Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – The Truth

Chapter 5 – The Truth

Having left a massive purple kiss on the lizards forehead, Seeth was okay to leave her prize in the company of Plasia, safely locked up in her chamber, although she wasn't exactly happy about potentially sharing him further, Plasia was under instructions not to let anyone else in, so with just the two of them, Diego should be fine. She was worried that the others would try to gang up on him whilst she was out and that would be a lot for him to deal with, especially Leech, as Leech was a lot for anyone to deal with.

She was currently standing in the dungeons freshly built armoury, buckling up her armoured corset and leggings, stuffing her oversized breasts into their tight fitting compartments to keep them safe and out of harms way, she pressed down hard on all the metal latches, snapping them into place and safely sealing her frame into the gear, although the corsets were bulky looking from the outside, they were tight as hell on the inside, a compliment to Seeth' and the others highly gifted figures, shapely wasn't a strong enough word to describe their curves...

She grabbed a stun rifle and strapped it to her back, an oversized hand cannon for emergencies was strapped to her thigh armour, a belt of tear gas grenades around her waist and finally, a large knife, easily over a foot long, sheathed and attached to her waist. Hints of her purple skin were peaking out between the black armoured sections of the outfit but she was armed to the teeth and ready to hunt, everything was kept close and tight to her body, with little to no noise coming from her or her equipment she was creeping quietly. Now fully equipped, it was time to get the horde out.

She marched out from the armoury, locking it behind her and ensuring the key was safe from idle hands and proceeded down several of the dungeons identical looking corridors. Dark grey stone floors and archways blended into one at a glance but she knew her way around perfectly, taking a set of stairs up a few flights, she arrived at the slave pen. It was a massive, open room that was filled to the brim with monochrome figures of all sizes, sexes and species, most were engaging in sexual activity with one another or eating scraps that had been dumped into the room akin to animal slop, all their eyes glazed over purple, all thoughts replaced with “fuck, eat and sleep”, there was nothing life like about these creatures anymore, whoever they once were, they were gone, replaced with a sex obsessed husk.

The warmth left her body, the happiness accumulated from her new favourite person was drained completely and replaced with a cold, calculating persona. This was what they did. She didn't even need to move her hands, hundreds of the figures within the room obeyed her very thoughts instantly, ceasing their previous activities and falling into line, marching out of the crumbling, filthy pens with a forced urgency. She didn't need a lot of them, there weren't many people left in the area, but she would take several hundred at the very least.

She allowed them all to leave first and followed behind, striding up the remaining stairs until she reached the top and entered back into the forest, where by the monochromatic figures spread themselves out and began to march together, Seeth behind them all, watching their movements, watching through their eyes. Tonight, in the blackness of the dead of night, the city would be picked clean.



“Oh fuck... oh fuck! OH FUCK! They're coming, they're fucking coming! OH shit... I KNEW I should have left... OH FUCK! What have I done?!” Panic was setting deep into Oxyi as her perimeter alarms all began to sound in her apartment, she'd set up around about 100 of the damn things around the tree line and every single one of them just sounded in unison, her heart was pounding in her chest, it felt like ittrying to break free of her ribs...

“Just one more night I said! Just one more night! Get more intel! Why am I such a prick?! I should have just gone with everyone else!” She stared at the makeshift surveillance screen in disbelief, her apartment was even messier than before but she'd managed to bring in more guns and ammo, as well as building supplies and other useful items, the day had been spent gathering supplies, setting up surveillance and reinforcing her apartment, boarding up the windows, drawing the curtains, reinforcing the doors across the building... From her little HQ, she had a series of makeshift screens stood on top of one another balancing precariously, tapping into CCTV cameras, watching the streets around her with careful attention.

She was the second floor of a rather unremarkable apartment block and now, she was the only person in the whole city, everyone else had left in the afternoon with the daily shuttle service, tomorrow would be the last shuttle to the planet to give the surrounding villages time to get out. It was the middle of night and the cities power was still offline, although some of the lampposts had a solar battery which was keeping a limited amount of warm amber light in some of the streets, to her absolute horror however, the monochrome figures were pouring out of the forest in crazy numbers and flooding the streets.

