Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Vacations are always necessary. Especially with the rate of work they have been going. Battling mysteries literally on an everyday basis can be taxing on anyone. Even to someone like Velma who loves solving mysteries and riding on the edge of a lightning bolt. She doesn't know if it's her years of being in martial arts that got her like this, but the adrenaline when setting up traps with Shaggy and the others or better yet being chased by some criminal, or in rare cases actual monsters, is addictive. It gives her just about the same amount of dopamine that her countless number of sexual acts with her scrawny tall boyfriend. It's the main reason why when even the slightest bit of danger confronts them, she's the first to want to check it out. Talk about the stereotypical white girl in a horror film.

So, with no mysteries to solve, that piques the interest of Fred, he decided that this was the time for them to use as a vacation. Today on this sunny morning will make it the 29th day of their Vacation Time. And, surprising to Velma, Daphne seems to be more worried about the lack of interesting mysteries to arise than her boyfriend, Fred, who loves solving mysteries just as much as Velma. Mostly to boost his ego in that he can make traps to capture anything. In saying that, Daphne's still her preppy happy-go-lucky self and isn't going out of her way to look for them. She's handling this mystery hiatus much like Velma; using it to have proper time with their significant other. For example, Velma thought she understood Shaggy completely like reading a book so many times you can recite the thing by memory. But the extra time she has been able to be with him, she realizes he's much more than a coward who loves food and Scooby Snacks.  

"Hyah!" Velma connects with the heavy bag with a perfect roundhouse kick. A loud thud erupts in the open air of the backyard. Her stomach starts to get butterflies and a smile threatens to stretch across her pretty face but she distracts herself by following up with a well-placed knee to the heavy bag's "stomach" area. The impact was so hard it would rupture a person's insides, causing internal bleeding. Trust me I am not exaggerating. With her absurd strength, it's surprising, that she hasn't killed someone in a fight, yet.

She can thank her years of martial arts for that. Despite how she looks, Velma is a very dangerous hand to hand combatant. 

Jab. Cross. Hook. She thought performing the respective move as she said them. After the hook she grab both side of the heavy bag. Knee. The heavy bag swings back from her attack then once it swings back at her, she hit it with two powerful roundhouse kicks in fluid quick succession, a sharp exhale escaping her lips upon each throw of her attacks.


Oh thats right. Shaggy wants me to teach him how to do that when he gets back from getting groceries with Fred.

While Shaggy, Fred, and Scooby went out to go food shopping, Daphne came over to hang out with Velma at their place. A luxurious two-story house, that's as close to a mansion as it gets: very spacious with 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms, 3 garages, 3 living rooms, a foyer, the great room, and a large pool deck with a pool out back, the waters blue and clear. Which is where she currently resides beating up her heavy bag. Under one of the three covered lanais, dressed in a white t-shirt, black leggings, no shoes, and boxing gloves. Daphne was supposed to spar with her, but currently, she's asleep.

"Geez, Velma! I would hate to be at the receiving end of those knees." the familiar feminine voice giggles. "Maybe ghosts see how you're destroying that heavy bag and decide to just exorcise themselves."

"Maybe." Velma turns to face Daphne with a smile, who slides the back door close behind her returning a smile of her own. She's wearing her white karate outfit with the black belt she got tied around her waist, and boxing gloves cocooning her hands. She always also isn't wearing any shoes, showing off her purple toenails.

"So, the guys haven't come back yet?" She then scoffs, waves one of her boxing glove in a dismissive manner" Why am I even asking that? We're talking about Shaggy, Scooby and a place full of food. They're probably stacking the cart with anything they lay their eyes on...Poor Freddy." 

 Velma turns her attention back on her victim and gives it a jab-cross combination with a chuckle. "He's maybe dragging them out of the store as we speak."

Daphne walks over to the other heavy bag, dangling off the roof of the cover lanai, adjacent to Velma's. "I hope we dont see them on the news. Breaking News. A man is seen forcing a hippy and a ravage dog out of a grocery store."

Velma laughs mid swing, missing the bag completely." Impressive radio voice. You said like Daphne."

"What?! Do I have a natural radio voice?"


The karate girl born with a voice for television cheeks puff up like a balloon. "Hmph. I dont think so. They all sound the same to me. I have a much cuter voice." Her hands go on her hips as she pulls her shoulder back with a wide smile.

Velma eyes dim blankly "Cuter?"

You are reading story Scooby-Doo: Battle with the Valkyries at


"Hehe. Whatever you say, Daphne."

The two girls hit the bag in silence, but it wasn't long until Daphne broke it.

"Hey, um, Velma?"

"Yeah?" She stops the elbow she was going to connect with and faces Daphne.

"Arent you worried?"

"Of Shaggy and Scooby?"

"No. About Mystery Inc. About us. Our job is to solve cases policemen are too lazy or scared to do themselves. Without any serious cases, sure this vacation is great, but don't you think if this keeps up, we'll eventually be jobless? It has never been this long for some creepy monster or super criminal to show up."

"You have a point, but I try not to worry about that. This has been the longest wait we've ever had but remember this happened before. We thought nothing would catch our attention until..."

"That weird cotton candy monster arrived. After that we were back to our usually schedule." Daphne smiles being reassured by the chance that they will be back to business soon enough. Throwing a snapping roundhouse kick at her heavy bag.

"Thats right. This is just the calm before the inevitable storm. This is Crystal Cove, after all. And you best believe I'm going to appreciate this calm season."

"You can say that again." Daphne gives the bag a light tap before facing Velma " You want to spar now?"

"Of course."

They both exit from under the cover lanai and walk to the left side of the deck, where there's more space for them to do their sparring.

Velma gets into her Muay Thai stance, shifting her weight on each foot in a rhythmic march-like way. Her coach calls it the Muay Thai Rhythm. "You ready to lose again?"

Daphne scoffs with a grin, getting in her Karate stance "You won't get me in the clinch this round."