In a room in a hospital like any other, there was a woman on the bed currently screaming her lungs out while her husband and hospital staff were around her.
"AHHHH!" screamed the lady.
Why was she screaming, you ask? She was experiencing the miracle of life, the beautiful way in which humans populate, childbirth.
"AHHHH! Come on you little shit! I've been pushing for 7 hours! Why won't you come out of me?!" she screamed.
"Come on honey. You can do it. Just a little longer." said her husband trying to comfort her even a tiny bit. Big mistake.
"Just a little longer?! Why don't I shove a baby up your ass and see how easy it is for you to push it out?!" she yelled.
"Ahem, w-we can see the head now. Just one final push should do it." said the doctor in charge of the childbirth, who looked a little scared for the husband.
With that final push any sumo wrestler would be proud of, the process was complete.
"Waaa! Waaa!"
"Congratulations ma'am, it's a healthy baby boy." said the doctor holding the boy.
"You did it, honey. I'm so proud of you." said the husband holding his wife's hand, stroking her hair, and kissing her forehead.
"F-finally, you little shit. Let me see my baby." she said out of breath and relieved she didn't have to push any longer.
"Here you go ma'am." said the nurse giving the wife her baby after cleaning it up.
"Oh. You're so beautiful. It was worth it to push you out for that long." she said before kissing the baby on its head.
"Look, honey, he has your nose." said the husband.
"Good, yours is crooked. At least this way he has a fighting chance with the ladies. Or the boys. Whichever he prefers." she said caressing the boy.
"It's not that crooked." he muttered while touching his nose.
"Do you have a name for him yet, ma'am?" asked the nurse holding the documents for the baby.
"Yes, we do. His name is Tobias. Tobias Fukushima."
The boy, now named Tobias, had heard everything but unfortunately didn't understand it. The only words he understood were Tobias Fukushima.
'Since I reincarnated in MHA, that means I'm in Japan. Unfortunately, I don't know any Japanese besides very common words. I did understand that my name is now Tobias Fukushima. But why is my first name Tobias? Maybe I'm half American and half Japanese. My eyes don't work right now but my ears do. Weird. I'll chalk it up to God having some fun.
I can't believe I'm going to have to relive my early years all over again. I hope I don't go crazy as a baby, not to mention I'll have to wait until I'm four to be able to use my quirk. Oh well, I'm getting sleepy.'
Tobias used too much brain power for a newborn baby and thus promptly fell asleep.
It's been two years since Tobias had been reborn into this new world. In the first year or so, he couldn't do much seeing as he was a baby. Or it should be better said, he didn't want to do much. Talking too early or walking too early will make people think he is a genius and he knows he is no genius.
So, he decided to start crawling at 8 months and start talking at 11 months. He wanted to be seen as just a little smarter than other kids, but not some genius that comes around once a generation, too much pressure.
At 4 months, he was able to see his parents more clearly. Although it was still a little difficult to focus on more than one thing at a time. The day he saw his parents was the day he realized his original hypothesis about his descent was correct.
His mother was a blonde-haired blue-eyed very beautiful woman. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell if she was American or from another European country. His father on the other hand was a very stereotypical Japanese man, black-haired brown-eyed. The only thing about him is that he seems very tall and very handsome. The crooked nose his wife complained about actually gave him a feeling of being carefree that only served to enhance his handsomeness.
From the interactions he was able to see between them, it is very obvious that they are in love with each other. The banter from the day of Tobias' birth seems to have been just that, playful banter mixed with some anger due to childbirth. But can you really blame her, she was pushing a baby out of her hoo-ha. As for their personalities, they are quite different than what happened in the hospital.
Tobias' mom is usually a well-mannered, if slightly soft-spoken, lady. She's always patient with Tobias and her husband. She's a stay-at-home mom that does all of the housework and takes care of the baby. Though the only time her personality changes is when she gets angry, then she's like a whole different person. Hell hath no fury like a mom's anger.
Tobias' dad, on the other hand, acts like a typical dad. He cares for Tobias and will watch him when he needs to, but will usually leave it to his wife. It's not that he doesn't love his child, but he's always at the office and comes home late. As for what he does for a job, who knows, he carries a briefcase and wears a suit. The only time his personality changes are when his wife or Tobias is sick. Then he'll turn into the caring and patient man that was in the hospital.
As for learning the language, Tobias was able to listen to conversations since he was born, so that helped out a lot. His first word at the age of 11 months, was obviously mama. He had seen his mom get angry too many times for him not to say, mama. He couldn't imagine the destruction that would occur if he said papa as his first word.
You are reading story Wild Card in MHA at
What they say about kids learning languages faster than adults is true as well. Tobias was able to start learning how to read and write at a year old when he started showing interest in books to his mother, who gladly started to teach him. Now at 2 years old, Tobias is able to read basic katakana and hiragana letters as well as able to speak broken sentences. As for his writing, he'll have to wait until he has better dexterity with his hands. Considering the only language Tobias used to know was English, besides common words in other languages, he's progressed quickly enough.
Besides learning how to speak, read, and write, there wasn't much else to do. Watching television when his mom allowed him, let him get glimpses into the superhero aspect of this world, and he liked it. Seeing All Might and other heroes show up on the news for taking down villains that are causing harm to the people sparked an interest in him. So, he decided to start his training earlier than he expected.