There was no stopping this attack, she had to remain undetected. She drew every curtain, creeping quietly within her apartment block and made sure every door was closed and locked. Every source of noise needed to be killed, that meant knocking off her little petrol generator that was keeping the surveillance going... she stood above the rattly little engine and sighed, staring at the off button with deep concern. The figures weren't at her street yet, but they would be soon... it was going to be a long night.

She steadied herself, taking a deep breath and pushing the button, the spluttering machine faded and the screens behind her died, the only light now in the apartment was coming from the lamppost outside, shining through the boards and curtains over the window. Her weapons were loaded, she had several improvised explosive devices ready to blow in the bottom of the building, nothing earth shaking but certainly flesh shredding. She quietly grabbed her shotgun and sat against the wall below the window, clutching her weapon tightly and shaking slightly in her skin as the street began to fill with zombie-like entities. From the outside, her block looked like any of the identical ones that filled this street and if she was lucky, they wouldn't see any reason to look in this one over any other...

A few blocks away, Seeth stalked through the dead cityscape, stun rifle armed and raised, pointed forward, her eyes scanning the buildings around her, trying to pick up any signs of life or movement. Guiding her personal horde, they were ordered to spread out and listen for any signs of people, yet everything seemed still within the blocks explored. A lot of this horde used to consider this place their home, now they were coming back to claim those untaken to join their wretched drove, it was sickening to think about and Seeth knew it, yet still, she pressed on. This is what they did.



“So... you're Plasia?”

The alien nodded gently, she was currently perched on the side of the bed, beautiful orb like, sapphire eyes darting between the floor and quickly looking at the lizards own purple ones. She shuffled nervously, hands wrapping around each-other endlessly.

“You seem a little different to the others, Plasia.” He was at the head of the bed, resting against it, watching her intently. She was shy and didn't want to approach him, almost scared. But he felt a great conflict in her, it was obvious she wanted to approach him but something was holding her back... both of them were currently in Seeth's locked chambers, relaxing and letting the night drift by. It was a bit odd that Seeth had left him in Plasia's company but at the very least, it gave him a little break and let him clear his thoughts.

His mind darted back to the first day here, why he arrived. Oxyi's request for help. Somehow, he was now locked up in an alien sex dungeon and wasn't entirely sure where his gear was or what had happened to the missing people, but these creatures were absolutely responsible for it. Plasia nervously shuffled towards him and tried to summon the courage to say something, but lost nerve half way through and cut herself off, looking upset with herself.

Ok, maybe it wasn't this one. She could barely muster the courage to speak to him, nevermind go out and kidnap people. He needed to map the place out and discover what was happening on this planet...

Or maybe he could stay with Seeth?

He jolted a little on the spot, the alien taking notice. How could he think such thoughts? Eh. Easily, actually. Seeth was a perfect lover for him, for anyone really. Everything he could really want, not that he was expecting the manhood on her, but she made it work. The sheer pleasure they'd both been in since his arrival was testimony to that. But it wasn't right. This place wasn't right, there was dark, dangerous things happening here and he was sure Leech was the one behind it.

As tempting as was to relax the day away in the company of Plasia and engage in more pleasurable activities, he needed to get out of here. Plasia attempted once more to say something, but stumbled once again and just mumbled out something quietly under her breath. She looked disappointed with herself, balling her fists up and shaking a little. It was uncomfortable watching her do this and the male decided, it was time to take his fate into his own hands.

“Hey Plasia. Why... do you want come onto the bed with me? You look tense, let me give you a little massage maybe?” He asked, shyly rubbing the back of his head as he did so. Much to his pleasure though, the girl beamed at him with a great, big smile.

“S-s-sure! W-what kind?” She asked quietly, turning around and crawling onto the bed. She was currently dressed in a white garb that stretched over her chest and another over her hips, just like Seeth, Plasia's body was absurdly sexual, with soft curves for days, hips that could kill and a bust that dwarfed the males entire chest, nevermind his head. She had a wonderfully pleasant blue hue to her skin and not much carapace on her body either, which gave her a very feminine, soft look. As she crawled over, he got a wonderful view of her jiggling cleavage which he did his up-most to not look at, now was not the time to be adoring her womanly charms, he had a goal in mind.

