


As Richard rose from his slumber, the sun shone through the window of the dorm room, he yawned from the lack of oxygen in his brain, and stood up from the bed, heading towards the bathroom. He washed his face, brushed his teeth, and took a cold shower, waking him up completely. When he felt like he was clean enough, he got out of the bathroom, he opened his trunk to pick one of the clothes in it and wear it quickly. He then walked towards the calendar near his bed, he checked what date is today, and it was the 29th of May 1993.

“Damn! It’s almost the exam period…” he murmured to himself. 

Richard got out of his dorm room, leaving behind his roommates, and climbed down the stairs towards the Ravenclaw common room, where from the looks of it, the place is still quite empty.

“Good morning Richard.” Richard suddenly heard a voice, the voice sounded feminine, and he could already guess who it was.

“Good morning to you too Cho.” Answered Richard while turning around to the girl, his face showing a comfortable smile. “Sleep well?”

“Quite good,” answered the girl with a happy expression, “Although my roommate is still snoring, I can’t get rid of that…”

Richard chuckled at her words, then he looked at the clock in the common room and saw that it was the time for breakfast. “Want to go to the great hall with me?” he suggested to the girl.

The girl nodded eagerly, now walking towards the exit of the common room beside Richard and heading towards the great hall.

“You’re ready for the exam Cho?” asked Richard, a bit gloomy, “I’m not ready for potions… Snape is always targeting students that aren’t Slytherins, I can’t concentrate at all!”

“I’m not ready either…” she answered with a depressing tone, “I’m dreadful at everything! I’m not as good as you.”

“Well, I am not that good, I just had a bit of help, I trained with Professor Flitwick this term.”

“Really? What for?” the girl asked, curious at Richard’s reason.

“Duelling tournament I guess… I mean, he never really told us that we will be participating, but it sounds like we will.”


Richard hummed quietly, “Yeah, me, Ed, and Daphne.”

Cho didn’t speak any longer, her face showing a complicated expression, Richard didn’t notice this and continued to walk to the great hall. Once he arrived, he sat on the corner of the long table along with Cho, who sat in front of him.

Before he could pick the food in front of him, he saw Daphne and her sister entered the room, she eyed Richard for a second, before moving her gaze to the girl in front of him, she narrowed her eyes, snorted, and walked faster to her long table, confusing her sister, who noticed Daphne’s sudden change of mood.

Richard shrugged, and picked the food, he picked two sunny side eggs and a piece of sausage, eating it blissfully, as he chatted with the girl in front of him. As minutes went by, suddenly Professor McGonagall entered the room, with a weak smile on her face.

“I have good news to share with all of you.” She announced it to the students in the great hall. As soon as they heard that, they started to whisper to each other, guessing on what the news could be.

“What do you think?” Cho asked the boy in front of her, who was stuffed with food.

Richard swallowed his food, and answered the girl quietly, “Dunno, probably that the petrified will be cured today or tomorrow, I hear Professor Sprout said that the mandrakes are almost ready yesterday.”

Cho hummed in enlightenment, then McGonagall continued her announcement.

“Professor Sprout has informed me that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to revive those people who have been Petrified. I need hardly remind you all that one of them may well be able to tell us who, or what, attacked them. I am hopeful that this dreadful year will end with our catching the culprit.” She said, a bit happy at the news herself.

The student instantly cheered in unison, making Richard’s ears hurt a bit, as it was quite loud.

“Well, about time.” Richard said to himself, but Cho heard him and nodded in agreement. Then he suddenly remembered what Ed said a couple of weeks ago, that there was supposed to be a big accident happening, ‘What could it be…’ he thought while wondering about the possibilities.

Richard quickly finished his food, and said to Cho in front of him, “I got to go Cho, nice talking to you.” He said while walking out of the hall, leaving the disappointed girl behind.

Richard was now heading towards the empty classroom, they were technically not allowed to go there anymore, as students were required to go to their classes in the presence of a professor, but he used a Disillusionment charm on himself, so no one could see him. He opened the door of the empty classroom, breathed in the air inside as he had not been to the place for a while, and after that, he opened the window to let some fresh air in.

