Noel Rivichuck
What does it mean to be a good ruler? I ponder that question almost daily at this point. Am I a good ruler because my people are free from undue stress caused by my governance? Does my inoffensive nature and the comfort it brings to my people mean that I am good? Does that hold up when my peers are wolves in the woods? Ready to pounce on any weak lamb. Is making my people a group of weak sheep ready for conquest really just?
Once again, I am pondering these questions. However, this time not by choice. As I speak to the pale man before me I realize that my answer will mean my life or death as well as the death of everyone else in my 'keep'. You can hardly call it a keep, more a fortified manor surrounded by a large village; that couldn't call itself a city unless I wanted to display unfathomable arrogance.
"Lord Rivichuck as an envoy of Lord Silos I greet you and look forward to building a deeper bond!" The pale man had begun polite enough. Gone through proper court etiquette and leaving me little choice but to offer him a bedroom within my manor. He made a show in public of Silos's supposed ambitions at peace within Avantine. My people, the lovely, beautiful lambs they are clapped and cheered at his proclamations. Of course, it would seem that the people are just a reflection of their lord as I to clapped and thought nothing amiss. I believed that Silos's battle with the necromancer had left his county to weak to be a independent force anymore. That he had forcibly become a lamb like myself, looking to build an alliance as equals.
So of course, when the pale man asked to speak to me privately I happily gave into his request. After all, it would be rude if I exposed Silos's shame to others unduly. Utterly foolish man I am.
"I have slain Lord Silos and am controlling his county in the background. I'm the necromancer that you've likely heard of that slew his army. That also means I have his army under my control. They currently hide in a remote part of the county. I wish to conquer the rest of Avantine, however I have learned of the suffering that war brings. A conquest with as little blood shed as possible. That is my desire. You are being evaluated right now, Lord Rivichuck. Fail this evaluation and you, your family, everyone in this keep and some local villagers will be slain by a wraith. I will then heroically intervene and unbind it. Afterwards, my militia will occupy your lands to 'maintain the peace' while Avantine chooses your replacement. Not that he'll live long enough to decide on one. Incase you don't follow that means your county is already mine, all that is left to determine, is whether or not you are worth keeping alive."
The pale man spoke plainly, calmly as if he were explaining arithmetic to a child. That this was just the natural order of the world with him at the top of the world. I didn't doubt his intention to slay Duke Avantine. Personally, I hold no fondness for the man, but to believe that one could challenge him without being of equal status? The notion to me was absurd. That the other counts were wasting their time and dooming themselves. Yet, as I look at the pale man the chills that run through my body tell me he can do it. Meanwhile, the apparition behind him fills me an apprehensive terror of what will happen if I fail this mans test. The wraith was a dark shadow of smoke, glowing ember eyes and elongated arms. An aura of oppression that needed no words emitted from it. Admittedly, I'm weak as far as Nobles go. I believe if I were to attend the academy they would place me in second year and i'm uncertain if I'd develop far enough to graduate at a later year. Combats never been a passion of mine. At thirty five years old I've never had a passion for that art, in my youth I'd chided it as barbaric, but now I wonder If I was merely being a coward.
"What makes a good ruler?" The pale man asked.
I ponder on my kindness. My weakness that allowed for this situation to unfold. Yet, there is a part of me that cannot say I would be happy to be a man like Job or Silos. Kindness in ones rulership, humility and ability to address the woes of your people. That makes a good ruler. Yet, its not sufficient on its own. Strength. The strength to protect the people you rule, tempered by the kindness to give them a good life. I've decided on my answer.
"Raderius, I believe that a good ruler is one of power, who through his own power can protect the peace of his people. To guarantee their lives in this dark and cruel world that seeks to snuff it out. However, I also believe that power alone is insufficient it requires a companion. That companion is humility. The humility to stoop yourself to the level of your subjects so that you can understand them. That you know what they need. Lastly, you need to be able to provide those needs through your power. That, is what I believe, makes a good ruler. As such, Raderius I humbly request that If I were to serve you, I be allowed a reprieve of my duties to attend the academy within the capital of Milos."
His slanted eyes narrow as he evaluates my response.
A second passes, and I begin to feel how profusely I've been sweating since our conversation began.
