Adrian charged like a steel freight train and swung his giant Fume Knight greatsword down, crushing a monster scorpion the size of a bull into a paste. He felt a single soul enter his body, but he ignored that. He kicked out straight ahead and caved in the head of a giant spider spurting green blood everywhere.
Adrian entered a cold battle frenzy as his body moved on cold killing instinct. He swung out with his longsword and cleaved several bugs in half. Even then the swarm of bugs was not scared one bit as they swarmed their prey to exhaustion. It would tire and they would feast on its body, but Adrian was not prey. He was the predator and he was showing it. He swung his longsword diagonally cutting a giant worm in half as a centipede launched itself at his body and bit his leg.
Its giant fangs broke on the titanite in his armor so he just stopped on its head killing it. He did not stop even for a second as every moment more and more of the swarm was reduced to bloody remains. The more times he swung his greatsword the hotter it got as it glowed like fire. He roared in blood frenzy as after so long he was doing what he lived for.
His body was an unstoppable machine of slaughter as each swing of his longsword eviscerated the pests swarming him. His greatsword was a sword, shield, and hammer as it turned the pests into a paste. Even his kicks were deadly to the bugs as their exoskeletons shattered from his blows. Already his body was beginning to literally burn as his armor glowed like embers.
However, he did not feel a thing as the more he fought the hotter his armor and weapons became. The bugs were starting to get worried as even with their swarm this prey kept fighting. It should have tired out by now, but it was not.
He swung his longsword and launched a wave of flames that eviscerated several bugs at once and burned several more. He raised his burning greatsword down, causing an eruption of flames. He raised his longsword to the sky causing it to ignite like a torch which he aimed forward. Like a flamethrower, flames bellowed and surged from the sword into the swarm killing many.
He was a dreadnaught as they could not even get through his armor at all even more so now that it was on fire. After an hour of slaughter, he found that they had retreated while he was surrounded by a mountain of corpses. He took a breath as he was not even tired. He placed his swords on his back as they and his armor began to cool.
'System, how many souls did I get?'
<Analyzing. Giant Worms=20 souls per kill. Centipedes are worth 50 souls, Scorpions are worth 70. The host killed 234 worms, 120 centipedes, and 180 scorpions. Souls Earned, 23,280.>
"Not bad for a start."
He walked away from the mountain as it would attract more predators who would be interested in the pile of the slaughter he caused He had to find a good place to enter the system.
"How do I enter the system? Is it only my soul or my whole body?"
<Whole body. The host need not worry about finding a safe place.>
"Fine, take me to Dark Souls 1."
At his request, the system opened in front of him large enough for his giant body. It was black as the system was created by Death herself so it used death energy as fuel. he did not mind it so he walked right in. When he entered things went blank a bit as the system sent him a stream of information.
<Host as entered Dark Souls 1. Starting at a beginner location.>
<Status of Host. presented.
-Race: Fume Knight/Lord
Class; Fume Knight/ Dragon Tamer
-Vitality: 25
-Attunement: 25
-Endurance: 25
-Strength: 25
-Dexterity: 25
-Resistance: 25
-Intelligence: 25
-Faith: 25
That was the screen that Adrain was looking at when he woke up. His stats were well-rounded for being new to this world which was quite decent.
'Now where am I?'
He looked around and saw he was in a giant cell with his weapons and armor still with him, but not much else. He looked around and saw he was in the Undead Asylum.
'Here we are.'
He got off the ground and drew his greatsword and swung it at the bars at full force only to be hit with the force he attacked with. He was launched against the wall making him shake his head. He was about to strike again when he heard a voice coming from another cell.
"Your wasting your time."
He looked to where the voice came from and heard a rough voice from another cell. He saw an undead corpse leaning against a wall, but it was alive. It looked like a hollow, so he could not even tell if it was a male or female.
'Is that the chosen undead?'
He decided to act mute for a while for his own amusement. He slumped down as he pointed at the bars. When the undead looked into the helmet they could not see a thing inside as it was like a shadowy void was looking out at them.
"Can't talk?"
He shook his head and he swiped at his neck in a slashing motion.
"They cut your throat?"
He nodded as he got up and rammed the side wall trying to get out. Even with his Lord status, he was stuck in the cell. The undead shook their head as he was new here. They saw how some of the undead knights drag his giant frame in, but they could not even take his weapons. His grip was too strong and not even the strongest of them could remove his helmet so the undead assumed he was some kind of living armor.
