Hogsmeade Village, or simply called Hogsmeade, was the only all-wizarding village in Britain. It was founded by Hengist of Woodcroft. Since before 1714 (when the 1714 Edict was passed), Hogwarts third years and above had been permitted weekend trips into the village.
25th of October 1993. Ed was now walking towards Divination class with Hermione. They both looked burned out, they were walking slowly towards the class as to stall time, and Ed was clearly looking more pale and tired from before.
“You know what…” Ed suddenly stopped. “I think I won’t get to Divination this time. I need to talk to McGonagall about this. I’m dropping Divination and COMC, this is just too much…”
“I’m with you on this one.” Hermione groaned, “My legs are hurting from all the walks we need to take to classes.”
“Hermione Granger skipping class? That’s new.” Ed chuckled.
“Shut up.” Hermione smacked Ed’s shoulder with a smile on her face.
Ed sighed contently, “Can’t imagine you doing this alone.” Ed commented, “Must be tough.”
“Don’t know how book-me does this, to be honest.” She said as she leaned against the corridor wall, resting her legs.
“Let’s go to McGonagall right now if you want.” Ed joined her as she leaned against the wall.
Hermione shook her head in disagreement. “No, she’ll probably be teaching some other year right now.”
Ed hummed, “You’re right, what do you want to do now?”
Hermione thought for a while, before saying, “Let’s just go rest in the common room…”
“What if we were discovered? We’re going to get detention for skipping class…”
“I mean, Trelawney would have noticed anyway.”
“What if we just went to McGonagall’s Class straight away?”
“Like right now? But I want to rest…”
Ed thought about how he would do this, and had an idea in mind. “How about we go feed some Thestrals? They won’t discover us if we’re in the forbidden forest.”
“Can I even see Thestrals?” Hermione questioned, “I didn’t see it when we used the carriage…”
Ed shrugged, “You can just watch me feeding it, it must be interesting to see an invisible creature eating some meat…”
“You know what, why not…”
Ed then blinked them to the edge of the forbidden forest, where the pack of Thestrals usually gather. When they arrived, Ed saw the pack, and to his surprise, a girl was also there, a blonde-haired girl feeding the Thestrals.
Hermione also saw the girl, “Is that?”
“Luna Lovegood.” Ed answered, “You want to meet her?”
Hermione scanned the girl and saw that the girl was barefoot. “Remind me, when do people start bullying Luna again?” she asked worriedly.
“I don’t really know… since her first year?”
“We need to help her Ed…”
“Finding her some shoes?” Ed jokes, but he got a smack on his shoulder from Hermione.
“I’m serious, how can people bully her like this, and why didn’t she report it to Professor Flitwick…”
“If you read how she is in the book, you know why.” Ed sighed, “Always have an excuse for her bully.”
Hermione nodded weakly as Ed said that, and Ed continued. “You go on talk to her. I’ll go get the meat from the suitcase.”
Ed then disappeared again, while Hermione walked up to Luna, trying to talk to her.
“Hello.” Hermione greeted her.
Luna then turned to see Hermione and smiled. “Hello, it’s rare to find people here.”
“Um, yeah, we’re trying to rest a bit, and my friend recommended me to this place…”
Luna tilted her head. “And where’s your friend?”
“Getting some meat for the Thestrals…” Hermione answered while looking at the meat on Luna’s hand that was suddenly eaten by an invisible creature.
“You can see them too?” Luna asked, curious about Hermione.
“Oh, no…” Hermione shook her head. “My friend can, though…”
Luna stared at Hermione for a while before saying her name. “I’m Luna Lovegood, by the way.” She said as she stretched her hand to Hermione, offering a handshake.
Hermione smiled as she took up the offer. “Hermione, Hermione Granger.”
“Oh, you’re the girl who’s always with Aldrich, right? He’s weird, I always see him disappearing into thin air when turning to the corridor…”
Hermione panicked for a moment, “Um…”
But then Ed suddenly walked up to them, making Hermione more nervous. “What are you two talking about?”
“Oh!” Luna smiled, “Speak of the devil, we were just talking about you disappearing and appearing out of thin air, like just now.”
