom getting the hint decided it would be a better use of his time to continue with his grand tour. During his audio study of languages he found out that due to gaining the skills of Shoyo Hinata from the Haikyuu! he had apparently gained a basic mastery of the Modern Japanese Language so that had been one less language for him to study. Still he had a ways to go to make it easier to enjoy the tour of that continent. He decided since he had a basic mastery of some of the European languages already from his previous tours that he would start his tour in the European countries and go from there.
1.5 Years Later
Tom's tour of Europe had gained him the essence of goat, llama, and sheep, each essence seemed to extend his lifespan by about a year. He had gained goat and sheep by visiting farms just before the deliveries of the meat were to be made. For Llama he just happened to be at a traffic accident were a truck delivering some lumber had hit a flock of llamas crossing the path. That had been a tragic scene the herdsman had been distraught. Tom had tried contacting his son Matthew who was a Veterinarian as to how to help the devastated man. His son's reply, "There's almost no way to help him beyond saving the one's that can be saved and helping him with grief. I can walk you through some basic animal first aid, but first have you contacted the local authorities?" After confirming that someone else on the tour was contacting the local authorities, Tom went out and began assisting with saving what llama's he could with his son's advice, since any first aid he knew was for humans. Although some things were universal apply pressure to slow down bleeding, etc.
As eventful as that incident was Tom had enjoyed his time touring each country doing good deeds were he could, while seeing the sights of historical significance. Truly Europe had a vast areas of dense history and panoramic vistas of immense beauty. Of course access to conflict zones had been difficult, for those countries he basically did quick forays using humanitarian organizations to access the areas in combination with the passes his son Clark had gotten him. He hadn't been able to see much, but had been able to assist some refugees to escape the area. Again he was foiled in bringing them to the U.S. due to red F**ing tape, but at least he was able to get them financial aid through his own contacts. All his actions garnered him an additional +5 positive Karma even though he felt that he hadn't really done much.
Feeling weary Tom headed back to the States to be with his family some more. He realized that it would take him a lot longer to complete the grand tour with these breaks he was taking, but it was worth it. He needed to take time off from the trip and with the essences he was absorbing the pressure he was under decreased. It was unfortunate that he couldn't just continue absorbing the same essences, but a well, at least he still had options since he really didn't want to absorb anyone's essence even if the benefits were so good.
Once more Tom enjoyed is family time he stayed for 6 months he even helped his daughter with her gardening project, which incidentally got him started on plant essences. Tom was making some progress in Basic Languages though, turns out each essence he absorbed from an animal that had some form of communication added to his skill. Also his bare bones study method, while slow and inefficient was still adding to the skill. The main reason he was so going about the gaining of language so poorly is that he wanted to increase his ability to multitask, which he believed would be more useful when in the other dimensions. He'd made great use of it so far when especially when trying to handle all his little grandchildren running around. He may be old, but the stat-ups were no joke, he was actually to keep up with their shenanigans and enjoy the chaos. Still as fun as that was it was time for his next step of the grand tour. Next stop the Middle East, he was sure he wouldn't be there as long as the next step would be.
6 Months Later
Holy $hit that was an intense period, I mean all that religious history jam-packed with all that heat. Amazing vistas, ancient ruins, those intricate and strict rules he had to respect, both the discipline needed to follow and the belief that they had meaning. He hoped they did otherwise what a tragedy. When he had asked the system the reply had been. [User's access to that information is Denied, access level needed restricted. User will get same response until authority of user is Omnidietic. Even then the information may still be unavailable.]
Hearing that Tom decided discretion would be the better part of valor and count his blessings that he hadn't been penalized and headed back home to recover from the intensity that was the heated Middle East. He was thankful in getting the Camel essence during his travels because it had helped him greatly handle the heat. He had gotten the Camel essence practically the same way he'd gotten the Llama essence a car accident this time though it was a reckless driver speeding around a curve hitting a single camel crossing the road. Miraculously the driver survived, Tom did have step in before the owner of the camel would finish the job though. He gained +1 Karma from that, apparently the person he saved wasn't a good person, seems the reckless driver had done this before, the Karma gain had been preventing the camel owner from committing a crime.
Once again he spent 6 months in the states hanging out with family and even getting some travel as well taking his grandson Harry on a tour of the countries capital. Remarking to him that the Greek style architecture of the venerable city was hilariously mistaken on the color scheme. Apparently in ancient Greece they painted all their beautiful building extremely bright and flamboyant colors. Meaning that the choice of the founding fathers to build the buildings in white and grey was super funny. After enjoying his time there he went on his next part of the Grand Tour Asian part of the continent.
