Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Toola the Survivor.

Age 737 …

Planet Kanassa …

 “It is a full moon night and the night is still young, Giant Apes as predicted have descended on our planet, the apes are too strong, none of our attack Phases them. Half of our population have already been killed. Members of the Royal family are currently being evacuated out of the planet. *Rubble falls* It seems that there is no hope left for the plan-”

Blood splatters on the diary as rubble fell down on the Kanassan.

As Giant apes proceeded to wreak havoc, One of the Kanassan managed to draw blood from his attacks. The Giant Ape glared at him and thrashed to the ground with its tail. Within a matter of hours, the whole population vanished, most of them were killed, while quite a few managed to escape. Now that the sun was up the Apes have returned to their usual Saiyan forms. As of now the Saiyans were sitting and eating on the ground surrounded by the rubble of the Kanassan homes. 

“I don’t remember anything that Happened” Fasha speaks as her team-mates teased her on how violent she got in her Great Ape form.

“I agree with you on that Fasha. It’s like a dream … after it get over it just goes poof” Borgos agrees with Fasha as he continued to eat.

“I only remember the scar that little flea gave me” Shugesh mentions the scar that was on his cheek.

“Bardock says he remembers everything” Fasha says in a bit of an Admiring manner.

“He May remember that, but he doesn’t know a thing about his personal life. Say Bardock when was your kid born” Tora Bardock’s closest friend mocks him.

“Seriously Bardock when are you going to meet your little tyke” Fasha says in a bit of a pressing manner.

“What’s the use? He will eventually be sent to a distant planet to concur planet for the Freeza force that’s how Saiyans live” Bardock says as he swings his torso upwards to be in a sitting position.

“Why would they send us here for? It doesn’t seem much useful to me” Shugesh asks Bardock with a slightly annoyed face.

“It is said that those staying on this planet can get psychic powers” Bardock explains.

“That creep will do anything to get into other people’s mind” Tora shows his disdain towards Freeza.

Suddenly the rubble around them started to move, From the rubble a Kanassan named Toola appeared.

“Look a Kanassan appeared” Shugesh laughs as he says that.

The Kanassan ran maniacally towards Bardock, who has just stood up, When Bardock was about to hit the Kanassan he disappeared and appeared right before him preparing to attack him with a chop on his neck. In this brief moment, Tora interjected pushing Bardock out of the way and taking the hit for himself. Causing Tora to collide with the ground and Faint. Fasha immediately fired a Ki blast at the Kanassan. Observing that the Kanassan have not died with the attack. Fasha began to fire a couple of more Ki blast. Until Bardock interjected as he placed his hand on Fasha’s shoulder.

Fasha immediately ran towards Tora. While Bardock was about to blast Toola, Tora woke up. While Bardock was about to finish him off with a Ki Blast.

“Wait” The Kanassan asked Bardock to wait.

“You came seeking psychic powers you now have it, but the one called Freeza he will never get it. Never have it … Now you will witness the pain my kind went through. Freeza will destroy you and all the other Saiyans and you will be able to do nothing. Ha-ha” Toola began laughing manically when Fasha fired a powered-up Ki Blast and killing him right then and there.  Toola suddenly fell down with a thud, Fasha hurried towards the injured Tora in order to treat him.

“Tora stop acting” Fasha yells at him.

“Come on Tora, you have teased her enough” Bardock says in a serious tone. But Tora didn’t show any signs of motions.

“Tora …” Fasha Started to shake his body.

“Bardock do something he is not waking up” Fasha was getting more and more desperate.

“Oh! come on Fasha we have seen enough battles now to know that we can get injured any time … Don’t worry he will be alright once we take him to the medical facility on Planet Vegeta” Bardock seemed a Bit carefree.

“Bardock, you don’t understand Tora is not just her team mate anymore” Shugesh makes fun of Fasha. As he says that Fasha blushes a little.

Borgos walked towards Fasha and placed his hand on her shoulder “Don’t worry Fasha, he will be alright” Borgos had a heavy and slow giant like voice. 

Eventually they leave for Planet Vegeta.

Meanwhile on the Space Ship of Freeza…

“Lord Freeza the Saiyans were able to capture the Planet Kanassa” an attendant entered the room and informed Freeza of the Saiyans victory. Freeza who was sitting on his rotating chair, turned back so did his chair moved with him, while the tips of his fingers of each hand were joined with each other.