“Oh, that.” Ed shrugged, “I can do that.” Ed then blinked behind Luna, making Hermione more panicked.
“Ed!” She shrieked.
“What? She’s not going to tell anybody…” he defended himself.
Luna, meanwhile, was looking at Ed weirdly. “Do the Wrackspurts follow you when you teleport silently like that?”
Ed shrugged once again as he said, “Don’t know, probably?”, then he threw a piece of meat at a Thestral feeding it.
“What happened to your shoes, Luna?” Hermione asked worriedly.
Luna then looked at her feet and wriggled it a bit. “Oh, Nargles stole them. I’ve been trying to find it all over the castle, but I can’t seem to find it…”
Ed then shot a weak smile towards Hermione, who was now pissed at the bullies. “Have you tried the Accio charm Luna?”
“I’ve never really tried it…” she says. “Can you do it?”
“Sure.” Ed then pulled out his wand and chanted, “Accio “Luna’s shoes”.”
Nothing came.
“Just wait for a minute. I can feel it coming towards us already.” Ed then continued feeding the Thestral, and not a couple of minutes later, the shoes really came, dropping itself to Luna.
“There, see.” Ed smiled as he and Hermione helped Luna wear her shoes.
“Thank you!” Luna smiled brightly. “I’ve never been treated this nice before.”
“What are friends for Luna?” Hermione also smiled, but Ed could feel the rage from her face, seemingly anticipating beating the bullies.
“Friends?” Luna tilted her head. “Oh! I’d love to be your friend!”
Hermione chuckled, “I’d love to be your friend too, Luna.”
Ed seeing this just shook his head in amusement, but soon froze as he felt something was wrong, he took a guard stance, and Hermione also noticed this.
“Ed, what’s wrong?”
“Something’s wrong.” Ed said, as he then goes deeper into the Forbidden Forest, ignoring Hermione’s warning to not enter it.
“Ed, what are you doing? Come back!” she said, but Ed didn’t hear her, so she followed him instead, pulling her wand just in case. “Wait here, Luna. I’m going to see what this is all about.”
Meanwhile, Ed was still walking deeper into the forest; he knew that this ‘something’s wrong’ feeling was familiar; it’s an instinct, evoked by the guardian of knowledge, like the last time he discovered the book.
He delved closer to the forest, seeming lost in instinct, and he ignored Hermione’s shout behind him. His instinct is getting stronger as he delved deeper to the forest, until suddenly, the scenery changed seamlessly, it was now dark, Ed can see snow falling deeply into the forest, but this area seemed snowier, the snow on the ground is deeper than the rest of the area, and Ed even though Ed is resistance to cold, he can feel a bone chilling wind coming from in front of him.
“Save them…” A voice suddenly sounded from everywhere, making Ed on guard. Then, Ed can see a girl, probably around 16-year-old, galloping through the woods with a horse, and beside her of what looks like a unicorn. Then the unicorn suddenly turned, making the girl confused, and from Ed’s head he could hear someone talking to the girl.
“Save yourself, Star Eyes! Do not allow yourself to be caught.” Ed heard in his mind, and Ed quickly concluded that it was the unicorn talking to the girl. But how can a unicorn use telepathy?
The girl then turned her head to her front again, and quickened her pace. She then suddenly disappeared with a turquoise portal, making Ed know who that was.
“Ciri…” Ed said to himself.
Then, Ed could hear the sounds of galloping horses; the ground shook, signalling that it wasn’t just one horse that was galloping, but instead many. And he saw it, an army of men with bizarre armour, and monsters that Ed had never seen before.
“One horn! Where is Zireael?” A man that looks like the commander of the army spoke.
But Ed can’t hear the unicorn anymore; instead, the voice from before echoed.
“Save them, and they will help you find what you’re looking for.”
The world then suddenly turned black, and Ed felt like he wasn’t standing anymore, and he also felt that he’s closing his eyes right now, which he instantly opened and took a deep breath.
“Ed! Ed! Are you okay!?” He saw a frantic-looking Hermione kneeling beside him, who had fallen to the ground.
