Gefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
15 Oct 1936
Outside Bilbao, Spain
We landed two weeks ago. The Spanish at the port said Ovideo was still occupied by the loyalists. We marched by and saw the rotting corpses of dead Spanish. We stayed a day at the request of the mayor and helped buried some bodies. I’ll never forget the rotting smell as long as I live. It was awful. We continued to march the coastal road the next day. The country and landscapes here are so beautiful. I’d like to come back one day to see this land when its not in turmoil. I fear that may change, however, I know I will lose some friends. Grandpa lost friends at Sedan during the German Unification War and Dad lost friends during the strategic redeployment to the Hindenburg line and he doesn’t like to talk about his time fighting the Russians. Tomorrow we will assist the Spanish in the attack on Bilbao. I am comforted a little though. As we marched, we saw German Fighters and Stukas strafing the city, it seems the Luftwaffe hold the air so that should make our attacks somewhat safer, I hope. I am tired and my thoughts are tending toward my sweetheart. I love and miss you Heidi, but this Prussian will make you and Brandenburg proud.
Gefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
22 Nov 1936
Lemoa, Spain
It’s been a month of fighting for the 16th ID. We have been mostly relegated to support attacks. We have achieved though. On the 6th We pushed the Loyalists out of Bilbao. The 16th attacked the airport from the south, the 13th forced the crossing west of the airport the next day and we attack from the north west the day after. It took only four days to capture. I think we have been very lucky so far. We moved on after clearing the last bit of resistance on the 14th. The loyalists were bottled up in Gumuzio, maybe three or four divisions? They were so undermanned and demoralized. We killed some for a few days before they started surrendering en mass, the last resistance stopped on the 21st. General Shultz and Field Marshal Model, who was visiting from Germany, congratulated us and the Luftwaffe fliers on our victory. We were told intel had found a gap in the lines and Madrid is wide open. I guess we going to exploit that gap. Some of the Battalions have had some losses. I feel for the families of those Prussian sons. I am still here Heidi. I pray you and your family are well. The war is hard but we are still in good spirits. I am doing my duty but I want to get back home as soon as possible.
Gefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
7 Dec 1936
Almazan, Spain
The Medinaceli gap is still open but the Luftwaffe has said the loyalists are moving into the gap to close the way to Madrid. General Shultz declared that we will force the gap if need be. I hope we can get there before our enemy.
Gefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
5 Mar 1937
Madrid, Spain
A lot has happened. The loyalists managed to close the Medinaceli Gap, but true to General Shultz’s urgings we forced the gap back open on the 2nd of January. We were the lead Division and we told to pin down the enemy. It was the same Division we moved off the gap so we continued the attack on the 11th. But our casualties began to mount but we were reinforced by the 13th on the 13th, when the Spanish reinforced the 16th they marched to our aid too and joined in the attack on the 15th. With the three of our division together we were able to push the loyalists into Madrid. We did not let them rest. We kept pushing and were able to take Madrid yesterday. We were even the first Battalion to enter the city. Our division was told the enemies lines are weak and we can encircle more loyalists if we can take the province west of Madrid. Yes, we were given that task. It should be an easy mission, so we are told. During the fighting a friend of mine, Gefreiter Jaeger’s leg was shot. They moved him back to Bilbao. I hope to see him again before too long. Pray for me and my fellow soldiers, Heidi. We are having crazy time out here. I love you Heidi, be well.
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Obergefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
27 Mar 1937
Madrid, Spain
It’s only been 22 days? Wow, it feels like so much longer. We are moving out tomorrow. I’ve been resting the last few days. We were attacked west of Madrid. Honestly, I thought we were dead, we had taken so many casualties during the assault on Madrid. They were not expecting the west to be attacked. It was and it was bad. Our Colonel got word back and the 13th reinforced us on the 13th. They saved us. That’s all I can say. They saved us. I pray to God we can get back to Germany quickly. I miss you so much Heidi. Give me the strength to finish this Iberian quagmire. I heard recently too that Catalonia has revolted with a third faction. Right tomorrow. We are marching to exploit more gaps in the loyalist lines. I was promoted. It was just before we moved out from Madrid. I am an Obergefreiter now. When we get back, I’ve been promised to go to Unteroffizier School. I am making my Prussian roots proud. We also had a little bit of a rest in Madrid. We had some time to hang out with some of the pilots of the Luftwaffe. They were telling about some of their most dangerous missions. We were able to tell them the effects on the ground battle they had. I’m sure they were aware of their effect but them hearing how our people were saved by a bomb really seemed to hit them harder.
Obergefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
28 June 1937
Manzanares, Spain
We were able to open the gaps enabling the Spanish to collapse the defenders south of Madrid, at least that’s what General Shultz told us. It was almost two months of hard fighting to keep the gap open. We did good and can fairly be called Veterans now. It’s been 9 months since we arrived in Spain. I remember burying the bodies up north. I remember how sick I was about those bodies. I’ve seen and done so much since then. I see dead bodies now and think “poor kid” and move on. Have I hardened myself too much? I wonder. Will Heidi recognize me when I return? Mom always said dad changed when he got back from the war. I’ll still be the best person I can for her, that’s all I can really do, right? Back on the 7th of April we attacked to ensure the 13th could break through their lines. Our feint was a success as I said. Then, when the pocket was collapsed, we disengaged and redeployed to help those men to surrender. We completed that mission on the 22nd of June. We are now to continue the attack to keep the loyalists on the back foot. General Shultz says the war if over and that the loyalists have not realized it yet. I hope he is right. I want to see Heidi again and I want to advance in the Wehrmacht.
Obergefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
10 Oct 1937
Granada, Spain
The loyalists in southern Spain have surrendered. Its only been a month and a half since we collapsed the Ciudad Rael pocket. We are heading back north for some rest and refitting near Madrid, then its on to finishing this war. Heidi sent a letter the other day. The nation is celebrating “Shultz’s detachment” back home. I can’t believe we are seen as war heroes at home, but many of us are Prussians so it shouldn’t be surprising we are seen as heroes.
Obergefreiter Schmitt, Benjamin
6th Infantrie-Division
20 Nov 1937
A Coruna, Spain
The civil war is over. We shut the northern Murcia pocket on the 8th and both were cleaned up by the 18th. By then the loyalists knew they were done so the Valencia defenders gave up shortly after. We won. Yesterday, when we arrived here, Franco thanked us and the Italians, the Portuguese just marched back home. Tomorrow, we have a boat to catch that is supposed to take us back to Kolberg. Our Hauptmann said my name was on the short list for Unteroffizier school when we get back. Which will be finalized when we land in Germany. I am so happy to be going back. We will be joining the newest soldiers in General Shultz’s newly created 4th army but we will have two months off when we get back. Those going to Unteroffizier school will have a month of school then a month off. I can’t wait to see mom and dad. I hope Heidi accepts my marriage proposal too. I found a solid silver ring, the poor guy who had it was starving. I gave him twenty marks and some bread. He stuffed the ring into my hand as thanks. It is a sign from Jesus. I must marry Heidi as soon as possible.