Chapter 7: How I Wonder What You Are (2)

Mr. Peterson stared at the person, their eyes were milky white. The neck of the intruder was torn. It snarled and banged on the door aggressively.


Panic filled the classroom, tears filled Rose's eyes; she immediately turned her head towards me and hugged me as tight as she could. I looked at her, then at Aya. She also had the same reaction as Rose. "Aya, come here." I spoke. She hugged me. "I'm scared." Aya cried out.


"I know." I was panicking as well, but if I panic… that would make Rose and Aya panic even more and I can't have that happen, especially since we are under lockdown because of those things.


I looked at the rest of the class. Brick and Bruce were huddled close to Mr. Peterson. "It's okay kids, they will be gone soon." He tried his best to reassure us.


Ayrton went over to me, I didn't really like the kid. He would ask for Rose's homework all the time and it annoyed me, so I was surprised he would come up to me. "Cody, what's your plan?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.


Great, we now had Aryton. Who is going to act cool to impress us. "I think we should follow what the teacher says for now." I said, Aryton looked at everyone. "Well I'm not staying here, who wants to come with me?" He raised his own hand and looked around. "No one?"


The pounding soon stopped and the thing walked away after hearing screaming. Azima went over to Aryton. "So you're the only one?" He asked, looking at Cody. "This is your last chance."


"We are 5th graders, not heroes or soldiers. Stay here." I sighed. Aryton scoffed. "Fine, die here." He chuckled. "Don't blame me if you end up like Mr. Greyrat." He went towards the door. "The door is the only thing keeping them away from us! Let's just wait it out!" Brick spoke.


Bruce agreed with Brick. "Y-Yeah! We can't just leave without knowing what's going on!"


Aryton looked at Brick and Bruce. "I never liked you two anyways." Azima looked around, she debated if it was best if she stayed with the others, she just shook her head. "I want to see my mom, I'm sorry. I'm going with Aryton." Azima looked at Aryton. "Are you ready?"


Other students were debating now since Azima mentioned her mom. They were wondering if their parents were okay. Mr. Peterson shook his head. "We have to stay put!"


Aryton opened the door and looked around. The lights were shut off, meaning the power was likely out.  Azima walked out into the hallway, she turned around looking at everyone from the entrance of the classroom. "It's safe guys! It's gone!" She smiled, she felt a bony hand grab her arm, Aryton's eyes widened.


Azima froze in fear and turned around, it growled and opened its mouth. It lifted its head and lowered it quickly. Biting her in the arm. She screamed in pain, the monster, yes I'm referring to them as monsters now.


Blood gushed out of her wound. Another one appeared and grabbed Azima, pulling her into the dark, the other one did the same. All they could hear were her screams of pain. Aryton turned his head and another one just stood there. His eyes widened. "Oh…"


The monster grabbed him by the arm and pulled him over, taking a huge chunk from his shoulder. He screamed in pain. The monster kept a tight grip on his arm as it took another bite on his arm.


My eyes widened; I had to do something. Or else we are all food to them. I looked at everyone. "Does anyone here play baseball?!"


"Yes?! Why is that a question right now?!" Brick was freaking out, watching Aryton getting bit by that thing. "Give me the baseball bat!" I went over. Brick nodded and unzipped his duffle bag and handed me the baseball bat. "Get the desks ready!"


I gripped the baseball bat and ran towards Aryton. Aya's eyes widened, she was scared to lose me. How nice.


I swung at the monster, causing it to fall to the ground. The sounds of its bones breaking echoed throughout the hallway. The monster got up, blood dribbling down the small dent. I grabbed Aryton's good arm and quickly ran in. "NOW!" I closed the doors as Brick and Bruce shoved desks in front of the doorway as the 3 monsters banged on the door. I'm assuming they're finished with Azima.


Mr. Peterson ran over. "I don't think a medkit can help with this…" he sighed. "It will slow down the bleeding. Just try." I spoke. "Thank you." Aryton winced. "Don't thank me yet." I sighed.

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Mr. Peterson rushed over to his desk, to be descriptive it was the big one with multiple cabinets. Blaze looked outside. "Guys… the whole city is on fire." She spoke. I went over, staring at the multiple skyscrapers that had holes through them. Some people were seen jumping off every now and then. Helicopters flew by.