The door suddenly opened again, revealing a blonde girl, and that blonde girl is of course, Daphne Greengrass.

“Hello Daph.” Richard greeted casually as he’s setting up the room from training.

Daphne didn’t return the greeting, instead she questioned Richard about something that has been bothering her.

“Why didn’t the ‘accident’ happen? Ed said that it was supposed to happen in the near future, and it’s well past a couple of weeks…”

Richard shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe he changed something that made the accident never happen.”

Daphne sighed at Richard’s casual behaviour and helped him set the place up. A couple of minutes later, they already transfigured the desks to dummies, and made a place to sit. The two then sat next to each other, waiting for Ed’s presence in the classroom.

Daphne suddenly moved closer to Richard, making the atmosphere a bit awkward and tense.

“So…” she broke the silence, staring at Richard, “You and Cho are close?”

“Hm?” said Richard, surprised at the question. “I mean, we trained a lot on Wednesday, so I guess we are.”

Daphne hummed mysteriously, “Just the two of you? In this classroom?”

“Yeah, why do you ask?” answered Richard, a bit lost at the questions.

Daphne once again hummed mysteriously, but her eyes looked a bit dangerous for some reason, “No reason.”

  Then Ed entered the room, but he didn’t bring his suitcase, he looked at the two sitting so closely together and smirked.

“Well, I should go, it seems I’ve interrupted something important.” He said mischievously.

Richard and Daphne suddenly moved away from each other, their faces were quite red, embarrassed at the scene.

“Should we start?” suggested the blushing Daphne, diverting the topic.

Ed chuckled softly, amused by his friends’ behaviour, “No, we’re not practising today.” Ed dropped the bomb to the two, making Richard and Daphne confused at the sudden change of schedule.

“Wait, why?” asked Richard, at this time he was quite curious.

“Remember the accident I told you about a couple weeks ago?” Ed questioned the two while leaning against the wall.

Daphne and Richard hummed, then they clicked on what Ed was leading them to. “You mean it’s today?” said Daphne, and an excited expression can be seen on her face.

“Yes, but don’t go to the bathroom just yet, go when McGonagall announces it.”

“All right, any tips then?”

Ed thought for a while, his face showing a blank expression, “Dunno really, just don’t look at the basilisk, Daphne, you can close your eyes and use your ‘Nature sense’ to locate the beast, while Richard… just watch out mate, don’t die.”

Richard gulped, suddenly nervous at the thought of fighting the basilisk, “Family magic is really not fair…”

Ed laughed at Richard’s whining, “Well, maybe you can make a family magic yourself, then you would make the house of Neil, how cool is that?”

Richard sighed, annoyed at his friend’s comment, “You and your unfunny joke Ed, I’m possibly going to die here…”

“Don’t worry, Daphne will protect you, right Daphne?” said Ed, smirking at Daphne and winking at her, making her blushed.

“Y-Yeah, don’t worry…” she stuttered.

“Fine.” Richard grunted, “When will McGonagall announce it?”

Ed shrugged, “Dunno, probably afternoon…?”

Then the voice of McGonagall suddenly echoed throughout the corridors and room of Hogwarts, startling the students.

“All students return to their House dormitories at once. All teachers return to the staffroom. Immediately, please.”

“And there it is.” Ed commented casually, looking at the startled Daphne and Richard. “Go then, you’d be late if you stay here.”

Both of them just nodded, and rushed to the bathroom, leaving the silver-eyed boy behind. He sighed as the two left, “A couple of days until trial huh… I should train.” He mumbled to himself while standing back straight and practised on the dummy.

Meanwhile, Richard and Daphne were running through the corridor, heading towards the bathroom, both of them had used the Disillusionment charm so the Professors wouldn't notice them.

“Turn right Richie.” Said Daphne, unaware that she just said a new nickname to Richard.

Richard was surprised at the nickname, “What did you just say?” Richard questioned while still running.