1.5 Years Later
Truly a fascinating area, so much history, so much love, hatred, and tragedy. He Finally completed the seeing of all the man-made wonders of the world. He gained the essences of Goose, Horse, and Oyster. Oyster and goose were easy he just went to locations were he could get fresh food. For horse it was a case of bad luck where there was a parade and the float had fallen onto it. Other than that he had a relatively easy time going to many tourist locations and interacting with many different people. Tom felt that the culture he was raised in didn't really prepare him for the concepts presented to him during the time he spent in Asia. The scenery of the countries were spectacular and gave Tom a sense that he would never truly see every single thing his planet had to offer. Having expanded his mentality he went home to finish the Final leg of the Grand Tour. The Touring of all the countries of North America and the states he's never been to.
Tom spent another 6 months with his great-grandchildren, including himself in every school-trip and events he could make it to. So many cute little scenes of triumph, comedy, and shear childish wonder. Feeling rejuvenated Tom then proceeded with his tour of every country outside of the US on the North American continent.
9 Months Later
It was Fun exploring all those little tropical paradise locations and using the accumulated skills he gained to really take a good look at the surrounding areas. Tom enjoyed talking to the locals and really learning the opinions of people who lived so close to his birth country. While he didn't always agree with them, he did respect their points. While touring Canada he passed through Alaska crossing it off his state list. Again his perk helped him deal with the cold temperature, he even got to try ice fishing for the first time. With all the tropical travel he was able to gain Mackerel and Tuna essence. He was noticing diminishing returns of increasing his lifespan though, the 2 together only gave him a year. Still it was quite a feat to see so much splendor and enjoy so much hospitality. He decided that for his state tour he would try to include any of his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren that were available to go for short tours of parts of each state.
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5 Years Later
Tom had done it, sure he had taken a longer time to finish the last leg, but he rejoiced in the having spent all this time with his family. During those travels he extended his life further by successfully gaining many essences. They were Crow, Hare, Pigeon, Possum, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, and Seagull. His age limit was pushing so hard that as good as the essences were for him the length given was so short. His progress with insects and plants just wasn't occurring fast enough to work. Nevertheless he made the last trip of his tour on the way to meet his first ever great-great-grandchild.
[Ding Achievement Unlocked, Globetrotter, +2 to all stats and the Perk World Compass. This perk makes it so the user always knows their location on any planet user stands upon.]
'As awesome as that sounds I'm going to meet the latest member of my family.'
Holding the adorable child Tom asked his great-grandchild Hestia, "So what's the name you want to name this lovely little bundle of joy." She replied, "Bruce." Feeling worn-down he handed Bruce back to Hestia and said, "A fine name I believe you will be a great parent, remember that children need love in abundance, with occasional bouts of discipline. I believe I need to go to home now, have a goodnight, I Love you." Tom hugged Hestia and gave Bruce a peck on the forehead and proceeded to head home. As he lay in bed he realized that His time was up.
'Status' He said for the last time as he fell asleep.
Race: Animaliamorphic Human (Human with many animal and some insect traits)
Age 94 Level 34 (exp 1400/28000)
Condition: Dying (Stats shown will be only what a person at peak health would be. Otherwise consider everything sealed.)
Strength 27H>31H
Dexterity 31H>46H
Constitution 35H>53H
Intelligence 30H>45H
Wisdom 30H>45H
Charisma 16H>17H
Basic Languages F>E, Body Language G>F, Camouflage H>G, Car Mechanics H, Cleaning I>H, Cooking H, Dive H>F, Driving G, Enhanced Hearing F>E, Enhanced Smell F>E, Enhanced Swimming G>E, Enhanced Vision G>E, Fist Fighting F, Maintenance H, Mathematics H, Marine Martial Arts H, Night Vision H, Parallel Thinking H+>G, Shooting H, Volleyball G, New Skills (Acting I, Cold Resistance G, Digging H, Heat Resistance G)
Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Pupa, Stoic, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Blue Wildebeest, Camel, Chicken, Crow, Cow, Deer, Goat, Goose, Hare, Horse, Impala, Kangaroo, Llama, Mackerel, Mouse, Oyster, Pig, Pigeon, Possom, Rabbit, Raccoon, Rat, Reindeer, Salmon, Seagull, Sheep, Trout, Tuna, Turkey, Zebra), World Compass
Corpse Absorption Progress
Ants (.01111), Bedbugs (.00042), Cockroaches (.00194), Dandelion (.00016), Earwigs (.00011), Fly (.00298), Ivy (.003) Mosquito (.01978), Moth (.00049), Pill Bug (.00032), Slug (.00059), Spider (.00023), Wasp (.00003)
Abilities: Sealed (Tutorial Pocket, Flight H>G)
Achievements: Family Man, For The Family!, Globetrotter, Survivor
Karma: 34 Total Positive
Tom Riddle's funeral was well attended by all his extended family.
[Rolling Next Dimension]