“Papa~ I’m here with Xiao Bai!” I exclaimed, much to Jahei’s disgust. “Is it really necessary to refer to me like this Risa?” Jahei inquired, looking rather unamused by my more friendly approach. “What, you don’t like it? Father seems so stuffy, Papa is way more chill,” I teased, giggling as I walked into his office room. “Where’s the boy?” Jahei asked, looking around to see only me in front of him.
“Ah he’s in the waiting room. I came in first because I wanted to talk to you about the exam before you begin. Considering he’s an ex-prostitute, I’m worried that he may have a lot of injuries all over his body. Not to mention diseases due to the nature of that profession. He said he’s never been to a doctor before, so I worry if he has STDs. He’s been sexually active for some time now and he’s so young so I think this case will be very grim.” I tried to express my concerns but it was hard to stomach the words that I needed to say.
It goes without saying but I hated sexual abuse the most and every word I said to Jahei only made me want to murder the people responsible for the abuse even more. It took me a moment to calm myself then I sighed just thinking about how awful this entire situation was for Xiao Bai and continued to speak of my worries. “Xia Bai is sexual assault victim and dealt with abusive people who beat him and branded him, the injuries I noticed don’t look old either. Gosh, I hate to word it all like this but he’s been raped and assaulted terribly for many years so please be extra nice to him. Treat him how you’d treat your other abuse victim cases please, don’t be harsh and try to me understanding,” I pleaded with Jahei knowing his distaste for humans and how he could be unnecessarily cold at times.
To my luck, my son was agreeable and promised to be nice to Xiao Bai. After airing my feelings, we ended up discussing this delicate situation in detail and talking about bedside manner. I knew on some level, Jahei was not an asshole with his patients, he was stern and serious but he was never hurtful. I just felt anxious because he was rather insensitive at times towards humans and I didn’t want any conflicts to arise.
“Indeed, I was going to ask you about it. That’s why I wasn’t sure if we should examine him right away. Based on his situation and his attitude I can tell he is cautious with men. Most of those creepy clients were sleazy men. We should do a basic exam and then I’ll ask him some questions. Although it would be better to do a full body exam it would be wrong to push him if he is not comfortable,” Jahei responded. Although Jahei was not fond of humans, he took pride in his abilities to treat the sick. Therefore, just as any good doctor would do, he took the time to think about the patient’s feelings from a humane perspective before doing anything drastic.
“I agree with you. I was thinking, if he does have some serious medical conditions, we should use blood and water magic to treat him. I know you are against those practice with mortals but that kid will be my guardian one day, there’s no reason to be hesitant since he’s compatible with celestial energy. We can just lie to him and say the medicine is a new drug you created so he doesn’t ask questions, what do you say Jahei?” I spoke with a serious tone and Jahei looked at me like he knew this was coming.
Normally, gods do not use their powers to heal humans nor it is allowed. The only exceptions are guardian candidates, since they are less likely to die from being exposed to our sacred energy. Even so, this was a tricky situation because if we screwed up Xiao Bai would end up in a worser state or die suddenly. Jahei knew the consequences of using forbidden techniques and how to masterfully use them in the first place that’s why I asked for his opinion. After all, he was Heaven’s best doctor and the only one who could pull this off without killing Xiao Bai.
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With a deep sigh, my son replied, “I knew you would bring that up. I will make some elixirs for him using holy water purified by me. Blood magic is too dangerous right now, he is likely to die unless it’s your blood. Even so, it’s too dangerous, we should wait until he’s older to form a blood pact. Nevertheless, I can enchant medicine to help speed up his healing time and reduce symptoms of any diseases he may have. With these methods, as long as there’s no terminal conditions my elixirs will treat him perfectly. We would only need to resort to blood if he was on the brink of death.”
Agreeing with this treatment process, I nodded at Jahei’s proposal and then we both got up to fetch the boy. Plain as day, Xiao Bai looked up at us and I could tell he was hesitant about getting his medical exam. Trying to put his mind at ease, I ran up to him and held his hand. Slowly, the tension in his face went down and we walked into the examining room together without a fuss. “Please have a seat here and tell me if you have any concerns that you want to talk about first,” Jahei told his patient in a soft manner.
Calmly, I pulled up a chair and seated it next to the bed where Xiao Bai sat upon and held his hand the entire time. “I- umm, I’m not sure what to talk about but I guess I do have a lot of injuries and burn marks that hurt sometimes. Occasionally, I feel dizzy and anxious and have trouble sleeping. I sometimes want to vomit or don’t feel very hungry even if I didn’t eat. My body tends to hurt suddenly and I’m not sure why, I think that’s it Shifu.” Xiao Bai reluctantly expressed his concerns, looking back and forth at me and then Jahei and at his own hands every now and then.
“Good job Xiao Bai! You explained things very well, I’m proud of you,” I cheered him on trying to reduce his stress with my presence. Meanwhile, Jahei took notes of everything the boy said and kept looking at Xiao Bai up and down. I could tell Jahei already knew what was wrong, his eyes could see into the mind and souls of everything that had water in it. He already knew everything going on in Xiao Bai’s body down to the last cell.
In truth, I knew him talking to his patients was only a show to prevent human suspicions. “I will need to listen to your heart and examine your vitals. I may need to touch you to do this, is that alright?” Jahei asked with a professional tone. Protectively, I sat there as moral support and observed the situation, Xiao Bai clutched my hand firmly upon hearing this but nodded and said Jahei could proceed.
As always, Jahei was courteous and gentle in his examining process. Before he listened to Xiao Bai’s heart, he asked for consent. Before he checked his mouth, nose, ears, and so forth, he asked if the boy was comfortable. Slowly, they were more trusting of each other and Xiao Bai’s grip loosened slightly. Just by watching them interact, I could tell Jahei was using his powers to hypnotize Xiao Bai into relaxing, the water deities have a special ability to calm anything around them. Be it humans or animals or nature itself, their ability to soothe others was phenomenal.
It might have been an unfair tactic but Jahei was subtle and respectful so I continued to observe without interfering. Occasionally I would ask if everything was okay and Xiao Bai would say he’s fine. Once the basics were done, Jahei asked if Xiao Bai would be comfortable showing him his injuries so he could see if there was any infections or issues. At this point, I was asked to wait outside because I was a girl and Xiao Bai felt shy. “Okay, I’ll be right behind the door, if you need anything just yell and I’ll bust in,” I declared as I stepped outside according to the young man’s wishes.