“I said turn right Rich-” she stopped and blushed profusely, “Sorry, I meant Richard.”

“No, I like it, call me Richie next time.” He said casually, making Daphne more embarrassed.

“O-Okay…” she simply answered as both of them arrived at the bathroom, “What now?” said Richard, looking at Daphne with a questioning gaze.

“Now we wait I suppose…” she mumbled quietly, still quite embarrassed.

Richard nodded and leaned against the wall, Daphne however was looking for something, or rather, someone.

“What are you looking for?” Richard said while looking at Daphne with a confused look.

“I’m looking for Moaning Myrtle, she should know how to enter the chamber.”

“How did you know that?”

“I researched it of course, the chamber of secrets first opened around fifty years ago with a student supposedly was murdered, and Myrtle died around fifty years ago too, so that means that the victim is Myrtle, and she should know something.”

“Wow, amazing you are, why didn’t you get sorted to Ravenclaw.” Richard praised the girl, making her embarrassed.

“W-Well, the hat considered it at first, but I was a Greengrass so…”

Richard nodded in understanding, “All right, let’s go search for Moaning Myrtle.”

But before they could search, three people suddenly barged into the bathroom, alerting Richard and Daphne.

Richard heard Hermione talking nonstop to her friends, “You need to open it using Parseltounge Harry, it’s in-” she stopped, now aware of Daphne and Richard.

“What are you doing here!?” suddenly shouted Ron as he noticed Richard and Daphne. “Your friend let this happen! my sister got kidnapped, your friend knew it and he allowed it to happen!”

“Your sister got kidnapped? By whom?” Richard asked.

“By the heir of Slytherin you tosspot! Your friend knew it and let it happen!”

“Calm down Ronald,” Interrupted Hermione, who was nervously listening to Ron’s rant. “He must have a reason to let it happen…” she continued, but she can’t think of a way to defend Ed, as she was pretty upset about it too.

“A reason?! As far as we know Hermione, she’s already dead in that chamber!”

“Don’t say that Ron…” Hermione said quietly, “You don’t want that to be true…”

Ron was about to explode again, but thankfully Harry interrupted, breaking the argument, “All right, stop bickering, we need to find the entrance…”

“Let’s talk to Moaning Myrtle.” Informed Daphne, “I bet she knows where it is.”

The others nodded and quickly went to Myrtle’s toilet. “Oh, it’s you,” she said when she saw Harry. “What do you want this time?”

“To ask you how you died,” said Harry.

Myrtle’s whole aspect changed at once. She looked as though she had never been asked such a flattering question.

“Ooooh, it was dreadful,” she said with relish. “It happened right here. I died in this very stall. I remember it so well. The door was locked, and I was crying, and then I heard somebody come in. They said something funny. A different language, I think it must have been. Anyway, what really got me was that it was a boy speaking. So, I unlocked the door, to tell him to go and use his own toilet, and then—” Myrtle swelled importantly, her face shining. “I died.”

“How exactly did you die? Did you see anything strange?” pushed Daphne.

“Oh, I saw a pair of big yellow eyes, it was right there I think.” Answered Myrtle casually, pointing at a sink in front of the toilet.

“All right, thank you Myrtle…” Richard said, ending the conversation, Myrtle shrugged and floated away to Merlin knows where, and the group walked towards the sink that Myrtle was pointing at, and they just stared at it, looking for a button or a lever.

“Well, how do we open it?” asked Richard curiously.

“All right…” Daphne thought for a while, then got an idea. “Harry, you could speak parseltounge right? Speak it, tell it to open or something…”

Harry nodded nervously, “O-Okay…” he answered, he then looked at the sink and started to speak.


“That’s English Harry, use Parseltounge.”

“I’m trying!” he defended himself, “Okay…” he breathed.

Then Richard heard strange sounds coming out of Harry’s mouth, and the sink instantly moved, the entire sink-block slid out, revealing a giant hole.

The room was instantly silent, not knowing what to do.

“Should we just jump?” Richard broke the silence.

“What else can we do? Float?” counted Ron sarcastically, who was being awfully hostile to the two.