“Why don't you put your head between my legs and i'll give you a... head massage? Those are great for relaxing!” He stumbled his way through the sentence with all the grace of a drunk child but once again, the alien nodded happily and did as she was asked, laying between his legs and facing up, moving her jelly-dreadlocks into a comfortable position. “So... why don't you tell me about yourself?”

He placed his ebony fingers on her forehead and began to work her soft skin in gentle circular motions, she relaxed instantly, sinking into it but after a couple of seconds she moaned lightly, she instantly panicked and looked up at him as if to say “I'm so sorry!”, looking genuinely panic stricken as if she'd committed some great offence in his presence.

“Its OK Plasia! Relax! You can make whatever noises you want!” He laughed quite genuinely, she was cute, there was no denying that, those eyes of hers were enchanting. She nodded and relaxed again, taking a deep breath and he began to massage her head once more, rubbing his fingers over the top of her eyes and down her cheeks slowly.

“S-so i'm Plasia... uhm... I uhm... t-thats nice...”

“You don't need to speak if you're happy relaxing... mind if I call you Plas?”

“S-sure... that sounds good...” She let out a little moan again as he ran his fingers down to her chin, he'd given plenty of these out before, they worked wonders for relaxing people. The plan was simple, get her to fall asleep and explore this damn place before Seeth got back from whatever she was doing. From how Plasia was reacting, it wouldn't take too long, the poor girl seemed dreadfully worked up, he began to wonder if she was more of a victim here than anything else...



The apartment laid in complete silence, one of thousands across the city, only the hazy amber light of the street-lights pouring in through the window and the last person in the city, shaking beneath the window frame made it unique in this instance. She could hear their steps outside, it sounded like hundreds of the fuckers, shambling about the street. She wasn't sure how thoroughly they'd search, but it didn't sound like they were breaking into buildings at the moment.

Perhaps if things would continue this way, she'd make it to the morning. She calmed herself as best as possible, breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth, slowly. Her every movement was slow and precise, as not to bang anything or knock anything over. She would give them no reason to investigate this place. It was far more important she survive this than try to get a body count, as much as she wanted to.

A quick glance at her watch showed it was still the very early hours of the morning, she would need to hold firm – that was if they actually retreated back in the morning... the thought dawned on her, perhaps they wouldn't fall back, the city was abandoned after all! They might even set up an ambush for the last planetary ferry... these weren't comforting thoughts at all.

Against her better judgement, she slowly rose up the wall, shifting over to take a quick glance outside at the very corner of the window, she brought her eye up and peaked for a second, seeing the street in all its infested glory...

Whilst there weren't hundreds in this street, there certainly were a lot. The monochrome figures, shambling about like zombies, most were stripped naked and unarmed, idly shuffling about and looking around the city. She recognised more of them... there were some old city guards, she was sure of it, she knew those people, but they were different. Colour drained from their flesh, eyes glazed over purple and dead looking... whoever they were, it looked gone. They all had the same level of sexual arousal that Yeoman did back when they first discovered these things in the forest.

She sank back down slowly, taking more deep breaths. She didn't know what process led to them being this way, but these people were clearly indoctrinated or infected with something, corrupted perhaps? Marauding through their old home without a second thought, these people would have given their lives to hold this place before whatever happened to them. Would this happen to her? Something broke her thoughts, she heard someone saying something instead of just groaning.

“Seeth says we need to move further into the city, so thats where we're going! March on Slaves!”

She rose up once more and peaked over the window, catching a quick look at the one barking the orders, this one was... different. Not an alien creature, but a cat girl of sorts. Looked like the daughter of one of the guards she used to work with, barely a young adult, was training to be a teacher. Now she stood 7ft tall, striding forth in intimidating heels, built from dark, sexual curves, her body tainted from the ordinary girl she once was and twisted into some sort of mistress like figure, with heaving breasts barely contained within an corset, she looked more like she should have been dancing around a pole or sitting on a guys lap, but instead she was marching the streets of this dead city and commanding the monochrome, zombie-like figures forward. The girl disappeared from Oxyi's street and around the corner, marching into the night like some sort of mistress from hell.