The only thing he could train was his throwing skills seeing as everything else was reliant on his quirk, which he couldn't manifest until 4 years old. So, he asked his mom for a deck of playing cards. Unwilling to say no to her precious little angel, she bought him a rather high-quality one to play with.
Tobias wasn't able to access the internet because his mother thought playing on a tablet caused more harm than good in young kids. So, he had to go through trial and error when it came to throwing cards. Luckily enough, Tobias had seen some videos on how to throw playing cards in his past life because he saw that one magic movie and was interested. Unfortunately, he only remembered the very basics of the video, but it was enough to go on.
Curious as to what Tobias was doing with the playing cards, his mom went to secretly check up on him. Seeing him attempting to throw cards at a teddy bear with such a serious face, made his mom almost have a heart attack at how cute he was being. Like any good mom, she wanted to preserve the moment so she brought out a camera she bought when Tobias was born and secretly recorded him.
Tobias continued to throw the cards at the teddy bear, oblivious to his mother's recording.
'I can't believe it's been four years since I've been reborn in this world.' thought Tobias as he laid his back against a tree and just stared at the sky while playing with the deck of cards.
'It was my birthday a few days ago which means that any day now my quirk should manifest. I can't wait to start training my quirk. Throwing cards by themselves has gotten too easy and a bit redundant. Not to mention the cards are too flimsy for sustained use. Especially if I'm going to be a hero. Maybe I can use a thin metal with a sharpened edge in the shape of a card in the future.'
"Tobias! Lunch is ready! Remember to clean yourself off before you come inside." said Tobias' mother from inside the house.
The house that Tobias' family lived in was a typical two-story Japanese house except the house had a decent-sized backyard with a tree in it. Apparently, Tobias' mother planted the tree when Tobias was first born. The odd thing was how big the tree was. If they planted it when Tobias was born, which was four years ago, the tree wouldn't be that big.
Tobias thought it was related to his mother's quirk, but she had always refused to tell him what her quirk was no matter how much or how often he asked her. His father on the other hand had told him what his quirk was.
His father could store kinetic energy into objects, which is very similar to Gambit's abilities. Unfortunately, the kinetic energy that is stored has to come from his body, so there is not much to be utilized. Unless he gets hit and stores the energy into an object, but it doesn't neutralize the damage done to the body. So, it's pretty useless for hero work. Still, it is a pretty neat ability.
Anyway, Tobias was now sitting at the table after having cleaned himself up. In front of him was a meal he had eaten many times over the past few years of his life because it was his favorite, tonkatsu.
"Itadakimasu." said the whole family before digging in. And from the look on Tobias' face, it tasted amazing. Tobias found out early in life that his mom was a good cook. Not a master chef or anything, but against any housewife, she could hold her own.
Tobias lost in experiencing the flavor of the tonkatsu, failed to notice that his parents were giving each other looks. Looks that meant they were having a silent conversation. After a back and forth of looks, his mom sighed before turning to look at Tobias.
"Tobias, I have something to tell you." she said with a look of reluctance.
Tobias confused looked at his mom, paying full attention while eating his food.
"You've always asked me what my quirk is, but I've never told you. I promised your father I would tell you when you manifested your quirk but he wants me to tell you earlier."
"You're finally going to tell me what your quirk is?!" said Tobias, obviously excited at the prospect.
"Alright, calm down. I didn't want to tell you because of things too complicated for someone as young as you to understand. I've never told anyone this, except your father and now you. But I need to you to promise to keep it a secret between us. Okay?" she said to Tobias.
"I promise, Mom." responded Tobias with as serious a face as he could muster.
"Haha. Don't look too serious sweety, or you'll face will stay like that." she said rubbing his head.
"A few years before you were born, I came to Japan from the United States of America. It's another country far away from here. Anyways, I ran away from home and from my family, and used a fake last name while I was here. My original name was Sarah Bate. And the reason I ran away from home was because of my sister's quirk, and because of mine.
My sister, your aunt, has a quirk that's very, very strong. And she's a good hero, the best. With that comes bad people that want to hurt her, and they came after me. I never liked using my quirk because if people found out what it could do, it would hurt my sister. But I had to use my quirk to protect myself. And I did. And I couldn't live with myself after I used it and hurt those people, so I left. That way the bad people wouldn't come after me and I wouldn't inconvenience my sister.
After I came to Japan, I met your father and fell in love. Then we had you, and I was scared all over again. Because if you have my quirk, that means you'll be in danger. Maybe not now, and hopefully not ever, but I'm scared you'll get my quirk. And that's why I never told you. So you wouldn't get your hopes up about getting my quirk. But, I've decided it's time to tell you.
My quirk is called Imagination and it lets me create anything that comes to my mind."
My other novel is in 1s POV, but I decided to go with 3rd POV for this one just to test it out. Let me know what you think of it.
Also, the name-dropping for his mother is related to a character already in MHA who was the strongest hero in the USA whose quirk is insanely broken.
Also, I'll try to do more than one chapter a week, but no promises. This is more of a test than anything.