-Beep! -Beep!
"I'm ready!"
Eijiro sprung out of bed going full bulletproof, ready for anything!
"You still have three days left dear!" A motherly voice shouted down the hall, looking at the time he realised it was a bit early.
But he set the alarm on purpose to not be late and miss anything, 'I always have to be prepared,' he plopped back on his bed.
"Three days just three days and I'll take part in the entrance exam... screw sleep!"
He jumped back out of bed and went outside, 'I can at least practise passing the time,' he went outside to the front yard and got in a stance, 'alright bulletproof!' He mentally shouted as his whole skin hardened.
He swung left and right pushing the air around, following with a leg sweep and front flip axe kick. In the nine months, he'd become a greenbelt in karate, with a dedication to the art he mastered ways of defence and offence becoming adept in close combat.
'Maybe I should also learn Muaythai,' he thought coming out of his hardened state, he flicked his fingers one by one solidifying each of them it was a control exercise so he could be more specific with his quirk.
Followed by some light stretching he hardened his scalp and pulled out a black hair, "alright let's try this again," his fist hardened and soon the hair strand also it became a thin meter-long pole.
"How long this time," this was something he discovered with his control exercises he dropped the piece and watched it a small bead of sweat came down his face as the piece turned back to normal hair, 'barely thirty seconds it's still a great improvement.'
The day was spent with nothing but light training, the second day was the same and the third as well which was accompanied by his parent's complete support every five minutes and finally the day of the exam.
-Beep! -Beep! -Boom!
A hardened fist smashed the clock, Eijiro opened his eyes with a burning flame, "Yeah!"
"Yeah!" His parents shouts also echoed down the hall! They were pumped up too!
It was time, after a long shower and tying his hair in a ponytail, he went downstairs in his uniform and his outfit to change into for the exam upon entering the kitchen he gasped "Woah!"
He awed at the breakfast set on the table, eggs, bacon and more bacon! "Surprise!"
"A growing boy needs his meat!" his mother smirked, "mn and winner must eat like a king!"
"Hehe, this is so cool, thank you for the meal!" He got down and started coming down.
His father gave a knowing smile nodding, with his mom leaning on him, to say their support spurred him on further.
Right before leaving though they pulled him in for a tight hug, not wanting to let go his dad used his quirk to keep an Iron grip on him, "just a little longer, remember to give it your all when they see your spirit shine they won't hesitate to bring you into UA."
"A no even if the worst case happens there is nothing wrong coming back with your head down, nothing can go as expected you have to keep thinking about what comes next improve, adapt and overcome," She said rubbing his cheek.
"Cough, she read that from a website." His dad muffled under his breath. But it didn't make the words any less true.
'I can do this!' Eijiro steeled himself staring down the building of the academy doors.
"Pretty big right?" Mina said popping into existence beside him.
"Woah where did you come from?" He never felt her coming.
"You looked like you were about to chicken out, so I waited," she patted his shoulders, "come on let's go in!" She ran in smiling.
"H-hey wait for me," he ran after her. Entering the lecture hall both found seats next to each other and sat down, one by one the room filled until it was a sea of students.
"Wow, so many people! Man competition is looking tight!" He slammed his fist in excitement.
It wasn't long though as a banana-haired hero walked up to the stage none other than present mike!
"Ahem, WELCOME ONE AND ALL TO MY LIVE SHOW! EVERYBODY SAY YEAAAAH!" His voice boomed reaching everyone.
"ALRIGHT! NOW PAY CLOSE ATTENTION!" He continued and went on to the details of the exam.
'So ten minute practise at one of their constructed cities, villains worth 1 point are easy, two points alright and 3 points a challenge, but I should also help as many people as I can, hero doesn't just fight bad guys after all. But at least I should rack 6 points a minute.'
He was in deep thought after the presentation and as he was getting changed he wore nothing but Red shorts and a black shirt with a printed picture of "crimson riot" on it.
He set his watch to buzz every minute, the moment he arrived at his city where the people were waiting he bolted straight in!
"Eh wait what are you doing!?" One of the students shouted and soon many to about waiting for the go.
"There's no countdown in a real battle!" He shouted back.
The motorized humming of wheels reached him as a one-point robot raced to him! 'Just the arm,' he raised it hardening into a blade he jumped to the side clashing at it.
Another one came immediately behind him, 'Bulletproof,' it tackled him but he didn't budge pushing it back he jumped with an axe kick crushing it, 'two!'
"That's cheating!" Another yelled but as soon as they said that Present mike appeared.
The others charged in immediately, as Kirishimasmashed another two small robots.
"Come on!" He grinned and went bulletproof as a larger one appeared a two-pointer it moved on four legs and an extra appendage like a scorpion, he dodged its stab and grabbed its tail!
'Hup!' he lifted the thing and threw it, "Hah!" into a one-point robot. 'That's seven!'
He grinned and ran further into the city if he stayed close to the beginning then most of them would be taken out.
