Chapter 7: 7 – Magik

Ruianne took out a rock from her cleavage. It shined as she uttered foreign words with an odd rhythmic fluidity.

“Hey! What are you doing!?”

The rock shined an unnatural blue hue, it took him by surprise. Things were getting stranger, fast.

“Get this thing-”

“Shut it! I’m casting a simple magik spell. For the Elven Throne! Are you going to freak about every little thing?!” Ruianne asked.

“Whatever you are doing... it’s not going to make me sterile? Nor an eunuch?”

“Hold him High Mountain.”


Head Slave-Butler Gnome took hold of him and covered his mouth. Ruianne proceeded with the spell.

It tingles! Is this magik?

Ruianne’s skin brightened, a white aura enveloped her body while her hair floated. She extended her hands, radiance escaped her palms.


“You see it?” asked the she-half-orc.

“Yes.. it’s starting...”

“Tell us.”

“Name: Not yet chosen.”


“Level: First grade, permanent.”


“Miaooww really?!”

“Skills: None, permanent.”


“How do anyone...?!”

“Titles: The cook, two bodies one ax, self taught alchemist, the merciless of pound-town... It goes on... Useless titles! What are titles without skills!?”

“Hey, I bled for those!”

[And made others bleed too.]

Are you lecturing me now?

“All his stats are at its lowest and permanent.”

“What the- I mean, how is this possible?”

Ruianne couldn’t contain herself anymore and cracked up out loud. A beautiful smile crossed her face, her perfect teeth danced up and down.

“Did you get it out of your system?” said our elf.

“Keep it quite you two.” High Mountain hushed them.

“Wait, there’s something more,” said a recovered Ruianne. “Curses:”

“Oh, curses...”

“Ggrrrr curses!?”

“Are we to die?”

“Shut up! Let her continue!”

“@$^$% *#$%@#%^ *$#@#&%$#.”

“Prrrhat language is meeoowis?!” asked a puzzled kinkat.

“May our loving Gods help us!”

“It’s not a language... I just can’t decipher it!”

“This means...?”

“The curses are much... much higher than my level.”

“Figures... useless,” said our male elf while staring at her disbelief.

“And you! Now I don’t trust you one bit!”

“You never did,” he snapped back.

“It is strange, all of it,” said High Mountain.

“Grgrrr isn’t he kinda ggrruseless?”


“What about plan? Can trust?” asked the she-half-orc.

No one had any answers, as hard as they tried to come up with one, and they needed to be fast.

“Guys... or whatever you all are, don’t tell me you are planning a rebellion or something...?” he said with a big smile.

Everyone got serious in an instant. Serious and dangerous.

“I play, I play!” he added still smiling.


“We cannot let him go without knowing for sure!”

“Gbbboaarrr! Danger! Mistress grris coming!” the beargang alerted them.

“Ahhh... no way.”

“Everyone out!”

“What about him!?”

“We have no choice. Take him to the dungeon.”


You are reading story X the Elf at

Ruianne closed space, her face an inch from his.

“If you say anything to anyone you’ll be the first to go. We all swear.”

The others nodded.

“A kiss and I won’t tel-”

“Good!” Ruianne spoke without letting him continue.

“Well then, my mouth is sealed like the legs of-”

“Aahh take him already! We’ll speak tomorrow!”

“Don’t let me waiting.”

Everybody scrambled to get out of her room without making any noise. Head Slave-Butler Gnome carried him on his back to the dungeon. Soon after Lady Emelda entered Ruianne’s room. She found the female elf sitting on her bed combing her hair.

“Good night Lady Emelda,” said Ruianne as she stopped doing her hair and stood up.

“I was looking for Head Slave-Butler Gnome but he’s not in his chambers.”

“I just arrived from the dungeon. Head Slave-Butler Gnome’s still treating the elf. Your Lady knows this slave can be... problematic.”

Lady Emelda sighted. “Indeed... Tell Head Slave-Butler Gnome his presence is requested in the study first thing tomorrow morning. The Lord wants a word...”

