Chapter 4: Chapter 4 – An Encounter with Slime

Onis are supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. They are typically portrayed as similar to ogres or demons. Unique features Onis possess are one or two horns protruding from their forehead & blue or red skin. Throughout history, Onis have been treated as the antagonist of fairy tales but the truth always tells another story

It has just turned 10:00

A grey office is the setting Haru has to work in 5 days a week, sitting at a desk & typing away at a computer. This is Haru’s existence for 8 or 9 hours

Haru works as a market researcher at this company which sells pharmacy goods. Her days are spent gathering information about competitors’ dealings, health statistics & public opinions. One would think this would involve a lot of action outside the office

One would be wrong. Haru stays on her computer & does all that work through the internet

| Katakata |

Forever typing away, Haru is situated on her black office chair as she tries to maintain a straight posture. Shoulders up & feet down pressing her moccasin shoes to the floor

The tapping sound of keys & endless clicks of the mouse is all she hears. “I always wake up at 5:00 for this” Haru’s inner voice says in a tone of exhaustion

Placing a file into the company’s shared folder the monitor begins to get darker as it sends Haru’s content

Her attention is quickly taken away from what’s on-screen & onto her solemn face, this is the reflection of salaryman Haru

After taking her masking potion Haru now appears completely human. When ingested the potion changes the physical appearance of monsters to allow them to freely live within society without getting exposed. Haru’s deep red horns were gone without a trace, her razor-sharp teeth replaced by more blunt-looking human ones. Even her grey skin tone has colour to it now between thin pink & yellow, the skin tone of a healthy Japanese woman

Putting her hand to her head Haru can feel her smooth forehead lacking any horns before brushing her fingers through her smooth hair she thinks. “10:02, not even halfway through the workday”

Haru: *sighs*

Haru lets out a sigh of frustration when peering at the clock on her screen, this sigh causes her mouth to gently open exposing her clear white teeth

Now gazing into her reflection on the monitor again Haru sees her teeth, the sharp tips are gone & so they look stubby. “I still can’t get used to having human teeth, how do they even bite into the meat with these?”

The screen instantly flashes bright light onto Haru’s distracted face indicating the file was sent

Haru: *gasp*

A small gasp was let out as Haru shielded her eyes from this flash, she takes her right arm to her face & proceeds to rub her aching eyes

Gradually opening her eyelids Haru sees the monitor return to its previous brightness eagerly waiting for work to continue

With this as a sign, Haru must enter the grind once again


The time is 12:37

Haru remains at her post repeatedly typing away on the keyboard

The screen displayed a pie chart adorned in many colours but Haru suddenly turned her gaze elsewhere

Haru sat at the corner of the room by the window & directly in the centre was a dashingly handsome man running his fingers through his black hair

He sat facing the room’s entrance with the left half of his face visible to Haru, his jawline was strong & his lips felt alluring. At least in the eyes of Haru, this was a fine example of a living |Greek sculpture

Nevertheless, once Haru got a glimpse at his silky white shirt hiding some solid shoulders she found it difficult to concentrate on work when faced with everyone’s favourite co-worker, Kamiya Kiichi (神谷貴一)

Unlike Haru, he always seemed positive even in this grey block where happiness struggles to survive. “That looks like a smile on his face, how does he do that here?” Haru was stuck thinking about Kiichi’s secret to being happy in this repetitive existence

One moment later Kiichi turns his head in Haru’s direction. “Oh crap! I can’t let him see me staring” Haru quickly faces her screen & goes back to typing, face bright red

Kiichi looks at the clock up on the wall behind Haru, he then turns his brown eyes to Haru who furiously types on her keyboard

After this glance, he turns his head back to his workstation, unaware of Haru’s previous actions

With the panic subsided Haru takes one small look at Kiichi to make sure he’s focusing on his work. “Come to think of it, I should get back to work too” Haru realizes from Kiichi that she too must focus