“Hermione…” Ed whispered, “I-I’m fine…” as he massaged his forehead, he now felt the huge headache that came after he fell. “Actually, my head hurts…”
“Let’s go to Madam Pomfrey right now.” Hermione didn’t take no for an answer and helped Ed stand-up, dragging him to the Hospital Wing.
The rest of the day seemed fine. Ed had been told to stay in the wing until the evening, and both of them had gotten detention for skipping class. There was nothing wrong with Ed, says Madam Pomfrey, but he was still given some tonic to recover his energy. Hermione stayed with Ed until he was released, seemingly worried about him.
Over the next 5 days, Hermione and Ed attended the detention, and they had talked to Professor McGonagall about the classes; both of them had dropped Divination, while only Ed had dropped COMC. Hermione had kept the time turner because she was still attending some classes that happened at the same time.
And also between those 5 days, Ed, and to Ron and Harry’s surprise, Hermione, got a lot of date invitation to Hogsmeade, Ed was asked by a lot of seniors much to Hermione’s dismay, once she saw that a girl was trying to approach Ed, she dragged him away from her, and in the day before Halloween especially, Hermione was almost always cornered by a boy asking her on a date to Hogsmeade, but to Hermione’s disappointment, Ed didn’t really do anything about it, he just waited in the corner, but when the boy’s rather forceful to Hermione, he’ll instantly stepped in.
31st of October 1993. It was Ed’s first Hogsmeade weekend, and he had an important thing that he had to decide today, and that ‘thing’ was of course Hermione. He was now nervous; he hadn’t decided yet, because the key to his decision hadn’t shown itself.
“Shit…” Ed cursed. “How am I supposed to decide now if she hasn't mastered that…”
Ed then swiped his bracelet, and a voice sounded from it. “What is it, Ed?”
“Hello Gilligan…” Ed whispered. “How can I decide this? Your idea has a lot of weaknesses; she hasn't mastered the Patronus charm yet, and she’s not like Tonks or Snape… She's Hermione! She probably loved books more than she loved a man… she’s still 14 as well!”
“If you remember Ed, it was you who’s indecisive about this. I just gave you an idea to confirm your thoughts…” Gilligan answered. “You never accepted her because you always thought that she’s only interested in you because of the library, right?”
“How- right, the connection…” Ed said. “That’s not true, at first I thought about that at first, but I quickly changed my mind…”
“Then you know what to choose….” Gilligan simply said, disconnecting the connection at once.
“Gilligan? — Gilligan? This fucking owl!” Ed was frustrated, but quickly calmed himself down as he heard someone was coming to the dorm room. Ed looked at the door, and saw that it was Ron.
“You okay mate? The others are waiting for you…”
“Um… I’m okay, Ron, let’s go now…” Ed answered as he exited the dorm room with Ron.
Both of them then descend the spiral staircase towards the common room, and then they exit the tower, walking to the grounds where everyone waited; but when he was on his way, he saw a familiar man walking away from the crowd. Ron went first to the crowd, while Ed talked to the familiar man.
“Sirius? What are you doing here?” Ed asked the man.
“Oh, Ed.” he greeted the boy. “I was just giving McGonagall Harry’s form… I forgot to send it to him, and if I used an owl it’d be too long… so I came.”
Ed hummed, “Well, how’s the fame going?” Ed asked, seemingly stalling for time.
Sirius shrugged, “I’ve got job offers because of it, but I’m rich enough to not search for a job…. so there’s that.”
Ed sighed, “What about Amelia then? Did the two of you connect again?”
Sirius smirked, “Wouldn’t you like to know? How about you?”
Ed raised his eyebrow. “How about me?”
“You know, the girl?” Sirius smirked even more. “Harry told me about you and her.”
Ed shook his head in amusement. “Whatever old man, just go.” Ed avoided the question, walking straight towards the crowd, making Sirius laugh in amusement. Ed then walked towards Harry, Ron, and Hermione.
“What took you so long?” Hermione asked curiously; she looked excited, yet nervous at the same time.
“Finding clothes is hard, you know.” Ed lied, “Where’s Richard and Daphne?”
