Inglaterra, 1501s.
Os instigantes olhos preto-avermelhados durante a lua de sangue mostraram o rosto real. Veias corriam pelo corpo pálido, enquanto garras afiadas e dentes afiados eram lembrados com grande horror por aqueles habitantes além das montanhas.
The original vampires were beings of the night who caused great misfortunes of death, silently, in villages across Europe. Strong, large and fast, with a thirst for fresh blood, known to live in large underground and mountainous areas far from human beings. Antisocial beings, afraid of the light, who preferred to live isolated in their own penury.
The legend about them ran throughout England in the 1500s.
During passing of the seasons, in the blood moon, the dreaded confirmation came with time, where large herds of cattle and horses disappeared in the dead of night, or were torn apart in the green fields where they slept.
As killings took place in silence, doors began to be locked, closed with a long, spear-shaped log.
The fear was so great that villagers slept with their candles and fireplaces lit, no longer going out at dusk or dawn, as both represented imminent danger.
However, even mere humans would not accept the humiliation for decades, and hunting for vampires came to be expected. Hunters understood the way vampires behaved, and their low numbers were no match for so many weary humans.
Attacks and fires on vampire lairs during the day were their greatest asset, for a pureblood vampire did not live in a pack. Led by and subsidized by the church, large speditions caused bloodshed.
Savagery of the bloodthirsty isolated him from everything and everyone, even his own kind.
Over the years his incidence, being too male, faced a great drop in fertility. Original female vampires could only give two offspring, and a large portion were also infertile due to problems caused by their blood. In addition to the coldness of the relationships, which were granted only for procreation.This fact made the hunting for vampires a great festival, as their few direct descendants were weak in the sun, and their numbers had declined.
Until 300 years later, wild vampires ceased to exist's, and were considered almost extinct, bringing peace and tranquility to the European continent. But, as every question has a "but", it is not possible to consider everything extinct or non-existent...
Even with the passing of decades, surprises happen, and, from time to time people disappear in mysterious circunstamces.
Talvez a verdadeira selvageria não tenha afugentado todos aqueles que tinham sede de sangue.
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