Yin and Lapis rush into the auditorium.
"I think we made it!" Yin says with a smile.
"No thanks to you!" Lapis says with a scowl. "You nearly made us late."
Yin looks through the large crowd and spots Yang, she hasn't notices Yin yet and he gains a smirk.
"You have fun, I'm going to go do something stupid." Yin says and he walks off.
"But-" Lapis starts but she just sighs.
Yin sneakily makes his way through the crowd towards Yang. Yin sneaks up behind Yang with a big smirk on his face. Yin reaches out to Yang's hair and tugs on it.
Yang quickly turns around and throws a punch, which Yin catches. Red eyes meet red eyes.
Yang glares at Yin and he smugly smiles.
"Sup, sis." Yin says.
Yang growls at Yin and she pulls her first out of Yin's grasp and her eyes go back to Lilac. "I hate it when you do that!"
Yin sticks his tongue out at Yang. "Just a little revenge for eating my toast this morning."
"Well, maybe you shouldn't just leave toast in the toaster." Yang retorts.
"I went to the bathroom!"
"Well, maybe you should've been a man and held it in!"
The two twins but heads together.
"Well, maybe if you would get up early for once and make yourself breakfast!" Yin says.
"Well, maybe if you didn't stay up so late doing illegal races!" Yang says back.
"Maybe you should get a job!"
"Maybe you should get a real job!"
Yin and Yang take a step back from each other.
"You win this time." Yin says. "Next time, I'll Yin." Yin smirks at his pun.
Yang chuckles and she looks over to the entrance and spots Ruby. "Ruby!" Yang yells and waves her over. "I saved you a spot!"
"Pfft, you saving something." Yin remarks, causing Yang to punch him in the arm. "Ow." Yin rubs his arm.
Ruby makes it over to the two.
"How's your first day going, little sister?" Yang asks.
"You mean since you both ditched me and I exploded!?" Ruby slightly yells at the two.
"Offf, meltdown before the first day of school?" Yin asks.
"No, I literally exploded a hole in front of the school..." Ruby says and Yin gives her a questioning look. "There was fire... and I think some ice."
Yin leans over to Yang. "I think we should put her on a leash next time." He whispers and Yang nods.
"Are you being sarcastic?" Yang asks Ruby.
Ruby scoffs. "Ugh, I wish! I tripped over some crabby girl's luggage! And then she yelled at me! And then I sneezed! And then I exploded! And then she yelled again! And I felt really, really bad! And I just wanted her to stop yelling at me!"
"You!" A white hair female yells at Ruby from behind.
Ruby jumps into Yin's arms. "Oh God, it's happening again!"
"You're lucky we weren't blown off the side of the cliff!" Weiss yells at Ruby.
"Oh my G.O.S.H, you really did explode." Yin says.
"It was an accident!" Ruby says as she gets off of Yin. "It was an accident!"
Weiss holds a pamphlet out to Ruby that says "DUST for dummies and other Inadequate Individuals."
"What's this?" Ruby asks.
"The Schnee Dust Company is not responsible for any injuries or damages sustained while operating a Schnee Dust Company product." Weiss says.
As Weiss continues her speech Yin leans over to Yang.
"Who invited the stuck up brat?" Yin asks.
Yang snickers.
"Uhhhh...." Ruby's lost.
"You really want to start making things up to me?" Weiss asks Ruby.
Weiss shoves the pamphlet into Ruby's face. "Read this and don't ever speak to me again."
Ruby grabs the pamphlet.
Yang rubs her head. "Look, uh... it sounds like you two got off on the wrong foot!"
"Yeah!" Yin says with a smile. "Why don't you both just start over and become friends, Okay?"
"Yeah! Great idea, Bro!" Ruby says and she turns back to Weiss. She holds her hand out. "Hello, Weiss! I'm Ruby! Want to hang out! We can go shopping for school supplies!"
"Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys, like tall, blonde, and scraggly over there!" Weiss says sarcastically as she motions over to Jaune.