"Look, big guy, we are trapped here. That is pure titanate, not even a strong guy like you can bust out. You expect a key to just drop from the sky?"
At that moment a dead body dropped in front of them making the undead go quiet. The key to the door was on the body making the undead lookup. There was a knight in armor who nudged with his helmet.
"Take it."
"Who are you?"
He did not answer and just left. The undead looked at the dead body and grabbed the key walking to the cell and opening it. When they were out she looked at Adrian and walked toward his cell.
"Promise me you won't kill me the moment I free you."
He crossed his heart before holding his fist over his heart.
"I will take that you are crossing your heart."
He nodded and the undead unlocked his cell for him. He crouched down and got out before he walked past them.
He looked behind him at the undead to speak.
"You got a name?"
He nodded.
"What is it?"
"Adrian Blake."
She jumped back as she did not expect him to talk.
"You can talk?"
He nodded.
"Of course, I can. I just thought it is funny to act like I could not. Take it as a joke from an old man, but thanks for freeing me. How about you? I am not sure if you are a man or woman though so I don't know what to refer to you as."
"I think I am a woman, but it's been so long I have forgotten. I have looked like this for too long."
Adrian walked past her as she followed behind him. She was interested in what he was, as it was not human that is sure. No one could be that big and still be a human.
"What are you? Some kind of possessed armor?"
He took off his helmet as he looked at her. When she saw the shadows dispelled she was surprised he looked alive and not like a hollow. His face looked to be in his late 20s, he had a black beard, and short black hair and his eyes were weird. He had no white in his eyes only black surrounding golden pupils. Similar to his master.
"Are you not undead?
He squinted his black golden eyes and shook off her question.
"In a sense. Now stop asking questions, and get ready to escape."
She nodded, but she looked at his weapons and armor.
"You mind lending me one?"
"Can you possibly even lift one of my weapons? Not that I would give them away anyway if you could."
He grabbed his longsword which was light for him, but when he held it in front of her she realized he was right. It was taller than she was and from the look of it, made of quite pure titanite.
"Well I need a weapon, I can't fight with this broke thing."
Just then several undead knights walked toward them in a tight formation. Adrian squinted his eyes as they did not look weak or mindless.
"Stand behind me."
You are reading story Dark Souls System. at
She did not have to be told twice as Adrian drew his longsword. He shrunk down a bit from 11 feet to 8 feet to just be a little more mobile in the small corridor. He charged forward toward the knights only for some of them to launch pyromancy and some had sorcery. He dodged out of the way of the sorcery, but not the pyromancy which hit his armor harmlessly.
When he arrived in front of the knights he swung his sword down and cleaved 3 of them in half. He kicked out and caved the skull of a pyromancer before he spun around taking the heads of several of the knights. They did not stay still as they charged with their spears and swords. He reached out and grabbed one by the head and used his body like a bat as he smashed him into the others.
He dodged out of the way of spear thrusts and ignited his sword and weaved and dodged between them. Each time he moved he killed a knight in a slow but at the same time meticulous process. Before long the 20 knights were nothing, but corpses.
<Hollow Knights worth 500 souls each. 10,000 souls. The current amount is 33,280 souls.>
He looked at the undead who had also acquired the 10,000 souls for some reason.
"Take what is not broken for yourself."
She did not hesitate to scavenge from the undead and take armor pieces that were not cut or burned. She managed to replace her armor with some of the knight's armor and she even took a sword and shield from them. He waited a bit as she did that as he did not know what else he would find further in the asylum.
As he did that she looked up at him with a curious expression.
"What are you?"
"A Fume Knight."
That sounded familiar to her, but she could not for the life of her remember why. She got up once she got done scavenging the dead. Adrian stored the rest of the armor, and weapons as he might be able to sell them to the system.
"Come on."
They continued forward and did not encounter much danger as they exited the underground of the asylum. They came face to face with a pair of giant doors that needed to be opened. She was curious why he did not go ahead and open them as he more than could. Hell she could do it herself as well.
"Why did you not open them? Something behind them?"
"You got that right. Behind this door is a Demon. I wanted you to watch it for future reference. If you are going to follow me around I need a strong partner, not an observer. I don't need you going hollow when you see the danger this world had to spare."
She looked up at him and she considered herself quite tall at 6'3, but he dwarfed her by 5 whole feet.
