Chapter 2: Chapter-1 Heaven, Earth and Hell 1/2


12 hours later, during the United Nations GIFT meeting.

GIFT, AKA Global Intelligence Foreign Threat, is a meeting consisting of the last remaining and functioning governments that remained during the world's collapse, that includes, America, Russia, Germany, Spain, Canada, Japan and the newly formed Haven United Front, which consisted of Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico and Colombia.

somewhere within the Pentagon inside the Threat Assessment Hall or the TAH, over a thousand people were gathered there, from leaders, generals, government and military staff and even reporters as well as critics, the hall was filled with seated chairs, walls made of pure steel, the floor made of stone, topped with wood, rugs and fancy furniture.

and at the very corner of this hall was the president of America himself, and the leader of the UN, though not the former but rebuilt from top to bottom, seated on a chair behind a long desk on the highest part of the hall overlooking the entire crowd, along with a few other important members, such as Dimitri, Yamato, Heath, Edo and X. 

apart from Heath, Edo and X the other three looked exhausted and older, worn out from all the chaos that happened in 2012 and further down the hellhole, and now, is the year 2017, December 31 judgement day.

President Walter, the current and forever president of the United States, having white skin and hair with two different eyes, a light blue eye on the right and a white one on the left, this was all because of a magical accident, he also wore a tuxedo like Dimitri but a fresh and cleaner one to replace the old, but with a few small adjustments to go along with it.

President Dimintri, with a similar situation to Walter he is also the current and forever president of Russia, Dimitri had light brown skin, although slightly lighter due to some unbalanced diet and unhealthy lifestyle, with blue eyes and blond hair he sat next to Walter on the right wearing the same clothes for the past seven years, that makes eight today.

President Yamato, unlike the other two he was far older, already having a long white beard and white hair, with white skin and a few battle scars on his face, this time though wearing a red colored samurai armor made from pure mana crystals with all sorts of enhancements, and a trusty legendary emerald katana he sat right beside Dimitri to his right.

and finally the newcomers, the ones that sat to Walter's left, X, Edo and Heath, the three people with questionable backgrounds, and an unknown story even to the other main members of the organization.

first was X, the one that had his entire body covered, wearing a black tuxedo and red helmet he was one of the more suspicious of the three, he had nothing, no history, and an unknown motive, unlike the rest.

second was Edo, the leader of the Haven United Front, though he was once a drug lord and a wanted criminal in Cuba, he was straight when it comes to common sense, when the world started to go wild he was the first to rally the people and finally stop doing drugs and start getting serious, what was the point in drinking if there was no one to drink with.

he wore a purely green jumpsuit topped with a green military outfit, he was quite young with brown skin and brown eyes, he wore glasses and a green cap, with a standard revolver in a holster attached to his right hip.

and third was Heath, a Corrupt politician turned good, but still a bit bad, even though he no longer extorts the poor and waste his resources on petty things, he instead bolsters the UN's economy and it's resources, helping to aid projects in development as well as keep moral high among the soldiers and officers, as well as his own subordinates.

he wore nothing more than standard civilian clothing, white shirt, blue pajamas and purple sandals, white skin white eyes and hair he was also blessed with magic like Walter, however he was far more compatible and had less severe backlash.

and with all the introductions finished we now return to the main subject, the meeting, before it resumed.

Female-Reporter: President Walter, how would you address the current state of diplomacy with the otherworldly nations? is there a possibility for peaceful negotiation? or a ceasefire?

Walter relaxed on his chair before looking at the female reporter who asked and responded.

President-Walter: as of the moment we don't have much to work with here, any attempts of communication were met with hostile force from the last years, thus I have concluded that the use of nuclear weapons are in order, we will use our newly made B-3 Bombers to effectively make strategic strikes on major populated areas.

murmurs filled the room, as no leader after the cold war would have ever done such a thing, let alone using nuclear weapons, weapons that unlike the atomic bomb were much more violent and far more destructive than its predecessor, however, this is not the same nuclear bomb that were being kept away during the modern era, but a different one entirely.

a male reporter stood from amongst the crowd and soon, silence, Walter looked at the next reporter as he waited for a question to be heard, and after a few seconds the nervous reporter spoke.