I looked at everyone. "We need to get out of here. I have ideas but it's dangerous. So I need everyone to get weapons. We will wait for the 3 monsters out, wait till they at least walk and make a break for the main office." I spoke. Brick went over. "Why the main office?" He tilted his head. "Because we're going to try and gather the classrooms, we're going to take refuge in the cafeteria. If there's anyone left that is."


Mr. Peterson was trying his best to tend to Aryton's wounds. "You'll definitely need stitches." He sighed. Aryton chuckled, wincing in pain. "You know the movie This Is The End?" He looked at Mr. Peterson. "Aren't you a little too young to watch that?" He asked. "That's besides the point."


Mr. Peterson looked around. "What about it?" He looked back at him. "This situation oddly reminds me of the movie, except without the cool sinkhole type shit."


This was the first time Mr. Peterson heard anyone in this class swear, but because of this situation he made it an exception.


"Can you try calling 9-1-1?" Bruce looked at Mr. Peterson. He pulled out his phone and dialled 9-1-1. All he heard were beeps. "The call didn't go through…" he sighed.


"So you're telling me that 9-1-1 doesn't work either?" Aryton asked and he nodded.


Hayden walked through the hallway, towards the main office. Seeing two of the monsters, one used to be Mr. Greyrat and the other one was someone he had never met before, but it was a soldier. He opened the door and gripped his pocket knife. "Did I miss anything?" He asked as he went over to the soldier and stabbed him in the gut, but nothing happened, it growled and tackled him to the ground, he groaned as someone rushed in through the front entrance, it was a cop.


"Aryton, where are you?!" He screamed, the cop was Aryton's dad. "Help!" Hayden screamed, he ran over to help Aryton as the monsters went inside of the school, more of them.


He opened the main office door and shot it in the head, he aimed his gun at Mr. Greyrat and fired again. "Only headshots kill them apparently. Now help m-" he turned around as the monsters pounded on the door, their bloody hands making prints on the glass. He moved a chair and blocked the door from opening. "Hayden, do you know if my son is okay?" He was panicking, sweating from probably all of the duties he had just done.


Hayden sat down, looking at the bloodied room. "He was still in the classroom last time I was there." He sighed. "I have an idea, give me that." Aryton's dad is named Lennie, a well known police man in the area. Hayden was holding the speaker thing you use when you announce things.


Hayden nodded and handed Lennie it. "Here." He smiled a bit. Lennie grabbed it and pressed the button. "Everyone head to the cafeteria now, we will be there. I am a police officer. Lennie Fox, we are planning on grouping everyone there till help arrives. There will be food that will last us about a day! I repeat! We are going to the cafeteria! I repeat!" He slammed it down, looking at Hayden, then at the group of 7-9 monsters. "So… how do we get out of this situation?"


"Beats me." Hayden looked at the group as well, gripping his pocket knife.


I listened in on the announcement. "It looked like your dad had the same idea as me." I looked at Aryton and chuckled, Aryton smiled. "Yeah, glad to hear that he is alive."


The monsters stopped banging on the door. "It's gone!" Bruce smiled and went over, looking around; he tried his best to peek through the blood covered glass window. He turned around and then back at the window. "I don't see anything!"


The glass window broke and the bony arms of the monsters grabbed at Bruce, one scratching him as the hinges began to shake violently, the growling increasing. Bruce backed up, blood dribbling down. "They're getting in!"


My eyes widened. "Aya, Rose. Get behind me! Everyone gets weapons. Anything!" I yelled as everyone tried to gather anything they could to use against them, even if it was a pencil. The desks and chairs they shoved earlier began sliding against the floor, causing screeching noises. The door was open by an inch as the monsters backed off.


A few seconds went by. "Are they gone?" Alexa asked. Aya stared at the darkness that enveloped the hallway, a rotten hand grabbed at the side of the door, which is a flange, they're those things on both sides of the door.


Everyone's eyes widened. "Fuck." Mr. Peterson helped Aryton up, staring at the rotten hand as it began to clench the side, peeking its head out and growled, showing its rotten teeth.