Chapter 2: Chapter 02- Not every jail is like Shawshank

In the last chapter of Fuyuki,


“Aah! Save me!! I wasn’t alone! There was one more guy with me as well!! Catch that pretty boy too! I don’t wanna go to the jail alone!!”

One of the side characters of this novel…

Wait, wait, wait, wait!!!

Side character? Me? I am a SUPPORTING character!!! Who the hell wrote this script!? You piece of shit I will ruin your career!



Ahem! Welcome to the new chapter of Fuyuki! If you are here then you must have liked the previous chapter or could it be that you clicked this chapter’s link by mistake? Well, either way, thank you for coming here and joining us on our journey.


As you can remember, I, Tomio Yamada, a 16-year-old man, after being ‘manipulated’ by a man named Fuyuki Hayashi ended up going to jail.

To be honest, coming here saved my life. Now I won’t have to marry that old hag! And my new life in the jail is great. I have made many friends here.


“Hey, Tommy! Come here and massage my back!”

It was one of my friends who called me just now, Kuroshinzou Nikuya-san (Black heart Butcher, even the author doesn’t know his real name) called me. He was one of the leaders in the jail and he also protected me from any harm that might come my way.


“Shinzou-san, it’s Tomio, not Tommy.”


“Shaddap! Do as I say or I will kill you”




With that said, I started massaging his back.


If you guys are thinking that Shinzou-san is a bad person then let me tell you that you are terribly wrong.

He is a very caring and very lovely senior.

You guys don’t believe me?

Well let me give you some examples, right now, the only reason why Shinzou-san ‘asked’ me to massage his back was that he wanted to show how close the two of us were to everyone around us so that no one would bully me here. Yes, that’s the reason why he acted that way, it’s not like he was trying to exploit me in front of everyone or anything. Yes, that’s the truth.


What? Why are you looking at me with those eyes filled with pity!? Looks like I will have to give you one more example!

The food we prisoners are provided within the jail is very unhygienic for a modern kid like me, that’s why Shinzou-san always eats most of my food so that I don’t get sick.

Tell me, have you ever seen anyone so kind and gentle in your life!?

That’s right he ate that food in my stead to save me from getting sick.

Yep, that’s the only reason why he ate my food.

He ate my food.

My food…




Dammit!! They gave us udon in lunch because today is the Emperor’s birthday and this shitty bastard took that udon away from me as well!!! Shit!!! I am so angry!!! Give me my bowl of udon back!!!


“What happened!? Your hands stopped!”


“Oh nothing, I was just deciding whether I should massage (choke) your stiff neck or not!”


“Huh? What did you say?”


“Nothing! I was just wondering that your neck is looking a bit stiff, should I massage your shoulders?”

For all the thinking I did, I can’t even speak up against this bastard!


“Nah, it’s fine. Go and bring me a cigarette from Masao-kun!”



And here I was going towards one of the narrow alleys inside the jail to bring a cigarette from the guy named Masao, Masao was a short and thin guy who is also known as, A man who knows how to get things.


I walked for a bit when I finally saw a short and thin guy, he was Masao of course


I approached him and said,

“Are you the Masao-san who knows how to get things?”

He smiled at me when I said that,


“I’ve been known to locate certain things from time to time. Tell me, what do you need?”

(a reference to the conversation between Andy and Red in the famous movie, Shawshank Redemption)


I told him about Shinzou-san’s request, and Masao-san gave me a look full of pity before handing me two cigarettes.


“Huh, two? But Shinzou-san only asked for one”


“It’s fine you can have it, it’s for you”

Masao-san flashed me a smile before going off somewhere


“What a nice guy, but it’s a pity that I don’t smoke.”


I came back and handed the cigarettes to Shinzou, I also gave him the one that Masao gave me because I wanted Shinzou to feel as if he owes me.


“Huh? Just two!? I told you to bring an entire pack!”

An entire pack? No, he didn’t say that


“Um…Shinzou-san, you are mistaken. You only asked for one cigarette but in place of that I gave you two.”

I tried to correct him but



He slapped me across my cheek.


“You dare to argue with me! I will kill you today!”


“*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*”

Shinzou started beating me until I lost consciousness.

Shit! Why did he beat me up!?

Was it because I was wrong?

No, I did nothing wrong! Then why!?

Was it because I was weak!?

How would have that guy Fuyuki acted in a situation like this? Would he have beaten everyone in here and ruled this place? God, I really wish that I would be as strong as him!

These were my last thoughts, after that, I fainted.


I woke up probably after a few hours,

“You! All of you will pay for it!”

I heard a familiar voice

Ugh…is someone getting beaten up? I swear I will destroy that Shinzou guy the next time I see him!


“Hehehe is that so, Sugi-san?”

Hm? Sugi? Isn’t that the Jailor?


I opened my eyes to see what was happening only to find out that Sugi was being held by one of Shinzou’s cronies, whilst Shinzou was brandishing his knife.

Is he trying to jailbreak?