“Hmm… And how many of those Monkeys were there” Freeza says as he adds an extra stress to the word Monkeys.

“Hum…” the attendant didn’t know the answer, knowing the temper of Freeza he knew that he could be killed just with this.

“I think my Lord there were five of them” Zarbon enters the room as he continues to play with his shiny green hair.

“Zarbon What’s so important that you are here” Freeza though spoke in an eloquent manner, He made Zarbon aware that he wasn’t happy with his recent absence.

“I am sorry My Lord” Zarbon immediately bows down in front of Freeza.

“Am I allowed to?” Zarbon utters the word in a rather timid manner.

“Speak” Freeza’s voice was loud and demeaning.

“My Lord the Five Saiyans it seems that they have gotten stronger day by day the pace at which they improved is not to be taken lightly, Bardock their leader who was said to be a low class Saiyan warrior is now close to King Vegeta himself” Zarbon speaks in a single breath.

“Interesting”, Freeza mutters as he and his chair turns in the other direction.  “As you Said Zarbon these Saiyans are efficient too efficient for their own group” Freeza

“Zarbon, would you mind calling Didoria. I have an assignment for him” Freeza says as he takes a sip of the red wine.

Back on Planet Vegeta…

It’s been sometime since they landed on Planet Vegeta, the first thing they did was to let Tora into the medical facility. Borgos was the one who carried Tora to the medical facility obviously everyone followed. Malaka greeted them with a kind gesture.

“Bardock … I have heard that you and your team captured Planet Kanassa. Even the elites weren’t able to do that” Malaka praised Bardock but Fasha was in a rush so she hastened up the conversation.

“Can you do that Later? Tora is injured badly can’t you see” Fasha was fiery and teary at the same time.

The five of them were headed towards the healing pod, Tora was to be stored in one of them.

“So, the five of you … You must also be injured on the Planet Kanassa I believe it would be better if you guys have a little health checkup” Malaka asked them, though he knew Bardock would decline just like he always does it wouldn’t hurt him to ask.

“Alright let’s have this checkup of yours” As soon as Bardock said that everyone was shocked.

“Ae! What Happened to ya Bardock?” Shugesh asks Bardock with a surprised tone.

“You know my own Mortality never phased me, but for some reason when Tora was hurt … and that Kanassan. I don’t know let’s have this check-up thing” Bardock says that and leaves while the rest of them follows. Soon the four of them were led inside the medical facility.

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“You know I was surprised when I heard that five Saiyans were able to conquer a whole planet. Kanassan aren’t all that weak after all. I have tr-” While Malaka continues to speak Bardock interrupts in between.

“Do not take this as us getting friendly with you. You aren’t even a Saiyan. Don’t know when you might betray us” Fasha says in a rather annoyed expression. Perhaps it was her worry for Tora that she was over frustrated.

“I have lived all my life on this planet. And if something happens to this planet. I might as well die with it. -” While Malaka was speaking, Bardock interrupts the two this was because he could sense Fasha’s annoyance increasing by every second he spoke.

“Hmm … So, Fasha Shugesh was saying that you and Tora aren’t going to be team-mates anymore. I don’t understand the reason. You two get along fairly well. And Tora’s aside from his unnecessary jokes isn’t that bad of a Saiyan either. Why can’t you work with him?” Bardock said with a serious tone as he placed his hand on Fasha’s shoulder increasing the distance between Fasha and Malaka.

“When did I ever said I won’t work with him?” Fasha replied instantly as if the thought of her working without Tora pained her. At this point it was pretty obvious.

“Shugesh said that you guys aren’t teammates anymore” Hearing that Shugesh was honestly taken aback by Bardock’s acting.

“No, he said, I and Tora aren’t just teammates anymore” realizing that she just admitted to her relationship with Tora, Fasha immediately covered her mouth and then looked to the side.

“Oh, look the female medical department is over there” saying that she ran off to the other side.

“Why can’t she just admit to it. What’s the deal with it? Both of you already know only I who also knows is supposedly the only one kept in the dark. Wait does Tora knows? Or is it one sided.” Bardock asks Shugesh.

“Oh! they know every nook and cranny of each other. It got so hard to sleep back the yea. Thank lord you came back on this mission.” Shugesh said as he looked at Borgos the two shared a smile, reminding each other of some incident that happened in probably Bardock’s absence.

