Taylor Hebert didn't recognize herself when she looked in the mirror. She knew it was her reflection and she knew the body moved when she wanted it to move. The thing was, she didn't feel like herself anymore. There were no aches, no pains, and no automatic slouch when she walked near shorter people.
Ever since she had been healed by that new Ward, Alex Powers, she had become a completely different person... and she loved it.
The other students at school treated her completely differently. Some of the girls complimented her on her looks, even the ones that used to berate her for the same thing. It had felt great telling them off for that and then ignoring them, because now she was somehow popular and a lot of people wanted to be her friend.
Taylor wondered if this was how Emma felt before she had fallen in with Sophia and became a total bitch. She didn't want to end up like that, so she completely denied that she was popular and people were deluding themselves if they thought she was the new queen of Winslow High School.
The Principal and several teachers had been fired and publicly shamed for allowing the rampant bullying and attempted murder of one of the students they were entrusted to keep safe. The settlement was also a huge bonus for both Taylor and her father, the Dockworkers Union rep, who had been struggling to make ends meet ever since the docks had been so damaged from the last Endbringer attack years ago. The surrounding businesses had never recovered.
Taylor had a whole new wardrobe, because her old clothes wouldn't fit her anymore, and her hair was a huge mass of curls that she never had to comb. She had even tried a little bit of makeup, even though she thought her face wouldn't benefit from it, and she had to admit that the girl in the mirror looked quite nice with the deep red lipstick and normal skin tone.
The new Taylor in the mirror smiled back at her as one of the many presences in her consciousness flew over to her. It was a common housefly and she knew everything about it. Its needs, its desires, its very life was hers to command... and she had no clue what to do with that power. It had been a shock when Panacea had told her and her father that she was now a cape because of the incident.
Taylor had been worried that her father was going to freak out about it and he had just looked stunned for a moment, then he had taken her hand and said that they would talk about things when they were home and they would figure out together what they were going to do. Danny's reaction had surprised her at the time and she didn't think about it again until after they had checked out of the hospital.
Her father was happy. Taylor wasn't sure why he was, though. Was it because she was fine? No, better than fine? Was it because she wasn't stuck in the hospital for weeks? Was it because the two people that had visited her had been nice and hadn't berated either of them for allowing the bullying to go on like that?
Those questions faded away when Taylor figured it out. Danny wasn't wearing his glasses, just like she wasn't. He had been healed before she had been. That guy Alex had done to her father what he had done to her. She regretted that she hadn't realized it earlier, because she could have asked Panacea about it. How did healing her father's eyesight make his rampant depression... and hers, for that matter... fade away?
A car horn blared twice and she nodded at her reflection. Taylor grabbed her purse... and wasn't that an oddly new thing that she had to get used to... that had her money and keys inside. She hung it over her shoulder and went down the stairs.
“Are you sure you want to do this so soon?” Danny asked her.
“No.” Taylor said with a smile and hugged him. “See you later.”
“Good luck.” Danny said and opened the door for her. “Knock 'em dead.”
Taylor nodded and went outside to the unmarked car waiting for her. She opened the back door and was surprised to see the guy that had healed her and another girl with straight blonde hair. Both were wearing their cape costumes.
“Surprise!” Alex and Missy said together.
“What are you doing here?” Taylor asked and climbed in.
“We both remember what it was like going to the PRT for the first time to register. It would have been nice to have someone there with us, even just for moral support.” Alex said and Missy nodded. “In case you forgot my name, I'm Alex, cape name Myriad. The awesome girl beside me is Missy, cape name Vista.”
Taylor smiled at Vista's blush and shook their hands. “You're trusting me a lot by telling me your civilian identities.”
“Well, my cat was already out of the bag because I forgot to ask for a mask before seeing you.” Alex said with a grin. “Since I spend most of my spare time with Vista, you were going to figure out who she was anyway.”
Taylor gave them both a surprised look. “How could I figure it out if I don't join the Wards?”
Alex and Missy exchanged amused looks and looked at her.
“Just because you're not a Ward, that doesn't mean we won't be interacting.” Alex said. “You're the...” He paused and counted on his fingers. “...eighth person our age with powers that I've met. Plus, I healed you. If that doesn't make us friends, I don't know what could.”
Missy giggled. “He means that if you want to be friends with him, he's more than willing. He's not trying to force you or anything.”
Taylor couldn't stop her smile. “I think I'd like that.”
“Great!” Alex exclaimed. “Vista, you can do the honors.”
