King Christian Lemillious
I can scarcely believe it. The necromancer hides behind the citizenry, from what my scouts report his army is split into four. Each occupying a city within the county of Marktos. Its obvious what the necromancer is trying to do. Divide my forces so that he can claim victory. Besieging one city with my entire army will make the ensuing battle trivial and I can crush a quarter of the necromancers forces. However, one of two options would occur.
The first is the rest of his army will appear behind us and likely encircle us. The previous battle will likely leave us with a razed city of little tactical value. At that point the odds of victory will be even, we'll have taken the initiative in destroying part of his forces, but being surrounded will have an adverse effect on morale that will leave us vulnerable to destruction.
The other is the necromancer moving on into our lands. At which point a wild chase between armies would begin. The civilian casualty would be innumerable and its possible he'll be able to replenish his lost forces.
Dividing my forces to allow for sieging all four of the cities that he's hunkered down in will mean a long and protracted war. Victory in such a conflict will be up to fate.
Dividing my forces to siege more than one city but less then all four is tactical suicide. It will free up a flanking army and the divided forces would likely be unable to overwhelm any one city.
Curses, a defensive strategy that leaves me with no good options. I call over Annette.
"You summoned me, Grandfather?" Annette curtsied as she entered my tent.
"Yes, Annette, I want your opinion of the current situation." I explained the situation to her in detail and my conflicted thoughts on the manner. That I sought a second opinion from one of the more brilliant minds within the Kingdom.
Annette smiled sweetly at my request. Her eyes lit up; and I could tell her mind processed my words and attempt to decide on the best possible solution.
"Grandfather, if the city you overwhelm has the necromancer in command of his army then we'll have won it all and the rest of his forces won't matter once he's dead." Annette, with a straight face, said something that came across as absolutely foolish, yet, I trust her enough to probe for further meaning.
"Would this not mean that we would leave the war up to a 1 in 4 chance." I replied dispassionately, attempting to conceal my reservations about her decision so that she could speak freely.
"Not so Grandfather. First we are providing ourselves a 1 in 3 chance to instantly win the war. The necromancer will anticipate that if we gamble on killing him in one stroke, that the most likely place for him to be would be the capital. So, instead he will hide in one of the three other cities. That means we have a 1 in 3 chance of slaying him. Then, if we guess wrong and the necromancer surrounds us we have roughly 50 50 odds against his diminished army of emerging victorious. Lastly, if we guess wrong and the necromancer flees civilian casualty will be massive but we'll be the one flanking him. It'll come at great sacrifice but we'll win in that scenario." tears adorned Annettes eyes as she talked about sacrifice, it must be hard for such a gentle soul to propose the death of her people. However, just like me she knows what's at stake and she is proposing what to her would be the best possible strategy for victory.
I mull over her perspective. A 1 in 3 chance of instantly winning, followed by a either a fifty fifty chance at victory, or guaranteed victory with great sacrifice.
"Very well, Annette. We'll stay a united army and march on a single city. May the Gods have mercy on us and grant us victory." I sigh heavily with the weight of making this final decision. I'm glad to have at least one family member I can rely on.
Annette Lemillious
I return to my tent and have the servants draw me a bath, its been to long since i've had one. Afterwards I dismiss them, leaving myself alone with only my thoughts to keep me company.
Raderius, I've set the stage. Prove to me you're worthy of me. Of course you would anticipate that we would believe you to not be in the capital and if presenting a united army that we would have a 1 in 3 chance of victory. Therefore, thinking one step ahead, in reality you're actually at the capital of Marktos. Silly Grandfather, the odds are guaranteed that no matter which city you pick, Raderius won't be at it. Raderius, if you're worthy of my hand once you understand the situation you'll be hot on our heels and attempt to slay us all. If you're not you'll retreat like a dog into our lands and i'll hunt you down. I'll destroy you for getting my hopes up just to dash them like that.
I smile.
You are reading story Chronicles of The Godkin: Raderius, The Undying King – Book 1 at
Oh Raderius, I know you wont do that to me. It would be to cruel and you're a kind man. The only man who will be worthy of my affection.
Still, if I'm being truthful I do hope that the commander of the city we arrive at is Countess Neiros. I don't need any love rivals. Not that any woman compares to me in body, mind or soul. Oh, Raderius. I hope you don't hate women who get jealous easily, its only because I love you so much. Raderius, Raderius, Raderius, Raderius.
An unexpected development has occurred. The King has kept his forces cohesive. He lays siege to the city of Geb, held by Count Job. Its to late for him, by the time I arrive he'll be slain.
I curse. This was not what I expected. For the Kingdom to be willing to gamble on my escape, to roam the country able to freely slaughter and raise their populace.
The King is a disgusting man. I must have his head. I command for my undead across the county to rally, we'll surround his forces and end it right here and now.
King Christian Lemillious
I look at the ruins of the city once known as Geb. Bombardment from mages and catapult fire have left few buildings remaining. The citizenry, their casualty is immense, reports estimate between half and three quarters of the civilians died. I weep for the people that the coward has hid behind and that we must burn their bodies before the necromancer shows. One of Raderius's vassals, his head adorns a lone pike. A message for when Raderius arrives.
"Your fate". The fate of traitors to the crown. Still, as I gaze upon the destruction i've wrought the crown has never been heavier. Additionally, from what the rear scouts say Raderius will be upon us by morning.
I sigh, a 50 50 chance at victory. That's what this has all come down to. I'll direct the battle from the center of our army, my royal guard will be of sufficient protection. Two dozen messengers are on standby to relay my orders to the Dukes and Princes. Everything is in place, all that's left is to have faith that good will triumph over evil. That the gods are with us and the necromancer will meet his deserved fate.
Yet, that feeling in my gut. The one that tell me I will not win and I will not lose this battle is still present. How is that possible? In this situation the only outcomes are my and the Kingdoms death or the necromancer perishing.
I don't understand and truth be told, I'm afraid of what it means.
Before me is the largest human army i've ever seen. Yet, in numbers they pale to my own. In strength while some individuals are more powerful than any unit within my army as a whole the difference is night and day. Still, those individuals would likely be enough to turn the tide if I weren't to personally partake in the battle.
The Dukes of Milos, will be my first targets, this is a rare opportunity to be able to replace the Lords of my future lands all at once.
After my troops got into the positions I desired. The command I gave was simple.
'Kill each and every one of them!' I enforced my will into each undead, the ones assigned to Countess Neiros and Count Katz relayed my order and they gathered there living troops.
I smile, the battle that will cement my destiny, begins now.