None of this made a lick of sense to her, but Oxyi's confidence was slowly growing, she went from taking quick peeks to idly staring out of the window, realising she used to people watch from here and no one would ever see her, even when she was being painfully obvious. The chance of one of these things spotting her was zero. That being said, she didn't know if she wanted to look or not...

The minutes ached on, one by one, as she kept her weapons firmly in reach and her eyes on the street, she occasionally heard someone barking orders but otherwise, the city was filled with the groaning of the horrifying monochrome hoard, the more poured down the street, the more of them she recognised. There was absolutely no doubt any-more. These were the missing people. She felt tears well up in the corners of her eyes, she couldn't explain what had happened to them or why they were acting this way, but she was absolutely determined to try and fix this.

The night droned on in this fashion, the creatures weren't bothered about checking the buildings apparently, more focused on scanning the streets instead. They walked up and down the road, sometimes standing idly, other times walking with great haste towards something... she was watching their movements, the way they walked and stood. It looked like someone was puppeteering them sometimes which was a horrifying thought. But she continued to watch through her window with caution, ensuring she was in the shadow at all times and as much of her was concealed as possible, the odd one would cast a glance up but it seemed she was safe. Trapped, but safe.

After another hour or so of watching the monochrome shamblers, something rather alarming caught her eye, a familiar figure was stalking her way up the far street... The giant purple alien lady that attempted to ambush Diego! She was creeping up the junction that connected to Oxyi's street, holding a rifle up high and dressed in an armoured corset of sorts. She seemed rather alone too, with no monochrome figures anywhere near her, she was stalking further into the city slowly, watching all around her but currently had her back to Oxyi and was walking away from her flat, heading further into the cities deserted innards.

“That bitch... shes back...” Oxyi whispered under her breath, subconsciously feeling for her shotgun as she eyed her up, a fresh wave of anxiety and hatred pulsing through her. To Oxyi's immediate shock however, the alien stopped in her tracks and slowly turned around, towards Oxyi's street, immediately prompting a wave of panic from the girl... she ducked below the window quickly, feeling her heart quicken. Something was wrong... she had no reason to turn like that. None. Zero.

She went to peek again but something told her not to, like every cell and organ in her body protested the decision. Do not peek that window. But she couldn't help herself, she reassured herself she was safe here, no one had even come close to spotting her, even those that looked up in her direction. She needed to watch what this alien bitch was doing, if she was in danger, she needed to know, besides, no one could see her up here anyway, right...?

She mustered herself, regaining control over her shaking limbs, no amount of deep breaths was calming this panic, but she pressed on, that was what she did. For the slightest second, she peeked the window from the side but it was too quick, she couldn't be sure, what she thought she'd seen -it seemed impossible, she peeked again to confirm, slower this time.

Her blood ran cold, adrenaline coursing through her veins, she practically fell over on the spot, losing her balance from the sudden light-headedness of shock, she clumsily fumbled around for her weapons, realising what was about to unfold...

The alien was staring right at her. With cold, unblinking, focused eyes, there was no mistaking it, they made direct eye contact. She knew.

Her panic attack was brief, it had to be, she needed to see what was going on, she fought her way back to the window to see that her spotter had disappeared and in the distance, a loud rumble began to sound through-out the dead city... they were coming.




You are reading story Sweet Venom – Rebroken at

Back in the dungeon, the last hour had been spent in idle chatter and pleasant motion, Plasia had really opened up to him in very little time, talking about what she liked to do and her favourite things, she seemed incredibly relaxed but hadn't quite fallen asleep yet, Diego did still have faith in his plan, even if it was a little underhanded in a way. But this was important and he needed to make progress again. Without warning however, the conversation took a dark turn.

“-and I used to do a lot of painting and stuff... but I don't get the chance to do that here...”

“Oh? Why not?”

The alien yawned wide for a few seconds as Diego's fingers danced over her forehead and cheeks, working warmth and tenderness into her soft, sapphire skin.