Hermione shrugged casually, “They were with the first batch; we’re the second.”
Ed narrowed his eyes but forgets it quickly. Ed then went silent again before asking, “Hermione, have you tried the Patronus charm yet?”
When she heard the question, she oddly blushed, which made Ed more interested. “W-Well, why do you want to know?”
“So you have tried… is it corporeal or incorporeal?”
“C-Corporeal…” Hermione answered weakly; she seemingly avoided eye contact with Ed.
“Well? What’s your animal?” Ed asked, maybe he’ll get the answer he needed right here.
“Why do you want to know anyway?” She questioned back, getting defensive.
Ed ignored the question and tried to guess the animal. “Is it still an otter? Or is it something else?”
Hermione shook her head weakly, hesitating to tell Ed, “I-It’s not an otter…”
Ed raised his eyebrow once more, ‘Does she actually have my Patronus? There’s no way… she’s still 14 for Merlin’s sake…’
“Well, what is it?” Ed asked.
“I-I’ll show you later, now, come on.” Hermione quickly threw away the topic; she grabbed Ed’s hand and dragged him towards one of the carriages. They both entered it and waited for the carriage to move. They are alone inside it at the moment, as Ron and Harry take another carriage along with Seamus, Dean, and Neville.
Ed stared at Hermione for a while, making her more and more nervous. “Stop staring.” She mumbled while her face was blushing. The carriage is now moving towards Hogsmeade, and both of them can feel the vibration because the carriage doesn’t have any suspension.
“What’s the animal Hermione?” Ed questioned once again, “Why won’t you tell me?”
“Well, why do you want to know anyway?” Hermione threw back a question.
“You want to know the truth?” Ed raised his eyebrow, to which Hermione just nodded.
“Gilligan told me to see your Patronus.” Ed said as he looked towards the window, “If your Patronus is the same as me, he said that I should be responsible for it, which I don’t mind really, it’s nice of you to feel that way to me, even though we’re both so young, but if it isn’t… then we can wait a bit more, you and I have plenty of time after all...”
Hermione narrowed her eyes, “What do you mean?”
“You know, Tonks from the book, right? My other cousin? And Snape’s Patronus?”
“Oh…” Hermione blushed instantly, as she also looked away towards the window. “I-It’s fine, really, if you want to wait longer… I don’t mind…”
You are reading story Ordeal of the Hopebringer: A Harry Potter Fanfiction at novel35.com
Ed was definitely surprised. “So it is an owl…”
“I-It’s not your fault.” Hermione shook her head. “I just- I don’t know…”
“Hermione…” Ed whispered her name, which made Hermione look at Ed. “Why do you like me anyway? You’ve come all the way from the bushy-haired bookworm that I met on the train to now, a beautiful young girl, you saw it yourself, a lot of boys wanted to go on a date with you… but why me? The most problematic of them all… I brought you a lot of problems Hermione… I indirectly killed your parents. I made you traumatised because of that, I gave you a big burden as in the suitcase secret and the book, and now you need to deal with me randomly passing out…”
“I could ask you the same question…” Hermione said. “Why me? Why show the library to me first? Why not Richard? Your long-time friend…”
“Well, you’re the one who asked first.” Ed said, “Richard never asked me about ‘A place to train in the summer.’, you’re the one who asked me. I asked Gilligan about it, and he said fine, so I showed it to you…”
Hermione looked away from Ed again, “You see Ed, that’s the problem, you always unintentionally made me feel special… giving me a big secret just like that…”
“Well, I trust you, of course. I’m fine with giving you the secret.”
“You do read the books right? If you think about it, I’m the most untrustworthy girl you could ever think of…”
“That’s not true; you kept Harry’s secrets; why can’t you keep mine?”
Hermione went silent for a moment before mumbling, “That’s different…”
“With Harry he actually needs me, but with you, you don’t need me at all… you could just do this on your own or do it with Richard and Daphne. I always feel useless around you, Ed. That’s why I’m trying my best to take care of you and your nightmares…”
“If you feel useless then why do you stick around then? You could just stay away from me, or never be involved in my shit…”
Hermione stared at Ed for a while before pulling her wand. She then cast a spell that Ed had been asking for.
