Chapter 1: Chapter 1 : The Take Off

    “Gentlemen, today is the day humanity changes its destiny. It is the day we break the shackles imposed on us by god and finally escape our mud prison. After a very long time, the greatest ship ever made “Libertas” is ready to soar through the starts, finding us a new home among the infinite cosmos….” The TV was turned off, making the anchor’s speech come to an abrupt stop.

    “stop watching that shit will you, we are moving in five, move your asses         soldiers.” Sargent Williams spoke to his squad with a belligerent attitude.

    The soldiers stood up on their feet, standing in a perfect line “SIR, YES, Sir” they shouted in unison.

    “This squad was chosen to be the security detail of the Libertas crew. It’s a scientific mission so we’re probably just going to be protecting a few biologists from their own shadows, you can think about it as a shore leave on another planet; however, millions of dollars were invested in new gear and advanced training for you, so you will protect those scientists from their shadows to the best of your ability, UNDERSTOOD?”

    “SIR, YES, SIR” the soldiers replied again, with even more enthusiasm this time.

    “Good, now get geared up and head to the platform. Libertas will take off in 10 minutes.” The Sargent moved towards the door, leaving the statue-like soldiers standing motionless.

    Once he was out of the barracks the soldiers breathe a sigh of relief and started putting on their body armor and loading their rifles.

    One by one they all left the barracks, fully prepared to head toward a new, uncharted planet. After a few minutes, the place was nearly empty save for two soldiers.

    “C’mon Shepard, what are you waiting for?” asked a burly man in his mid-thirties, with a large scar on his right arm. He was already prepared to move but he waited for his friend, who sat on a bunk examining his rifle.

    “Something isn’t right here James, it just feels off. A scientific mission requires soldiers now? we told that the unmanned rovers found no signs of any fauna on that planet, only a paradise compatible with human life. So why the hell would they send us for?”

    Shepard’s rant was met with a grimace from James, “what the hell are you on about? The scientists were probably just feeling unsafe, or maybe it’s just a precaution, hell, maybe we are only being sent to satisfy the top brass who want to show off the army on humanity’s greatest mission.”

     Shepard stopped fiddling with his rifle and stood up to his feet, “whatever man, ill cash in my I told you so when we’re stuck there fighting space bugs.”

    The two walked out of the barracks, heading towards the bridge. They caught up to the rest of their squad who were standing on top of a giant platform.

    “what the hell took you two so long?” the Sargent said with an annoyed expression.

    “Sorry Sarge, we’re still not used to the new gear.” James answered for both of them, knowing that Shepard would probably spout some garbage conspiracy theory

    The Sargent sighed and opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by the arrival of a large black car. The doors opened and a man in a suit came out and saluted him.

    “Sargent Williams, I hope your men are ready. we’ll be boarding the Libertas in five minutes.”

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    “yes, they are sir, thank you for this chance.” The sarge saluted him back.

    “Good, then let’s get moving shall we.” One of the men pulled out a radio and spoke into it. the platform started moving downwards, metal walls with yellow lights surrounded the platform as it went down.

    After a few minutes, the platform arrived at its destination. A massive underground city was revealed, and in the middle of it was the Libertas sat. it was bigger than any ship they’d ever seen. It was basically a giant plane carrier resting on 6 massive wheels on each side.

    “quite imposing in person, isn’t she? That baby can hold up to 6000 personnel, with enough resources for them to live upwards of 20 years. Not to mention the two strykers, a fighter jet, and a shit ton of ammo just in case.” The man listed off Libertas’s impressive capabilities with a sense of pride in his voice.

    “it is certainly impressive sir, but what I’m really fascinated with is the gate itself.” The Sargent replied while staring at the giant stone archway in front of the ship in amazement.

    “Fascinating is an understatement, that’s for sure. To think we still don’t understand anything about it after 20 years of study and testing. All we know is that it’s been buried here for 180 million years and that it connects our planet with another. To our understanding, it’s just a massive stone that naturally took that shape. Why and how it can link two planets is still unknown. My goodness, I apologize, I should’ve introduced myself first. I’m doctor Rebecca Moore, the chief scientific officer of this operation. I wanted to drop by and meet our security.”

    A woman suddenly intruded on their little conversation. She wore a white lab coat and large glasses, giving her the typical look of a scientist. She was well known in the science community for her many achievements from a young age. Her work on the Libertas’s unbelievable nuclear engines is the most recent of them.

    “thank you for taking the time ma’am, we are here to help you in any way.” the Sargent replied in a professional manner.

    “thank you, Sargent, but I’ll be honest I didn’t want the military on this expedition and I still don’t. a planet with no dangerous wildlife at all is hardly a place where guns are needed, so let’s stay out of each other’s way for the next two weeks”

    Rebecca walked away from the squad without a second word, to the dismay of the man in the suit. The soldiers made disproving gestures and remarks towards her under their breaths as she walked away.

    “What a charming woman.” Said Shepard out loud, “you get used to her” answered the man. Before the Sargent could reprimand his soldier for speaking out of order alarms started blaring throughout the facility snatching away his attention.

    “looks like it’s go time, head to the bridge and settle in. you’ll be crossing to the other side soon, good luck soldiers, and Godspeed.” The man in the suit shouted against the blaring alarms.

    The soldiers headed towards the bridge and into the ship surrounded by unmanned cameras trying to capture humanity’s greatest moment. They took their seats and fastened their seatbelts as the Libertas roared to life.

    “14 soldiers with basically no air support are the first and last line of defense on an unexplored planet, what could possibly go wrong?” Shepard spoke loudly trying to drown out the noise of the engines.

    “Who knows maybe we’ll find 14 hot alien chicks willing to do some cultural exchange” one of the soldiers replied jokingly

    As the soldiers laughed the ship passed through the gate slowly. its giant wheels slowly moving it toward the unexplored, unnamed planet that promised humanity its salvation.