Chapter 3: Chapter 3 : A Tight Squeeze – Toy for you

[ Melvin's POV ]

When Melvin finally woke up, the first thing he noticed was that he was handcuffed to a bed. He could see a few people that were with him in the same room ,they were moving from one monitor to another checking something.
As he tried to figure out ,why he is here ,one of the people noticed that he woke up and came up to him. That person has a short brown hair and wore a white lab coat and glasses.

"Mr.Melvin I see that you are awake ,if you don't feel well then please tell me right away."

"Can you explain where am I ,who are you and why I am handcuffed to a bed ?"

"...They didn't tell you anything .Okay let's make this quick ,as you may know or not ,you are going to help us in experiment. I don't know if I can say this but not long time ago ,there was released a certain game on VR helmet.
It wouldn't be a problem ,if not for the fact that people that have played it never woke up. Although we tried to investigate it ourself but we couldn't pass the firewall ,which we still can't comprehend.
So we come to conclusion that it has some connection to mc-brain waves made by human mind ,although it is still a theory. That is why investigating it by looking at the code is impossible.
We also tried to connect ,to already running game but the firewall was still there ,even when we tried to see how this game looks like. Yes that is a game ,or at least something similar to it.
That is why we needed someone that would act as a pass ,so it would allow to finally see and tried to comprehend it. We aren't sure that even if we pass the firewall we will be able to do anything.
So that is why you come here ,we need you to act as link for us to investigate this game and save people that are trapped in it.
You don't have to worry too much because we will make sure that your body stay in perfect condition during this process. You also need to remember that we will be able to see what you see and hear.
Although we aren't sure if we will be able to send messages to you. So investigate everything even the smallest details and make sure to not die too fast. Do you understand everything that I said ?"

"...Can you repeat that one more time ?I only understood around 30% of what you just said."

"...Good ,then get ready to play the game" - (He said that as he was putting a VR helmet on Melvin)

"Wait! Can you at least tell me ,why me?"

"Because we have no information about this game ,so we don't want to send any of our agents to their pointless deaths. And if you are asking why we have chosen you ,it was decided by Darts ."

"...What? WAIT!"

"Let's start then"

Suddenly Melvin's vision started to turn black and he slowly lost his consciousness.The last thing he saw was the mug that was on the researcher desk that said "Best Son!".

As Melvin was laying on the bed ,the researcher started to drink his coffee while watching the monitors. His job was just to keep Melvin's body alive and monitor his health.

He was one of many S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel that was assigned to this mission.Here he was preparing for a very boring job ,when he just remember that he can ask people next room for a tablet to see how Melvin plays this game.

When he looked at the screens to make sure that everything is okay ,he went to get it, after leaving his coworkers behind .As he walked ,he wondered when WSC are going to answer and allow to use that thing.

He was aware that using that would make a lot of people angry and dissatisfied but they are trying to solve one of the problems before it will be too late.

When he finally arrived ,he was shocked because a lot of people were standing in line. It looks like not only he wanted to watch it. Good thing is that he has a good excuse to get a tablet and watch it.

[ Galaga Guy's POV ]

After I calmed down and decided to keep going further ,I managed to get a red hand for my grab pack and pass thru the vents into the Make-A-Friend area. In it was a very weird machine with eyes.
The most scary thing about it was that the Red Make-A-Friend Machine in the middle was following me with its eyes, while the others didn't.

Only after spending few minutes there ,I realised that I need to make a toy to exit this area thru the door. So I looked for a way to turn on this machine.
To the left of the conveyor belt in Make-A-Friend room, there was a staircase leading up to the catwalk above ,so I climbed it to solve the power puzzle there.
Even the missing section of catwalk couldn't stop me in turning the power on.

Finally I hit the start button to make that toy but to my disappointed ,I still had to pull the three levers above the conveyor belt.
Only after doing it the toy parts were deposited onto the belt ,which transported them thru the machine as it assembled a toy that I needed.
And now I have the finished toy ,now I only need to place it on to the toy scanner and unlock the door.

"I am the speed . - (I said that as I putted the toy into the scanner .)
I am the power . - (As I said that ,the doors started to slowly open. )
I am ready to run away..." - (When the door opened I was ready to run away but there was nothing there except another hall way.)