“Expecto Patronum.”
A silver owl, identical to Ed’s suddenly flew from Hermione’s wand, flying around the small carriage, it flew around Ed for a while before disappearing, leaving Ed shocked at how identical it is to his.
“Does the owl Patronus answer the question?” Hermione said decisively.
Ed just went quiet; he didn’t know what to say, it was his fault that he made Hermione look like this; he had changed her too much.
“I’m sorry… it’s my fault.” Ed mumbled.
“You’re saying that falling in love with you is a mistake?” Hermione demanded.
“We’re still young Hermione…”
“I don’t care.” Hermione said, “It’s my decision to make, not yours. I can do whatever I want, you should too, don’t be bound by stupid rules like your family’s…”
Ed sighed at this and stared at Hermione’s eyes; their eyes met, silver meets brown, making the room tense.
“You know what?” Ed said, “Fuck it. I don’t care anymore.”
Ed then stood up from his seat; he cupped Hermione’s cheek, and kissed her on the lips; it was tender, soft, and warm. Although he had never kissed anyone before and had no idea what he was doing, it felt nice.
Hermione was surprised at this, but she just closed her eyes and kissed back; she wrapped her arms around Ed’s neck and caressed his hair softly. They kissed slowly for a while, enjoying every second of it, and then Hermione suddenly licked Ed’s lip. He was surprised at Hermione’s move and out of instinct, he pulled out, making Hermione moan in disappointment.
“What’s wrong?” Hermione asked as she bit her lip, looking at Ed’s lips.
“Let’s just take it slow, all right?” Ed said as he caressed Hermione’s cheek.
Hermione just nodded, although she was a bit disappointed. But then they both felt something, like a prick in the heart.
“Ouch!” They said at the same time.
“What happened?” Hermione asked, clutching her chest from the pain.
“I think it’s the ‘curse’…” Ed sighed. “Well, looks like we’re both stuck to each other now, Hermione…”
Hermione chuckled at this, but then turned serious. “Thank you Ed… for trusting me all this time, it made me feel special…”
Ed just smiled weakly. “That’s a burden in my chest gone now…” Ed said as they both sat again. “What do you want to do in Hogsmeade?”
Hermione thought for a while before saying, “Madam Puddifoot’s?”
Ed groaned at this, “And watch the other couple snogging? Yeah, no way.”
Hermione chuckled again, “I want to go to the shrieking shack, but I guess we can see it on the next visit…” she said, “But right now… let’s just stroll around the place, see what it offers.”
Ed nodded, “All right. I’m fine with that.”
After that both of them just enjoyed the ride to Hogsmeade; they chatted casually, talking about what to expect in Hogsmeade, and after a couple more minutes, they arrived. Both of them got out of the carriage, and joined in on the rest of the group. Now they were with the rest of the boys group; they were quite excited about Honeydukes.
“Hello boys.” Hermione said happily as they joined them.
“There you are Hermione, we’re going to check out Honeydukes, now, are you coming?” Ron said.
Hermione looked at him with hesitation as she answered, “Um… actually Ron, I’m going with Ed…”
“Then Ed could come too…” Ron said, seemingly oblivious, although the rest noticed this and just snickered.
“Let’s go Ron; they wanted to be left alone now.” Harry said as he dragged Ron. “Right, enjoy it, you two.” He continued as the rest of the group followed him.
“Well… now what?” Ed asked awkwardly.
“Come on.” Hermione held Ed’s hand and dragged him to Merlin knows where.
While they were strolling, Hermione kept holding Ed’s hand; she kept smiling all the way, and when she saw an interesting shop, she dragged him to it. “Come on, let’s go to that clothing store over there.”
Ed groaned internally at this, ‘This is going to take a long time…’ he thought.
They then entered the clothing store, making the bell on the door rang. To Ed’s surprise, Hermione didn’t go to the women’s section; instead she dragged Ed to the men’s section. “Let’s get you some clothes, I always see you wearing that dark blue t-shirt of yours, even if it’s winter.”
Ed shrugged, “The cold never bothered me anyway.”