"You pass." the pale man smiles. "Will you take my hand into a new future for Avantine?" he extends it.
After contemplating the nature of nobility and rulership, even if I gave the correct answer to him, it would be wrong of me to grab onto his hand just yet.
"What future do you envision for Avantine?" I say, knowing the potential consequences of my folly. Still, I will not be compliant in the exploitation of my people. If need be, I will go down with a fight. No matter how pathetic of a fight it is.
You are reading story Chronicles of The Godkin: Raderius, The Undying King – Book 1 at
The pale man, Raderius laughs. Evidently pleased by my question.
"I envision a future where all are free to pursue their ambitions. The farmers son who wants to be more than a farmer, can go get educated and do so. The blacksmiths daughter who wants to inherit the forge can do so. The commoner with a gift for rulership, can be elevated beyond their birth. A land that will not have equality of outcome where all are equally oppressed, but an equality of opportunity to pursue their ambitions. People will fail at their ambitions and curse the unfairness of it, but at least they had the freedom to try. A land of education, where nobody will cast out their fellows over differences, where families won't feel the need to hide that their children are different. A land of economic prosperity. The dead will serve faithful tenures to guarantee that the living have those opportunities. A strong land, with a strong people that can protect themselves from foreign and internal threats. In short, I envision a future where Avantine is the greatest duchy of the Kingdom."
Clearly taking joy in sharing his ideal future the man doesn't even wait for me to extend my hand instead grabbing it himself.
"Will you join me and see my ideal future with me?" he asks again.
I swallow. His words are pleasing, I have my doubts, my fears and hesitation of whether such a future is actually possible, but in the end I strengthen my grip and nod. At least if I join Raderius in hell, it will be done with the best of intentions.
"Perfect, I will be here for about a week longer to make a show of going through proper etiquette, we'll demonstrate to the people the new ties that Silos and Rivichuck share and have a fond farewell. Naturally, it goes without saying everything within our conversation is between us, don't go telling others or i'll consider it a betrayal of my trust." Raderius stated with a bored expression, seemingly his mind has already moved on to something else and he's no longer interested in any further conversation.
"In that case i'll take my leave." I say to him with a bow.
After leaving the guest quarters I sigh what should be a sigh of relief, but, my heart wont stop racing with how close I was to death. Though I can't feel the presence of Raderius or his wraith within my bedroom this feeling of oppression won't leave me. Proclaiming freedom while exuding oppression. A contradiction, if I've ever seen one. Alas, i've made my bed, all that's left is to lay in it.
I've assigned my wraith to watch the Count and hide in his shadow. Should he attempt to divulge anything about our conversation the wraith has instructions to slay him and anyone nearby who possibly heard him. I can't be so foolish as to blindly trust that the man will uphold our alliance. Still, as pathetic as he was, in his own way their was a strength to him that I determined was sufficient to pass him. Though, truthfully when I first offered my hand I was ready to use curse of years and age him to death having found his answer incomplete and initially inadequate. With Noel as a vassal, the county of Rivachuck can be expected to be governed sufficiently when I ascend to Duke. Lilly, as well has accepted my proposition for vassalage, to make her a Countess, originally I desired to make her the Countess of Marktos the county she originated from as a Baron before the Duke in a fit of lust destroyed her and her family. However, she expressed that while she wants to restore her noble name she would prefer to start somewhere fresh. The plan to humiliate the puppet Silos and install myself as the Count of Silos will instead be used for her ascendence.
That just leaves Count Job. The county of Violeta, its a common disrespect to refer to Job exclusively by his first name and never give him the proper respect as Count Violeta. I'm not privy to the details of his disgrace just yet, but it is amusing to think how ones reputation carries such weight. I've never met the man, yet, have been sharing in the same disrespectful attitude as anyone else. I wonder how many actually know what the disgrace was that initiated this disrespect? Perhaps I can ask Count Rivichuck later and see if he knows. Regardless, Job follows in the shadow of Avantine and engages in the same cruelness as his liege. He will need to be removed and I installed as the new Count Violeta. I'll also need a vassal who can take over Violeta after I take Marktos.
Regardless, the first plays of my shadow war have begun. Other schemes of mine have been put into motion and I look forward to seeing how they play out.
Soon enough, all of Avantine will be free.