Now her eyes were back to the screen. Haru quickly noticed what she was typing, on the document was a small paragraph of complete gibberish

Viewing this with a look of disgust Haru deleted the entire thing. “I’m happy I didn’t send that to anyone by accident” she thought

Out of nowhere a slight rumbling sound came from Haru’s belly, this left an empty feeling below. What followed this was a look of disbelief

“After what I had for breakfast, how could I be hungry so soon?” Haru began to place her left hand on her belly as her right was moving the mouse around

Still determined to work Haru was then met with someone approaching

Walking to her with black jeans & a cute, buttoned shirt in a light purple shade, long blond hair waving as she walked

This was Demura Sakurako (出村桜子) Haru’s douhai & closest human friend

Taking her beauty along with her Sakurako bends over to meet Haru who tenses at this sudden invasion of space from her friend

Sakurako: “Haru…me & Souseki are planning on going to the café for lunch, you interested?”

Discreetly whispering her plans in Haru’s left ear Sakurako stealthily eyes the other office workers to make sure her plans with Souseki were not overheard

Taking her sea blue eyes Haru’s left hand resting on her belly & with a tense expression she notices something

Sakurako: “Haru Chan are you feeling OK?”

Haru: “I’m alright, just feeling hungry”

Hearing the word “hungry” Sakurako lights up instantly

The reaction from Sakurako caught the attention of other workers who momentarily tilt their heads in her direction before going back to their work. Haru not liking any of that attention wanted to silence her douhai but only one thing was on her mind

 Sakurako: “Ohh! Well…you’re coming with us. Souseki Kun said he’ll ask Kiichi to tag along”

Haru: “Are you saying Kiichi San is coming with us?”

The two office women tried their best to whisper with relative success, but no one especially Kiichi himself was paying attention

The office atmosphere was as dull as usual but in Haru’s mind. “Aah! Kiichi San is having lunch with me!! & the others too, but Kiichi San! Will come to the café with us. How romantic, this feels like the start of a romcom!”

The thought of getting close to Kiichi outside the office made Haru’s heart race, this never happens. Normally the encounters with Kiichi almost always start & end with general office greetings & staring from across the room (entirely done by Haru)

But now she can say more than two words to the one that brightens her workday more than the PC screen

Haru: “Kiichi San always goes somewhere else for lunch, why is today different?”

Sakurako: “I did just tell you Souseki Kun was going to ask him, it’s not a guarantee though”

Giving Haru a light smile Sakurako tries to soften the blow, expecting Haru to respond with sadness or disappointment she was surprised with

Haru: “But there is a chance?”

Responding with a smug grin to the astonishment of Sakurako can one react with a warm smile

Sakurako: “A big one”

Hearing this Haru began to breathe heavily, hoping not to catch the attention of others she hastily stands from her office chair & makes her way to the lady’s room almost ignoring Sakurako in the process


“Why today of all days? Why is Kiichi San coming with us now!?!” these thoughts plague the Oni’s mind as she stands in the bathroom looking straight into the large mirror behind the basins & stretching from wall to wall with her purse bag to the side

All Haru can see were the empty cubicles behind her & the look of anxiety as she suddenly forgets how to act. Her hands quickly grip her silver shirt to pull on certain areas. “What I’m wearing isn’t ideal to get his attention” she thinks as she examines the quality of her outfit & more importantly the appearance of curves underneath

Now eyeing the legs under her navy-blue skirt Haru wonders, “my legs are smooth enough, right?” “What about my thighs, guys like those, don’t they” continuing to think deeper into these specifics Haru is now faced with only one thought

She takes one hefty look at her reflection in the mirror, running her fingers through her hair & along her forehead. Moving her index finger around the areas her horns would normally be & feeling the smooth skin as her finger reaches to her hairline

Her left arm rises towards her lips, her mouth opens to let out a pointy tongue. She stretches it out as far as she’s able to & gawks at the lengthy tongue she still possesses, “I guess the Potion didn’t reduce the length of my tongue”