Male-Reporter: mister president, I would like to ask as to why target populated areas instead of key military targets and other threats? wouldn't it be better to find a more peaceful or less inhuman acts of retaliation?

faint laughter left the mouths of the new members of the UN, this, Walter could hear and his face turned sour, not because of the laughter from the other members but the stupidity of the male reporter that still clung onto past principles of war, despite knowing that diplomacy was already tried before many times, and in that Walter found ignorance.

President-Walter: *clears throat* as I've said before, any attempts of communication were met with hostile force... also, don't forget that we lost half of the world's population to these invaders! half goddammit! 

Walter took a moment release his anger as his left eye began to glow, this only made Yamato tap his part of the desk to signal Walter to calm down, and this he did along with his left eye returning to normal.

President-Walter: look, if we're going to survive in this new and violent world we have to remove most if not all of the stops, clearly these new races are here for our resources, or whatever they want from us, but we've found other races who were willing to face diplomacy the moment our worlds met, for example, the Azardun, I'm sure you all know them.

the female reporter from before then stood up causing the male reporter to sit down as she asked her question.

Female-Reporter: mister president, aren't the Azardun the first to invade Earth? why seek to negotiate with them? 

Walter grinned as he chuckled before answering.

President-Walter: well... that would be because their planet got destroyed a day later, turns out that our first visitors and the ones that helped repel the Azardun invasion also invaded them, a bit ironic don't you think? but the problem is though they seem to have disappeared, their last known locations replaced with mountains.

Walter took a moment to relax and breath fresh air into his lungs before continuing.

President-Walter: unfortunately though they are no longer here to help us, and for further information I would have to pay the Shi-intari royalty a visit, and while I'm at it maybe the Shenari as well, but this discussion is for another time, and with the questions finally answered let the meeting resume, all nongovernment personnel are no longer permitted to speak.

a woman in a white office attire rose from her seat, golden hair, golden eyes and white skin, Walter recognized the woman, it was the new Defense Minister Almer White, in or what her other colleagues call her DM, or DM White.

DM-White: President Walter if I may...

Walter turned towards White and nodded.

President-Walter: Defense Secretary Almer, you may speak.

DM-White: with all due respect sir, the use of nuclear weapons on civilian populated centers are a war crime-

before White could speak any further Walter raised his right hand to signal her to stop, gripping his left hand into a fist while trying to stop the terrible urge to throw anything that was smaller than a bottle at White, he then lowered his hand back down and took a few long breaths inhaling and exhaling, and after all that, he finally spoke.

President-Walter: and with all due respect miss secretary, we don't have much options here, peace is already out of the window, apart from the Azardun and the other... u-um, fantasy races they are the only ones that were, and are peaceful, the rest... *cough* *cough* well, they aren't exactly the best of friends with the whole of humanity.

DM-White: at best mister president we should try to minimize civilian casualties as much as possible, I doubt any one of us wanted a bloody war on our hands, let alone see the aftermath once these nations are defeated.

a small crackle of laughter left Walter's mouth, this made White wince and stare blankly as she waited for a response.

President-Walter: defeated? hah! who said anything about defeating them? I want them all exterminated...

Yamato and Dimitri lowered their heads in shame while laughter came from X and the other two members, once again murmurs spread throughout the room, while whispers and gossips left mouths and entered ears even to those that didn't listen, mankind once again regained its old habit, the habit of lust for war, the war for extreme bloodshed and victory.

within six months, scientists now funded by the entire world experimented wildly, using certain islands as testing grounds for their twisted weapons of war, their machinations now unbound by the threat of law, though biological weapons were still locked behind many chains, explosives were on a different seat, a seat made for destruction.

even with biological weaponry still behind closed doors certain new policies did not forbid inside testing, and drug cartels were also given large portions of funds to make the most illegal of drugs made to enhance human capabilities, madmen thrown into rooms while they design their latest and most potent creations, whatever they may be.

old ways were brought to life, remade and practiced, criminals were released and armed, branded into certain militaries, given food, shelter and while some even an entire pardon, before being sent into the fields where they would die.

those that opposed this were simply ignored, for the majority did not listen, machines of war were tested and improved, old forms of once banned explosives were then manufactured and used, the seas would soon run red, the skies would burn and the land would crumble, it was indeed the day of judgement on Earth, but not for humanity.


three days later, after the UN GIFT Meeting.

somewhere in St. Petersburg Damian watched as his units drove along the road inside the seven Russian military trucks that he ordered them to drive using the [ Hijack ] ability that his Defenders had.