"...I really thought that if I open the door ,there would be a monster.Oh well ,I am not dissatisfied." - But after I took five steps ,did I saw that toy again.

Now it was actually moving towards me , the scariest part about it was the mouth ,that was now open with many teeths.
At that moment I knew what I had to do ,so I started to run from it as fast as possible ,into the now open vent.

"YOU WILL NEVER CATCH ME ALI-!!! SORRY ,WRONG TURN!" -As Galaga Guy was running thru the vents ,constantly turning around ,he finally arrived at the catwalk .
The only problem with it was the fact that it was a dead end. He tried to look around until his eyes landed on the big box that was above him.

He just had a stupid idea but he didn't have better so he grabbed the box with both red and blue hands ,and tried to take it down.
Just as he saw that monster walk into catwalk ,the box has finally fallen. It broke the catwalk making them both fall .While falling he managed to land on another catwalk but he landed wrong and hurt his left hand.
It wasn't bleeding but he felt that it was broken.

When he looked at the monster ,he saw that it failed even more in landing ,it felt on the railing and felt from it even deeper hitting every railing that he could see.
That was kind gruesome because it left a ton of blood every time it hit something. He didn't want to stay there any longer so he stood up and started to walk along the railings.
He only stopped for a moment ,when he saw red flower painted on the wall ,after which he speeded up. He only stopped for a moment when he found black tape under ,so he took it with him.

"Huff-Huff-Finally I can see the end." - Just as he was getting closer the the room ,he noticed a charred tape ,that was hanging like other toys from the ceiling.
He wouldn't notice it if not the fact that he was looking around for possible danger. Although it was pretty high ,he wasn't worried because he still had working grab pack.

Now he had two tapes ,at first he wanted to finish this game but he knew that as S.H.I.E.L.D. personel he should collect as much information as possible ,if it doesn't endanger his life too much .
He also did that because he could get a raise when he reports about this later.

"Ah ,What wouldn't I do for my job..." - He looked around to find any VHS player only to see it on the other end of catwalk. A bit angry he walked to it to watch the tape.
When he putted the black tape and watched it, he had an idea. Why don't I try putting this charred tape into it maybe it will work ,so I won't need to look for another VHS player.

At first he didn't know how to take the black tape out ,when the recording finished but then he remember that
one of his friends once said that sometimes using force is the best solution to solving some problems. So using his right arm he forcefully pulled out the black tape and put the charred one.
Once he hit the play button he heard the recording from first tape on top of the new one.It was hard to understand so he pulled out the tape ,again with force and put it inside again.

Now it was even worse ,so he decide to put black tape again to fix it ,but it made it even worse. So he decided to pull both tapes out and leave it behind.
Only to start worrying when to noise didn't quiet down. That is why he decided to push the whole thing down the catwalk.

Even tough he tried very hard ,it did not budge an inch nor the noise stop. He glanced at it one last time and threw the charred tape and it ,so it would quiet down.
When the tape the TV ,it become even worse because the images started to leak from now broken TV screen. They were like fleeting illusions.

He stared at it and become even more worried ,not wanting to mess with it more ,he decided to just ignore it and act like this never happen.
Only to notice that the images were consuming the catwalk ,making parts of it disappear.
He started to run away from it ,when he walked inside the red flower the whole VHS with the part of catwalk has fallen down.
It hit every railing like Huggy Wuggy making even more broken noise. He gazed at it ,as it falls into the darkness below.

You are reading story Marvel : Creating games for fun at

"...Oh well ,it won't concern me anymore because I am about to be leave this place"

After that he ran thru the last rooms and opened the case.As his vision turned black ,he thought that he finally could relax .
Before he finished the game the VHS player with TV was falling thru the darkness ,that was slowly stopping being the darkness.

The images that were leaking with the voice were crashing everything ,making it look like multiple items with wrong textures ,were stuck inside themself making weird noise .
The more it felt the more of the darkness become like that ,when it finally hit the floor ,the TV with the VHS player completely shattered making the images and the voices leak everywhere.
Leaking even thru the the floor ,which was the deepest part of the game. Galaga Guy had no idea that he just crashed his game ,in the same moment when his vision turned black.