“But enough of that! It’s now or never to get closer to Kiichi San”

Taking a more determined expression on her face Haru begins to strategies. “One chance now!” drilling her arm into the bag Haru brings out a lipstick

Going for a fair & subtle shade of bush nude Haru applies the lipstick onto her lips hoping to achieve an eye-catching look

Haru puckers her lips & begins to place the lipstick back into her bag when…

Just as her hand touches the bag the tap in front of her starts to rattle. It produced a sound of vibrating metal which slowly increased

You are reading story Monster Girls of Omagi at

Making its noise known Haru fixates on it with increased focus, “could this be an earthquake. No, only this tap is moving” she thinks while aiming her gaze onto the peculiar activity

Haru: “Eep”

Suddenly, Haru was stunned at the entry of a second tap to her left rattling at equal speed. Then the third one to her right until all the taps in front of her were all shaking side to side creating a thundering sound

Haru can only take steps back & pray that what comes from this won’t be blamed on her, “help, somebody” she looks towards the door hoping a co-worker would come to aid her

The taps were getting louder & peeking at a frequency that surely can be heard by those working in the next room. Haru just crouches down finally closing her eyes & cups her ears to protect herself from the noise when it immediately silences

Hearing this Haru opens her eyes & uncups her ears, what she finds is water gushing from the taps…no, not water

This isn’t the sound of running water, it sounds sticky

What Haru sees instead is what appears to be green slime gushing out of the taps at great speed & slithering to Haru like spilled honey

As it slows before a crouching Oni the slime rises to form a larger shape, two cylindrical shapes increasing in width

The two rise & lengthen. The two cylinders meet in the middle & combine their thickness, every dose of slime ventures in the direction of this increasing mass

Haru begins to calm down & control her breathing as this form gently grows into a familiar shape

Up to a certain height off the bathroom floor, two enormous sacks pop out in Haru’s direction. The entire slime structure edges closer to the staring Oni who raises her arms into a defensive position

One final bulge forms in front of Haru’s face. The appearance of eyes, a nose & mouth now occupy its surface

The mouth-looking thing in question quickly opens leaving Haru to shake in near terror

???: “Haru!!”

The sound of slime oozing on the floor was instantly replaced with the sound of a woman shouting Haru’s name in a loud tone

Haru: “Ehh”

To her shock, she can only react in a surprised & confused manner with the shaking of her limbs slowly subsiding

Slime Girl: “I don’t believe this!”

Now all that stood before Haru was a fully formed girl with thick thighs, round curves & gigantic breasts which dangled as she moved along with her long oozing hair. Her body was dripping slime as she spooks

Slime Girl: “It is soo good to see you Haru!”

What could have been a fearful encounter suddenly became a strange one as Haru was perplexed, all she did was drop her arms & begin to stand with this person

Haru: “Umm…hello”

Remaining in her baffled state Haru tried to respond but her low voice could not match the high pitch of this slimy girl. Another factor would be the intimidating oppai adorned on the chest of the slime girl pointing at Haru’s C cups

Slime Girl: “How long has it been Haru?! 5? Even 6 years? Since we last saw each other!?!”

Haru: “Um could be”

While the slime girl was ecstatic at this encounter Haru was still lost for words & unable to properly respond. “Who is this girl & why does she know my name?” Haru was thinking

Slime Girl: “Haru! You’ve aged incredibly, you’re more mature yet still keeping that youthful beauty I remember of you!”

A wave of complements crashed into Haru who already didn’t know how to handle the situation

Slime Girl: “& just look at that outfit, you’re soo cute & smart in it. You must still be as clever as you were in the academy!” “Oh oh remember when you helped me pass my math exams!?!”

Now hit with a question Haru had no way of answering

Haru: “Was that me?”

