Chapter 2: Eight Years

Eight years of pure torture went by at a snails paste, during that time I slowly regained control of my body motors and was able to talk more easily and fluently.

My pain tolerance thankfully went up, if I fell/tripped on something I wouldn't start bawling my eyes out.

I learned a lot about the world I was in, thanks to my fathers books he kept in his small library!

Trust me, I read hours upon hours and learned a lot...

I currently reside in a fantasy world called Nyx.

There are six races which make up six continents and some of them are run by a royal family or another higher power.

The human continent which is named the Kingdom of Alejandro is run by the Hanlon royal family.

FYI... My family and I live on this continent or I should say kingdom.

The elven continent which is named the Kingdom of Serenity is run by the Devi Royal family.

My first thought when I learned about this was exotic elf girls!

The demi-human continent which is named the Kingdom of Fenrir is run by the Arawn royal family.

Not going to lie... When I first read this I was thinking of fox girls...

I know, I sound like a degenerate perverted horny virgin...


Can you blame me!?

I mean, I am no virgin but when it comes to fox girls and elf girls...

Of course i'll get excited!

The demon continent which is named the Kingdom of Balor is run by the Amon royal family.

My first reaction when reading this was to stay away and keep my guard up against this race.

Demons are never to be trusted.

The dwarven continent which is named the Kingdom of Futaih is run by the Enan royal family.

Damn... I wanna see a small dwarf holding a hammer. It would be pretty funny laying eyes on such a scene.

The angel continent which is named the Kingdom of Oasis is run by the High Maiden, said to rival Aphrodite the goddess of beauty in beauty.

Yep... When I first read that demons were a race I expected that there would be angels.

Needless to say that each society has nobles like barons, viscounts, earls, marquess and dukes who run their own domains.

The only information I found about the world's current political stances was that every race has been at peace for over a couple thousand years.

When I first read this, it made me sigh with relief, since I was not interested in going to war with any races.

I won't lie... I'm guessing that humans are probably looked down upon by the other races due to some issue or thing.

I hope not...

After I learned about the races and Kingdom's I then read a new book called.

[Magic for dummies.]

To sum it up it went like this-

In a world of swords and magic, once you were at the age of ten you were given one elemental affinity; on rare occasions, a person of any race could be born with two."

There are four basic elemental affinities: earth, water, fire, and water. These were joined by two rarer elemental affinities: light and dark.

Magic was awarded by the gods after repeated use of all of the races using an elemental affinity.

This of course led to everybody being born with a mana core located next to their heart.

A mana core is a vessel that accommodates the mana and allows you to use magic and without it you would be deemed as a cripple/waste.

If one wishes to grow stronger, they would need to cultivate their mana core by making it purer as impurities are filtered out over time.


Mana cores can become corrupt affecting the host's emotions and mindset turning them to absolute darkness causing them to do terrible, evil actions.

The weakest to strongest cores went like this-

Tribulation Core.

Mortal Core.

Perception Core.

Nascent Core.

Reality Core.

Spirit Core.

Saint Core.

You are reading story Parallel World Edge at

Profound Core.

Divinity Core.

True Core.

Ancient Core.

Note, all of these cores have ten tiers to pass through before ranking up to the next stage.


1st tier, 2nd tier, 3rd tier, 4th tier, 5th tier, 6th tier, 7th tier, 8th tier, 9th tier, 10th tier.

The amount of time it takes to go up a core is entirely based on the person themselves no matter what race you are.

As you rank up your core, your life span expands.

"That's everything I've read so far..." I muttered under my breath.

Currently I was laying on a grass hill staring off into the beautiful night sky that had many stars gleaming from space.

I was only 25 feet away from home, so I was in the clear when it came to my mothers rules.

My mother Eleonora is extremely overprotective about me.

I don't blame her...

This world is filled with monsters like goblins, demon wolves, ogres, predator slimes, and a lot more dangerous creatures that could kill me easily.

So, I do my best to be an obedient child.

Call me a momma's boy all you want!

I stretched my arms and back letting out a satisfied moan. (Nothing sexual you perverted readers!)

My eyes become heavy and as I was about to close them…

"Little Felix, dinner is ready!"

Lazily turning to my right side I saw my mother at the front door calling for me with a wide gentle smile plastered on her face.

With a yawn I got off the ground, wiping the dirt off my loose, pale, black argyle shirt I strolled over to the cabin.

"What are we having tonight, mother?" I asked while entering the front door.

"Fufufu, tonight we are having my homemade steak!" My mother followed behind me with a wide smile while her eyes glowed with happiness.

I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned around.

Looking my mother in the eyes, I forced a smile, "Your homemade steak... In like, you made it yourself?"

My mother responded by nodding her head gleefully.

Ah, shit...

My mother might be the kindest soul in the world... No galaxy.

But, her cooking is below average.

My father got sick for a week because she couldn't cook fish properly.

Of course my father didn't utter a word that he got sick because of her cooking.

Honestly I probably couldn't either, my mother loves cooking...

She always has this smile on her face that radiates kindness.

How could I be the one to hurt that smile!?

"I'll take my seat at the table, mother." I said as I walked over to the table.

"Ok! I'll need an extra couple of minutes, I need to wash the steak!"


I felt my brain stop functioning.

Did she just say what I think she just said?

"We will survive, my boy..."

My ears twitched at my fathers quiet words.

Pulling out a small wooden chair I positioned my butt on the seat and sat down.

Across the table from me was my father who had listless eyes and a dead facial expression that was pale as a ghost.

Whelp, looks like it's going to be a long night of throwing up and having diarrhea after dinner.

Wish me luck...