“Gee, thanks.” Missy said and reached down to the floorboards and picked up a stylish shopping bag. “We brought you a nice bland jumpsuit to slip into and a full head mask. It'll get you through the door and to the registration desk. There we can ask for a private reveal, because you're registering your civilian identity alongside your cape name and powers.”
“Um... about that...” Taylor said, hesitatingly.
“It's okay if you don't know what they are. They can update it when you figure it out.” Alex said. “They did the same with me, because I had no clue what my power was at first.”
“That's a relief. Thanks, Alex.”
“I wish I had someone there to tell me the same things, so there's no need to thank me. I'm just glad to help.” Alex said. “Now I'm going to help by closing my eyes tightly and blocking the view of the driver from peeking.”
Taylor watched in surprise as two rectangular shields formed sideways out of Alex's hands and he held them up to completely block 40 inches of space length-wise and 20 inches width-wise in front of her.
“I thought you were a healer?” Taylor asked.
“I am.” Alex said.
“He is.” Vista said and pulled out the jumpsuit and mask. “That's not all he is, though.”
Taylor nodded and felt like Alex really did have her blocked from sight, so she pulled off her jeans and top to slip on the blue jumpsuit. It was a nice and loose fit, so she wasn't showing off more of her body than she ever wanted to in public. Vista helped her bundle up her hair and slipped the mask onto her head.
“You look... absolutely... wonderful.” Vista said with a straight face, then burst out laughing.
“It's the hair, isn't it?” Taylor asked.
“Your head... looks like... a balloon! Ha ha ha!” Vista said and tried to stop her laugh. She couldn't with the source of humor right in front of her.
The shield in front of Taylor changed to be a reflective surface and she tried to not laugh herself. It was pretty hard, because her head really did look like a balloon.
“Are you dressed?” Alex asked.
“Yes, you can look.” Taylor said.
Alex absorbed the two shields and turned to look at Taylor himself. He didn't laugh. He just had a gigantic smile appear that showed off all of his teeth.
“You're never going to forget about this, are you?” Taylor asked.
“Not in a million years.” Alex said and formed a pair of thick shears. “Give me the mask and I'll make a hole in the back for your hair. Vista can loan you one of her hair clips.”
“That's a great idea!” Vista said and pulled off her helmet and slipped off one of her hair clips.
Taylor took off the mask and Alex did some quick alterations after referencing how Taylor's hair was going to look with the clip holding some of her hair down. He handed the mask back and Taylor put it back on. It fit almost perfectly and her hair was focused downwards in the back and was quite manageable.
“That's got it.” Vista said. “Have you picked a good cape name yet?”
Taylor nodded. “I was thinking of going with Skitter.”
Alex jerked slightly and Vista put a hand on his shoulder.
“Alex? What is it?” Vista asked.
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“I know that name.” Alex said. “I don't know why. I just... that name... is... bad? Undeserved?”
Taylor blinked her eyes at him and she wasn't sure what to think. Her cape name was undeserved?
“Did you have any other choices?” Vista asked as her hand rubbed Alex's shoulder protectively, almost possessively.
“Weaver?” Taylor asked and saw Alex jerk again. “What is it?”
“It's close. Much better than the other one. I still feel like... I don't know. It's too late?” Alex said with a shake of his head. “I'm sorry, Taylor. Sometimes I hear or see something and it will trigger a memory, a feeling, or a thought.”
“He knew my cape name before he met me.” Vista said and smiled at the memory. “I was a bit nervous about it at first, then he explained about his selective amnesia.”
“Selective...” Taylor said and fell silent. She somehow knew that him knowing her cape name when she had just thought it up that morning, meant a lot more than him just remembering something. Was he a precog or something?
“Do you have anything else? Moth Girl? Beehive?” Vista asked. “Um... Cockroach Cluster?”
Both Taylor and Alex made similar snorting sounds and then laughed.
“Hey, it's a good book series.” Vista said with a pout and crossed her arms.
Alex pulled her into a hug. “It's not that. I just imagined Taylor covered in melting chocolate as she tries to take down a villain cape.”
“Me, too.” Taylor said. “I suggest you don't read the later books for a couple of years.”
“We know.” Alex and Vista said as one and smiled at each other.
“Helmet and masks on.” The driver said. “We're coming up to the PRT office.”
Alex put on his domino mask that didn't hide who he was and Vista put her helmet back on.
“Are you going to choose another name?” Vista asked Taylor.