“Well, i'm either hiding from Moltezz o-or blacking out because of Leech.”

“Blacking out? What do you mean?” The males level of concern rising greatly at Plasia's words.

“I-i become a different person around her... she brings something awful out of me. I-i can't really explain it very well... but the other me is... Scary... Dangerous.” Plasia seemed uncomfortable talking about her other half and moved the topic forward quickly. “Seeth is the only one who's nice to me... she lets me stay with her when she's doing stuff... only she's not let me in very much recently... I think she wanted time alone with you...”

It dawned on him that Plasia may well have suffered greatly as a result of him being with Seeth, that was a gut punch he wasn't expecting quite so suddenly and the realisation stung.

“B-but I can see why Seeth wanted to be alone with you! You're lovely! No one talks to me really... you're the first person to ask me stuff.”

“Plasia... how... how bad are things for you here? You said you hide from Moltezz... why do you do that?” Up until now, he hadn't really considered any power structure here, but it appeared that Plasia wasn't anywhere near the top.

“Moltezz just r-rapes me whenever she wants... I can't fight back very well... she's much stronger than me so I can't do anything... afterwards she locks me up in cages and uses me as an example to the others Mark's in her dungeon... punishes me for disobedience and stuff.”

“She rapes you?!”

“Y-yeah. That's what happens here... M-maybe I shouldn't be talking about this...”

“Plasia.” Diego stopped massaging her and pressed his fingers to his forehead, processing the words he just heard. “Please, I need to know what happens in this place. I saw grey people, they looked strange and weren't acting right, my friend recognised one of them, what are they?” She went to respond, opening her eyes and pausing as she looked straight up and found him leaning over her, staring down. Their eyes met and words would not form in her mouth, seemingly awe-struck by his amethystine eyes looking into her soul. “Be honest with me Plasia, because if things are how I think they are... then I want to help you get out of here. We can work together and put things right. But I need you to be honest with me...” He was almost pleading, he wanted her to give him a chance to try and help, but she needed to trust him.

Her eyes turned glassy, she reached up to him with a wobbly hand and he grasped it tightly with both of his own.

“Y-you mean that? You'd help me?” The way Plasia said it was heartbreaking to listen to, like she'd never even considered that someone could or would help her.

“I do mean that. There reason I came here was to help with missing people and i've gotten caught up in something dangerous, Seeth has been careful to make sure I know nothing about this place, she's lovely but i'm here to help with missing people, not get ravaged by her. What is going on here Plasia? Please?”

“T-those grey people you've seen... Leech and Moltezz call them “Slaves”, t-they're the missing people. They've been infected with the same corruption that me, Seeth, Moltezz and Leech have...”

“Corruption? What sort of corruption?”

“I-i don't really know... its bad though... its spread through sex and a-as far as I know... it can't be cured. Anyone who's been corrupted can spread it.”

“A-are you telling me that every single grey person i've seen... they've been fucked or-or more likely raped? All of them?!?”

She nodded solemnly, breaking eye contact to stare off nervously. The revelation was too big for the male to process in one, but he needed to know more.

“So the folks here have been kidnapped and raped, corrupting them into “Slaves” you said?”

“Y-yeah. My kind, we can control the “Slaves” directly, see through their eyes, tell them what to do...”

“Just the aliens?”

“Y-yeah... uhm... actually... I think “Nodes” can too...”

“Ok... what does that mean...?”

“S-so I heard Leech talking to Seeth about it once... so when you get corrupted, theres two p-possibilities. You either become a “Slave” or a “Node”. S-slaves are like... dead on the inside, theres n-nothing to them. T-they just do what they're ordered to and like... sleep, eat and have sex, w-whoever they were is g-gone. N-nodes are like... more intelligent... whoever they were i-is still gone but they're able to hold conversations and think and stuff... but they're still obsessed with spreading the corruption... like the slaves and... us.”

“My god... this-this is worse than I ever thought it could be...” There were too many thoughts to process but one shuddered to the front of his mind too fast to stop. “W-wait, i've been having sex with Seeth! Does that mean i'm going to be corrupted?!”