"Fine, show me how you slay this demon. I would do it myself, but if you insist."
He pushed open the doors and walked forward with both swords drawn. When he made it halfway in the giant demon roared and just down from above out. The Asylum Demon looked nothing like the fat morbid one of Dark Souls and looked rather streamlined and muscular. It was even covered in armor and it held a giant battle axe instead of a blunt hammer.
'This is different.'
It charged forward with considerable speed so he grew to full height and charged back. His armor and swords ignited in flames as the demon swung its giant axe down on him. He lept to the side, but the demon expected this so it swung its armored tail at him like a club. Adrian did not flinch and lept over the tail strike. He slashed the unarmored joint of the leg of the demon with his sword piercing right through.
The demon roared in pain as it opened its mouth to blast demon fire at him. It needed distance to let its regeneration heal and fix its leg, but Adrian did not dodge. He charged through the fire unaffected and swung his Fume Knight greatsword down which made the demon raise its axe to parry. In a contest of strength, the demon would win, but its leg was unbalanced. He stabbed forward with his longsword into the demon's gut where the plates met.
The demon roared as he pushed the axe away and swung his greatsword on its head crushing it. To make sure it stayed dead he ripped out his longsword to decapitate it.
"Now, this was something."
He reached down and grabbed the head of the demon. It did not turn to mist as he expected which meant he could acquire material from it. Once the demon died he acquired the loot and got 3 Humanity, 12,000 souls, the Big Pilgrim Key, and the Demons Great Axe. He placed his hand on the demon and stored it in his inventory. He might find an alchemist who could make use of it to make potions or something.
He placed his swords on his back and sat down in front of the giant doors in front of him.
"Did you get anything from that?"
She nodded.
"I got a lot of souls. Do you not use them?"
He shook his head.
"I actually do, I also got a lot of souls. I guess as long as we go together we get equal souls, but not the main loot. You see that small door to the left?"
She nodded. He pointed at it and nudged her toward it.
"Go, in there you will find a bonfire and maybe our armored friend who freed us."
She looked at the door and walked toward it.
"You can't fit? I thought you could shrink."
"Well, I felt the need to take a small break. Can you go for me?"
"Now you are just being lazy, but fine. I will go."
Adrian nodded.
"I will wait here for you. I will have to catch you when you jump."
She looked up at where he was looking and saw a fog gate.
"So by taking that entrance I will end up, up there?"
He nodded.
"Yes. I will just wait here."
She looked at him in thought and walked in the gate.
"I will go."
When she entered it closed behind her so she went in as she lit the bonfire in front of her. While she did that he checked his own soul count which was now in the 40,000s. It was quick, but maybe this was the payoff for the new danger.
As he waited for her he suddenly got a prompt from the system.
<Item received. Estus Flask:5>
"So if she gets a lore item we both get it. Souls are shared equally, but unique weapons are given to the killer. More good things to know."
He was also getting a tiny stream of souls from what she managed to kill and just 10 minutes later she walked through the fog gate. She looked down and got his attention.
"Hey, I am going to jump."
He got up and waited for her to leap.
"Go ahead."
She plunged down and before she went splat he snatched her out of the air, by her armor holding her like a kitten.
"Caught you."
He put her down and walked toward the huge doors before he unlocked them with the key. He pushed them open and walked in looking around. Before he checked if the crow could carry him he went around picking up the soul item. She saw what he got and she was interested in something.
"How do you know so much?"
He looked down at her and answered with something that he did not think up. He just said it on instinct as if it was true. He had no idea why he said it though.
"I can sense their general location. It is about my race, as a Fume Knight. I was once the captain of a Knighthood of Fume Knights. We can trace our lineage to giants and Lord Gywn."
He paused when he said that.
'What the fuck did I just say?'
She pointed at him in shock.
"You are related to Lord Gwyn?"
He nodded and kept up with the lie.
"Through his son, yes."
She was interested in hearing more from a descendent of Lord Gwyn, but for now, they had work to do.
"Questions later, let's go."
He walked to the ledge as she stood next to him. She looked for a way to leave and it was not a crow, it was 3. One of them grabbed her as the two others grabbed his shoulders and flew off with him. It was a good thing as he did not want to be dropped right now.
'System, will my souls be dropped upon death?'
'Good. Now we wait to arrive. System why did I say that?'
<You need a backstory for this world so the system took the liberty to create one for you.>
'I see. Might as well play along.'