Chapter 1: Chapter 1: “Dani the Close Range Ninja”

It's not unusual for bandits to set up outposts next to the road. Usually, they set up for a few days, rob some travelers, and leave. What is unusual about these thieves is that they are rogue cultivators. Several of them with bounties on their heads.

“How much money did we get from that last wagon?” The tallest one barks this question at the others who were taking inventory of their loot. His burn scar is all I need to recognize him as a recent deserter of the Serpent School from the basin of tears.

“About 500 scales, those people were loaded!” That voice is from one of his lackeys, but I don’t recognize him in the slightest. It could be a lowly servant he brought with him when he left the temple.

I take my book of targets from my vest pocket. I lick my finger and hold it up in the air to make sure I was still downwind from the group of bandits. After meticulous and quiet page-turning I land on the page with his name and threat ranking.


Gon the Orphan Swordsman
Threat level: Silver
Serpent Temple Style Sword Technique
2000 Scales Dead or Alive

He would be a valuable asset if I catch him before the Serpent Temple does. Capturing the bodies of your rivals can reveal many secrets, making a rogue cultivator of his caliber quite the issue for them. I should be able to dispatch him and his crew, as I am a gold-level Cultivator. Not to mention this will grant me high favor with the elders.I can hear their praises now “Yu bring honor to our village Young Master Dani.”

“Hurry and load up before someone comes to investigate.”

Gon’s orders were a bit late, I use qi to launch me towards the other henchmen. With a loud groan, the first falls to the ground with my kunai in his chest.

“We’re under atta—“ My fist to his gut cuts him off. He tries to form a hand sign to counterattack with a technique of his own.

“You can’t channel qi without catching your breath first.” I hit him again with my left fist. His eyes roll back as his body goes limp and a quiet groan escapes his mouth

As I glance at my true target his sword arches towards my neck. In the knick of time I duck the blade swing, qi stinging my nostrils. Using my momentum I flip and land on my feet sliding a few feet. With some distance between us, I study him further.

“Someone finally comes looking for me?” He was sizing me up as well, his eyes frantically scanning me for signs of weakness. “War is good profit.” After his last word, he arrives with a gust of air he carries behind him.

He has me on the back foot as I jump backward from his swift sword strikes. Qi shimmers across the blade’s surface leaving crescent-shaped energy trails behind it. He was unrelenting, every slash is violent yet swung like a painter's brush. Masterful strokes that I would even call art paint the distance between us with crescent shape trails of energy. Every slash is violent yet as elegant as a Painter’s stroke.

You are reading story Close Combat: A ninja who can’t use ranged techniques (Xianxia) at

“You underestimated me. After all, a Gold coming alone to fight a Jade is unheard of.” His words send panic through every muscle in my body.

“Jade?” I choke out quick breaths. Instead of leaping back before this swing I somersault picking up a fistful of sand. Just as his eyes meet mine I toss the sand with all my might. “Even Jade’s have to see.” I jump away even farther now, throwing kunai at him.

He twisted his wrist and swiftly blocked the attack. “I don’t know about you being Jade but a Silver couldn’t do that.” My mouth opens without me thinking, but how can I not be surprised at his honed senses. It's like fighting a bat with a sword.

“You’re not only Gold, but you are part of the barrier unit. I saw your patch, kid.” He laughs, rubbing the sand from his eyes.

“Shit.” The thought just occurred to me that I wore my patch on a special assignment. Luckily this time is to my advantage. “It's clear that our info on you is outdated Gon.” I dust the sand off my sleeve and check my arm pouch. ‘No more kunai.’ I thought. Before he gains his sight I grab the barrier scroll from my waist pouch.

“I think I need to handle this quickly, you’re stalling for something.” The man’s muscles tense and his eyes narrow, leaning forward, he sprints towards me.

“That something was this.” With Gon inches away from striking me I break the seal on my scroll. His feet plant and shoulders rotate arcing the blade forward. I pour my qi into the scroll whipping it open in front of me.

As the blade connects the impact sends us both flying backward. Gon got the worst of it, wounding his sword arm badly. “Aughh…. What did you do just now!?” He screams through his clenched teeth.

“A miracle.” It’s the truth. That scroll could have blown up my hand during qi infusion. It’s a simple seal, but it isn’t meant to be used across such a small surface area. Such a huge blast radius confirms it— Gon is out of my league.

“The heavens will have to give you more favor to win this battle.” The Qi on his blade is roaring now. Something is changing with Gon’s spirit, as if a lock busted open, letting a caged tiger out. I can practically smell the intent this far away.

This next attack may very well be the last one I see.