Should I use the confusion and run away? But wouldn’t that make me an accomplice? But…it’s not like my life here is any better. Yes, I should run away.



You are reading story Fuyuki at

D-did he just stab him?

What should I do?


“S-shinzou-san, would it be okay?” Shinzou’s crony asked him in a panicked voice


Shinzou licked his bloodstained hands and said with a smirk on his face,


“Who cares! We’ll be gone by the time something happens here”


“Y-you bastards!! You won’t be safe for long!!!”

Sugi shouted in a frantic voice


“Hoh? You are still alive?”

Shinzou said with an amused expression on his face


Then he took the knife in his hand and was about to attack Sugi once again to kill him.


This has…nothing to do with me…but…I can’t let this happen!


‘Tomio my son, always remember this, what goes around comes around as well. So help people in their times of need, even if you don’t get anything from it, you will still feel happy after doing a good deed.'

Why am I remembering this now! Stupid father, someday I will die because of you!!!


I looked around and saw a broomstick…

A broomstick is also a stick, right?


“Shinzou-san, please do this as soon as *Aaaghhh!!!!*”

I hit Shinzou’s crony on his head with the broomstick and he fainted on the spot.


“Who is it!? Wait…Tommy!?


Shinzou looked at me with a surprised expression on his face which soon turned into a wild grin

“So you want to escape with me as well!? I like your guts kid! Come on! I will take you with me!!”

Right now Shinzou looked like a predator looking at its prey.


I was confused about what to do next when I suddenly felt a danger approaching me.

I instinctively jumped back, and just as expected Shinzou slashed with his knife at the place where I was previously standing.


Close! Too close! I would have been dead if I were even a moment late.

Now Shinzou was looking at me with hostility and caution in his eyes.


Bloodlust and murderous intent filled the entire jail cell. I was literally shaking from fear, right now Shinzou seemed more like a human beast than a human to me.


Can I win against this guy? No, of course not.

Let alone winning, can I even survive against a beast like him!?

Shit! I shouldn’t have fought him in the first place! I should’ve just run away when I had the chance!


‘Oh you are plenty strong, I have sensed it from you. Just when I arrived here you tried to set me up with that hag, didn’t you? But when you thought that I would be in trouble if I get together with this hag you jumped in to protect me, that’s enough of a show of strength in my opinion. So go ahead and pick up your sword! Cut anyone and everyone that comes your way! Forge your own path ahead all by yourself!’


I don’t know why but I suddenly remembered what that guy Fuyuki said to me


In most of the situations, I would have made fun of what he said, but now I have to believe his words and act on them!


Making up my mind, I braced myself for the fight


I was holding a broom and Shinzou was holding his knife.

He pointed his knife at me and then he ran towards me at full speed.


The advantage of a long-range weapon user against a short-range one is that if you can keep the latter at bay, then you will win. And the advantage of a short-range weapon user against a long-range one is that if you can get close to him, then you will win.


Shinzou was around 6ft. tall compared to me who was just 5ft 7 inches tall.


Shinzou lunged his knife at me, I patiently waited for his attack to get in my range and the moment it did, I dodged to my left and used the wooden side of the broomstick to hit his arm.



The knife fell from his hands, using the time-lapse I kicked Shinzou’s knee and forced him to sit down on the ground in a half-kneeling position.

Shinzou was looking at me hatefully.


This guy should be grateful that I didn’t kill him off but instead of that he is looking at me hatefully, he really is a big piece of trash!

I kicked Shinzou in his face and sent him flying backwards. After he collided with one of the walls of the jail cell, Shinzou fell unconscious.


“That was great, kid! I never thought that you would be able to defeat this guy!”


It was the Jailor Sugi, he was looking at me with a smiling expression on his face


“Wait a minute, I’ll get you up.”

I gave Sugi a princess carry and took him to see the doctor,


In the doctor’s room,

Sugi was laying on a bed with a bandage on top of his belly. His face was pale but his eyes were shining.


Last night both Shinzou and his subordinate were apprehended by the other members of the police force, Sugi had given his statement about yesterday’s events to the police chief and I had been granted a pardon because of my contribution in saving the Jailor and apprehending the two prisoners.


So I am basically a free man now.


I was in my casual clothes and I had the katana that Fuyuki gave me on the left side of my waist.


“Looks like you are ready to go”

Sugi said in a low voice, looks he lost a bit of his blood yesterday


“Yes, thank you for everything”


“Ha ha ha, I never did anything for you, why are you thanking me? But there’s a question I have, would you mind if I were to ask it?”


“What is it?”


“You could’ve left me and ran away, then why didn’t you?”


“Because I thought I would eventually get caught”

When I said that Sugi looked at me for a moment before eventually nodding off his head.


“I see, well, I hope that you make a successful living in the outside world”


“Thank you”


After saying this I left the place

But there’s a problem

What should I do now!? I almost forgot that I was unemployed before I came here.


Shit! I should have asked the police officers to write me a recommendation letter or something!