Taylor thought about it and thought about an easy one. “Hive Queen.”
Alex didn't react at all and Vista took his hand.
“Nothing?” Vista asked and Alex shook his head. “I think we have a winner.”
Taylor nodded. “I'll register with that.”
“You can always re-brand and change it later if you want.” Vista offered.
“Thanks for letting me know.” Taylor said.
“Vista is an old hand at all of this.” Alex said. “She's been a Ward the longest and she's the most powerful member of the team.”
Vista blushed and shook her head. “Even if I was, you're just as powerful.”
“What's half of infinity again?” Alex asked with a smile.
“Infinity.” Vista responded with a giggle.
Taylor wasn't sure what they were talking about. It must be an inside joke or something.
“I can hear Taylor's confusion from way over here.” Alex said with a laugh as the car came to a stop. “Perhaps a demonstration, Vista?”
“Sure, why not?” Vista said and nodded to Taylor to open the car door. As soon as it was opened, Vista used her powers to shrink the space between the car and the front door of the PRT. “After you.”
Taylor stared at the space and then looked back at Vista. “That's so cool.”
“I told you.” Alex said and Vista blushed.
The three of them stepped out of the car and right into the PRT building. Vista let her power return the space to normal and Taylor stared as the car seemed to jump almost twenty feet away and was apparently still parked on the street.
“My turn.” Alex said and the car was suddenly right back next to the door and Taylor gasped. “Still cool, right?” He asked and let it go back to normal.
“H-how?” Taylor asked, shocked.
“Half of infinity is still infinity.” Alex said and took her hand and Vista's. “Let's get you registered and then you can show us your power.”
Taylor nodded and let the young man lead her over to the receptionist and the woman there greeted them like they were friends and then called for a private area for the registration. She went with Alex and Vista into the side room and she was a little relieved that it was Miss Militia that was witnessing today. She wasn't sure why the woman was blushing, though.
It was surprisingly quick to register, thanks to the help Vista and Alex provided, especially when they requested the record be sealed until Taylor made her decision about joining the Wards. She never would have thought of that or asking about the other options for cape work.
Taylor didn't know that she could have an associate status to work with them for a nominal fee, be an independent cape and only having contacts in the PRT, be a rogue or vigilante cape and taking her chances all on her own, or becoming a villain. It was a lot to take in.
“With all of that out of the way, let's see some of what you can do, Hive Queen.” Miss Militia said.
Taylor nodded and closed her eyes as she sent out the call. It took a few seconds and both Vista and Miss Militia were a bit worried that nothing was going to happen. Alex on the other hand, was excited. He knew it took time to manifest powers when you were just learning, so he knew to wait and see what happened.
“There's not many around the building.” Taylor said as she opened her eyes. “Only eleven thousand three hundred and sixty five.”
“Eleven thousand wha... oh, good heavens!” Miss Militia gasped as a literal flood of bugs flowed in through every nook, crack, cranny, and around the closed door of the supposedly secured room.
They moved like a single wave and formed into a mass behind Taylor. When she pointed to the right, they flew or ran across the floor quickly and massed against the wall. She spread her hand out to be flat and the bugs spread out to cover the whole wall. She moved her hand forward and the mass moved along the wall and onto the wall behind Miss Militia.
Taylor made a fist and the bugs formed into a single mass again and Taylor pulled her hand towards herself and the mass zoomed across the room around Miss Militia, Alex, and Vista, to form behind Taylor again.
“That... was... AWESOME!” Alex yelled and startled Vista and Miss Militia. He walked over to Taylor and looked up at her face, because she was about six inches taller than him. “Are you controlling them individually or as a mass when you do that?”
“Both.” Taylor said and tried to explain it to him. For some reason, she knew he was understanding her completely as he nodded and looked thoughtful.
“I can't copy your mental powers, so you don't have to worry about the possibly I might have a similar power to yours.” Alex said.
Taylor's mouth dropped open in shock and Alex started laughing and pointed at the mass of bugs behind her. Taylor turned around and saw that the mass had made a mouth and it had dropped open as well.
“Make... eye holes!” Alex said between laughs.
Taylor couldn't refuse and did so, then she made the mass give him a crooked smile.
“BAHAHAHA!” Alex laughed and laughed. “It's going... to be great... having you around, Hive Queen!”
Taylor had the feeling that he was going to be right. If she was going to become a member of the Wards, having Alex around was going to make being a cape pretty fun.