Yafu was one hell of a name but as far as Zavier was concerned, him wanting to go home was the point not to miss. Going home was a great goal for Yafu compared to snapping Zavier’s neck. Zavier manufactured another sympathetic look and spook, trying to get his words across in a friendly, helpful way. “I can drive you where you need to go man. I won’t tell anyone about this. You can just go home.” Zavier was blatantly lying at this point. He was calling the police the second he was alone. This guy knew where he lived and who knows who else he could hurt.
Yafu shot Zavier an annoyed look and raised his right arm. Zavier tensed up, bracing for another attack. Yafu’s arm once again began to gain a soft yellow glow. Zavier blinked his eyes several times in disbelief. He had to be hallucinating. Suddenly a low rumble started. Zavier frantically looked around for this new threat but saw nothing as it only increased in volume. His eyes finally locked on his bed and dresser. It was subtle but they were vibrating causing the rumbling noise. The volume continued to increase as the furniture began to shake in a more visually obvious manner. Zavier got up from his chair. He had to stop whatever was going on before the house shook from its foundation. His instinct was to tackle Yafu in lieu of any other options.
Recognizing Zavier was preparing to strike, Yafu released his arm and the room stopped shaking. The glow had also dissipated from his arm. Seeing Zavier was still on edge, Yafu slowly raised his arms to eye level and pointed his palms towards Zavier. “You need to stop talking to me like I’m crazy or we're going to waste each other’s time. You seemed to ignore my soul energy the first time I used it and concluded I was speaking nonsense. I hope the second demonstration can broaden your horizons.”
Zavier knew he was right. That was unexplainable. There was too much to process. Unfortunately, Zavier had no choice but to just accept this insanity until he got out of this situation. He could collect his thoughts at a time when he was safe. He did need to know more to act. With this in mind, he asked the most preliminary question on his mind. “What are you?”
“I’m the same species as you, I think. I’m not from here. I’m not from this planet. I was chasing someone and I got taken here. Where I’m from, everyone knows about soul energy and many can use it. Here, it seems like no one can.”
“I have never heard soul energy or anyone being able to do anything close to what you just did. I still don’t believe you did it even though I just saw it twice.” Zavier at this point was too flustered to be anything other than honest.
“I must apologize.”
“Why?” Zavier asked this not because he thought the man who broke into his house did not owe him an apology and much much more, but rather because he was intrigued about what Yafu might apologize for. He did not seem to be the apologizing type.
“I incapacitated that man last night and have been following you ever since under false assumptions.”
“You’ve been following me!” Zavier should not have been all that surprised given what had already occured, but part of him still had not adjusted to what this man was capable of.
“Yeah, since last night.” Yafu replied, brushing off the concern in Zavier’s voice, “I thought you were working with Fang, along with the man and girl you were with. But as unlikely as it seems, you really have no idea what is going on.”
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Zavier took immediate offense to the word unlikely, “How is it so hard to believe I have nothing to do with whatever you’re involved in? I’m a random high school kid.”
Yafu once again ignored Zavier’s exasperation when he responded, “I have no idea what high school is, my language has no equivalent for it so my soul energy technique doesn’t translate.” Several questions immediately rose to Zavier’s mind but he bit his tongue and let Yafu continue, “But the spell that brought me here is a transport spell. It works like a handshake. You can reach out but you have to grab onto someone already there with the necessary amount of soul energy. The spell sent me to this settlement, specifically. And you are the only person here with anywhere close to the needed energy to be an anchor. If I hadn’t disrupted the spell in transit I suspect my enemies would have arrived here right in front of you. Instead we crashed near your general location.”
“Can I send you back?” Zavier could not believe how crazy he sounded.
“Yeah, with a few cycles of training.” Yafu said with a sarcasm that was lost on Zavier,
“I think you people call something similar here years.” The sarcasm was no longer lost on Zavier. Yafu continued explaining in a slightly patronizing tone, “It’s not a one to one comparison but the point is we have no immediate solutions and we have problems with much shorter time frames.”
“I don’t care about your problems.” It was actually a testament to Yafu that Zavier now believed he could speak plainly and honestly to him. “I just want you gone.”
“My problems are yours. Or they will be.” Yafu said, shifting to a foreboding demeanor, “There is another interloper here with me. The man I thought you were working with. I am here by accident, he is here by his own design.”
“Shen?” Zavier guessed the only other name he had heard Yafu say.
“Yes. Shen. He will try to bring his friends here. The Poison Fang. They’re a sickness on my world, but they will be a plague on yours. I have no doubt that disposing of you and I will not be very far down their list once the reinforcements arrive.”