Chapter 1: Chapter 0: The story

Sun was setting over small town in outskirts. It had many wooden and old houses, but not a single one could give a glimpse of light from within. Streets were so quite that even rats can't be heard. 

First house quite... 

Second house quite... 

Third, voices... what... 

Who would have thought. In the middle of town there is single house that moonlight didn't touch. There could be heard singing, laughter and high-pitched screams. 

It was town's tavern. 

Shabby little place with few holes in windows and one drunk guy right beneath them. He was beaten up really badly while holding up a sign that says 

    'I broke the window' 

Inside it is lively as ever. People are drinking, dancing and having fun. Bards are singing while veteran adventurers are telling tales of old. 

The hell even thugs are having fun. They are drinking all night long. One is trying to stay awake, second is already under the table while third is telling first how they are going to rob a tavern. 

    'I... tell you! I tell you... after this d... d... drink we... we are going to d... do it!' 

    'You... you s... say that a... after e... e... every d... drink.' 

But person who is having most fun is old tavern keeper. 

She is old lady with very and I say very big build. Holding to her massive club and looking at the thugs grinning like there is no tomorrow. 

Sadly, our story has nothing to do with this people. So, we won't know how many dead bodies were found in the morning in our lovely tavern. 

Our story begins on second floor of tavern in the farthest room. 

Room was very messy with piles and piles of junk, two beds, one old wooden table and massive bookshelf that strched out from one side of room to the other. 

At the table, trapped under huge pile of parchments is old man with long grey beard. Dressed in old robe. He is trying to write on the parchments, but people downstairs are getting on his nerves. 

They are too loud, when 

    'How many times did I tell that gorilla of a woman to keep it down? I need peace and quiet to work.' 

Old man slowly gets up and comes closer to the wall. When facing it he just touched it with tip of his finger. His eyes for a moment go blue when 

    'Casting 2th circle enchantment magic - Tranquil mind' 

After he said it, entire wall has gotten slight blue glow and the room was once again silent, until 


On one of the beds there were sleeping two young boys. 

Six year old Alex and three year old Tai. 

Alex has little longer, brown hair that he is holding up with piece of cloth while Tai has short blonde, curvy hair. With his big blue eyes, he is simply adorable. 

They are getting out of bed all sleepy looking. 


    'What are you doing? It is middle of the night.' 

    'Grandpa has some work to do. Go back to bed.' 

    'But grandpa, we can't go back to sleep. We are wide awake now, right Tai?' 

Old man looks at Tai who is visibly barely staying awake and asks 

    'Are you sure that both of you are wide awake, Alex?' 


Old man has troubled look. 

    'Please Alex, go to bed. Grandpa has to work.' 

    'But I don't want to go to bed!!' 

Alex makes a big tantrum. Even Tai is now awake because of it. 

    '(I wonder, does Tranquil mind work on people)' 

In that moment old man thought of something. His worried expression very fast turned into a grin. 

    'How about I read you a story before bed?' 

Only on thought of a story Tai's eyes brighten. He is very excited. 

    'Stoi, stoi, red us a stoi!!' 

    'Of course, don't you know that I was best story teller ever. Let me read you some of my classics.' 

While Tai is excited Alex has something different in mind 

    'Tai, don't let him trick you! Even if he was okay story teller that was 50 years ago, besides his story writing is lame...' 

    'L... L... Lame?' 

On sound of that old man felt like stone golem rolled over him 

    '... and boring.' 

    'B... bo... boring..?' 

Stone golem called his friends over. 

Old man looks like even holy maiden can't save him. 

    'Wht abaut ths stois.' 

Tai points out at bookshelf. 

    'That is my story collection that I gathered throughout many years.' 

    'Different author?' Alex asks with a grin. 

He is little, I mean little bit angry now. 

    'Yes, Alex. Different author.' 

    'Sweet, Tai lets choose.' 

    '(These kids, I now know why my daughter left them with me. How could she trick her own father like this)' 

There is one tear of betrayal on old man's face. 

    'Grandpa, read us a titles.' 

    'Okay, just get this over with.' 

Bookshelf was huge, from one end of the wall to other. There were at least hundreds of books on it. Old man started to search for one good and very thin book. 

    'I will read only one story than it is bedtime.' 

    'Only if its good one.' 

Now, old man started to search for little better and little thicker book. 

    'How about "Heros return". It is very beautiful story about...' 

    'Lame, next.' 

Old man almost chocked on his own spit. He didn't except that. 

    'What, but this is...' 


Old man, now little nervous goes for second book 

    'What about...' 

    'Cover is boring, next.' 

    'Then, w...' 

    'That just smells funny.' 

    'What kind of reason was that! Admit it, you just don't want to go back to bed!' 

While they were fighting something caught Tai's eye. In the bottom shelf full of dust and old worn out parchments there is single book. 

The book has thick layer of dust on it and covers are not recognizable. It was more worn out than anything on that shelf. 

    'Now you get it, good job old man.' 

    '(This damn brat)' 

    'Gvampa, gvampa!!' 

Old man is trying to calm himself while putting on a smile. 

    'Yes Tai, what is it?' 

    'Stoi, tis stoi! Rid us this stoi!' 

Tai points at book from bottom shelf. Old man is little confused and takes it off the bookshelf. As he lifts it there can be seen dust falling off of it, he blows it 

    'Cough cough cough' 

In a moment dust filled the small and already messy room. 

    'Are you, cough, sure about this, cough, Tai?' 