Three small ones and one three-pointer burst throw the walls the big one launched rockets, he didn't plan on dodging and took the blasts!
You are reading story To Become Unstoppable at novel35.com
"My Shirt! They don't make these anymore!" He screamed and tacked the nearest small one and sliced it in two causing an explosion in the smoke he punched through the second one.
Beeps echoed and the Three-pointer launched more missiles while charging, "Thc," he swerved past the attacks as the one-pointer charged also he clashed with it before using its momentum and throwing it into the big one and slamming into the two unleashing a barrage of blows.
They exploded in a glorious flame and he walked out unbothered and still bulletproof, 'thirteen and still nearly two minutes.'
"Ah, I can't do this!" He snapped immediately to the voice of a student who was on the floor against a medium robot.
"Hey tin can!" he threw a piece of scrap at it and charged shouting to the guy, "move now!"
"Ha! Yeh!" he crawled away and watched Eijiro ram into the robot cracking through the fake building both exploding and he stepping out completely fine.
"Are you okay," he asked turning off his hardening and checking for any wounds people can get hurt after all.
"Y-yeah thank you so much!" he bowed to him and looked up his pupil shrunk seeing another two-pointer leaping from the roof.
"No problem just be care-"
It landed right on top of him, "gah!" the kid squealed back but was then in awe as Eijiro stood fine but his hair was all hardened and pointing upwards like a porcupine, he skewered the robot!
"What is that now 17 points now, guess their hair band was for nothing," he said moving so the pieces fell off, he said nothing and went back into the fight.
"Two three-pointers! Hell yeah!" He smirked going bulletproof once more, "charge!" He ran straight towards them sliding past and jumping over their rocket getting close he formed blades.
The sound of metal tearing drew some attention as he slashed through their armour. 23 points and 6 minutes remained.
Another set of small ones was coming towards him but they were chasing a student, "Can I get some help my quirk needs to reset!" the person jumped avoiding a strike.
"Get behind me!" Kiri ran in his direction as he passed him he got in a stance going full harden.
-Bam! -Whirr!
They slammed into him and he barely held them back, "how much time do you need!?" he shouted pushing them back a little, his grip was tearing into the metal.
"Ah, T-two minutes!"
"That's too long!" he pushed them back and got in a stance his front fist hardened and the back sharpened he charged the small robots delivering a kick, slash and full force punch each exploding.
"Recover and get back in okay?" He smiled giving a thumbs up, "good luck." 25 points 5 minutes.
He was careful in his fights taking on 3 medium-sized threats by punching through them, a large robot by grabbing its missiles and using them against it and three smaller robots sprinkled throughout. His total points now were 37.
All of this was in a little over a minute as the other students thought he saw a girl with her back against the wall clutching her ankles, 'really?'
He walked up to her there was no need to ask so he just acted, "you're too close to these fights you might get caught up."
"A no I-I'm fine," she tried to get up but hurt herself, "It's okay," he was careful and lifted her, and started sprinting near the outside.
"I'll take care of her," a medic came to them, "you go back to the fighting kid," he reassured him taking the girl, Kiri nodded before giving a thumbs up and sprinting back into the city.
"I've barely got three minutes left!"
A medium robot he picked up the pace and headbutted the thing pushing it back not letting up he followed with full power side kick destroying it, he went further back to where most were fighting and another one burst through the building beside him and with no delay he crushed with an axe kick.
Just as he was done that a large one came leaping off a rooftop and launching missiles avoiding them was an easy thing but it was aiming for him. 44 points.
So he did what he knew he hardened himself and braced it crashing into him he rose and tore it from the inside out.
Just as he got out of the rubble the ground shook. The mother of all robots revealed itself, the zero-pointer.
"That things huge!" Many made the realization it was worth nothing and decided to run opposite to it taking any points that remained.
It roared and struck a building pieces of debris flying all over the place.
"Let's go!" Eijiro roared and ran towards it not to take on the thing no he couldn't but he was quick to analyse, someone running away tripped and a chunk of debris was flying towards him.
"It's okay!" he jumped in front of the man and blocked the impact, "get up and run!"
'Is it going to swing?' he watched seeing the giant robot going in for a punch.
"Someone help!" a voice shouted, "Please help!" And another closer to the machine the moment he met eyes with them his mind was taking him back.
'Man up Kirishima!' he willed himself and charged right ahead, "not on my watch!" He got up close pushing going full bulletproof, "not again!"
"We should stop that one from going any further," one of many heroes watching the current scene spoke up.
"Let's not be too hasty that boy there is going right in look at his face he's smiling too, maybe he's got a plan." Another voice spoke.
"Well how about we can to the last minute and if so then well stop it it's the final minute after all," a third voice joined in silencing the two as they watched on.
He stopped as its fist descended, the most basic of karate blocks he steadied himself as it came down!
-BOOM! -Woosh!
A massive collision followed by a large gust of wind! The fist was two meters above the ground.
He blocked it with the most basic of moves! 'JODAN UKE!' Or its other name the High block! High risk higher reward!