“N-no.” She shook her head quite firmly. “Y-you're a “Mark”, Leech says “Marks” are immune to the corruption s-so they make perfect sex toys for u-us. She has a load of “Marks” locked up in her quarters like Moltezz, t-they just fuck them whenever they want...”

There were a palpable sense of relief that washed through the male, but this was still horrifying to hear, his skin glistened with nervous sweat as he tried to figure out what best to do. He wasn't sure if he should ask the next question, but he needed to know again.

“H-have you corrupted anyone Plasia?”

“Me? N-never...”

“Thank the Ethers...”

“N-not sure about my other side though... I think she has. I can't tell... I don't think I want to know.” She covered her face with her arms, the thought rocking her to her core. He threw his arms around her, hugging her close to reassure her.

They shared in a gut wrenching realisation that twisted them both up awfully. Their eyes met again, it was obvious that Plasia was no monster, at least this side of her anyway.

“Listen, I- We need to get out of here. You said your “other” side only comes out around Leech right?”

She nodded firmly again, her chest rising up and down rapidly as she fought back the tears welling up.

“Then we need to stay away from her and get you out of here. We'll put this right. Do you know how much involvement Seeth has had with this corruption stuff?”

As he spoke, he quickly jumped off the bed, thinking best how to get out, this couldn't wait any further. Now that he knew what exactly was happening, it was time to start putting it right. His sudden decisiveness initially scared the poor girl, but she felt a bubbling excitement rise within her... someone cared, someone was going to do something... and she wanted to be part of this.

“I don't know... not much to my knowledge... shes always seemed so cold and uncaring until you turned up... I think she just stuck to using Marks rather than corrupting others...”

“That's good! I knew I sensed something good about her... just like you.” He smiled at her and she returned it as much as she could, sitting up on the bed. “Heres the plan, we're getting out of here now. I'm going to grab supplies from around the room, see if I can find some clothes and anything we can use as a weapon and we're leaving, right now. I won't let you suffer down here anymore Plasia.” He spoke firmly and with confidence, he meant every word. And he did exactly as he said, nipping around Seeth's quarters to find anything of use.

“I'll get the door!” For the first time since meeting her, Plasia had a spring in her step and something other than complete despair in her eyes and voice. She leapt up from the bed, ensuring her robes were fitted properly and quickly made her way across the room to the heavy door to Seeth's chambers, which was firmly locked on their side.

She flipped the latches open and tugged at the door, pulling it open just a crack but something immediately changed within the girl upon doing so...

Diego had his head buried within a drawer, pulling some spare clothes out and chucking them onto the floor, he was in a separate room that functioned like a walk-in wardrobe and couldn't see the Plasia directly from his position.

“Plas! You need any clothes or anything? Looks like Seeth has some that would fit you!”

There was no response.

“Plasia?” He pulled back from the drawer, wondering why she hadn't responded, but the voice that called back, although firmly Plasia's, was not the same person he'd been speaking with for the night...

“YOU WANT TO ESCAPE LIZARD?! NO-NO-NO! YOU'LL BE MY PLAY-FUCK-BOY FOREVER!” She stood in the middle of the room, taking a primal, aggressive stance towards him, her beautiful orb like sapphire eyes were now cat-like slits that were staring him down much like a predator would, thick drips of gooey blue saliva seeped from her maw as her whip like tongue hung from it, uncaring.

“Plasia?! Whats happened to you? This... this is your other side, isn't it?”


“Oh shi-” The males words were abruptly interrupted by a sudden assault.

“Oh shit indeed!” A huge green hand slapped the lizard around the neck and hauled him up into the air effortlessly. The imposing form of Leech ambushed him from around the corner, pushing him up against a wall and bringing herself nice and close. “Trying to escape, lizard? Befriending Plasia? Looks like Seeth hasn't convinced you to stay.” She laughed, staring deep into his eyes.

Her grip was powerful but she wasn't choking him, just holding him. He weighed up his options, but with Plasia's other side out to play, he was firmly outnumbered and completely unarmed.

“You're coming with me, lizard. For Seeth's sake, I will break you.”