Daphne noticed this and just sighed, “Who’ll jump first?”

“I’ll do it.” Harry said decisively, he walked towards the hole, but was quickly stopped by Richard.

“No, I’ll do it, I know a spell that can minimise fall damage, so I’ll check first.” He said, and Harry just nodded in agreement, albeit reluctantly.

Richard took a deep breath, “Okay…” he walked closer to the hole, he heard Daphne say ‘Be careful’ from his back, and he jumped, he didn’t scream when he was falling as he was concentrating on when he will use the spell, he comes near the bottom of the hole and quickly muttered the chant.

Arresto Momentum.”

His momentum slowed, and he landed softly onto the ground, he checked his body for injuries to confirm, and shouted to the top. “It’s fine to jump! I’ll do the spell on you too!”

“Okay!” Harry shouted back from the top. Not a second later, Richard heard a scream going down the hole, he saw that it was Ron, he quickly used the Slowing charm on him, making the redhead fall slowly, he stepped onto the ground sighing in relief.

“You all right?” Richard asked softly, which the redhead just grunted, he looked a bit dissatisfied at the Ravenclaw’s presence. Richard just sighed and yelled to the top again, “Okay! Next one!”

“No need Richard! I can do it myself!” shouted Daphne from the top.

“All right then!”

The girl then jumped, she yelped, but not loud enough that Richard can hear it, and once she was close to the ground, he shouted the spell, albeit frantically, and that caused Richard to panicked a little, because he thought that she failed to cast the spell, he ran to her, worried about her conditions, “You okay?” he asked softly, helping her to stand.

The girl just nodded in confirmation and shot a weak smile at him, making Richard feel weird in the stomach. He quickly snapped out of the feeling and shouted to the top. “Who’s next?!”

“Me!” answered Harry, “All right, go ahead!” Richard quickly said.

The boy jumped, he didn’t yell and was quickly affected by Richard’s spell, he landed softly onto the ground, joining his redhead friend.

“Okay Hermione, your turn!” Richard shouted once again.

“Y-You’ll catch me right?!” she shouted back, looking like she was a bit afraid of heights.

“Of course! if you got hurt Ed would strangle me.” Richard joked, making Ron snorted in dissatisfaction.

“O-Okay…” she said, then she reluctantly jumped to the hole. She screamed in fear, her eyes were closed, but she quickly landed safely as Richard’s spell affected her, making her sigh in relief.

“Everyone okay?” Richard asked the group, which they just nodded and grunted.

“Where’s Ed by the way?” asked Hermione curiously, “He didn’t come?”

“Of course, he didn't, Hermione,” said Ron in hostility, “He wanted this to happen, remember? To get my sister kidnapped.”

You are reading story Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction at

“Ronald…” she said his name softly, but didn’t say anything afterwards, she will definitely question Ed later on about this accident.

Daphne and Richard were also silent in the matter, he can’t blame the bloke for hating Ed, he let his sister get kidnapped after all.

Harry just decided to abstain on the matter and continued walking to the entrance of the chamber. The entrance has two serpents intertwined with each other, with its eyes filled with emeralds.

“I’m guessing we have to use parseltounge again?” Daphne commented, signalling Harry to open the door.

Harry nodded, and Richard heard Harry once again, spoke a strange language, then the snakes moved, getting away from the entrance, and the wall slowly opened, revealing the chamber.

“Damn… that definitely doesn’t look sinister at all.” Said Richard sarcastically as they went in, they saw that the chamber was dimly lit, stone pillars with snakes slithering it that have emerald eyes supported the ceiling, casting black shadows to the unlit part of the chamber. When they got deeper, they saw a carving of a giant sinister face, as if looking at them with judging eyes.

“It’s cold…” Hermione said, she was clutching her robes tightly, clinging to any warmth she could get. Then suddenly, Harry and Ron shrieked as they saw a stiff body on the edge of the chamber, “Ginny!”

The group noticed it as well, making them run towards the body, their footsteps echoed throughout the chamber, they then surrounded the body. She was pale, white as a marble, her body was cold as the room, but she was still breathing.

