Helios picked up the staff after recognising it to be his. Ornamental patterns decorated the length of the wood. Moving horned vines had grown to affix the black gem in place. The gem had also changed, becoming a perfectly cut briolette gemstone with an inverse teardrop shape. The moment he picked it up, he felt an alien presence inside his mind urging him to use it for destruction.
“How is this possible?… A Nightmare weapon can’t be crafted without a demonic offering. Give it to me, I must have a closer look at it,” Lord Arthrim whispered with mouth agape, holding his hand out toward the staff.
“Ha! You both talk about disgraceful behaviour. A pair of hypocrites looking to bully the very same Dolore he did,” the Imp said, gesturing to the mutilated figure of Shazz on the ground with the hammer. It had mysteriously returned to his hand after being thrown at Lord Arthrim.
While he spoke, a wave of Imps emerged from the shadows in front of him. Tearing apart the corpses that were disregarded on the ground beside Tsiyaha. They also stole a portion of Shazz’s flesh as he wheezed out deep ragged breaths.
The swarm of ravenous Imps disappeared as quickly as they came. It caused the milling crowd to decline into chaos, they began chasing after the Imps for the discarded Peon Ethos from Shazz. The crowd became much thinner with them gone.
“Enough! Master Tuktuk. Out of respect for your past achievements, We’ll let this insult slide,” King Beebo shouted before addressing the imp. The remaining crowd began to murmur in response to her words. It seemed they recognised his name.
“How honourable of you, King of Fastidium,” Tuktuk sarcastically responded. Helios was able to overhear some of the crowd’s comments.
“...Tuktuk was challenged by Lord Arthrim to a contest. This was before he was the King’s consort, It would prove which of them was the greatest Nightmare artificer in Hell. Who could have expected that it was only a trick to enslave the master Nightmare Tuktuk,” an onlooker said in hushed tones.
“How did he fall for it?”
“A contract was made with the contestant’s true names. The loser would serve the King of Fastidium.”
“So, did he win or lose?”
“It wasn’t so simple. As the challenger, Lord Arthrim was presented his offering to shape first, the skull of a demonic Newborn. It’s said that it was a mismatched contest from the beginning but it wasn’t in the way everyone expected. Believing it to be a fair contest, Nightmare Tuktuk began laughing in hubris. That quickly stopped after his material was unveiled, a chunk of raw Daemonium ore.”
“What? It’s impossible for Daemonium ore and other mundane materials to be shaped with Nightmare methods. It must be tempered by more traditional means!”
“ We both know that an offering has to be demonic in origin, something filled with vitality. Nightmare Tuktuk knew that too. Enraged, he tore apart the contract in front of an arena full of witnesses, becoming an oathbreaker Imp!”
“In that case, how did Lord Arthrim enter the King’s service if he won by default?”
“That’s just it, they were already secretly lovers. Lord Arthrim recognised that his skills were not a match for Nightmare Tuktuk. So, they came up with their scheme to trick him. It would have worked too but they underestimated that Tuktuk was an exemplary citizen of Fastidium, the city of pride...”
Helios stopped listening to the crowd’s conversation. He inspected the strangely alive staff squirming in his hand.
“I said give me that mage staff,” Lord Arthrim said, his voice lowered into a menacing tone. Helios glanced up at him.
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“It seems you’re desperate for this staff. What do you offer in exchange for it?” Helios countered, a cunning gleam in his eye as he lightly pulled away the staff.
“Do not toy with me and make me repeat myself again, Dolore,” Lord Arthrim warned.
“Cough, Let Old Shazza sort him out for yah. I’ll have the staff for you in no time, my lord,” Shazz offered, pushing himself unsteadily to his feet. His mutilated body was decorated with a multitude of bite marks from the Vulgaris mounts and swarm of imps.
“No need, Vulgaris. I merely wish to examine the staff before returning it. What is your relation to Nightmare Tuktuk, Dolore? How did the staff come to be in your possession? It’s something that shouldn’t exist,” Lord Arthrim asked, walking closer.
“Leave him alone, The Dolore’s nobody important. Tuktuk just saw an opportunity to practice his craft. He will never be fooled by the likes of you again, cheater,” Tuktuk said, interjecting his tiny body in front of Helios.
“No one has the skill required to shape those materials. Not even you, Tuktuk,” Lady Beebo added, joining her consort. The broken halo contorted hypnotically in the air above her head, illuminating her regal appearance. Helios struggled to keep his eyes on her.
“Hehehe, that was then. This is now. Tuktuk will forever be the best. It turns out that a name’s meaning is worthless to Tuktuk’s craft. All he needs is access to his web to artifice a Nightmare tool,” Tuktuk smugly replied.
“Tell me how you did it, master Tuktuk. I need to know,” Lord Arthrim urgently said, a hint of desperation in his voice.
“It’s Tuktuk’s secret. Only to be shared with a worthy mage apprentice. Him,” Tuktuk said with a wry grin, placing a small hand on Helios’ leg. Helios looked down at him in surprise and confusion. “Do you wish to be Tuktuk’s junior apprentice?”
Lord Arthrim looked ready to accept before biting his tongue and stepping obediently behind King Beebo. She silently viewed her consort’s actions before turning to Tuktuk.
“I thought you said the Dolore was nobody important. You still have all six-hundred and sixty-six Tasks remaining, having never handed out a single one. How do you expect us to believe you will teach a magic user to use their web in your current state?”
“Mind your business. Any apprentice of Tuktuk will become a Nightmare worthy of great renown. His name will ring throughout every corner of Hell,” Tuktuk said while puffing out his chest with pride.
“Is that so? What is your name, Dolore?” King Beebo asked, turning to regard Helios. He felt the heavy pressure of danger radiating from her, unable to speak. Tuktuk nudged Helios’s calf for him to speak.
“Uh, my name’s Helios, king…?” Helios hesitantly replied.
“Call me, Beebo. We look forward to seeing your progress, Helios. Perhaps we will work together in the future. We propose this, a friendly competition upon the completion of your apprenticeship. Lord Arthrim will also put forward one of his journeymen. The victor will receive riches and glory. The loser will become an apprentice of the victor’s master,” Lady Beebo said, her tone indicating that it wasn’t a suggestion.
“An apprenticeship lasts a century and a day. We accept,” Tuktuk answered her.
“I wish to hear it from Helios. Swear it upon your true name,” King Beebo replied. Helios shifted uncomfortably as everyone’s attention suddenly fixated on him, awaiting his response.