Keeping that low voice as she speaks, Haru even tries asking herself in her response

Slime Girl: “Yes! Yes, it was! It is set in stone that Mochizuki Haru helped, well I don’t have to say my name. You already know we have such a history together”

Of course, Haru was completely bewildered, this person knows Haru’s full name but also referred to the academy. Haru looks back into her memories of this academy, so many lives, experiences & other monsters with colourful personalities yet this slime girl is absent causing Haru to wonder even more about who she was

These thoughts caused the Oni to space out for long enough that the slime girl notices

Slime Girl: “Deep in thought, are we? What could Haru be thinking? Is it Kamiya Kun??”

The mention of the man that holds Haru’s infatuation causes her to jump back into the scene with a different look of surprise

Haru: “You know Kiichi San?!”

Slime Girl: “He is gorgeous, isn’t he? I’ve had the pleasure of watching him through the drains”

The news of another woman let alone another monster girl eyeing Haru’s prize is not sitting well, her facial expression began to change into a stern dominating one. Something quite familiar to the parakeet at home

Haru: “Did you just say you watch him from the drains!?! You’re not working here & no one knows you so that would be trespassing!!”

Haru began to unload a cluster of rage onto the slime girl who could only react by hiding her face behind her dripping arms however this wasn’t enough to deter Haru

Haru: “You’re slithering through my place of work without any masking potion! I could report you right now!”

Slime Girl: “No, please. I only ran out of masking potion yesterday”

The slime girl bent to her knees & begged for Haru’s mercy but was getting none

Haru: “You & your bouncy bags could expose not just yourself but also me, I would be out of a job & miss my opportunity to get closer to Kiichi San…”

Hearing the words coming from her mouth Haru immediately shut her mouth with both her hands however this was too late. The slime girl heard every word & as she gradually rose from the floor Haru’s face turned bright red

Slime Girl: “What did my Oni say?”

The slime girl went to meet Haru, staring into her eyes she went for the truth. Haru quickly covered her face & turned backward, all she could feel now was pure embarrassment

Haru’s heart rate shot up at the thought of what this interaction could unfold in her life, especially if others were to find out. Haru’s shaking shoulders caught the slime girl’s attention

Placing both arms onto Haru’s silky smooth shirt only exacerbated the situation as Haru felt the oozing slime wetting her shoulders

From this sensation, Haru hastily jump out to examine the damage

Haru: “Oy, what the hell were you thinking!?”

The look of green staining her previously clean shirt enraged Haru even more, the red on her face was not embracement but anger

The slime girl realized her mistake & so she slithered towards Haru at a speed so that the Oni cannot react in time

Placing her arms back on those shoulders the slime girl rubs them slightly. Haru’s heart rate clams down at what feels like the wetness dissipating from her shirt, once fully dry the slime girl promptly pulls out leaving a seemingly untouched silver shirt without a single stain on it

Slime Girl: “Just as fiery as I remember. It is truly good to see you again Haru”

The slime girl gives Haru a reassuring smile before turning to the basins. The silhouette of a curvy woman dripping with slime begins to make her way into the drains once again, letting the taps suck her limbs one by one along with the mess she arrived with

This slime girl turns to Haru one final time still displaying that same smile

Slime Girl: “You’re a good girl Haru, Kamiya Kun would be lucky to have you”

Her torso & hips begin slithering into the drains leaving only her legs. At this sight, Haru just stands in astonishment at the state of the bathroom around her. “Can her slime also act as cleaning liquid?” she thinks as the surfaces of the room shine as if they had just been cleaned

With only small remnants of slime left Haru makes her way to her bag sitting on its side on the floor, she goes to pick it up when…

| Gacha! |

The door flings open & incomes Sakurako

With a look of excitement on her face, she proclaims the news to Haru

Sakurako: “Haru! Haru! We got him. Kiichi Kun is coming to the café with us!”

The news of this brought Haru’s heart rate back up & her face became red once again. Yet this time she takes charge of the situation

Haru: “Well…let’s do it”