“Oh, thank Merlin you’re alive Ginny, wake up…” said Ron, his face filled with worry, he slapped her face lightly, trying to wake her up. But a minute later, she didn’t, making Ron paler than ever before, “Why won’t she wake up!? Ginny, please wake up…” his voice now sounded desperate, cracks in his voice were noticeable, and his eyes were glistening with tears.

“She won’t wake.” Suddenly a voice said, the group were instantly alerted, pointing their wand at the source of the voice. There he saw a handsome black-haired boy, leaning against a wall with a neutral face, devoid of any guilt and worry.

“W-Who are you?” Harry said, his face was also pale as Ginny won’t wake up.

“Tom Riddle.” Said the man casually while standing up straight, the group was alerted even more, as they knew who Tom Riddle was.

“A memory, preserved in the diary for fifty years.” He continued, pointing at the diary besides Ginny.

“You!” Harry shouted, “You’re the heir of Slytherin! You use the diary to control her to do your command!”

Tom chuckled, “Well done on guessing it. I’ve waited a long time for this Harry Potter,” he said, “For the chance to see you, to speak to you.”

“You see, I was curious about the boy who defeated me, Ginny here told me all about you of course, about the boy who defeated the dark lord when he was only a baby…”

“What did you do to Ginny?!” Harry furiously demanded an answer.

“I didn’t do anything…” he shrugged, “She’s the one who poured her soul to me, making me stronger. ’I’m so glad I’ve got this diary to confide in. . . . It’s like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket. . .’” he mocked Ginny’s voice at the end, making the group furious.

Tom laughed like a madman, making the group shiver from the sheer evilness of Tom. “If I say myself Harry, I’ve always-”

Reducto!” Richard suddenly casted, a ball of light shot to Tom, the spell was powerful, but not powerful enough to turn Tom to dust, just knocking him down.

“How dare you filthy mudblood! Interrupting me!” Tom roared while groaning in pain.

Daphne suddenly laughed, “You? A half-blood mocking a muggle-born using a slur? Pathetic!”

“SHUT UP!” Tom growled, “The Greengrass is now a blood traitor huh? No matter, you will all die here anyway.”

Suddenly, a sound of singing echoed throughout the room, the melody was eerie, otherworldly, but it didn’t scare the group, instead it made Tom alert, he looked around the chamber, but saw nothing. A couple of seconds later, a crimson bird flew to the group, dropping a ragged hat.

“Fawkes!” Harry shouted happily, then he picked up the ragged hat, and recognized the hat, “The sorting hat? Why is it here?”

Tom began to laugh again, more maniacally than before, “This is what Dumbledore sends his defender! A songbird and an old hat! Do you feel brave, Harry Potter? Do you feel safe now?”

Harry didn’t answer, instead, Tom continued his rambling, “I was this close to rope you into my grasp, but that Aldrich boy ruined everything!” he roared, showing his hatred towards Ed, “but no matter, all of you shall die in this chamber.”

Speak to me Slytherin, Greatest of the Hogwarts Four!” he shouted, only Harry could understand the language, as it was Parseltounge.

Then the gigantic face started to move, making a huge hole in its mouth, and from the hole, came out a large green serpent, it was the basilisk, its eyes were one blind, meaning it can only kill them with the other eye, the group noticed this, and instantly closed their eyes, avoiding the basilisk’s gaze.

Tom laughed madly, and shouted in parseltounge once again, “Kill them!

Richard and Daphne instantly reacted, protecting the other three. “All right Daph, be my eyes.”

“To your one o’clock!”

Richard aimed his wand at the direction, and casted a spell, “Diffindo!

The spell shot through the air, moving to the basilisk, and it hit, but nothing happened. Richard didn’t notice it because his eyes were closed, and the basilisk quickly slither to them.

“Quickly, dodge to the left!” Daphne shouted desperately. And dodged they did, they avoided the basilisk’s bite, and rolled to the side, “Your spell is useless Richie! Use stronger spells!”

