The soul, now with its new hands and arms, attained after a... painful experience, moved from its laying position by kicking its legs, causing a splash of the black-ink substance on the ground. Now it sat in the darkness, resting and bracing its new arms for what it was about to do. It pushed itself up, it made itself stand. It took in the familiar feeling of having four limbs and standing upright as it observed a ripple made from its motion travel to a place that it couldn't perceive.
Now that the being was standing, the only thing left to do was to start walking and exploring the black, dark abyss that was its home, but what direction was it to go? In this world of darkness, there was no way to see anything from a distance until it was in front of the beings face. The soul's mouth let out a "hmm" while pondering which way it was to go. "Ah." It exclaimed, as it seems to have found an answer to its question.
The being turned to its side and selected three directions to travel, straight ahead, to the left , and to the right. It then proceeded to enact a ritual frequently used to pick given choices at random. "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, Moe. Catch the tiger by the- Toe!" The direction that the ritual had chosen was to the left, and so, the being complied with the decision.
It turned toward the way it chose and began walking straight, never deviating from its chosen path. While it walked, it pondered it's existence. It asked itself questions that came to it in that moment.
Where was it from? Likely In the very place it had been in now, the inky darkness that it was traversing through. But what about its knowledge? The ritual it employed was learned from its teachers and parents, but there were no teachers, no parents, nor were there anything resembling people in this place, with the exception of itself. Where was it really from, if not here.
The being went deep into thought for this matter. It had knowledge of an old world and it assumed it had an appearance of those that lived in it as well. Perhaps it came from that world? After all, it referred to that world as if it were a place that it had previously been in, so it wouldn't be too implausible.
"What was I in the old world?" the being verbally questioned itself. No answer had come to it in any form, so it kept walking whilst thinking of what it had been, before it was in this dark abyss.
It continued walking in the same direction until the being had hit something and stumbled backwards because of the impact. "What was that?" it said, before it went closer to examine the object. What it found was a curved wall of wood that seemed to lead upwards, so the being searched around the edges of the new object.
The soul soon found a ladder that lead upward, presumably to the top of the wooden object, and so, the being began climbing the ladder. When it reached the top of the large wooden object, it immediately noticed two things. In the middle of the wooden area, there was a pillar made of similar material to the object, but it extended toward the sky, and on it hung the silhouette of a black cloth, only able to be seen because of the lighter tones in the sky.
The second thing that the being noticed was that, there were smaller objects sprawled around the wooden floor. The soul cautiously walked toward the objects, wary that they might pose a danger to itself. When it got close enough to see the objects, the being noticed they were made of a different material compared to the floor.
The objects were made of two different materials. One part was made of a brilliant gray material that curved upwards until a sharp point, the being recognized it as a blade. The base of the blade was connected to a slightly curved, golden brown rectangle which had two extensions, the one on its back extended outwards towards the back of the blade, and curved upwards with a circular point as its end. The second extension protruded outwards in the direction of the blade's front, stretching outward then curving inwards to connect with the bottom of the rectangle. "A hilt?" the being said aloud, confirming its thoughts with words.
These objects and the thing it stood on reminded it of something, something it had been before, before it was in this place, a pirate. It felt as if it had found the answer to its inquiry of itself, but that feeling wouldn't last, for its unconscious mind pushed feelings of rejection and denial into the forefront of its thoughts. It had never been a pirate before, not in the way that the soul had thought.
The soul was disappointment, but its curiosity flared. Now it knew that it hadn't been what it thought it was before. The being still held the belief that it had been a pirate in the old world, but when it applied the archetype of one to itself, its mind rejected that sort of notion. These conflicting ideas caused the soul to debate itself, it pondered which one was to be truly believed, until it was hit with a sudden headache.
"Kuh.." The being let out a pained groan. It could bear the headache's pain, as it developed a tolerance to such things because of what it experienced before. It focused on bearing the sensation of the headache, when suddenly, new pieces of information appeared in its mind. Vivid visions of its past, visions that told of the old world.
The first vision had it fighting a person in traditional pirate garb with both of them wielding swords and holstering flintlock pistols at their waists. The second vision had shown that the being successfully defeated the other pirate, then the third vision shown it bowing in a certain direction, alongside the other pirate which seemed to spontaneously recover from their battle.
Then, as suddenly as it came, the headache came to a halt, and so did the flow of information and visions. "Wait!" It stretched out its hand. It tried to grasp the flow of information to restore it, but all it did was swipe the air in front of it.
Saddened and unsatisfied, the being let out a noticeably loud sigh. Though it still hadn't gained a clear picture of what it used to be, it received a piece of the puzzle that would ultimately complete the image of the jigsaw puzzle that was itself.
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