When he opened his eye he saw that he was again at the beginning of this game.
He got scared and was about to come to scary realisation ,when he suddenly heard a noise and turned to see a person on top of pyramid made of toys and shelves ,which was reaching the ceiling.
The moment he made a eye contact with him ,the lights turned off.

After realising that I am stuck in a loop ,I tried to find a way out of this place. I tried breaking the doors and even tried to dig but both of the ideas didn't work.
The glass of the door was too hard and I had no idea how to even start digging in here. So I tried to reach the ceiling and see if I can do something with the windows on it or lights.
I had no intentions of going into Huggy Wuggy room because I don't want to be in the same place as that thing. Maybe later I will try doing the same in that its room but only after he disappears.

As I was building my pyramid ,I felt someone's presence so I looked in the direction of entrance door. There I saw another person. We looked at each others remaining silent.
Suddenly the lights turned off but it didn't take long for our eyes to adjust to the darkness because there was still the moonlight falling thru the windows.
I guess,I somehow broke the lights ,while I tried to take them down.

During that short moment many scenarios passed thru my mind ,which were about why was he here.The most likely scenario was that ,he was my kidnapper but I quickly passed that idea away.
He looked too lame for someone to be my kidnapper and come with the whole 'forcing someone into making death games' idea.
So the most likely scenario after the first was that he was a player ,that somehow joined my game. The only question was if he heard of this game before in the real world .

That is why I decided to look at him and wait for him to start conversation but after waiting a few second he still remained silent.
I really wanted to start conversation but I had no idea how ,so I also decided to remain silent. Only after a few minutes passed of looking at each others ,did that guy finally spoke.

"...Who are you ?"

When I heard him say that ,I had no idea how to answer that ,I mean how will this question even help in this situation .
Also do I say 'I am the person who created this whole death game' or 'I was kidnapped and forced to make death game but somehow I am also now stuck in it'.
Both introductions are bad ,so I decided to answer as normal human would.

"...My psychiatrist told me ,not to tell."


I know that he didn't ask me for that but I need some time to come up with cool name. I have no intentions of telling him my real name ,it wouldn't even help us now in this situation.
I also didn't want someone to realise that It was me who made this death game ,they won't find me in reality just by telling him my name .So I tried to come with the most random name that come to mind.

"Just call me... Nixtro"

"...Now ,I am even more confused. What were you even talking about before then ?"

"...I thought that you were a creation of my imagination ,so I didn't take you too serious in that moment ,also being stuck here for who knows how long didn't help...
By the way what is your name ?"

"...Gala.Yes ,my name is Gala."

Really...I have no idea if such name even exist somewhere in the world ,also why did you ask for someone's name if you are also going to blatantly lie to my face about it yourself
At least we somehow started the conversation ,so who am I to judge the process.

"So Gala are you also stuck in this game ?"

"You mean that there are more people ,stuck like me inside this game .Where are the others ?"

"I also would like to know that ,because so far I was the only person here ,until you came."

"...So what are you doing ?"

"I am trying to find a way out this game, for your information even if we complete it ,we will just start from beginning again.That is why we need to find a different way to escape this loop and by that ,I mean this game."

"Do you have any ideas how to escape then ?"

"I have many but most of them won't work .One was about breaking stuff which didn't work because the windows and doors are impossible to break ,by the way if you die here you will also die in reality."

"So did you tried killing that blue monster then ? Maybe if we kill it then we can escape."

"...Did you really come with it up ,in few seconds ? Anyway ,I think it is worth trying "

I think if we kill Huggy Wuggy then the game will stop working ,because he is one of the core process that progresses the game. The only question is how to destroy him .
Huggy Wuggy is probably now stuck in his welcome pose ,so trying to break him now shouldn't be that hard . The only real problem is how would it react , I hope that it won't start moving before completing power puzzle.

"So Gala do you have any idea ,how we could destroy it ?"

"...Let's just burn it down Nitro."


As they were discussing about how to destroy Huggy Wuggy ,the S.H.I.E.L.D. finally started to move .