“Well, I don’t know any spells that can hit a basilisk Daph! I can only distract it! You’re the one who has family magic!”

“Are you still on about that?!” shouted Daphne, dodging another attack from the basilisk, distracting it from Harry. “Fine! I’ll do it!” she said, she pointed her wand to the ground of the basilisk, and chanted, her voice echoed throughout the room, 

Vites Vocant!”

Streams of vines suddenly burst out of the stone floor, nailing the basilisk to the ground, making it unable to move. “Nice!” she shouted happily.

“Why didn’t you use your animal control!?” shouted Richard.

“I can’t! the basilisk’s too strong!!”

Then, Fawkes suddenly swept in, attacking the basilisk on the other eye, making it scream in pain. 

“Everyone, you can open your eyes now! The basilisk is now blind!” Richard shouted, a bit relieved. The others soon opened their eyes, shocked at the scene they saw, vines were surrounding the basilisk, preventing it from moving.

“How- Greengrass did all of this?” Ron was shocked.

“No time Ronald, Harry! Look!” Hermione said, pulling both of the boys as the basilisk broke free of the vines.


The basilisk turned around, now slithering to the trio, Harry looked like he was about to give up, as did the other two, the three ran towards the direction of Ginny, but suddenly, Harry pulled something out of the hat he was grabbing, it was a sword. He pushed Hermione and Ron, away, making him the sole target, then, he allowed the basilisk to bite him, but he strikes back, he stabbed the sword through the mouth, hitting the brain of the basilisk, and the beast died instantly, with Harry still in its mouth groaning in pain.

“Harry!” shrieked Hermione, she instantly rushed to him, removing the boy from the mouth, dragging him to Ginny’s side.

“Harry! Are you okay!?” She asked frantically, she knows that the basilisk’s venom is deadly, and hard to counter. Harry felt drowsy, he felt like he wanted to sleep right there, but he fought it and stayed awake.

“You’re already dead Harry Potter.” said Tom Riddle while walking to the boy, picking Hermione’s wand, who was thrown aside because Harry had pushed her. “I might as well finish you three right here.”

“NO!” a voice was heard from the other side, it was Richard and Daphne, they both ran as fast as they could to the other three, but from the looks of it, they wouldn't make it.

“Stay away from Harry!” Hermione stood up and picked Harry’s wand, aiming it to Tom. Ron was dazed, and quickly picked up Harry’s sword, and stood up beside Hermione, but he was a bit scared, “Y-Y-Yeah, stay away…” he stuttered, weakly, fighting the urge to run.

“Guys- Don’t…” said Harry weakly.

Tom laughed maniacally, “A blood traitor and a mudblood protecting the chosen one? How charming…” he mocked the two, then he made a stance, and shouted a spell full of hatred.

“AVADA KEDAVRA!” He roared, a green spell was shot towards Ron, and the redhead was sweating bullets now, if he dodged, either Hermione or Harry will be hit, so he stood his ground, ready to embrace death, but it didn’t come, instead he heard someone muttered a somewhat rare but familiar spell.


An invisible shield was suddenly conjured in front of Ron, it distorted the space around it, making it a bit noticeable. The green light hit the shield, and made the spell void, saving Ron’s life.

“What?! Who’s there?!” Tom shouted frantically, shocked at someone who can block a killing curse, then he heard a clapping noise from on top of the face statue, he looked at the source of the noise, and saw a black-haired, silver-eyed boy staring at him with a grin up his face.

“Brilliant Tom, simply brilliant.” Said the boy smugly, “Your plan is simply marvellous, using a little girl to do your bidding like this, I must say, you deserve your title as a dark lord.” Continued the boy, then he disappeared from the top of the statue, startling Tom, suddenly, he felt an invisible force hit him from the front, it was Hermione with a knockback spell, Tom then was pushed to the corner of the room, groaning in pain.

“Nice one Hermione.” Ed said, while Daphne and Richard arrived, tending to Harry, “Fawkes, heal him would you?” the silver-eyed boy said to the bird who was flying on top of them. Fawkes glides down, he shed a tear to Harry, healing his wounds and ultimately saving his life.

