Chapter 1: Prologue

“You will come to me child, Or I will come to you” a deep voice beckons.


Feyte wakes up, groggily looking around after the strange dream she woke up from, wondering why she would have such a strange dream once again, as she’s been hearing the same voice for the last few days.


Feyte gets up out of bed, legs buckling as she does, being careful to not wake any of the others up as she heads towards the dining area.


Feyte quietly opens the door, being careful to try not make any sound with the creaky door.


Feyte winces when the door creaks when she hears movement from some of the beds, thankfully, they don't seem to have woken up


Outside the door, waiting, there is a lady with luscious blonde hair and a clergy outfit.


“Good morning, Linda” Feyte mumbles so that the other children will not be disturbed


“Good Morning Feyte, May Aria Bless You”


Feyte nods thinking about how nothing has ever gone well in her life.


*Aria, Bless me, yeh, like that'll ever happen* Feyte thinks as she rolls her eyes


“Feyte, would you be able to go to the market and buy some food supplies for the week?”


“I can go to the market to buy some food Sister Linda, what will we need?”


“We will need some bread, milk would be good for the children and get some meat if you can get it cheap” Linda hands Feyte Some coins, 9 Silvers and 60 Coppers


“Ok, got it, I'll see what I can do Sister Linda”


“Make sure you don’t wake anybody on your way out Feyte.”


Feyte nods and starts walking out of the orphanage before any of the others wake up and she gets blamed for it


Feyte walks out of the dilapidated building and walks towards the market square. When she arrives, it's bustling with activity, people haggling over the price of meat, a magician breathing flames with a crowd watch, a petty thief getting chased by a store owner. “As lively as always, wait what”


Feyte quickly turns to realise the thief wasn't just her imagination and that he is coming straight towards her giving her little time to move out of the way.


Feyte stomps her foot down and quickly rotates, preparing her fist and punches the man in the gut, sending him toppling to the ground in pain.


Feyte holds his arm behind his back in a deadlock as she yells “GUARDS!”


The guards arrive and tie up the robber as he tries to escape in vain due to the pain he is feeling in his stomach.


The Store owner runs over to Feyte “Thank….. you, thank….. you” between his labored breaths


“There’s no need to thank me sir, I only did what anybody would do”


“Still, I thank you, please follow me to my shop for my appreciation.”


“Alright, thank you sir, it means a lot to me”


Feyte looks around as she follows the owner to watch the petty haggling that is ensuing in the marketplace.


“This bread is for 10 coppers a loaf”


“I’ll take it for 8”


“9, my final offer”




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As Feyte follows the store owner, she notices the man heading towards the butcher, Feyte’s lip rises into a small grin upon realising the destination


The man walks into the butchers, “Welcome to my humble store, I appreciate the fact you helped me, what would u like, i’ll give u a discount”


“I’ll take some pork thank you, however much you can give me for this” Feyte says as she takes 3 silvers out of her pouch.


“3 silvers ay? Should be enough for this” says the man as he pulls out 4 kilograms of pork and measures it on the scale.


“Thank you, I truly appreciate your generosity, it means a lot for us, I hope to see you again soon”

Feyte leaves the butchers and continues walking through the marketplace. She arrives at the bakery ready to make her purchase.


“Hello Sir, I would like 10 loaves of bread”


“That will be 1 silver Miss Feyte, good to see you again, shopping for the other kids again, are you?”


“Yes Sir, here’s your silver”


“Here’s the loaves Feyte, good luck helping the kids”


“Thank you Sir, I hope to return soon”


Feyte puts the bread in her bag and continues down the street when suddenly a dark voice resounds in her head.


“I came for you child, but where have you run to?”


Feyte counts the remaining money in her pouch, 5 silvers and 60 coppers


Feyte walks up to the stall, “Hello sir, I would like some milk, 3 liters of milk please”


“That will be 2 silvers, young Lady”


“Here you go sir, here’s your silvers”


The man hands Feyte three milk jugs, Feyte Grabs the milk jugs as the ground starts shaking as an explosion resounds through the city.


“HOW DARE YOU RUN FROM ME” a voice resounds throughout the city


Feyte trembles as she hears the voice since she's been hearing it recently.


Feyte starts walking back with the supplies on her way to the orphanage.


“He has spoken! The only survivor is the cause of this tragedy today!”


Feyte stays and listens to the sermon of the diviner of the Church Of Divine Sight as they are known for having the ability to see the future.


“They must be dealt with for they will cause more tragedies in the future!


Her crimes will not be forgotten for what she has done, the system shall prevail, for the gods will it!


They cannot escape Fate!”


Feyte ponders the revelation that has been given by the diviner.


As Feyte continues her way to the orphanage, an explosion happens ahead and her heart drops as it sounded from the direction of the orphanage.


Feyte continues onto the orphanage, now jogging and notices smoke coming up from where it is and panics, Feyte sprints towards the orphanage and she stumbles, dropping some of the supplies, two of the milk jugs smash into the ground and break apart. As she hears screams ahead from the direction of the orphanage, she gets more anxious from the screams and continues sprinting towards the orphanage after getting back up.


Arriving on the street of the orphanage, Feyte sees the orphanage and tenses up. The orphanage is on fire.