I looked around the dimly lit hallway, most lockers had blood on them. Mostly they were blood splatters. I shined my flashlight towards the lockers, there were two bodies. A boy and a girl, they were about my age. They were torn apart, their face was left unharmed. But their stomach was ripped open, causing the hallway to stink up.
"I really hate this." Aryton mumbled, clenching his knife tightly. "None of us do. But we gotta find Mira." I mentioned it and began to walk. We heard screaming up upstairs mixed with the growling of zombies. I closed my eyes, I didn't want to hear them scream in pain as they were torn apart by them.
Rose looked at me, she was tearing up. I looked at her and frowned. This was truly scary for all of us. Brick clenched his knife tighter, it felt like his hand was bleeding and that made sense.
We heard limping and we tensed up. Bandy was about to swing the meat tenderizer and Scowl was ready to impale someone with his chair leg.
The limping soon turned into running; there was a teacher who came into view. "RUN!" He yelled as he turned around. We shined our flashlights into the direction as thumping began to shake the hallway a bit. A well built zombie came into view and grabbed the teacher. "NO! NO! PLEASE!" It picked him up by the leg and swung him head first into the lockers. His head exploded like a watermelon.
We stared in disbelief, what was a monstrous zombie doing here?! Isn't that the gym teacher? It wasn't the gym teacher anymore. He was one of them. Now it was revealed that you can turn. Aryton backed up as the zombie bit into the teacher's leg. "The zombie is Mr. Waterworth. And that means we need to run…" Scowl whispered as he began to back up.
I looked at Rose, she was scared shitless. She backed up at a rapid pace, causing her to slip on blood, she fell backwards. Our eyes widened as she collided with the lockers, making a big ruckus.
The zombie paused and lifted its head, staring into the distance. Trying to detect the noise. "Zombies are blind?" I whispered and it began to run towards Rose.
Brick ran towards one of the lockers, looking at everyone. He smiled and began scraping the locker with his knife. "What are you doing, Brick?" My eyes widened. "I'm sorry, Cody. You must protect the others." The zombie turned its head and ran towards Brick.
I tried to run over to Brick, I needed to save him before I lost another friend of mine. I was so close to him. But the zombie beat me to it, I heard the sounds of crunching and flesh splattering across the floor. I looked up and my eyes widened. There was a hole in his chest, with the zombie's hand through it. Brick backed up, he wiped blood from his cheek.
"SCOWL!" Bandy yelled, Scowl coughed out blood and looked at us. "Run… as fast as you can…" he wrapped his arms around the zombie's arm tightly. "RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN! UPSTAIRS!" Scowl yelled. I teared up, Aryton ran over and helped Rose up. "We need to go now!" Brick nodded as we began to run, Bandy began to cry as he followed us.
Scowl smiled and looked up at the zombie as it raised its other hand. "Fuck you." He smiled as the zombie grabbed him by the throat and crushed his neck, killing him instantly.
Kora went over to Mr. Peterson and Aya. "Do you guys know if the military will help us?" She asked, Mr. Peterson shrugged. "Our phones won't work, they are likely on their way though."
Kora nodded. "I'm sorry for what happened to y'know… your student." She leaned against the wall. "Yeah… I'm sorry about your boyfriend." He sighed.
"YOU CAN TURN!" A student screamed, Aya turned around to see Bruce tackle a student and began biting into their neck, blood splattered across the floor. Kora turned around, the injured who were bitten stood up. Some turned while some haven't turned yet. Kora's eyes widened. "We need to go."
Mr. Peterson looked around and grabbed Aya's hand, holding the student's gun. "Good idea." He whispered as the infected began feasting on the students who were running towards the cafeteria door.
The zombies pinned most of the students and began tearing into them. Blood seeped through the cafeteria door and into the hallway.
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Mr. Peterson ran towards the other exit; there were multiple exits when it came to the cafeteria. Thankfully, or else we would be running straight towards them.
Kora stared at the tables, seeing Rudy who was turning. He opened his eyes and began growling. "We need to put him down…" Kora whimpered. Mr. Peterson stopped running and frowned, he went over to Rudy and aimed the gun at him.
He looked up at Mr. Peterson, growling, trying to get the shoe laces off. Kora grabbed the gun from Mr. Peterson. "Let me do it." She spoke, aiming the gun at Rudy, her arms shaking. "I love you, Rudy." She closed her eyes and pulled the trigger, the gunshot was muffled from the screams of students.
Kora ran towards one of the exits, handing the gun to Mr. Peterson as he followed. Aya looked around. "I need to find Cody." She spoke. "We will be doing that." Mr. Peterson spoke right as he opened the door. They ran out and towards the direction that me and the others went.
Lennie and Hayden looked at each other. "Keep going." Lennie coughed, blood dribbled through the bandage, he was pale and exhausted already.
"Hey, Hayden. If I don't make it. Give Aryton this." He showed him his police badge. Hayden looked at him. "You will make it." Hayden struggled to keep Lennie up as he stumbled into a locker. They turned around and saw zombies behind them, none of them were running. Meaning they were the ones from the graves.
"You need to go. I will hold them off." Lennie pulled out his gun and ripped his police badge, shoving it into Hayden. "Take it." He spoke, Hayden slowly grabbed the police badge. "Thank you." He looked away and ran off.
Lennie turned around, aiming his gun at the zombies. "Fuck you." He grinned as he fired his gun. A zombie whipped its head back in a quick motion before falling down.
He shot another and another, he was going to pass out. He stumbled back and fell down as the zombies approached him, they just stood there. Why haven't they eaten him like his wife? Or the students?
A zombie walked past it and pointed at where Hayden ran and then at himself, it was Mira. He was a smarter zombie, it was unclear how this virus worked. Most zombies didn't have a memory, but Mira did. He knew that Hayden killed him, he couldn't speak. All that came out were growls. Lennie looked at Mira, it didn't take long for him to figure out what happened. "So… Hayden killed you?" Lennie asked, Mira nodded. "Promise to give me a quick death. So I don't have to turn into one of you guys. No offence though." He coughed out blood.
Mira sniffed the air and clenched his nose, he pointed at Lennie's arm and then at himself. "What?" Lennie looked at himself. Mira grabbed a zombie, who seemingly let him and pointed at the bite mark on its arm and then at Lennie. "You can detect the infection, eh?" Lennie looked at the zombie and then at Mira.
He nodded and pointed at his stump. "How am I infected though? I cut my arm…" he paused and his eyes widened. "That fucker used the chair arm he bashed the zombies head in with…" he sighed.
"Don't let me turn." Lennie looked down and raised his gun, offering it to Mira. He slowly picked it up and aimed it at Lennie's head, pulling the trigger. Lennie's arms slumped down slowly.
Mira turned around and looked into the hallway. He pointed at the zombies and then at the hallway. The zombies immediately began walking, he followed them, clenching his fists. His memories were flooding in.
He needed answers on why he had memories and the others didn't. He could feel them, it felt odd and the hunger always continued. He's only alive so that he can kill Hayden, after that he is going to find Cody and say goodbye. He didn't want everyone to suffer like he is right now, and somehow he can control the zombies. It looks like there is more to the virus than there is.