Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Eddie

Edward Masters stormed out of Timekeepers, the door’s bell mocking him as it closed.  Stalking a few steps forward, he slammed his way into the side alley.  Barrels and crates lined the wall, a perfect target for his frustration.  He kicked one, yelping when it stung his foot.

How dare that smug little-  

The nerve-

And poor Ol’ Man Jimmy completely under her thumb.

Relo-rats, he sneered.

How could no one see what was happening?  While they bought from the interloper, Winter’s Time, a shop that had been there for generations, was withering away, resorting to repairs and parts to survive.

Not even Mr. Winters cared. 

“Well, of course she’s doing better Eddie, have you seen her work?” he’d said.  "Why, I even have one myself.” Eddie’s fist clenched when Mr. Winters had pulled a Timekeeper’s piece from his pocket.  “Parts and repairs will work fine.”

How could the old man give up so easily?  The Mathews’ stole his livelihood in less than a generation.  What would the man’s father have thought, his grandfather?  If Mr. Winters wouldn’t fight back, Eddie would.  He shouldn’t have to live with the shame.

Eddie had come up with a plan.  He’d donned the king’s uniform and resolved to take back the money the rats had stolen… all of it.  Then Ol’ Man Jimmy had to walk in and ruin everything. 

Eddie—Edward he reminded himself.  He was a man not a child—kicked the crate again, seething.

Slamming his back against a wall, he slid to the ground.  The crates and barrels created enough privacy to collect himself.  He would have to try again… with a better plan.

Something scraped farther up the alley.  He peered around the closest barrel.  Someone, two someones, were climbing out of Timekeeper’s window.  He leaned back.  

Maybe they were like him and realized the store needed to go.  It was a good plan.  Steal the supplies and leave nothing to sell.

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The second climber hit the ground.  Eddie squeezed back against the barrel.  It wouldn’t do for them to recognize his uniform and get spooked.  They wouldn’t risk another heist, and he needed all the help he could get.

Strange, they sounded angry.  Did something go wrong?  Their conversation drifted in and out.

“…Taxman,” the girl ground out, “was going to take Mom to the stocks.”

He narrowed his eyes.  Mom?  He clenched his jaw.

Of course, they were sneaking out.  He debated catching them in the act, but climbing out a window wasn’t illegal.  They walked by.  He needed to wait until they caused some real trouble. 

The boy suggested going to Sugar Shoppe.

“And slip a couple sweets in our pockets?” the brat asked.

Bingo.  He felt a smile slither across his face. Eddie jumped to his feet, ready to storm over and give them what they deserved. 

“… your jaunt through the Steam Pits?” the boy asked

Eddie—Edward froze.  The girl seemed adamant she didn’t break any laws.  Still… spending time at the Pits?  It sounded suspicious.

“…rare, expensive, and volatile substance for one of my experiments doesn’t mean I broke the law,” the brat said. 

No, Edward thought watching them walk away, but it would interest a few DIM agents.  With an extra skip in his step, he strode down to the Department of Illegal Machinery.

“Hello.” He smiled at the greeter. “I’d like to report an incident.”

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