Sasuke was at the gates at the agreed-upon time. The only people not there is the merchant himself and Kakashi.
However, soon Kakashi was seen walking up with the merchant who grinned at them, shaking all their hands. ''I've been told good things about you from the other villagers. Your D-rank mission completion rank has really helped them out, so I thank you."
Sakura blushed while Naruto grinned. ''Better Believe it! It is all on the path to becoming the Hokage!"
"Hogake huh? Well, good luck with that squirt!" The merchant burst into laughter, soon they were joined by some civilians delivering a large cart drawn by horses. The merchant climbed in and Naruto hopped up onto the top.
Sakura took the side while Kakashi took a seat with the merchant, Sasuke was on the back.
The carriage was actually decent training as he had to stick to it so he didn't bounce off, it seemed like all three of them were doing it to a degree.
Sasuke called out over the carriage. ''Sensei, should I have a Falcon as recon from the air?"
Kakashi turned a bit to talk back towards him. ''A good idea Sasuke-Kun, go ahead and do that."
With that Sasuke went through the summoning, signifying he wanted a long-lasting scout type.
In a puff of smoke a normal falcon appeared with much darker colors than the one from before, he had a proud bearing to him standing like a great beast. "Yes, Uchiha?"
"Can you scout the area around us from the sky as we move? Descend if you see anything that could signify a threat."
"Understood." With a powerful take-off, he was soon in the sky, which was hard to see him due to the sun being near straight above them now. It was supposed to take almost a whole day to arrive where they needed to go using the cart.
Nothing interesting happened as they drove, it was around four or five in the evening while Sasuke was eating some jerky that he heard the beating of wings before the Falcon circled to lessen its speed before landing onto his shoulder.
"There is a village up the road, it's currently burning to the ground."
At that everyone turned to look towards the Falcon.
"Sasuke, summon a large Falcon and scout it out! Naruto, leave a few clones here, I'll leave one as well. Sakura stay here with the merchant, be ready to provide medical support!"
There was a large burst of smoke before a large falcon appeared flying through the smoke and up, Sasuke pressed against the back of it to make himself as small as possible against it.
Naruto and Sakura both followed instructions as their messenger birds appeared, Kakashi summoned a few of his Ninken to help guard the carriage which they took off the road and used a large camouflage technique just in case.
As Sasuke raised into the air and the village came into view his Sharingan opened as he began to examine what was going on.
There were quite a few bandits using torches, but there was only one stronger-looking type using what looked to be a fire jutsu to burn down some houses, the villagers were gathered in the center, stripped of their clothing.
Thankfully it wasn't cold out, and even then the fires from their house should keep them warm.
He began to count their numbers, if all of them were bandits it'd be fine, but if there were possible ninja-level opponents, it'd be much harder. His Sharingan's weren't at a level he could accurately measure strength, but Kakashi's was.
The falcon he road dipped down as he returned back to the road, flying along with Kakashi who was running along with Naruto.
''63 bandits, only one seems to use Jutsu's but I can't accurately measure their strength. Most of the houses have been looted and burned, no civilian casualties yet, they stripped and gathered them into the center of the village."
"Can your Falcon carry two?"
"Only if it was me and Naruto, I can't summon bigger ones yet."
"Just you two is fine, be careful with the one who can use Jutsu's!"
You are reading story Transmigrated as Sasuke Uchiha at
Sasuke gave a nod, Naruto lifted both his hands above his head and the Falcon dipped down to lift him off while Naruto held on as he was lifted up. ''Sasuke! What's the plan?"
"Smoke and Awe! Surround the villagers with clones, I'll drop sooner and pick the ones far off first, if you can avoid confrontation with the jutsu user, he's wearing a blue bandana!"
Sasuke just as he said dipped from the eagle by letting himself slide off it, the Falcon had stayed low to mask its approach, just as he caught onto the ground he began to jump through the trees.
Naruto was dropped right above the villagers, some bandits and villagers noticed the shadow but due to the sun, some were blinded. As he was falling, a massive wave of smoke appeared as a small army of Naruto's appeared surrounding the villagers. Some even retreating underground to intercept any attack from the ground.
Sasuke had already gotten three kills, using ninja wire he was able to pull them into the trees before snapping their neck with the sudden force.
The reason why Ninjas were harder was that as they trained their chakra, it also slowly increased the durability of their bodies, some even specialize in this.
But Bandits were just men with weapons, only dangerous to an academy student, or a fresh Genin who didn't actually try that hard.
Sasuke continued his small slaughter as Naruto was the frontal battle, the bandit was disappearing around them but they didn't notice, to distracted by the brightly clothed loud mouth who for some reason, despite the army of clones, was able to spam out smaller jutsus like candy.
"Damn, you kids are good."
Sasuke's senses flared as he suddenly kicked forward, turning around sharply just in time to deflect a sword to the ground.
It was the one with the blue bandana and he was wielding quite a large sword, larger than his smaller Chokuto sword, and much thicker.
Checking the Kunai he had used to deflect the blade, he noticed it only had a soft mark. Either it was of bad quality, or the person didn't put in enough strength.
Sasuke adjusted his fingers a bit before flexing them around the Kunai, which felt just above Chunnin strength. But how did he get behind him so quickly?
He shared no words as he readied himself, there were too few bandits for him to worry about, but he was keeping his back toward's Naruto's large group while keeping an eye on the remaining bandits.
"Not a talker unlike your friend, huh? So be it. Too bad you aren't fast enough to W-What?" The man's speech began to slur before his neck began to bleed profusely, just as the Sasuke standing before him faded into leaves.
Sasuke had moved on from the sword fighter already, finishing off the rest of the bandits. What kind of person says 'Not fast enough to dodge' when that's exactly what he just did?
Sasuke clicked his tongue, muttering beneath his breath. ''Too bad you can't see through Genjutsu." He mocked, right before Kakashi said right beside him.
''But I can?" He was standing there, eye smiling down to his student who nearly jumped out of his sandals like a frightened cat before Sasuke sighed. ''Not you Sensei."
"Oh, well good job then." He pats at Sasuke's shoulder before he looked up, his face straightening slightly out from beneath the mask. What kind of monster kids were these? Of course, when compared to his time, they weren't that good for their age.
But they had just graduated from the academy a little under a month ago. If they keep the pace they're improving at for even a few more years, they'd surpass his thirteen-year-old self quickly.
Soon Sakura and the merchant arrived with the dogs and clones.
Seeing the village as it was the merchant's face hardened, some of the villagers were able to retrieve their clothes but prettier, younger women and children's clothing all got shredded off them so they got blankets and water. Sakura went through and made sure they were all fine.
Naruto and Sasuke went through to douse the fires before they got out of hand, and to gather the bodies up so they could headcount for any possible bounties.
Kakashi moved to use Earth Release to build a temporary shelter for them while the Merchant provided free food and the things they needed.
Seemed the lumber he had would be used for a bit more than fence building for right now.
Kakashi sent a dog out with a message. An update on the mission and asking for a certain Jonin to come help build some temporary houses.