“Harry!” Hermione shrieked, Hugging the-boy-who-lived who was standing up.

“Okay Hermione, stop, you’re hurting him.” Said Ed while walking towards Tom, who was still groaning in the corner of the room.

“Hello Tom, nice to see you again.” Ed greeted Tom with a smug smile on his face.


Ed chuckled dangerously, “You may not know what I said back in first year Tom, because you’re just a memory, but let me tell you again.” He said, then his stares turned serious and deadly, he crouched down, matching the sitting Tom’s glare, “I plan to ruin every single plan of yours, I will humiliate you so much that the public will never be afraid of you any longer, and I will wipe out every single one of your pathetic legion that you were so proud of.”

He then stood up, looking at Tom like he was an ant, “You mess with the wrong family Tom, and it will be your downfall.” He said, Tom then felt that his legs couldnot move, it was frozen to the ground, ice was slowly surrounding his body, even though it is just a memory, it can still be frozen, even time can freeze, why can’t memory?

“Ron, be a dear and stabbed that diary with that sword of yours would you? Or the basilisk fang will do too.” Ed said, his face still cold, the back of him was the screaming Tom, shouting intangible words at Ed.

Ron frowned, “Why should I trust you? You made this happen!”

Ed sighed tiredly, he looked at Hermione who was looking at him with confusion and worry, he smiled weakly at her, and said, “Would you do it Hermione? Do you trust me?”

Hermione stared at Ed for a second, and nodded blankly, she rushed towards the basilisk’s corpse, and pulled on one of the fangs, then she walked to the diary and stabbed it with the fang. Ink then came out of the diary, dirtying Hermione, Ed pulled her out of the range, and just watched as Tom shrieked in pain because of the hole in the book.

“You’re going to need to explain everything Ed,” said Daphne as she walked to the boy, “Ron has the right to be mad at you, you allowed his sister to be kidnapped after all…”

Ed hummed, “Harry, check on Ginny will you? She should wake up now.”

Harry nodded, but still suspicious at Ed, he walked to Ginny, her face was slowly getting redder and redder, a sign that she’s getting better, and a couple of seconds later, her eyes fluttered, she looked at Harry, and instantly panicked.

“Harry — oh, Harry — I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldn’t say it in front of Percy — it was me, Harry — but I — I s-swear I d-didn’t mean to — R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over — and — how did you kill that — that thing? W-where’s Riddle? The last thing I r-remember is him coming out of the diary —”

“It’s All right…” he comforted the girl, then Ron came in “Ginny! You’re okay!” he said in relief, he hugged his sister, a little bit confused at the situation, but still hugged back.

“Here.” Said Ed while throwing the diary at Harry, “A memento if you like, or give it to Dumbledore, I don’t care.”

Harry just looked at the diary and took it, he examined it, but found nothing interesting, “What is this thing exactly?” he asked Ed.

“Like he said, he inserted his memory, or rather, his soul in that diary, making it semi-sentient.” Ed answered, then Ed looked at Hermione, who was tired and a bit shocked by what just happened, “You okay Hermione?”

“Hm? Yeah, I’m fine, just tired…”

Ed sighed, “You don’t look okay to me…”

Hermione stared at Ed intently, “Why Ed? Why did you let this happen?”

Ed looked away from Hermione, as everyone except Ginny, who was confused, was staring at him now, asking for an answer.

“I-I was a coward okay…” he said, surprising the group, “At first I was going to deal with this mess at the start of this year’s term, but…”

“But?” Ron asked with a bit of hostility.

“I was afraid of the effect that my changes made…” he said weakly, but only Hermione, Richard, and Daphne knew what it meant. “Sure, I said that this was supposed to be Harry’s lessons to make him a better wizard in the future, it was my intention from the start that I won’t meddle, but I also said to Harry that I will change the things that hurts innocent people, but I didn’t, this accident is the prove of it…”

“Why are you afraid then?! It’s just saving my sister from being kidnapped, what’s the harm in that?!” Ron roared, still angry at Ed.