You are reading story The Game of Reality… Frontier… at

and among inside among those trucks were his followers who chatted unlike before, though Damian did not pay attention so their dialogue was blurred by one of the game's system many systems, one of nearly infinite.

every minute or so Damian would receive [ Currency ] every time his units would drive past near or over cash or coins lying on the ground, all thanks to the automatic pickup system of all units, currently he had 12,000, not a lot considering that this was a game, but that would soon increase due to the fact that money flew everywhere, but out of sight.

hours passed by as the winter snow slowly calmed and the weather became slightly, only slightly warmer.

Defender: a barricade up ahead!

Damian ordered his units to stop with a click of a button, he then selected three out of the seven trucks and ordered the passenger units on them to dismount before ordering them to hide behind the abandoned cars.

a total of only 18 defender and 12 patriot units were on foot.

Defender: boots on the ground.

Patriot: somethin' to explode?

when Damian moved his screen to check there was indeed a barricade and something, and that something was actually in a group, Russians, but in different armor, instead of vests they wore plated armor.

their design were boxy but somewhat smooth in a way, there were armored top to bottom and with a wide visor to cover their face, they were also heavily armed and heavily equipped, packed with ammunitions and explosives.

they carried strange box-shaped bags, but they looked lighter, as if they had no weight, luckily though there were only about 27 of them, Damian's troops outnumber and outgun them by twice the amount, not including the followers of course, however, that was not the case anymore when a troop transport vehicle came in from afar.

the T-3 Fortress, a massive 13 feet tall, 12 feet wide and 26 feet long steel wall, though it sported a box-like design it was made to take considerable amounts of damage, made to withstand even direct hits from missiles and tank shells, with only an 12 millimeter autocannon at the top it packed some considerable punch, not counting the troops inside.

it could hold about 24 passengers normally, but without the seats it could fit a dozen more, and like normal troop transport vehicles it had multiple entrances, one large hatch at the back, two on the front, one below and two above, however, instead of four wheels on each side it had five, all of them safely protected behind a large sheet of steel.

Damian's mind immediately went to think that this was a mix of a tank and a troop transport vehicle, but the vehicle itself did not intimidate him, but rather what was inside it.

the hatch on the back of the T-3 Fortress opened, revealing 24 D-12 Tyrants, a significant improvement compared to its much and weaker, older predecessor as well as its American counterpart, the T-4 S-1 Drones.

they were larger than the average human, about 13 inches taller, carrying 15 millimeter machineguns and built-in grenade launchers, even with the overwhelming odds this group would have on normal soldiers, they had little chance against Damian's units, but then again Damian's units were beyond normal, if not, far from that.

the 24 D-12 Tyrants spread out like a pack of hungry wolves, the pilots inside immediately sensed danger upon leaving their transport, finding all of Damian's units in seconds as they approached along with the Russian soldiers.

take note that they only found out about Damian's units not through infrared or heartbeat, but through sound, Damian's units are immortal, they don't need to sleep, eat nor breath, it's all an illusion, fake life, they were never made out of organs and bones, they don't even have blood and don't bleed, they are made out of a certain material not known to existence.

that goes for everything on their body and in it, as well as anything they held, unless they put it down or let go the material or object they once wore or held will automatically turn into objects or items found inside the realm or dimension they were currently in, that included the atoms that make the object and whatever material was used to make said object.

however that did not mean that they weren't capable of dying, they were very much vulnerable to certain attacks, but excel at their own specialties and their purpose as a unit.

