Chapter 1: Paws of Vengeance

My breath fogged as i exhaled... A few sniffs told me i was on the right track. A few months ago, A madman that looked like a cross between an egg and a walrus Started Taking People and animals and turning them into Machines... He was stopped by a blue hedgehog, and things seemed to return to normal. But not for me. Skylark, My best friend, Went missing around that time, and i had been tracking her scent ever since.

My name is Yuki Frostpaw, And i am a fairly ordinary Wolf. My fur a mix of Snow-white and Smokey-Gray, My height Around 4'3", My Tail nice and fluffy... But i had two oddities. The first were my eyes, Heterochromatic, my right eye a shining green, my left a Deep Almlost glowing Red... That my eyes Often Actually Glowed was due to the marks... Im sixteen, Raised by my Shaman Grandfather to take his place in the tribe, At my Coming of Age Ceremony Half a year ago, During a supposedly Symbolic Ritual, I was Engulfed by A strange power... And now, my body was Covered in Tribal markings, Usually Light Blue, these markings change color based on my mood. Blue is Normal. Yellow is Tired. Red when im angry... And deep Green when i meditate. After the ceremony, I was Proclaimed God-touched, And i learned my reflexes, Sense of smell, hearing, and eyesight had drastically improved... as had my physical strength and endurance. The night of Skylarks disappearance, three months ago, the Enclave, our home, was attacked by unknown machines... They looked like that Walrus-Eggs Badniks... 

And so i left, risking Exile, to rescue my friend... It led me here, Snow Hill Zone. I was following the scent, when i heard a clanking sound... A large mechanical crab Rose over the horizon, and i hid behind a nearby boulder. It was as big as i am. As i attempted to sneak past it, it detected me, so i ran... I didn't see the odd creature before me. A Wisp, Thought to be from another World, Floated Half-transparent in my path, and i hit it... but rather than pain, i heard a giggle... my Marks began to glow... As my Fur spiked, i turned to the machine and pointed both paws at it. Lightning, the same blue as my markings, Shot out in a large sphere...  I stood dumbfounded as the glow faded, and the wisp flew out of me, giggling. The robo-crab was no more. 

The wisps giggles were its language, And somhow i understood. I could use them, my markings Resonated with them... 

Two hours later, I stood before a hidden facility, The blue wisp following behind me. And upon entry, i was attacked by a Maid robot. She looked a bit like a hedgehog, but her arms were blades... My Tribal Dress had a huge tear down the front from where i dodged the blade, My Chest Barely Concealed... My wisp Friend and i fused again, And she was defeated rather swiftly, but my clothes were a goner, and the wisps energy was depleted... having no other option, i took the Robots Maid Uniform... It was Gothic Lolita style, but still clearly a maid uniform... I proceeded further into the base...

Thirty minutes later, i found the holding pens and hit the release... As the base alarms went off, the released prisoners made a break for freedom... Except one. I was tackled by a small, Amethyst colored Chao.

"Skylark! I'm glad you're okay! Lets go home!"

The ground started rumbling... And a voice echoed. 

"ATTENTION, Puny Invaders. This base will self destruct in five minutes. That'll teach you to steal from the great IVO ROBOTNIK! WAHAHAHAHA! This message is a recording."

the last line was mechanical in nature. I grabbed Skylark and ran... And on the way encountered my Wisp Friend, back with allies... the four of them, blue, yellow, red, and green entered my body... and everything slowed down... my steps left electricity in their wake, my fist left a trail of flames, i was using them as boosters... A sphere of green energy surrounded me, And the yellow energy formed a second Shield before me, all reacting to my subconscious needs. we tore through the base, exhausting the wisps energy in the process... And escaped just in time to be buried in an avalanche... It took me a few minutes to dig my way out, Skylark clinging to me for her life... 

And we began the journey home. Turns out i'm Exiled after all... Sigh... Its not all bad. The chief Arranged a place for me to stay, and ive got an interview at a small Detective agency... Seems they need someone with, and i quote, A nose for justice... Dosen't pay much, but hey, a jobs a job, right? 

So here i Am, Just a Sixteen Year old Wolf Girl with A few oddities, Dressed in cute clothes with a Small Chao on my head. And City life seems fun!

"Lets Go, Skylark! Time to explore our new home!"

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