“It’s complicated Ronald…” Hermione said weakly.

“What’s complicated?!”

“You remember last year when I threatened Lucius in front of everyone?” asked Ed softly, not minding the yelling.

Everyone that didn’t know nodded, the question confused them, Ron especially, “What’s that got to do with this?”

Ed sighed, “I changed something that day, it was supposed to be a minor thing but…”

“But what?” Ron questioned once again.

“It made Lucius kill my parents.” Hermione answered, shocking the one who didn’t know.

“W-What?” Harry stammered, “B-But I thought your parents were just missing?”

“I didn’t want to tell you Harry, and Ed said that it’s better for no one to know…” Hermione answered.

Ed explained the situation, “That day, your dad was supposed to have a fight with Lucius Ron, but I changed it. He became embarrassed and did a low thing, targeting Hermione’s parents, as they were the one who is the most defenceless.” Said Ed, surprising Ron and Ginny, “At first I thought it was my parents, so I protected them on new year, but… turns out it was Hermione’s.”

“So that day… on new year…” Harry thought out loud.

“Yeah…” Hermione said, “But don’t worry though, Ed has a way to bring them back.”

“You can revive the dead?” asked Harry, surprised at the revelation.

“It was lucky,” answered Ed, “If I arrived an hour later, they can’t be revived…”

“But that’s dark magic!” shouted Ron.

Ed shook his head, “It’s not Ron, it’s different from those dark magic ways, because technically, I’m not recalling their soul, as their soul was still in this world, and I will just recreate the body as well, not change it to another form or make it stronger...” Ed said, “So, sorry Ron, for letting this event happen, I just don’t trust myself changing something major anymore.”

“But you changed me, getting petrified…” Hermione said.

“That’s because I’m one hundred percent sure about the effect, although as you can see a couple weeks ago, it didn’t go as well as I thought either, Parvati was now the one who got petrified.”

Ron eyed Ed suspiciously, he had a complicated expression on his face, “I still don’t trust you.”

“Fair enough.” Ed nodded.

“But” Ron softened his expression, “As long as you won’t let this kind of thing happen again, I suppose it’s fine…”

“I can’t promise anything Ron, I’m not a god.” Answered Ed, “But I’ll try.”

Ron nodded, and Richard suddenly stood up with Daphne, “Come on, let’s get out of here, it’s quite smelly because of the corpse.”

Everyone nodded, and walked out to the exit, on the back of the line, Ed was walking beside Hermione, who was still eyeing Ed suspiciously.

“That’s not the only reason is it?” questioned Hermione quietly.

“I don’t know what you mean Hermione.” Said Richard innocently.

“You never said anything about being scared of changing the future, so what’s the real reason?”

Ed sighed deeply, “I can’t hide anything from you… being scared is part of the reason that I didn’t change anything, the real reason though, was revenge, I used the sacred thing so he wouldn’t be mad at me.”

Hermione sighed, “You’ll let Ginny be killed for revenge?”

Ed shook his head, “I know she won’t die, I’m confident in myself Hermione, you know that.”

Hermione grumbled in annoyance, “You have to change this attitude of yours Ed, it will bite you again, like with my parents…”

Ed flinched a bit, “Yeah, I know… I’m sorry Hermione, I truly am.”

“It’s fine Ed. but I still want you to be there when we revive my parents you know…”

Ed smiled sadly at Hermione, “You know I can’t Hermione, but how about this, I’ll spend a day with you before I go to the trial, I’ll do anything you want.”

Hermione raised her eyebrow, “Anything?”

Ed chuckled, “Well, not anything, but if I can do it, and it doesn’t humiliate me, then fine.”

Hermione nodded, “Okay then, you’re going on June 1st right?”

Ed hummed in confirmation, then Hermione continued, “Then you’ll have to spend time with me from tomorrow.”

“All right princess, whatever you say.” Ed answered cheekily, he ruffled Hermione’s hair, making her blush from embarrassment.