In a rather brightly lit room, a woman was twirling sticks, practising some sort of sword art. She moved majestically, her movement is smooth, like a wolf dodging attacks from hunters. Her stance was solid, every time she put her feet on the ground, it didn’t make any sound, it was perfect for distracting her opponents, and if anyone is watching her, they’ll know that she’s a deadly foe to fight.

Then suddenly, a silver-eyed boy entered the room, he was wearing a black robe, and from the looks of it, it was a uniform. The boy was of course Ed.

“Practising?” Ed asked the ashen haired woman, who is of course Ciri.

“What else would I be doing?” She grumbled as she put down the stick. “Reading books?” she continued to scoff.

Ed sighed at this. “You want to go out?”

She scowled as she heard Ed’s question. “Well I can’t, can’t I?” she said. “Like you said, dangerous.”

“So you still have a bit of sense.” Ed commented, making Ciri snort. “How about this, I’ll fight you.”

Ciri is now interested and is raising her eyebrow. “I would be beaten in an instant.”

Ed chuckled. “I won’t use magic.” He said. “Just pure brawn.”

“You want to fist fight with me?” she raised her eyebrow again.

“What? Scared?” Ed teased.

She scowled at the provocation. “Of course not.” She said, “I won’t lose to a little boy like you.”

“I’m taller than you.” Ed said with a deadpan look.

“You’re younger than me.” She pointed out. “I can still call you a little boy.”

“I don’t really get your logic, but okay, let’s go.” Ed then took off his shirt, and started to prepare himself, as he did that, he could hear Ciri whistling.

“I never realised how hot you are underneath that robe.” She commented.

“I’m still 14.” He pointed out. “Are you a pedophile?”

“And I’m 17, it’s just three years, just saying.” She said,

“Hermione’s probably watching us right now.” Ed pointed out. “And she’d probably strangle you to death after this.”

She grinned. “Worth it.” She stated, “Now, come on.” She raised her hand to prepare for the fight.

Ed also raised his hand, and both had a stare down, and both of them circled the room, as if making an outline of the arena.

Then, Ciri strikes first. She launched herself at Ed, and began a barrage of punches, trying to hit Ed.

The boy easily dodged them all, using his enhanced eyes from the owl form, he can easily see the trajectory of the punches. He mostly dodges, and rarely blocks, which made Ciri irritated.

“You look annoyed.” Ed commented calmly as he dodged again.

“Fight back!” She tried to kick him, but he dodged again.

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“You should know to control your emotions when fighting Ciri.” Ed commented, side stepping the woman, and punching her in the gut, making her gasp for air and fell down to the ground. “Didn’t Geralt teach you that? Or is he a bad teacher.”

“He might’ve mentioned that…” She mumbled as she groaned in pain.

“Try to control your emotions using Occlumency that Gilligan is teaching you, it’ll help, trust me.”

“You mean that mind block thing?” She questioned. “It’s bloody hard to learn.”

“You’re just impatient.” Ed pointed out as he helped her stand up.

“No, you’re just a genius.” She refuted. “I’m not like you Ed, I can’t instantly learn anything.”

“I didn’t instantly learn anything either.” Ed shrugged. “I learned quickly, true, but I also work on it.”

“Well, I work on it too.” She scoffed.

“I’m not good at giving you these types of lessons.” Ed shook his head in surrender. “Hermione is good at it though.”

“What type of lesson?” Hermione suddenly appeared in front of the door.

Ed smiled at her. “You know, ‘how to study’ lessons.”

“Oh, I know a couple of tricks.” She stated.

“Really? Can you tell me those tricks?” Ciri asked.

“I can.” She nodded. “But what’s this I heard in the living room about you noticing Ed’s body being hot?” She smiled innocently, but Ed could tell that she was hiding a bit of rage in there, which made Ciri gulp.

“See? I told you she can hear you.” Ed commented.

“How?” she asked nervously.

“There is a ‘watcher’ here that I place whenever you’re in the training room, in the living room, I’ve placed a displayer of the watcher, so I can monitor you while you’re training.” Ed admitted.

“So you’re stalking me?!”

“I’m not the one you’re worried about now.” Ed pointed out, pointing at the smiling Hermione at the door. Ed then patted her back, “Good luck.”

Ed then walked to the front door where Hermione is, and tried to exit the room, but then Hermione also stopped him.

“Not so fast Ed.” she stated, still has the smile. “Why did you casually undress in front of other women?”

Now, Ed was gulping. “W-Well… it was training… I did it in front of you as well…”

“But I’m your girlfriend, remember?” She questioned innocently. “She is not.”

Ed is nervous now. ‘This is going to be a long evening…’