“Still… at least you need to wear something nice and have variations…” Hermione scolded. “Here, try this.” She said as she put a beanie on top of his head, he looked funny in a beanie, making Hermione chuckle. “Nope, you looked weird in it.”
She gets rid of the beanie and puts it back on the shelf. She dragged Ed around the store, making him dizzy. They spent at least an hour in that store, mostly Hermione trying a bunch of clothing combinations on him, but in the end, they got some clothes, although not much as Hermione didn’t really like Wizard fashion.
“I’ve got to take you on a shopping trip some time… Wizard clothing is really horrible…” Hermione said.
“Yeah… no thanks. I’ll stick to my dark blue shirt.”
Hermione just chuckled as she hugged Ed’s arm, looking for warmth. “Where do you want to go next?” she asked.
“Let’s go to the music shop. I need to buy some strings for my violin…” Ed answered, to which Hermione just followed him. Ed quickly buys some strings in the shop and gets out of it, as the clerk was quite creepy.
Then both of them, hand in hand, passed through Madam Puddifoot's tea shop, and Ed spotted something interesting there.
“Hermione, look.” Ed smirked as he pointed at the window of Madam Puddifoot. “Look who it is…”
Hermione was interested in what Ed was pointing to, but when she saw what, or rather who it was, Hermione gasped in surprise. “Is that Richard? With Cho Chang?”
“Yeah… I wonder where Daphne is…” Ed said, but then Hermione tugged his arm; she was also pointing at someone, and now it was Ed’s turn to be surprised. “Daphne? What is she doing there?”
He saw Daphne sitting alone in the tea shop, but her expression was quite angry, like she wanted to jinx someone, and Ed realised something.
“Oh no… she’s stalking both of them….” Ed said weakly. “You think we should stop her?”
“I don’t know…” Hermione said, “I would do that too if you were on a date with someone other than me…”
“That’s not creepy at all, Hermione.” Ed said sarcastically. “But seriously, though, we should stop her before she does anything stupid.”
“What about our date?”
“What’s more important right now? Richard and Cho’s life or our date?”
“Good point.”
The two then entered the tea shop quietly; they walked through the snogging couples, which made Hermione blush and Ed groaned, and walked to Daphne’s table. They sat beside her, surprising her.
“What are you both doing here?” She asked while still looking at the chatting Richard and Cho.
“We’re here to take you out of here.” Hermione said, “Before you do something stupid…”
“I can handle it. I just wanted to watch Cho, see if she does anything remotely-”
“Let me stop you right there, Daph.” Ed said, “It’s their date, they can do anything they want.”
“Okay, if you suddenly watched both of them kiss, what would you do?” Hermione said, making Daphne grit her teeth.
“I’ll jinx both of them, of course.” She said nonchalantly.
“Ookay…” Ed shook his head. “This is getting out of hand; we’re going to get you out of here, whether you like it or not.”
Ed and Hermione then stood up, and dragged Daphne out of the teashop, much to her annoyance. Once they got out, they placed Daphne on a bench nearby; and let go of her.
“I can get out of there myself, you know.” She grumbled.
“No, you won’t; you will just stare at both of them until they’re date is finished.” Ed answered, “And at least one of them will probably be hospitalised…”
Daphne then just stared at the both of them and said, “Why are you here anyway?”
“We were just passing by, but then we saw you glaring daggers at Richard…” Hermione answered. “Why didn’t you ask him anyway? I’m sure he’d say yes…”
“My father isn’t exactly tolerant of muggleborns…” she muttered. “And Slytherins are a bunch of loudmouths… so there’s that…”
Ed sighed at this, “I knew that would be a problem…” he whispered to himself, “You know what Daph, next visit, ask him, let me deal with your father if he ever retaliates.”
“And what can you do to him except torture and kill him?” Daphne grumbled, making Ed’s eyebrows twitch.
“I am an Aldrich. I have a Malfoy aunt, and a Black mother’s cousin. I’m sure I can persuade your father somehow with something…”
Hermione rolled her eyes, “Yes, flaunt it all you want, it’s definitely not annoying at all.” She said sarcastically.
