In a world where mythical beasts roamed the lands and magic was commonplace for all who resided there, a dragon had made its home in the side of a treacherous mountain. In its layer, it stored a treasure trove of gold like that of mountains and magical objects so ancient and powerful entire countries and nations covet their power.
Countless people over the passage of time, from village peasants to heroes of legend, had come to the dragon’s domain to claim its treasure for themselves, but all of them failed, however, for the dragon was far too powerful to be defeated by them. Armies entered the cave, but never came out: the greatest fighters of their time challenged the great being, yet they all failed, their weapons added to the great being’s ever-expanding mound of treasure.
One day, a single man came to his dwelling without armor nor a weapon. He wore clothes that the dragon had never seen in his long life. Amused by this, the dragon began to speak “Oh child of man, why have you come here?” its voice resonated inside the cave, shaking the very ground the man stood on “Hey Hey Hey, you’re being too loud my friend.”
What did he just say? The dragon was puzzled over the man’s nonchalant demeanor, and he called himself its friend? They’ve never met before this very moment, why would he consider it to be a friend.
“State your business, human.” The dragon bellowed, shaking the whole of the lair. “You’re still being too loud, buddy. Can you just tone it down a bit?” The dragon was, again, confused by this tiny creature’s sense of danger, did he not fear it? “Are you not afraid of me?” The dragon said in a lower tone. “Now that’s more like it. And about fearing you, I’m not- ““I am the mighty dragon, the ruler of this mountain who has felled entire nations, slain countless armies, and killed the greatest heroes! Do you fear me now, human!?” The dragon yelled, shaking even the whole mountain with its voice.
The human waited a few moments for the dragon to silence its voice: After the last echo went away and the ground stopped shaking, the man finally spoke his words “Nope!” The dragoon did not know what this meant, for it was a word that it had never heard of, but nonetheless, it felt irritated by the human’s calmness. And so, in a ft of anger, the dragon stomped its foot where the man once stood.
The dragon, now calm after killing the irritating man, felt tired after that conversation. It travelled to its innermost chamber, where it stored all of its gold and treasure, to admire its wealth as it fell to sleep. Once it reached its resting place, it saw something that disturbed its mind, as if it took a hit to the head.
Another man- no, the same man it had killed under its feet was now sat on its mound of gold, coldly staring at the dragon while sitting with his elbows on his knees. “Well… I thought that would’ve gone better.” the man said, his tone more serious than before and his voice noticeably lower. “How are you alive!?” The dragon screamed at the man who survived its fatal blow. “Now that… Is something I can’t answer.”
The dragon felt perplexed, even slightly scared of the tiny human a few meters away from him. it had fought heroes that could withstand its blow before, but something about this man unsettled it. Before it could think any mor, the man approached at a brisk walking speed.
This was strange! Armies equipped with the finest equipment from the world and powerful individuals who wielded all types of weapons from the gods could not make the dragon fear them, yet this man who wields no weapon nor wears any armor is making it fear him?! No! This can’t be happening!
The dragon spewed its fiery breath from its mouth unto the man. The flames did not stop, they kept coming from its mouth without end. Time passed by, yet the flames still raged, charring and burning the man alive along with the surrounding area near him.
The fire finally stopped. The dragon, haggard from its breathing, fell to the ground with an echoing thud that shook the mountain. Where its head laid, it could see where the man was: The earth he stood on turned to scorch, the fire burned on as its crackles filled the air, and the embers of the great flame rose above to slowly dissipate. Finally, the man was gone, now it could rest with ease.
You are reading story The tale of the man that was out of place. at
The dragon closed its eyes whilst listening to the crackling fire, it experienced a new kind of peace, a feeling of contentment, of safety after surviving a tragedy. This was truly the best feeling it had ever experienced before! Slowly dozing off to sleep, it joked to itself that it should thank the man for giving it this blissful state.
“You know, you could thank me now.” The dragon heard the voice of the man inside its own head, making it flail awake, kicking up earthly dust as it did so. “Where are you!?” it screamed into the cave. “Right behind you.” The dragon then swung its tail with a force that cracked the lairs walls it built himself with the strongest materials it could find. It breathed a sigh of relief, finally it got rid of the man. “To your left now.” The dragon turned to its left, looking for the man that had evaded its attack, yet there was no one there. “Just kidding with you, I’m on your right.” The dragon spun its entire body, creating a storm of dust around it and scattering its piled-up treasure all in hopes of killing that man.
The dragon became haggard once again, its breath became heavy, its body felt as if it could no longer move, but if that man was gone, then everything it did was worth it. “Got you again. I’m actually on your head.” Its eyes looked to the ceiling above, and in its corner was the very man it tried to kill.
“Please.” It begged. “Leave me alone” It cried. “I’m sorry.” It sincerely said with tears from its eyes. “How can I possibly leave, if I’ve never been here?” The man questioned. When the dragon looked above its head again, the man was gone, finally, he was gone. Though the man went away, satisfaction and safety did not return to it, as it felt that something was wrong, that he was still there.
“Am I going crazy?” It said as its body slumped to the ground, covering its face as self-doubt and grief showed itself in the dragon’s being and thoughts. A few moments of silence pass as the formerly mighty beast wallowed in its negative thoughts, then a familiar voice rung in its thoughts “Don’t call yourself crazy.”
Though the voice’s owner was the source of its sorrow, it felt comfort with the words he said. “You’re just trapped, and finally breaking out” The dragon thought about what that meant, but it couldn’t make any sense of it. “There it is, you’re close to getting it.” It appreciated the encouraging words, but what was it close to getting, what was it trying to understand? “You’re getting lost again. Don’t pay too much attention to the details.” The dragon did as the man said, but it couldn’t articulate what it meant. In resignation, it let out a quiet whisper “It doesn’t make sense.” As it said that, its body became lighter, it could move again. It stood up and opened its eyes and found the man once again. “You finally got it, my friend.” It couldn’t explain why, but it felt joy at the man’s words.
The man and the dragon turned to face the treasure it had stored up. All the gold, all the priceless objects that it collected over the long years it had lived, the two looked at all of it for several moments. The dragon and the human walked to the entrance of the cave as they relished in the sound of burning gold and metal along with the screams of the gods.
“You are a very weird human.” The dragon teased. “I know, I know. A lot of people told me that already.” He said with a smirk.
When they finally reached the entrance of the cave, the dragon looked in awe of the beautiful from the mountain. The dark green forest below teeming with life, the wide river that flowed from a grand waterfall into the ocean, and a beautiful setting sun that welcomed the both of them with its warmth.
After taking in the astonishing view, the dragon asked “What now, human?” “Anything really, maybe we can get ourselves another friend?” “A good idea, that is. Let us go then.” “Right behind you!”
They both jumped from the mountain and into the sky. The dragon soared high above, flapping its magnificent wings while its new human friend followed close behind.