By this time the three of them were guided into different locations and were being analyzed apart from the slight number of surficial injuries they received not much seemed to have changed. Except their power level.

“Bardock your power level is near the 9000 limits. Historically speaking only Saiyans from the Royal Family ever had such a high-power level. The only other person to have crossed that line was Broly and to this day talks about him are kept hidden” Planthorr said to Bardock in a rather concerned manner.

“I know what my power level is. Can you be more specific I am not getting what you want to say?” Since Bardock was a mostly straightforward person, he didn’t like Planthorr beating around the bush.

“Alright I will be more specific. A power level of 8500 is alarming. Naturally this information will reach the King. I can only tell you to be vigilant. The king won’t let a chance to nip the bud while it’s still young. Do not do anything that gives him the chance to do so.” Planthorr says with a rather concerned voice.

“Although what you are saying is right and is helpful to me. Why do you inform me of this? What are you planning Planthorr” Bardock says as he moves his mouth closer to Planthorr in a rather dim voice?

“Just know that there are others that think highly of you” Saying this Planthorr walked off.

Bardock clearly understood the implication of this. It is possible that there are Saiyans planning a rebellion against King Vegeta. And such a power level will surely help them against the King. Having said that Bardock himself had no interest in involving himself with the Royal Palace and the conspiracies behind it.

On his way back, he met up with Shugesh and Borgos.

“Hey! Where r you going mate?” Shugesh says as he raises his hand and came slightly running towards Bardock along with Borgos.

“Well, I was looking for you guys.” Saying that Bardock stand still.

“Fasha might be a bit late” Borgos replied as he walked towards one of the chairs.

Minutes passed while the three waited for her there. It seemed that it would take Fasha quite long. All this time the three of them stayed almost silent until Bardock finally broke the silence.

“So why is it taking her so long? Is she that injured?” Bardock says with a rather concerned manner.

“It’s not about her. Why don’t you ask her eh?” Shugesh says as he spots Fasha walking in their direction.

“Ahem…*coughs*. Umm…” Although Fasha wanted to say something she seemed a little hesitant.

“I don’t know how to say this …” Fasha was flushing to a beet red color and it was then that Shugesh couldn’t hold himself.

“Oi! Bardock … Fasha’s got a little Tora inside her Belly” Shugesh Yells.

Fasha glared at him scaring everyone including Bardock. Shugesh instinctively hid behind Bardock as Fasha took a step forward.

“Hey! Hey calm down Fasha…” Bardock tries to calm her down who was throwing her fists around. Eventually she calms down when Borgos holds her from behind and places her some distance away from the two.

“You should not get angry Fasha” Borgos says in a rather caring tone. Despite his deep voice, emotions were clearly visible in his voice. Finally calming herself down Fasha takes couple of deep breaths and then speaks.

“So, I uh* pauses* I was thinking of meeting Gine …” Fasha tries to speak about Gine but it seemed she had some friction with Gine so she seemed reluctant.

“Bardock … Fasha was thinking of asking Gine for advice … Because she has been a mother twice” Borgos speaks for Fasha.

“Yeah … I don’t think she will have any problem with me. You can come with us” Bardock said as if it was obvious that nothing will happen.

“Us …?” Fasha didn’t know everyone was coming.

“Well … Uh … Gine is a pretty nice woman, she must have noticed that we have come back. She would have prepared quite a feast by now” Bardock says that and by the looks of its Fasha was pretty impressed.

Eventually the group moves in the direction of Bardock’s House. And is it occurred the four of them flied their way to the house. Since Bardock is almost away the entire team, it gets harder for him to recognize his house every time changes happen in the local area.

“You don’t know your house now do you Bardock?” Fasha says with a questioning tone.

“I do know it. It was somewhere around here. Wait let me ask…” Bardock says while simultaneously going down. It was then when Fasha yelled.

“SERIOUSLY HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW YOUR OWN HOUSE” the loud voice of Fasha attracted everyone’s gazes.

And following the unrequited attention someone grabs Bardock from behind, with what looked like a full nelson.

Will Bardock be able to get himself out of this Situation or will he be defeated by the unknown Saiyan, find out in the next episode of Dragon Ball Reboot.

Brief look at Power Scales.

Bardock: 8200

Shugesh: 4200

Borgos: 4000

Tora: 6000+(increasing)

Fasha: 2000

King Vegeta: 11500