    'Cough, yee!' 

Dust has finally settled and room is even messier than before. 

Old man looks at the book trying to remember where did he get this from. 

    'I found this around 20 years ago when exploring some ruins of ancient times. Sadly, I can't read this.' 

    'Gvampa, why!?' 

    'This book is probably few thousand years old and time did its job. I only took it because of research, but in the end it was unreadable.' 

Tai not convinced is grabbing onto old man's robe. 

    'Gvampa, giv me, giv me!' 

    'Okay, but be careful. It is ancient relic.' 

    'Look who is talking, that book looks like it was eaten by minotaur and then shiten out of them.' 

You are reading story Demonic Journal at

    'Alex! Who taught you to speak like that?' 

    'Your daughter' 

    'Well, her parents did poor job ra... wait, what!' 

    'Gvampa, stoi!!' 

Tai starts to yell and pulling onto old man's robe. Alex giggles slightly. 

    'Better give him the book, that is if you don't want to be stripped naked' 

    'Just take it' 

Old man held out the book to Tai. 

As soon as Tai touched the book his eyes go white, his hair starts to glow and from the book bursts out massive shockwave of black energy repelling old man by few feet. 

Alex falls on his butt, now all shaking. 

    'Grandpa! What is... is happening?' 

At that moment black energy becomes very concentrated around Tai while book is floating above his hands. 






It feels like time is inverting on itself as book is reverting to its former self 

10 years... 

200 years... 

5500 years... 

23000 years... 


Time continues to invert until the day where even the ink was still wet. 

Book looks like it was reborn and full of life. Covers start to shine and pages look like they are finally breathing fresh air after millennia. 

It looks like a book, but it feels alive. 

    'Grandpa! Do something, I 'am scared' 

Old man finally managed to get back to his sense and is trying to get close to Tai. 

    'TAI !! Listen to your gvampa and let go of the book!' 

One step... 

Two steps... 


He tries to take his third step, but shockwave intensifies sending him flying across entire room into a wall. On impact can be heard bones cracking and old man moaning in pain. 

Alex witnessing this starts to cry while still trembling. He sits on the floor frozen in fear unable to even check on his grandfather. 

    'G... G... Gran... Grandpa.' 

After a moment, old man gets up and limps towards big pile of junk in the corner of the room. There were parchments, empty and full bottles; it was a mess. 

He starts to go through that pile looking for something. 

    'Grandpa! What are...' 

    'Give me a minu... Here it is.' 

Old man takes three bottles out of pile. One was red liquid, second purple and third white powder. He chugs down both liquids without even a thought. 

    'Healing potion, Circle strengthening potion and lastly...' 

At that moment he breaks bottle with white powder right under his feet. 

    'White mana concentration.' 

Old man starts chanting. As he chants his eyes turned golden and white powder flies around him while giving off radiant light. 

Around him, powder creates five magic circles. 

Old man starts speaking with different and more refined voice. 

    'You foul demon who dare to possess child of mine, now BEGONE !' 

    'Casting 5th circle holy magic – GREAT CANCELATION !!' 

In the moment white powder from old man flies to surround Tai and recreate five circles. At recreation entire room was filled with blinding light and then, contact 

One black grain... 

Three black grains... 

Eight black grains... 

One after another, grains of white powder turned black and fell on the floor. Light starts to diminish, until there is no more. 

Old man is in disbelief. 

    'H... How, that w... was 5... 5... 5th circ...' 


He coughs out blood. 

From still closed book ink started to come out like it was alive. Falling on the floor and rearranging itself. It created massive black circle that keeps getting bigger and bigger 

2th tier... 

3th tier... 

6th tier... 

9th tier... 

And one more. 

It was a circle that can even put a pressure down to your very existence. 

Book starts to open. 

Every step of opening, demonic energy was thicker and thicker. Tai's blonde hair became long white while half of his face turned green. On that side, sharp teeth and a single pointy ear have grown with his eyes looking crimson red. 



Floor starts to crack and room starts to shake when 


Roof is caving in little by little, beam by beam, plank by plank. But, where did it go. Not a single beam, not a single plank was in the room. 


Slight cold breeze filled the room. Old man is baffled of what happen. He looked around and there were no walls. Only thing that was left is cracked, messy floor. 

    '(Wait, where is rest of the tavern?)' 

In that thought Old man looks down through cracks in the floor. 


After witnessing that horrifying scene, he tries to gasp for air but couldn't. 

Entire city was destroyed and parts of it are floating in the air as them as the center. 

Debris is floating... 

Trees are floating... 

People are, wait a minute... 

Among walls and barrels there could be seen a people in the air. Not dead, but peaceful. 

Old man looks over at the Alex, who looked same as them. Without movement, eyes closed and light breathing like he was one with the world. 

He wants to call out to him, but words don't come out. Only then did he realized that even with city being devastated, there was no sound. It was dead silence. 


There was calm and soothing voice that pop inside Old man's head. 

    'Be quiet, children are sleeping.' 

That abomination starts to speak. Old man felt cold dread down his spine. 

    'When you are already awake, let me tell you a story...' 

Abomination starts to float as black energy surrounds the platform. 

    '... about being monster and human alike...' 

Old man lets out a single tear. 

    '... about love and sacrifice...' 

Book starts radiate with energy while circle on the ground glows once more. 

    '... and about immense power from ones within' 

    '(What did we release on this world)' 

Tai makes really sinister smile and says out loud 


'Legacy of the strong'