Hello and welcome, dear readers! I'm glad you've taken an interest in Solo Scout! You’ve reached the end for now, so be sure to keep an eye out for future updates!
This is one of many stories that I've been working on for a while now, though it feels as though I've hardly begun putting pen to paper. Truth be told, I wasn't planning on publishing any chapters until I'd completed the first "volume," but after spending months editing and altering the same few chapters, I realized that I would never finish the story if I didn't just start putting it out there!
I've long enjoyed anime, manga, and light novels, and some of my favorite stories have come out of the Isekai genre. But I wanted to put my own twist on the Isekai formula - change the field a bit - and in doing so, allow myself to tell a different kind of story while still enjoying some of the elements that made me love the genre so much. As such, you might find that Solo Scout leans into some themes that most mainstream Isekais either don't approach or don't go into very deeply. There will still be plenty of the elements that make the genre fun to read - no worries there! - but I don't want to just tell the same story with a different coat of paint. Amon, Elise, and the rest of the cast have become very dear to me, and I want to share their unique stories as best as I possibly can!
To that end, I hope that those of you who enjoy the story - or who at least see the potential in it that I do - will be honest and constructively critical as you read, and let me know your thoughts so that I can continue to improve overall as a writer while bringing you the Solo Scout that you truly deserve to read!
Thank you for your time, and Welcome to Terminal! I hope that your stay is exciting!
Best wishes,
You are reading story The Solo Scout of the Summoned Hero Association at novel35.com