"Oh wow, really?" Ruby asks, not getting Weiss' sarcasm.
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Weiss stares at Ruby for a few seconds. "NO."
"Ahem..." Ozpin says over the microphone, catching everyone's attention. "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge. To hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step."
Ozpin walks away and Glynda walks up to the microphone. "You will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed!"
"He seemed kind of off." Yang says.
"So I wasn't the only one that noticed?" Yin asks.
"It's almost like he wasn't even there." Ruby says.
Jaune appears next to the group. "I'm a natural blond, you know!" Jaune says to Weiss.
Yin face palms.
Later that night.
Everyone is in some sleep wear. Yin's just wearing sleeping pants with no shirt. Showing off his toned body.
Ruby's laying on her sleeping bag, writing a letter to her friends. Yin is sitting on a sleeping bag to the left of her.
"It's like a big slumber party!" Yang says as she flops down on her sleeping bag to the right of Ruby.
"I don't think Dad would approve of all the boys, though." Ruby says.
"I know I do." Yang purrs as she looks at all the shirtless boys in the room.
Jaune walks by wearing a light blue onesie with a bunny on the front.
"No man is good enough for my precocious little Rubes." Yin says.
"Yin." Ruby says with embarrassment.
"No one shall date my little sister without my approval." Yin says as he crosses his arms. A pillow hits him in the face and he falls over.
Yang notices the letter Ruby's writing. "What's that?"
"A letter to the gang back at Signal." Ruby explains. "I promised to tell them all about Beacon and how things are going."
"Aww, that's so cuuuuuuuute!!!!!" A pillow then hits Yang in the face.
"Shut up!" Ruby says.
Yin sits back up and he looks excited. "I know I can't wait to start school here! This is gonna be the best four years ever!"
"It's gonna be awesome." Ruby starts. "But I didn't get to take my friends with me to school it's weird not knowing anyone here."
"What about Jaune?" Yang asks. "He's... nice!"
"He's strange." Yin says and Yang smacks his arm.
"So that's plus one friend!" Yang says to Ruby. "That's a 100 percent increase!"
Ruby rolls over and lays on her back and looks up to the ceiling. "I'm pretty sure Weiss counters as a 'negative friend'. Back to zero."
"There's no such thing as 'negative friends'!" Yang explains. "You just made one friend and one enemy! Yin has lots of those!" A pillow hits jer in the face.
Yin gives a thumbs up. "Winning things in an illegal way makes people hate you." A pillow hits him in the face.
Yang takes the pillow off her face. "Look, it's only been one day." She says to Ruby. "Trust me, you've got friends all around you. You just haven't met them yet."
Yin takes the pillow off his face and he notices a familiar blue haired female sitting in the corner of the room tapping away at her scroll.
Lapis is wearing an oversize yellow sweatshirt.
Yin gets up and walks over to Lapis as Ruby and Yang walk over to Blake.
Yin reaches Lapis and he looks down at her. "Whatcha doing all by yourself?"
"Huh?" Lapis looks up at Yin and she blushes when she notices he's not wearing a shirt. "Do you have any decency?" She whisper yells.
Yin looks confused. "I'm wearing pants though."
Lapis growls. "Never mind, now why are you bothering me?"
"You looked lonely, so I came over to say hi!" Yin says with a smile.
"I was enjoying my peace and quiet until you came over."
Yin waves his hand. "Yeah, yeah, that's what they all say. Say cool sweatshirt. Where did you get it?"
Lapis pulls on the strings and the hood closes around her face a little. "You gave it to me on our first day of school at Signal. I was cold and you gave it to me so I could warm up."
"I did?" Yin questions and Lapis nods. "Huh, that's cool that you kept it." Yin smiles, causing Lapis to look away.
"I didn't do it for you, I just find this sweatshirt really comfortable."
Suddenly the lights go out.
Yin's red eyes shine in the darkness. "It's very dark."
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