“Are you infected with my sarcastic behaviour?” Ed was surprised.
“Every British person has some sarcasm in their blood.” Hermione commented.
“Wait a minute…” Daphne suddenly said. “You two? — what? since when?”
“What?” Ed asked in confusion. But Hermione got what she’s saying.
“Since around an hour and a half ago.” She said, making Daphne squeal.
“Well, I had a bet with Richard on when are you going too—” but before she could finish the sentence, she saw Richard and Cho getting out of the teashop, arm in arm.
“Shit, use Disillusionment Charm!” Ed shouted quietly. Ed then casted the charm on himself and the unstable Daphne, while Hermione casted the charm on herself.
Daphne was livid, but soon, she just gave up entirely. “You know what, we’re still young… I’ll have plenty of chances in the next four years…”
Ed and Hermione were surprised with the attitude, “Are you okay though?”
“I’m fine…” she said as she stood up. “I’m going to Honeydukes to buy some candies for Astoria, you guys want to come?”
Ed and Hermione looked at each other before nodding, “Sure…”
The three of them then went to Honeydukes, Ed bought some stuff, although not too much, while Daphne and Hermione bought quite a lot, Hermione wanted to send some candies to her and Ed’s parents, so Ed paid for it, much to Hermione’s reluctance, after that, they were quite hungry, so they went to Three broomsticks.
The three of them found seats and waited for Madam Rosmerta to come for the order.
“What’ll it be, dear?” she asked.
“Um… three butterbeers…” Hermione said, “I’d like to have fish and chips… How about you two?”
“Same as her.” Ed said to Madam Rosmerta.
“Me too.” Daphne also said.
“Very well, all right, you need to wait a bit for the food though, typical Hogsmeade outing routine, it gets quite packed here.”
“It’s fine Madam Rosmerta.” Hermione said while smiling.
Madam Rosmerta then went off to the kitchen to place the order, then Hermione suddenly asked Ed.
“Are you fine though, Ed? I don’t want you to pass out again; it’s been quite tiring strolling around this place…” she asked worriedly.
“Honestly, I’m fine Hermione.” Ed smiled weakly while holding Hermione’s hand. “Like I said, that day, I saw a vision… and I passed out; it doesn’t correlate to my tiredness…”
“What did you see though?” Daphne asked.
Ed sighed, then he proceeded to tell them what he saw that day; he told them about the girl and the unicorn; he told them about the voice telling him to save them, and he told them about the horse riders in the forest.
“That sounds… scary…” Daphne shivered.
“And you planned to save them? How do you know it hasn’t happened anyway?” Hermione asked once again in worry.
“Well, the voice says that if I help them they’ll help me find what I’m looking for, and I’m assuming that is my parents… so yeah, I’ll help them, as for how I know it hasn’t happened… I don’t know, actually, maybe the voice will guide me later...”
“You know, hearing voices even in the wizarding world is a bad sign, right?” Hermione said.
Ed chuckled, “Yes, I know Hermione, but I got a good feeling about it…”
“Well, all right…” Hermione mumbled. “Just be careful.”
After that, after a couple of minutes of waiting, the food and drink arrived, and the three of them ate it quickly, as it was almost time to go back to Hogwarts. After they finished their food, all of them went back to the carriages and travelled back to Hogwarts with a bunch of stuff from Hogsmeade.
When they had arrived, Ed helped Hermione to bring her stuff to the common room. Both of them said their goodbyes to Daphne and went to the tower, and when they arrived, the common room was empty; probably all of them were tired from the outing.
“So, here’s your things.” Ed handed it to Hermione, to which she just smiled and thanked him.
“I had a great time today…” she said. “And thanks again… for choosing me.”
Ed smiled, “It’s inevitable at this point.”
Hermione then leaned to him and pecked his lips once more. “Good evening Ed, make sure to get some sleep.” She said while her cheeks were red.
“I’ll try to.” Ed answered.
Hermione then brought her stuff to her dorm room, leaving Ed alone in the common room.
“What else would you guide to O’ Guardian?” Ed said to himself, looking at the departing Hermione.