“Yes my Lady.”

Lady Emelda stared at Ruianne. While her Ladyship’s beauty reached an above average level, the female elf’s beauty laid outside categories. When they bought her she had felt a tad jealous, but remembered the female elf’s position as an inferior being, creatures to use and discard as humans saw fit. In fact, it had been her Ladyship’s idea to buy her. A good investment that already paid back more than her exorbitant cost.

“This will be all for today.”

“Yes my Lady, good night.”

Ruianne took advantage of this golden opportunity to get any information she could.

“Ladyship, before you go...”

“What is it?”

“This male elf... House Liame bought...”

Lady Emelda took a step towards her.

“It distresses me to no avail.”

“Oh... ”

“As lowly as we elves are, we still have our pride, but this... elf...”

“I understand what you’re trying to say. Is there something you want to ask?”

“Your Ladyship is very perceptive. When House Liame bought it, did the slavers mention anything about its past? Where it was caught? Something...”

Like Ruianne, Lady Emelda had many questions about the elf in question. He didn’t behave as any slave she had met before. The rebellious ones, unruly, boisterous and chaotic, met quick ends but this elf was different. He was insidious.

“Mhmm... We bought it from the slavers at Marracas, they couldn’t remember where they found it... They made it sound like one day the elf simply appeared in their dungeons. They probably didn’t want to tell us. Ring any bells?”

“No... my Lady.”

“If it does, tell me. Now rest, tomorrow will be a long day.”

“Yes my Lady.”

Sometimes the masters of the House would treat them like children. While bothersome and humiliating, their attitude allowed them to plan and organize. Predictable and easy to maneuver, they had fallen under her spell, a unique charm. Ruianne’s efforts had payed off but everything she and her fellow slaves had sacrificed hanged on the balance thanks to the obnoxious new elf. Lady Emelda returned to her chambers where her husband laid in bed already.

“What a bizarre day,” she commented, letting herself fall at her husband’s side. “Now we have a duel in our hands.”

“We cannot do much about it,” Lord Derreick spoke.

“The guts of the elf!”

“Guts or fool’s courage.”

Their faces showed signs of exhaustion from thinking too much about these matters. Lady Emelda broke their silence.

“It was funny how it tried to hit Mitchell. I don’t think he is faking his weakness.”

“Nevertheless, we have to be careful around slaves, these putrajados, they tend to violence very quick.”

“I shudder thinking what happened at House Barbass.”

“The elf is too smart and cunning for his own good.”

“But it wasn’t wrong.”

“I concur. The Adventurer’s Guild... they’re always up to no good. This thing with Mitchell... it’s personal.”

“We’ll deal with Mitchell and the Adventurer’s Guild in due time. For the elf, the duel will be its end.”

“I was thinking... it did ask for help to defeat him.”

“If a miracle happened and the elf did manage to kill him... one of our problems would resolve itself and after the duel, we would dispose of it.”

“That’s a big if.”

“Might be worth a try, in the worst case it loses as we already contemplate it will.”

The Lords of House Liame went to sleep with these thoughts circling around. While in a dark dungeon underneath the mansion, another being lost himself in his own thoughts.

[Defeat the human? You? In such a state?]

“Can’t you go bother someone else.”

[No, I really can’t.]

“I’ll come up with something.”

[I’d pay to see what you come up with.]

“I need to... I won’t let myself be the plaything of demons dressed as gods,” he said while looking through his fingers at the lonely moonlight ray descending inside his dark lair. He tried to hold it. “My destiny is in my own hands.”

[Too late. Should’ve done it several lives before.]

“What a weird day. I wonder if I’ll wake up back in a bed, tied up somewhere in the middle of a no-man’s jungle. I still can’t believe... and those things, holy...”

[Good for you. You made some friends. I’m proud, but you’re already wondering if they are imaginary? Come on.]

“Fuck yo- Arggh!”

A sharp pain in his abdomen made him bend and grasp for air. After pain receded, his consciousness did too.