Chapter 20: Chapter 19 Come One, Come All

Tsiyaha dangled haplessly in front of Shazz’s grotesque face. He glared at her menacingly after she made her oath on her true name. Helios confronted him while standing atop Krutak’s back with his staff poised in front of him.


“I, Helios, accept your oath of fealty,” Helios replied, channelling magic down his staff. 


I acknowledge the fealty sworn to your lord. Serve them well,” Satan’s voice echoed inside the pair’s minds before quickly fading away after their oath.


An identical replica of Helios’ Soul Brand was drawn to hover in front of Tsiyaha’s chest. She directed it to embed itself into the centre of her forehead. His Sigil quickly formed on her brow.


“Shouldn’t have done that, poppet. Now I gotta hurt your boyfriend,”


“Do not forget you’re within Fastidium’s walls, Shazz. Are you sure you can handle that heat?” Zegg chirped from her podium. Intangible tendrils extended from the black-gemstone focus at the end of Helios’ staff. They multiplied into a web that invisibly burrowed into Shazz’s eye.


“Ugh, fuck!” Shazz cursed, tossing Tsiyaha aside. She slid across the ground into an opening on the other side of the podium.


Break,” Helios quietly whispered. Shazz spun toward the sound, quickly balking away and clutching at his eye with an exclamation of pain.


“You’ll fucking pay for this. Don’t think you’re safe in Fastidium. My boys will make sure you never get a moment's peace. Then when you leave, old Shazza is gonna have some fun with you,” Shazz said, licking his gums. 


He pulled his hand away from his injured eye. Tears of blood streamed down from his closed eyelid. He stormed into the city, glaring daggers at Tsiyaha as he stomped past with closed fists. He stopped in the middle of the traffic, swinging his arms out wide. 


“Listen up, I have a proposition for you all. One Beast Ethos for any Dolore demons willing to fight these filth!" Shazz bellowed out. A few pedestrians paused, interested in his offer.


"You're dreaming. No one's willing to fight a magic user for that low price!" A spectator called out from the crowd.


Shazz turned to face the heckler, opening his bloodshot eye and fixating it upon them. It was the blue demon behind them in the queue. He shrank back under his attention and became silent. Shazz grunted and shifted his attention back to the crowd.


"Alright then, since you asked for it. Old Shazza will sweeten the deal. I'll throw in a Peon Ethos for each of them to the demon that kills them," Shazz shouted, holding up a hand. He seemed to swell up with satisfaction after gaining everyone's attention.


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Wisps of white light emerged from his skin to form three glowing orbs floating in his palm. The spectators gazed at it with avarice before switching their attention to Helios and his companions. Even the Luminare demons in the crowd appeared tempted, staring at them with unconcealed malice. 


Helios surveyed the hostile crowd, waiting for someone to make the first move. Unable to hold it back, Helios coughed up a mouthful of blood. It was recoil from his earlier magic use against a much more powerful demon. It acted as a catalyst among the onlookers. A pair of Dolore demons stepped out of the crowd.


"Psst, just letting you know. You're allowed to kill other Dolore demons," Zegg whispered from behind her hand.


"Is that so?..." Helios replied, glaring at the first demons willing to stand out from the crowd. He wiped an arm across his mouth and gave them a bloody grin.


The two demons still retained traces of their human features. The first was a female with murky grey scales with iron grey hair to compliment it. The second was a sinister-looking male with a pockmarked face and asymmetrical features. Cracks marred the surface of his skin. Like most demons within the city, they were unclothed. 


I don’t see many clothes on demons lower than Vulgaris. Even then, it’s hard to even describe what they wear as clothes. Shazz is only wearing a loincloth that does little to hide anything considering I don’t even reach his waist… 


The level of abject poverty among the lower castes is apparent. I don’t know anything about the tiers of currency here but a Peon Ethos must be worth a considerable amount. Luminare and Dolore are eyeing us up like dinner after he pulled out three to offer. Only the rule of not attacking a weaker demon is holding them back. 


“Our first takers. Is anyone else going to help them test the waters? No? Alright then, let’s see what you’ve got,” Shazz said, kicking Tsiyaha across the clearing. She slid to a stop at the pair’s feet. They looked down at her with menacing expressions, preparing to pounce.


“Fuck. Krutak, we’ve run out of time. Move, we have to save her,” Helios urged.


“Yes, master. Although, I think they’re going to be in for a shock. Tsiyaha’s no easy meal,” Krutak replied, launching forward. He was suddenly tackled from the side, sending Helios catapulting into the air.


He flew a significant distance, landing with a roll with his makeshift staff clattering away. Helios looked back to discover a Luminare with six spider legs protruded from its back pinning Krutak underfoot. Its face was a mixture of grotesque eyes covering its cheekbones with large empty sockets where one would expect them to be.


Helios’ expression contorted into a grimace as he pushed himself to his feet. He balled his four arms into fists as Dolore closed in on him from every direction. He glanced over to see Tsiyaha in a similar position confronting the first two volunteers.


While the crowd was preoccupied with Helios, an imp with six arms dropped down from the strung-up lanterns. It was entirely unnoticed by everyone but him. It hauled itself across the ground with its arms. It moved out of the shadows, allowing Helios to catch a glimpse of a thick scar across its back. Which left its legs atrophied. 


The Imp made its way to a nearby vendor distracted by the commotion, stealing something from the laid-out demonskin rug. Holding its prize in two hands, it dragged its lame legs over to his discarded staff. It picked it up while pulling itself into a seated position, looking up and making eye contact with Helios through the crowd.