Russian-Soldier-1: HQ, we have found unidentified soldiers in the area, they appear to be wearing old US equipment, perhaps we have found more survivors, we are attempting communications now, out.

Russian-Soldier-2: easy guys, easy... don't do anything stupid, the language barrier is still a thing.

the approaching Russian soldiers lowered their guns as the nearest one calmly walked towards one of Damian's Defender units all the while the D-12 Tyrants stood a few feet behind them but with their guns and weapons ready, and as the soldier approached he started to speak in slightly bad English while gesturing the Defender to remain calm.

Russian-Soldier-2: uh, remain calm! we are here to help, lower your weapons and follow, we will lead you home.

the Russian soldier turned around to see his some of his friends giggling while some even taunted him.

Russian-Soldier-1: what in god's name was that? you looked like the one who's lost.

Russian-Soldier-2: look, I tried my best alright? it's not easy to learn foreign language...

but as the soldier turned to look back at Damian's units they were already gone.

Russian-Soldier-2: oh you have got to be kidding me!

without the poor fools even noticing Damian ordered his units to go around them on foot, with Zenon, the first mage of the group casting magic to turn all of them invisible and silent at the same time, for a select period of time.

with the Russian soldiers returning to their post and the D-12 Tyrants returning back to their transport Damian's group was able to slip past the barricade, and the huge wall of scrap that blocked one side from the other.

once Damian's units passed the other side of the wall they found themselves in an relatively large but silent outpost, however the mini-map said otherwise since Damian could see over a hundred dots inside each tent, but they all looked to be asleep, it was a good thing, since the invisibility spell had just worn out a few seconds ago.

but with all that to worry what made Damian forget it all was the huge decommissioned Russian warship right in front of him, apart from a few damages on the hull and the engine the entire thing was in nearly perfect shape.

and it was of the Kirov Class, during the humiliating era of the cold wars and as well as the Soviets, and back then when the Americas was still as racist as ever, not to mention the half-baked government, but that's all history.

Damian immediately went and selected all of his units to board the thing, even so much as navigate the tight hallways of the ship all the way to the bridge, before then ordering one of his Defender units to [ Capture ] the ship.

Defender: Ship's for the taking, commencing takeover.

the Defender took out a small box and placed it on the floor, and like game magic the ship itself turned into something else entirely, something that resembled an American ship, a mix of the Kirov, Zumwalt and Slava Class ships.

with the body of the Zumwalt, the weaponry of both Kirov and Slava, apart from the huge missile silos, and armed with the best of the best communications and navigation technology, and the best of radars.

armed with eight anti-air 13 millimeter Gatling cannons situated on towers attached to the middle part of the body, with anti-ship and anti-air missile towers, two at the back, two at the front, torpedo tubes on the sides and two heavy double-barreled smooth 12 inch cannons, all at the front, and lastly a radar tower above of the bridge.

Warship-Captain: attention! all hands to stations, Vengeance Class Warship reporting!

suddenly, the ship was filled with armed crew, though Damian could not select any of them apart from the units in it the only ones that had names were the Captain, Navigator and Lieutenant, the rest had none.

though if the ship was destroyed they would actually be evacuated and could be selected, but Damian didn't know this yet and he didn't want to take any chances destroying his new and expensive toy.

suddenly feeling an old and childish urge Damian quickly selected the warship before moving his screen and clicking on an empty part of the Gulf of Finland while giggling like someone who'd just finished a prank.

Warship-Navigator: setting course, aye aye.

just as ordered the ship moved and its engines came to life, unlike other ships its movement was dead silent despite the snow, the ship broke through the ice without taking much damage until it reached slightly less cold waters without ice.

by tomorrow the Russians soon noticed that one of their ships were missing, and a massive trail that led towards the less icy part of the gulf, but they couldn't care for that much since it was old and empty, and to them it was practically useless.

once Damian's new and first ship was on open sea he stopped giggling and gave a short sigh, his plan would soon begin, of conquest and victory, however long that may take, but above the skies and above the snow that fell a predator awaited, listened and watched, the first evil that fell from hell, the White Dragon, Semper watched with extreme caution.